Sascha A. Goldner
EADS Deutschland GmbH, Defence and Security, Landshuter Straße 26, Unterschleißheim, Germany
Keywords: Agent- based simulation, Behaviour, Business process, Case-based reasoning, Critical infrastructure, Expert
system, Human behaviour, PECS, Process modelling, Security, Simulation.
Abstract: Agent-based modelling and simulation has been applied to many different domains for studying highly
complex systems. Usually these contain many different entities with their own specific behaviour patterns.
The primary strength of agent-based simulation is to model and analyse human behaviour. In this context,
one of the most complex and time-consuming tasks is the implementation of behavioural models for the
human-like agents. In order to reduce this effort two additional methodologies are taken into consideration
and applied to the agent-based model. Business process modelling and case-based reasoning is used for a
rapid development of the behavioural part of an agent. This paper describes the scientific goals, ongoing
work and interim results of the approach using the security system of an airport as an example.
One of the critical infrastructures of modern society
is air transport, with airports being both its
operational bases and potential targets of terrorist
attacks. Past and recent security incidents at
international airports show that new and innovative
methodologies are needed in order to improve
airport security. This task is often just tackled by the
implementation of new technology without assessing
the effectiveness of the security measures as a
whole. Besides security technologies (e.g. scanners,
CCTV, etc.), business rules and regulations also
have to be considered. Moreover, the many different
involved authorities work by experience and implicit
knowledge with regards to their organisation
specific guidelines for decision making. Especially
the process of decision making is highly influenced
by human factors and therefore the need arises to
consider these factors in detail. Our research focuses
on the modelling and simulation of an airport with
its entire infrastructure, users and business processes
with a special focus on the security relevant
The first part of the paper will shortly introduce
the used methodologies which are agent-based
models, business process modelling and case-based
reasoning. The second part will describe how these
methodologies are used in the context of behaviour
creation for agent-based models.
An agent can be seen as an entity that can perceive
its environment through sensors and (inter-) act
within the environment in a goal-oriented way by
effectors (Russell and Norvig, 2003). The most
important characteristics about agents are that they
consist of complex behavioural properties, such as:
(i) they are autonomous and not passive, and (ii)
able to interact through exchange of messages and
not by explicit task invocation (Wagner, 2003).
Because of these characteristics agents are widely
used for modelling real world behaviour and
especially human behaviour as they act as virtual
representatives of the real world entities. Agent-
based models are capable to represent the non-linear
effects triggered by the behaviour of individuals and
their influence on their environment, respectively on
other individuals.
A basic principle for the application of agent
technology and for valid agent models is to have a
structural and behavioural similarity with the
original system. The effect on the design of agents is
that they have to be constructed with respect to their
structure and behaviour in a way, which makes them
Goldner S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003184402570262
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 257-262
ISBN: 978-989-8425-41-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
similar to their empirical counterparts. In case an
agent is used for modelling a human being, the agent
has to feature all the properties and behavioural
patterns of the real human which are relevant in the
given scenario. Human behaviour in agent-based
systems of social systems is often reduced to
cognitive abilities and cognitively controlled actions.
Human beings are often modelled as purely rational
decision makers. One of the most known and
commonly used approaches is the BDI methodology.
By using BDI modelling, the agent is provided three
mental states: belief, desire and intention. Rao and
Georgeff (1995) provide a very comprising and
descriptive introduction to the BDI methodology.
But one of the biggest weaknesses of the BDI
methodology is that it uses rational decision-making
in agents as an assumption. The view of human
beings as rational decision makers who are perfectly
informed and maximise an exogenously given utility
function turns out to be too restrictive.
With the increasing complexity of models for
human beings the demands made on the design
methodology for agent-based simulation models also
rise. There is a need for agents which are able to
consist of complex internal conditions as well as
provide interactions between physical and psychical
processes. The PECS (Physis, Emotion, Cognition,
Social Status) reference model (see
Figure 1) meets
this requirements and extends the concepts for the
construction of agents featuring a complex and
human-like behaviour.
Figure 1: The PECS – agent reference model.
2.1 The PECS Reference Model
PECS is classified as an hybrid architecture (Urban,
2000). The meaning of an hybrid architecture is that
the architecture supports modelling of reactive and
deliberate agent modes as well. Thus, compared to
the aforementioned BDI method that only supports
static pre-programmed beliefs and desires, an agent
modelled with PECS is able to expand its knowledge
base while acting in the environment and pursue
agent created plans.
The PECS reference model complies with two
major design principles. The first one relates to the
structuring of models and is called component-
oriented, hierarchical modelling (Urban, 2000).
According to this principle it is possible to
functionally decompose complex models into a set
of smaller model components. Each model
component is responsible for modelling a special
part of the required functionality and may be
connected to other model components. Doing so
allows generating more complex components on a
higher level of abstraction. This principle leads to
modular, clearly structured and well understandable
The second principle applies to the description of
attributes and model behaviour. PECS follows a
system-theoretic approach (Urban, 2000). Every
component is characterised by an internal state
which is defined by the current values for the given
set of model quantities at each calculated point in
time. This internal state may be influenced by a
time-dependent input and also an output may be
produced according to the given dynamic behaviour.
For the dynamic behaviour of a model component
time-continuous as well as time-discrete state
transitions may be specified. This system-theoretic
approach leads to a comfortable handling of
complex internal states and state transitions and is
therefore especially useful for the description of
agents which are strongly influenced by complex
internal processes. A complete description of the
PECS architecture can be found in Urban and
Schmidt (2001).
The next chapter focuses on a graphical notation
to describe processes. As mentioned before, the
behaviour component contains pre-defined rules to
trigger certain actions of the agent. Theses rules
represent mainly universal or nominal behaviour
patterns of an agent which indicate what "essential
tasks have to be executed in order to reach a specific
goal". Therefore a business process notation is used
in our approach to specify this pre-defined and
universal behaviour patterns.
Business process modelling can be considered as a
subset of the business process management discipli-
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ne. Gadasch (2003) defines a business process as
"goal-oriented, chronological sequence of tasks
which can be executed by different organizations or
organizational units using information and
communications technologies". A business process
is used to produce certain results or services in order
to reach the process goals which comply to the
company's overall strategy. A very important aspect
in the context of business processes is the
consideration of legal framework requirements
because most of the processes have to comply with
regulatory constraints and are thereby significantly
determined by these statutory regulations.
In general, business processes are described
hierarchical in different levels of detail and from
different perspectives - depending on the use case
for example. A very abstract description of business
process usually gives a good overview and
impression what core processes exist at all, what
actors are involved, what strategic goals should be
reached and what different processes interact with
each other (Enterprise and strategic level). A very
detailed description instead shows a single process
in its elementary steps which can be executed by a
single actor to reach the elementary sub-goals and
thereby allows a deep analysis (operational process
model). Within our approach we decided upon four
levels of detail for the business process models (see
Figure 2). Each level is characterized by certain
syntactical requirements regarding for example the
number of tasks in a single process, the number of
actors or process lanes, communications and data
flows and so on.
In the context of airport security one of the first
tasks is to capture the core business processes of the
airport system with its actors, process goals,
interfaces and process interactions in order to create
an overall understanding of the system. For an
airport operator these are for example passenger,
baggage and cargo handling. One process step for
the airport operator within the passenger handling
process on strategic level is to ensure the
"Departure" of passengers.
During a next step these process descriptions are
detailed with focus on the security relevant aspects.
The activity "Departure" for example can be broken
down into security relevant activities like "Check-In
Counter", "Security Check Point" and "Boarding".
The operational level then describes the process
tasks with all the elementary steps and sub-goals that
have to be executed by a single user.
At this point it has to be decided which business
process modelling notation should be used in order
to operate most suitably along the given use case.
Strategic Process Model
Operational Process Model
Security-oriented Process Model
Strategic Process Model
Operational Process Model
Security-oriented Process Model
Figure 2: Business process hierarchy.
3.1 Visual Representation and
Modelling Language
One of the major requirements for a process
modelling notation in our relevant use case is the
capability of describing not only the activities of the
entities of the airport system but also their
interactions and communications. Hence the
modelling notation has to meet the following
Process execution dependency: processes can be
mutually dependent on each other. That is that the
execution of one process has to stop until the input
of the other process arrives and follow-up actions
can be triggered.
Time- and event-triggered actions: actions
should be able to be triggered by events (process
results) or time.
Actor-oriented perspective: the structure of a
process model should be defined by the number of
participating actors. If for example a process
consists of two actors then there should be two
process lanes each describing the internal process for
each actor. Between the two lanes the information
flow among the actors can be displayed. This
requirement is particularly important for the
combination of agent-based models with business
process models because of the identical point of
Modelling of tasks, communication and data
The graphical representation of business process
information has proven effective for presenting it to
different types of users. After comparing different
graphical notations for business process modelling
(workflow nets, event-driven process chains, process
algebras, unified modelling language, petri nets) we
decided to use the Business Process Modelling
Notation (BPMN). The BPMN 2.0 standard provides
a graphical notation which is more expressive than
the other mentioned notations. Furthermore it meets
our specific requirements defined above. The
processes in the BPMN are created actor-oriented –
the process of every actor is described in a single
pool or lane. Further the perspective is nearly
identical with the perspective of creating agent-
based models. Each agent can be represented by a
single process lane. The process steps within a single
lane describe the internal behaviour of an agent. The
communication of the agent with other agents or the
environment is represented by message and data
flows to other lanes in the process model.
Also the business process hierarchy (see Figure
2) can be implemented due to the support of nested
processes in the BPMN. Processes on the strategic
level simply can be expanded until the level of detail
reaches the elementary level and vice versa.
The requirement for time- and event-triggered
actions is also covered by the support of different
types of events such as exceptions, error or time
events. Using these possibilities a business process
model that usually describes the "happy path" can
easily be enriched by special cases, for example a
breakdown of the IT system that causes all Check-In
processes to abort instantly.
BPMN offers an extensive syntax for modelling
communication and data flows between different
actors. Therefore it is sufficient to describe the
communication of the agents in the agent-based
model as well.
The two described methodologies, agent-based
models and business process modelling provide two
things so far. First, the business processes define all
available procedures that are defined for a system to
reach certain business goals. Second, the PECS-
architecture defines how the actors responsible for
executing the business processes can be simulated as
agents in a Multi-Agent-System. Yet, no mechanism
has been implemented that triggers certain behaviour
for a given specific situation. The individual and
autonomous behaviour of the agents is still missing
and will be realized by using the approach of case-
based reasoning.
Agnar and Plaza define case-based reasoning (CBR)
as a problem solving paradigm that in many respects
is fundamentally different from other major artificial
intelligence approaches. Instead of relying solely on
general knowledge of a problem domain, or making
associations along generalized relationships between
problem descriptors and conclusions, CBR is able to
utilize the specific knowledge of previously
experienced, concrete problem situations (cases).
That means that a decision that is made in a concrete
situation is directly correlated with a huge number of
factors which define this particular moment. If this
situation with exactly the same influencing factors
appears again, the same decision will be made again
based on the previous retrieved knowledge
As stated in the previous chapter business
process models define the structure of a process and
thereby contain all possible paths a process can be
executed. However they do not contain the
behaviour of the process. No information for
decision making is given, meaning there are no rules
in the process models which indicate what path has
to be taken given a particular situation. That
information purely has to be defined in the
behavioural model.
One of the biggest problems in the modelling and
simulation domain is the gap between the model
developer and the domain expert. The developer
mostly only implements the model and ensures that
the model can be executed in the simulation
framework. The domain expert on the other hand has
a deep knowledge of the model's behaviour, e.g.
given a particular situation the domain expert
exactly can tell what decision at what point in the
model have to be made in order to create a well and
sound behaviour of the model. Finally, to implement
an effective simulation system, the knowledge of the
domain expert has to be integrated into the
simulation model. The reason that behaviour capture
is difficult is that the more complex the project, the
more tacit knowledge the users possess, and the
harder it is to make this knowledge explicit. Tacit
knowledge can be defined as knowledge that is not
made explicit because it is highly personal, not
easily visible or expressible, and usually requires
joint or shared activities to transmit it. Users cannot
express their tacit knowledge: they do not
consciously know all the behaviour that they apply
to a situation. What is written into the process
models are the commonly occurring rules, logical
processes and inevitabilities. Hidden in the user’s
tacit knowledge are the multitudes of exceptions that
need to be included for the process model to be
To overcome this problem we use an interactive
CBR-system. The system does not attempt to make a
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
user’s knowledge explicit; instead it captures tacit
knowledge in the same way that people learn. It is a
widely accepted observation in the area of
knowledge acquisition that while a user cannot
explain the rules that they use in advance, they can
always justify their conclusions when presented with
a situation. By asking the domain expert to tell the
system what should happen, then asking the domain
expert why this should occur, the system builds up
the behaviour needed. The domain expert uses the
interactive CBR-system to create behaviour,
entering conclusions and justifications for that
behaviour. When a new situation arises, new
behaviour can be added - the user simply tells the
CBR-system how to deal with it and justifies their
position. The mechanism when creating a rule is
called "conclusion and justification". The user not
only has to define what decision based on the input
data has to be made, but more he has to define why
it has to be made.. To justify a conclusion the
specific training situation has to be used and
therefore it has to be sufficient. The CBR-system
determines that the justification is acceptable by
checking that the new behaviour is not inconsistent
with the previous defined behaviour. The beauty of
this process is that the user simply continues to work
within their knowledge arena, on their usual tasks,
responding to the queries made by the CBR-system.
A complex system contains of many different
domains. To capture the overall system behaviour
the domain experts of each domain are used to train
the CBR-system with their specific knowledge.
Thereby the whole system's behaviour is gathered
The first part of the paper introduced three separated
methodologies. This chapter will describe how
business process modelling and case-based
reasoning can be used in order to define the
behavioural model of the agent-based simulation
model. The explanation will use the example of a
boarding pass control which takes place at the
entrance of a passenger security check point at an
airport. To simplify matters we use the following
course of events:
A passenger without carry-on baggage arrives at
the security check point.
The passenger is requested to show the boarding
pass to the security employee.
The security employee decides on the validity of
the boarding pass and denies or grants access to the
subsequent security procedures.
5.1 The Approach
The definition of the agents for the simulation
basically consists of three steps.
First of all the attributes of the PECS agents for
the different users at an airport have to be defined. In
the example two agents have to be specified. One for
the passenger and one for the security employee at
the entrance of the security check point performing
the boarding pass control. A required attribute in the
PECS component 'equipment' of the passenger agent
is the boarding pass containing corresponding
properties like the date of issue and flight number.
As a second step the business process models for
each of the agents have to be provided. The process
models describe the universal behaviour for an agent
that is the sequence of tasks to reach a specific goal.
In the context of the example, a simple process of
the security employee would contain the steps
"Request boarding pass", "Check boarding pass",
"Deny access" and "Grant access". As can be seen in
Figure 3, the process of the security employee is
triggered by an arriving passenger. Also a data flow
can be observer: the boarding pass is handled from
the passenger to the security employee and back in
case the access is granted.
Figure 3: Business process model.
Once the agents and their business process
models have been created, the goal of the third step
is the definition of situation dependent behaviour for
each agent. The basis for this task is the business
process models. The process shown in Figure 3
describes the universal process of the security
employee. However, it does not contain any
information which process path has to be executed
given a certain situation or in other word, it does not
answer the question "Is the boarding pass of a
passenger valid or not?". In order to automatically
make a decision in this case, case-based reasoning
comes into play. The agents including their process
models are imported into the CBR-system. Sticking
to the example of the boarding pass control, the
behaviour of the security employee has to be
specified in more detail. The CBR-system has to be
taught by an expert in what situations the boarding
pass is considered to be valid or invalid. A required
attribute is for example the date on the boarding
pass. If this date is identically to today's date, the
boarding pass can be considered to be valid. A
corresponding rule is then created. If for example the
departure time is in four hours and passengers are
allow entering the security check point only two
hours before, the access has to be denied. Thus, a
rule has to be created stating that even the date on
the boarding pass is identical to today's date, the
access is denied because the departure is greater than
two hours.
Once all the necessary rule sets are defined to
specify the universal and reactive behaviour of the
agents, they can be incorporated into the agents
reference model (see Figure 4).
Business process models
Rule set
Figure 4: Extension of the PECS agent by business
process models and situational behaviour rules.
The combination of agent-based models, business
process modelling and case-based reasoning aims to
leverage the advantages of each methodology.
The PECS agent architecture provides a
structured framework for modelling human-
behaviour and contains several advantages compared
to the BDI architecture. The downside of current
implementations of this architecture is the time and
effort that has to be spent in order to implement the
behaviour models for the agents. Therefore we apply
business process modelling and case-based
reasoning that have proven to be very successful in
gathering and representing behavioural information.
Business process modelling and especially the
combination with agent-based models poses a very
interesting field of research because the creation of
even very general and universal behaviour patterns
in agent-based simulations can be quite complex and
time-consuming. Business process modelling instead
allows a rapid behaviour modelling due to its very
intuitive nature. The recently published BPMN 2.0
standard provides the user with an extensive syntax
for creating process models including in addition to
the classical task-oriented elements also
communication and data flows.
Case-based reasoning and in particular the CBR-
system we use has proven to be a very solid
approach in gathering expert knowledge – especially
the tacit part. This knowledge is interactively
gathered from the experts and encapsulated in a rule
set that can be accessed during the runtime of a
These three methodologies are integrated into a
single approach in order to create agent-based
models with focus on human-behaviour. Our in-
house simulation framework shortly will be used to
execute these models.
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ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence