Wataru Shirakihara
Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka City, Japan
Tetsuya Oishi
, Ryuzo Hasegawa
, Hiroshi Hujita
, Miyuki Koshimura
Research Institute for Information Technology, Kyushu University, Fukuoka City, Japan
Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka City, Japan
Twitter, Data stream algorithms, Information recommendation.
It is too difficult for us to find out trends with search engines. Twitter, a popular microblogging tool, has seen
a lot of growth since it launched in October, 2006. Information about the trends is posted by many twitterers.
If we find out trendspotters from twitterers, and follow them, we can get it more easily. Our trendspotter
detection system uses the burst detection algorithm, and we verified its effectiveness for Twitter’s posts. We
succeeded in detecting the 24 trendspotters by 5277 users.
Over the past few decades Internet has developed
rapidly. Many people use Internet when they want
to get some pieces of information, but information we
find on the Internet is out of date unless it is renewed.
Therefore it is too difficult for us to find out trends
with search engines.
Twitter, a popular microblogging tool, has seen a
lot of growth since it launched in October, 2006(Java
et al., 2007). According to Netratings, in Japan, Twit-
ter had about 4,730,000 users as of January, 2010
However, the figures include only the users who use
Twitter from Twitter’s website
, that is to say, the
users from mobile phone, or Twitter client are not in-
cluded. To sum up, actually, there are much more
users(Kanda, 2009).
Twitter has a lot of differentiating good factors
from other SNS or blogging, and is used by many
users as an area of exchange of information.
Users (Twitterers) can broadcast an unlimited
amount of messages (tweets) to a group of other Twit-
terers who have opted to subscribe to these broadcasts
(followers). Twitterers also recieve broadcasts from
other users. Individual tweets are made within a limit
of 140 characters(Starbird and Palen, 2010).
New news/News02242010.htm
Twitter has four main characteristics. The first is
that twitterers can retweet’ someone else’s post by
copying the post and the persons username. The
retweeted post is shared with all of their followers.
The second is that the hashtag convention(#[hash-
tag term]) is used inline to call out user-chosen key-
words. Hashtags tag or markup a tweet to help oth-
ers understand the content context, as well as support
keyword term-searching.
The third is that the posts may be directed to a par-
ticular person by putting an @username at the bigin-
ning of the post. Even though the post is directed to
a person, others can still view it(Ehrlich and Shami,
The fourth is that twitterers can use Twitter’s API.
Many client tools were invented with API. API allows
other web services to integrate with Twitter. Buzzt-
, one of the Twitter’s web services, shows buzz
terms in Twitter.
In Twitter, because of its characteristics, informa-
tion about the trends is posted by many twitterers. If
we find out trendspotters from twitterers, and follow
them, we can get it more easily. The purpose of this
paper is to develop a system that detects the trendspot-
For detecting trendspotters, our system uses burst
detection algorithm(Fujiki et al., 2004). In blog-
ging or bulletin board, a particular phrase appears fre-
Shirakihara W., Oishi T., Hasegawa R., Hujita H. and Koshimura M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003183806250628
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 625-628
ISBN: 978-989-8425-40-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
quently when certain topic is focused. The reason for
this phenomenon is that a relevant proper name in the
topic comes up in many users posts. The burst detec-
tion algorithm, proposed by Kleinberg, the posts are
treated as the document stream (Kleinberg, 2003).
The document stream is a set of documents with
the time it’s posted, such as newspaper articles. This
algorithm detects the time when the number of docu-
ments are sharply increased.
The paper is organized as follows: in section 2 ,
we discribe the practical move of this system. Next,
in Section 3 we discribe the result the system gets,
and consider it. Additionally, we determine that in-
formation about the trends will still be posted by the
trendspotters even after they were found out. Finally,
we conclude and discribe the future view in Section
Our system is overviewed as follows.
1. The system gets a buzz word s from Buzztter.
Buzztter shows different kinds of buzz words, in
which some everyday talks such as ”Good morn-
ing” or ”lunch” are included. However, these ev-
eryday talks actually are not buzz words. There-
fore, we ignore them and pick out the other buzz
2. Search the posts which include the buzz word s
with Twitter’s API, and get usernames and posted
3. Detect the time when the posts including buzz
word s are sharply increased with the burst detec-
tion algorithm.
4. Extract the earliest 20 posts in detected burst, and
the twitterers who posted them are recognized as
the trendspotters for buzz word s.
5. Repeat this sequence and pick out the trendspot-
ters who posted a significant number of buzz
We evaluate our system by three experiments as fol-
1. Verification of Effectiveness (section 3.1)
We verify whether the burst detection algorithm is
effective for Twitter’s posts.
A number of posts
2:00, January 27
Figure 1: The number of posts including the buzz word 1.
A number of posts
9:20, January 26
18:20, January 26
10:00, January 26
Figure 2: The number of posts including the buzz word 2.
2. Detecting Trendspotters (section 3.2)
We examine whether our system surely gets
trendspotters who posted a significant number of
buzz words.
3. Trendspotter’s Potency (section 3.3)
We verify whether the trendspotters we got in sec-
tion 3.2 will still be trendspotters even after they
are found out.
3.1 Verification of Effectivness
To verify the effectiveness of burst detection, we
choose three example buzz words and discribe the re-
sults that the burst detection algorithm outputs.
Figure 1 - figure 3 shows a graph with a number of
posts including the buzz word on the y-axis, and the
time on the x-axis.
Our system’s outputs are as follows.
In figure 1, the time after 2:00, January 27th was
In figure 2, there are two distinct bursts. The first
is seen from 9:00 to 10:00, and the second is after
In figure 3, there are also two bursts. The first
is seen from 21:20 January 31th to 1:40 February
1st, and the second is after 7:00 February 1st.
The conclusion of these experiments is as follows.
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
A number of posts
1:40, February 1
21:40, January 31
7:20, February 1
Figure 3: The number of posts including the buzz word 3.
The burst detection algorithm recognizes the
sharp increase of the posts as a burst.
It does not recognize the little increase of the posts
as a burst.
When the number of posts increased and de-
creased in a short time, it recognizes them as the
same burst.
It can detect the bursts from data in the long time
From these considerations, it is clear that the burst
detection algorithm is effective for Twitter’s posts.
3.2 Detecting Trendspotters
We examine whether our system surely gets
trendspotters who posted a significant number of buzz
words. This experiment’s procedure is as follows.
Pick out 200 buzz words from Buzztter.
Search the posts which include buzz words with
Twitter’s API, and get usernames and posted time,
up to 1500 for each buzz word.
Experimental period is from January, 2010 to
February, 2010.
Detect the bursts for these buzz words by burst
detection algorithm. Then extract the twitterers
who posted the earliest 20 posts in detected burst.
We examine how many buzz words each
trendspotter posted.
Our system detected 5277 trendspotters. Table 1
shows a number of trendspotters for N buzz words and
percentage of 5277 trendspotters.
This table shows that trendspotters for more than
three buzz words were 1.52 of the total. Thus, our sys-
tem detected the trendspotters for many buzz words
by a lot of twitterers.
Table 1: The number of trendspotters for N buzz words and
percentage of total.
buzz words(N) number percentage(%)
1 4734 89.71
2 463 8.77
3 56 1.06
4 12 0.23
5 9 0.17
6 3 0.06
3.3 Trendspotter’s Potency
Our system detected the trendspotters. Now we verify
whether they will still be the trendspotters even after
they are found out.
Pick out 110 buzz words from Buzztter.
Search the posts which include buzz words with
Twitter’s API, and get usernames and posted time,
up to 1500 for each buzz words.
Experimental period is from February 5th, 2010
to February 7th, 2010.
Detect the bursts for these buzz words by the burst
detection algorithm. Then extract the twitterers
who posted in detected bursts.
We examine how many buzz words each twitterer
posted in detected bursts, and compare the aver-
age of all twitterers with the average of the top 24
trendspotters in experiment2.
Our system detected 34381 twitterers. Table 2
shows the number of twitterers who posted N buzz
words in bursts, and percentage of 34381 twitterers.
Table 2: The number of users who posted N buzz words in
bursts and percentage of total.
buzz words(N) number percentage(%)
‘2 31174 90.67
3‘5 2916 8.48
6‘8 227 0.66
9‘11 46 0.13
12‘ 18 0.05
Table 3 shows the number of top 24 twitterers who
posted N buzz words in bursts, and percentage of 24
Comparing the table 2 with the table 3, top 24
trendspotters posted more buzz words than the other
twitterers. In all twitterers, the percentage of twitter-
ers who posted more than 6 buzz words is less than
1%. On the other hand, in the top 24 trendspotters,
it is 33.4%. Additionally, the average buzz words
Table 3: The number of the top 24 trendspotters who posted
N buzz words in bursts and percentage of total.
buzz words(N) number percentage(%)
‘2 8 33.3
3‘5 8 33.3
6‘8 4 16.7
9‘11 3 12.5
12‘ 1 4.2
per all twitterers who posted the buzz words in the
bursts is 1.43, while the average buzz words per top
24 trendspotters is 4.54. Thus, the trendspotters our
system detected still be the trendspotters even after
they are found out.
In this paper, we have presented a system that detects
the trendspotters, and enables us to easily find out the
trends with Twitter. We found out that the burst de-
tection algorithm is applicable to Twitter’s posts. In
addition, it appropriately recognized a sharp increase
of the posts as a burst. Therefore, the burst detec-
tion algorithm is suitable to detect the trendspotters.
Moreover, the trendspotters our system detected still
post more buzz words than the other twitterers even
after they are found out. Thus, our system is effective
to find out the trends.
In future research, we are going to develop the
method of categorizing the trendspotters. Twitterers
are divided into the clusters such as politics, art, and
sports. Then, the system detects the trendspotters in
each clusters. However, the rules of clustering are
For finding these rules, we will work out Twitters
text mining. In particular, we take into account the
following 6 points.
Connection of ”follow”
Reply (the posts directed to a particular person by
putting an @username)
Posted time
Distance between the sentenses in different posts.
Figure 4 shows an overview of the system. For
calculating them, we use Hadoop, a framework for
distributed processing. Then, we use HBase and Cas-
sandra for storing calculated results.
Buzz words
Choose a
Cassandra System HBase
Figure 4: Image of future system.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI
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Fujiki, T., Nanno, T., Suzuki, Y., and Okumura, M. (2004).
Identification of bursts in a document stream. In First
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Java, A., Song, X., Finin, T., and Tseng, B. (2007). Why we
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munities. In Proceedings of the 9th WebKDD and 1st
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Kanda, T. (2009). Twitter Revolution. Softbank.
Kleinberg, J. (2003). Bursty and hierarchical structure in
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Starbird, K. and Palen, L. (2010). Pass It On?: Retweeting
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ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence