Opportunities for New Knowledge based Services
Denys Proux, Eric Cheminot, Caroline Hagege and Frederique Segond
Xerox Research Centre Europe, 6 Chemin de Maupertuis, 38240 Meylan, France
Keywords: Smart document technologies, Textual content processing, Structured information, Document conversion,
Risk assessment, Healthcare, Hospital acquired infections.
Abstract: Costs related to healthcare are exploding. In Europe studies show that they will reach in 2050 up to 10% to
15% of the Gross Domestic Product. Several causes drive up these costs such as ageing population or the
rise of chronic diseases. Adverse events jeopardizing patient safety in complex hospital workflows such as
Hospital Acquired Infections are also a major contributor to these costs. But recent studies suggest that it
might be possible to reduce this impact by 20 to 30% with a combination of appropriate processes and smart
monitoring tools. Information Technologies are therefore seen as a key enabler to help improving
information workflow and process efficiency inside hospitals.
The healthcare system in Europe is currently
submitted to an extreme pressure. One explanation is
the fact the population is getting older (the amount
of people over 50 will increase by 35% between
2005 and 2050 and the amount over 85 will triple in
the same period) and require more attention and
cares. As a consequence, latest estimates foresee a
rising of the global cost up to 16% of the European
Gross National Product (GNP) until 2020 (currently
it represents only 9%). Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) which has
already allowed significant process and cost
improvements in other domains could be and will be
a key element to help keeping the healthcare budget
under control.
However to achieve this goal there is a clear
need for new, more efficient and Smarter tools for
proactively predicting diseases, for personalizing
healthcare and more generally to empower the
patient in his own safety and health.
Therefore challenges for ICT are many.
Solutions should address various needs on a stepped
way to electronic and structured information which
will eventually open the door for analytics,
simulation forecasting, prevention, etc. They range
i. moving from paper or isolated data to electronic
information systems,
ii. moving from unstructured to structured
iii. moving from isolated database to interconnected
information systems,
iv. finally building advanced services, such as
forecasting and risk assessment systems, on top of
In this paper we focus on two aspects which are:
moving from paper (or unstructured information)
into structured electronic records, and leveraging
recorded information through smart and value added
services such as for example risk assessment tools.
In that perspective two projects will be detailed
where we have customized existing tools or created
entirely new technologies and functionalities to
address both parts of the workflow and value chain.
Proux D., Cheminot E., Hagege C. and Segond F..
Knowledge based Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0003184906330636
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 633-636
ISBN: 978-989-8425-40-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 The Legacy Documents Conversion
Project: Context
Our team in our Research Group started a
collaboration with a business company developing a
document management solution for group of
hospitals in the middle-west of the UK. The deal is
to outsource the management of legacy patient
records. These documents are paper based, so the
project in its original form aims to convert this
unstructured information into an electronic format.
The considered corpus represents almost 1,000,000
patient records (that are generally composed by a
several documents coming from several departments
such as radiology, surgery, intensive care, etc). The
conversion is foreseen to be done on a 7 year period.
Several scenarios are considered ranging from
simple paper to digital conversion to more advanced
content analysis and indexing features built on top of
2.2 Workflow and Implementation
The model that has been put in place is the “scan
when requested” scenario. Each time a new request
to access a given patient record is submitted all
patient related documents are retrieved and scanned.
Our contribution was to customize for that purpose a
set of Smart Document Technologies that automate
part of the document content indexing process in
order to extracted meta-data that could be attached
to these scanned documents in order to facilitate
future queries and document retrievals. This set of
technologies and their context of application is
detailed below.
Glyphstamps for Document separation:
Glyphstamps is a technology that consist in special
tags printed on documents that encode rich
information. It is used to identify information pieces
in the set of document related to a patient. They are
used to detect document boundaries but also to route
documents for appropriate post processing according
to their type.
FuzzyMatch: sometimes, a document category can
be defined (at least partly) by a set of keywords.
Unfortunately, when dealing with paper documents,
we first have to perform an OCR to extract the
content in a useful format. This generally leads to
OCR errors so the idea of the FuzzyMatch
technology is to be able to efficiently match
searched keywords in OCRed documents while
taking into account possible OCR errors (or
orthographic errors in the original document).
Distance with queried keywords is computed and
frequent errors are learned and taken into account.
Categorization: this technology is based on a model
previously trained on collections of already
annotated documents. The aim is to detect
automatically from document contents those that
match with predefined and pertinent categories. For
this project we use our own made categorizer that
learns from human annotations to build probabilistic
models It relies on a probabilistic generative model
(Gaussier 2002) which can be seen as a hierarchical
extension to PLSA (Probabilistic Latent Semantic
Analysis (Hofmann 1999)) where both documents
and words may belong to different categories.
Named Entity Detection: The goal of this step is to
identify in the text some specific information that
can be used to further enrich the indexing step. This
information can be for example people names, social
security numbers, locations, treatments, drug names,
bacteria,, etc. This step can be done by pattern
matching, but we found it more efficient to use a
deeper analysis with the Xerox Incremental Parser
(XIP) (Aït-Mokhtar 2002) which allows to design
more complex and efficient detection and
disambiguation rules as well a co-reference
All these technologies work on electronic documents
which means that paper documents should be
scanned and OCRed first. However some documents
may also contain some handwritten parts which is
problem as up-to-now, automating document content
processing in this case is very difficult. Nevertheless
we developed and tested some new technologies and
algorithm such as Handwritten Keyword
Recognition to try to address this issue. This
technology works as a machine-learning image
categorization process: sample documents are pre-
processed to extract the bounding boxes of these
words (graphical boxes around words) and searched
– positive - words are annotated by an operator
(Perronnin 2009). The system is then trained to
recognize those words. We have reached very
promising results, but due to the extreme variability
of hand-writing (especially in the medical field), it
will be reserved for a limited number of words,
crucial for the process.
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
3.1 Improvement Opportunities
Optimizing the document workflow in hospitals by
converting legacy documents into a digital version,
or unstructured into structured information to feed
databases is the very first step to unleash the power
of advanced services building on this information. It
opens the door to a new set of applications that can
provide the assistance of knowledge services thanks
to automated data mining, and information analysis
tools. Risk assessment is one example.
A project has been started in 2009 to develop an
Hospital Acquired Infection (HAI) detector
monitoring patient related reports produced inside
hospitals (ALADIN-DTH). This project is funded in
part by the French Research Agency (ANR) for 3
years. It is a unique collaboration between key
partners with unique competencies in all aspect
required to build such a system: an University
Laboratory specialized into building multi-
terminologies resources for the medical domain, a
content French provider for Pharmaceutical
information, a research Center specialized into
designing Natural Language Processing and
Semantic Management systems and 4 university
hospitals providing real data and HAI expertise.
3.2 Key Technology behind this Project
The heart of this project is the Xerox Incremental
Parser (XIP), which performs text mining. This
parser is robust that is to say it has already been used
in various projects to process large collections of
unrestricted documents. It has been designed to
follow strict incremental strategies when applying
parsing rules. The system never backtracks on rules
to avoid falling into combinational explosion traps
which makes it very appropriate to parse real long
sentences from scientific texts for example (Aït-
Mokhtar 1997).
We have decided to use such a tool as HAI is a
complex issue that implies for instant pieces of
evidences appearing according to a strict chronology
(e.g. a patient has a surgery, then 2 days latter some
symptoms occur such as fever, then some specific
antibiotics are prescribed, etc. ). To establish these
connections we need to have a certain level of
understanding of the content of the document,
simple keyword detection is not enough.
3.3 Addressing the Terminology Issue
To be able to detect pertinent information from text
it is crucial to be able to address all terminologies in
use in targeted hospitals. This is required to build
appropriate lexicons that encompass pertinent terms
characterizing an HAI or serving as pieces of
evidence to conclude to an HAI suspicious case. One
of the partners (CISMeF) provides this information:
the Multi Terminologies Indexer is a generic
automatic indexing tool able to tag an entire
document with all terminologies necessary for the
project. This server offer term identification
covering the following terminologies: SNOMED 3.5
(International Systemized Nomenclature of human
and veterinary MEDicine), MeSH (Medical Subject
Heading), ICD10 (Classification of Diseases) and
CCAM (French CPT), TUV (Unified Thesaurus of
Vidal), ATC (Anatomical Therapeutic and Chemical
Classification), drug names with international non-
proprietary names (INN) and brand names, Orphanet
terms (rare diseases), CIF (International Functional
Terminology), CISP2 (International Classification
for Primary care), DRC (Consultation results),
3.4 Temporal Sequence Detections
In this project the chronology of events is crucial to
characterize a problem. Relying on an existing
temporal processing system (Hagege 2008) we
perform an adaptation of this system for French in
order to be able to detect and normalize temporal
expressions appearing in text. Three kinds of
temporal expressions are considered:
1) Absolute dates (for example 10/03/2010)
2) Referential dates with reference to the utterance
time. (for example “yesterday”)
3) Referential dates whose reference is another
textual expression (for example, “two days after
Discovering and normalizing temporal
expressions enable us to associate a time stamp to
the event described in text. As a result, we can
associate to the description of a potential risk factor
for HAI a time stamp and check if it occurs after or
before another specific event.
3.5 Temporal Sequence Detections
Risk indicators consist in the description of infection
events such as mentioning a specific bacteria,
antibiotic, symptoms such as fever etc. All the
RECORDS - Opportunities for New Knowledge based Services
elements must also occur according to a specific and
strict time frame. For instance, the simple presence
of a temperature rising is not enough to decide that
we have an HAI case. But if this temperature rising
is associated with the presence of a certain bacteria,
and with the presence of a catheter, and if this
temperature raising occurs at least 2 days after the
admission of the patient in the hospital, then we
have clues enough to suspect an HAI occurrence.
The relationship between risk indicators is carried by
the syntactic dependencies calculated by XIP.
The following figure illustrates this temporal
aspect of information extraction.
Figure 1: Analysis results for a given sentence.
3.6 Next Steps
The current version of the system, or to be precise,
current detections rules work at the sentence level.
This means that link between risk factors are search
inside the boundary of a sentence. But it can also
happen that elements characterizing an HAI are
distributed in different and distant section of the
medical report. It is therefore necessary to build long
distance dependency detection and a reasoning
algorithm able to work on a full patient report. These
risk scenarios are now refined with the help of
medical experts.
In this paper we described the needs for ICT
solutions to help improving the management of
medical information to the benefits of both patient
safety and healthcare economy. In this context the
improvement of internal hospital processes and the
way information is managed can be a key
contributor to drive down these costs.
We have described in this paper two on-going
projects illustrating the benefit brought by Smart
Document Technologies to two major challenges
which are: the move from unstructured information
(e.g. paper) to structured EMR, and the development
of smart monitoring systems for risk assessment.
These are just examples.
They are many others fields of applications for
ICT such as remote monitoring of patients or
improvement of an hospital workflow through
assisted activity tracking and resources management.
We are just at the beginning of the e-revolution of
the traditional healthcare landscape.
ALADIN is a 3 year project funded by the French
Agence Nationale de la Recherche (National
Research Agency - ANR) in the context of the
TecSan (Technologies pour la Santé et l’Autonomie)
Aït-Mokhtar S., Chanod J. P., Roux C., 2002. Robustness
beyond shallowness: incremental deep parsing.
Cambridge University Press. Volume 8, Issue 3,
Pages: 121 - 144. June 2002.
Gaussier E., Goutte C., Popat K., Chen F., 2002. A
hierarchical model for clustering and categorising
documents. Proc. ECIR-02. 229-247. Springer.
Haas J. P., Mendonca E. A., Ross B., Friedman C., Larson
E., 2005. Use of Computerized Surveillance to Detect
Nosocomial Pneumonia in Neonatal Intensive Care
Unit Patients. Am J Infect Control, 2005; 33(8):439-
Hagège C., Tannier X. XTM a robust Temporal Text
Processor. Proceedings of CICLing 2008, Haifa,
Hofmann T., 1999. Probabilistic Latent Semantic
Analysis. Proc 15th Conf. on Uncertainty in Artificial
Intelligence. 289-296. Morgan Kaufmann.
Perronnin F., Rodriguez J. A., 2009. Handwritten word-
image retrieval with synthesized typed queries.
ICDAR 2009 (International Conference on Document
Analysis and Recognition). Barcelona, Sapin, July 26-
29, 20.
Output of temporal sequence processing (addition of a time
<TEMPS id="12" val="T+7J">
La patiente a présenté , une semaine après son arrivée dans
le Service , une infection urinaire à Klebsielle ,
accompagnée d' une pneumopathie nosocomiale ( sans
germe retrouvé au combicath ) , pour lequel elle a bénéficié
d' un traitement pendant une semaine par Rocéphine et
Output of potential candidates for HAI risk detection
INFECTION(infection urinaire)
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence