In this article, we first presented a probabilistic clas-
sifier based on mixture models (CMM) that can be
used in the field of data mining to extract classifica-
tion rules from labeled sample data. Then, we defined
some objective interestingness measures that are tai-
lored to measure various aspects of the rules of which
this classifier consists. These measures are also based
on probabilistic methods. A data miner may use these
measures to investigate the knowledge extracted from
sample data in more detail. In three case studies using
well-known data sets we demonstrated the application
of our approach.
In our future work we will investigate the pos-
sibility to apply our objective measures to each of
the C class-specific mixture models to obtain an even
more detailed class-specific assessment of the compo-
nents. In this work we used the measures as a post-
processing step to prune a trained model. However,
it is also possible to use them as side conditions in
the objective functions that are used for the training
of CMM in order to support certain properties of a
classifier already during training. Additionally, we
will investigate how the measures can be combined
to perform a ranking of rules based on their interest-
ingness. There is a close relation of CMM to certain
kinds of fuzzy classifiers concerning the functional
form as outlined in (Fisch et al., 2010). Thus, it would
also be interesting to transfer the proposed measures
to that kind of classifiers and compare them to other
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IN YOUR INTEREST - Objective Interestingness Measures for a Generative Classifier