Eva Ziaka, Dimitris Vrakas and Nick Bassiliades
Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Keywords: Web services composition, AI planning, Semantic web services, OWL-S, PDDL.
Abstract: Web Services technology has led to simpler and more rapid development of Web Applications with
improved functionality by which several platforms through the globe can communicate to exchange data
and cooperate for problem solving. Methods for automated web services composition are studied so as to
enhance this type of software development. Many studies focus on converting the composition problem to a
planning problem and solving it using known planning algorithms. This paper suggests a method for
translating the produced PDDL plans of the above algorithms to OWL-S descriptions of the final composite
web services. The result is a totally new web service that can later be discovered and invoked or even take
part in a new composition.
Nowadays, many different systems all over the
globe can communicate with each other through the
Internet. The need for supporting interoperability of
web applications so that they can be used by all
platforms, no matter their implementation, has led to
web services technology and a new, web-service-
oriented way of programming. This new technology
is based on open protocols, such as the XML and the
well known HTTP transfer protocol.
There is often the need to execute more complex
tasks that simple web services do not have the
potential to complete on their own. In such cases,
simple web services must cooperate so as to
combine their functionalities to create a new
complex web service that will hold the desirable
functionality. Semantic information about all the
available atomic web services is very important for
their cooperation in web services composition field,
so as to be able to understand the meaning of their
inputs and outputs and to match them to achieve
During the past decade a large number of
approaches for composing web services have been
proposed, some fully automated, other partially
automated, whereas a lot of them are even
completely manual. A promising way that aims at
fully automated web services composition is the use
of AI planning technology. Each web service is
represented as a planning operator and the desired
composite service’s inputs and outputs form the
initial state and the goals respectively. The plans that
arise are encoded in languages such as PDDL
(Ghalab, 1998) that describe the actions, that is the
web services, that must be executed and the order of
their execution.
The contribution of this paper focuses on the
automatic translation of the plans, expressed in
PDDL, to OWL-S descriptions (Martin et al, 2004)
that take advantage of the OWL-S control constructs
and facilitate the automatic invocation of the
composite service. Specifically, information from
the PDDL descriptions of the domain, the
composition problem, and the plan is used to create
a functional representation of the composition. This
representation describes with a specific syntax the
way each atomic web service is connected to each
other in order to produce the final output. In a
second phase, this functional representation is
utilized to generate the OWL-S descriptions of the
new composite web service.
In terms of functionality, the method described in
this paper is merely based on the PDDL descriptions
of the planning operators and does not explicitly
deal with semantic information of the initial atomic
services. Therefore, it can be applied to
compositions arising from both syntactic and
semantic matching of inputs and outputs of the
Ziaka E., Vrakas D. and Bassiliades N..
DOI: 10.5220/0003187401670176
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 167-176
ISBN: 978-989-8425-40-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
atomic services. However, since the final expression
will be encoded in OWL-S language, we will use the
notion of semantic web service throughout the rest
of the paper.
In the sections to follow, the relative research
field is explored. The suggested technique is
analyzed in detail and some conclusions along with
future directions are given. Specifically, the rest of
the paper is organized as follows:
In section 2, the field of automated web services
composition using AI Planning techniques is
presented and some studies on the field are exposed.
In section 3, the developed method for translating
the PDDL plans to OWL-S descriptions is analyzed.
This section is divided into two sub-sections,
reflecting the two phases of the method; in the first
sub-section, the algorithm that creates the functional
representation describing the composition is
presented, whereas in the second sub-section, the
method for converting this representation to OWL-S
description is described. Finally, in the last section,
conclusions of the research so far are given along
with some ideas on how the developed algorithms
and the web services composition procedure could
be enhanced.
The process of automated web services composition
by the point of view of planning has been studied
extensively. The most important advantage of this
approach is the dynamic character that is offered to
the composition process, which reduces a lot the
interference of the user.
One of the most known systems in the field of
web services composition via planning is SHOP2
(Simple Hierarchical Ordered Planner), (Sirin,
2004). It is based on HTN planning (Hierarchical
Task Network) methods (Sacerdoti, 1975). One
basic difference between SHOP2 and the other HTN
systems is that it locates all the actions of the plan in
the same order that they will be later executed. In
this way, the current state of the system in every step
of the planning procedure is known and inference
mechanisms or heuristic techniques can be used to
augment the effectiveness and the efficiency of the
whole process.
The functionality of SHOP2 consists of three
basic steps. In the first one, the domain is
constructed by the process OWL-S files of the
available web services. The atomic services are
represented by operators and methods for analyzing
the complex services to simpler ones are
constructed. In the second step, the composition
problem is transformed to planning problem. This is
realized by describing the problem as an abstract
composite process that need decomposition with the
use of methods so as to obtain simple processes that
refer to web services. In the third step, the problem
is solved by decomposing the tasks and creating the
plan, i.e. is the description of the final composite
Another technique, analyzed in (Peer, 2005), is
based on situation calculus, where the states are not
considered as instances of the environment but as
sequences of actions that were executed in the past
and resulted to this state. This technique uses also
the language Golog (alGOL in LOGic), which is
based on logic and the problems that are encoded in
it can be solved by methods that use logic. For the
appropriate representation of the planning problem
in Golog, the language was extended so as to be able
to contain constraints on the composition process
defined by the user. These constraints in essence
reflect the desired outputs. The OWL-S descriptions
are used as requirements of the processes that must
be executed and also as descriptions of the actions
that are provided by the web services. The
composition problem is transformed into the
problem of finding the appropriate Golog program
that when executed, all the defined constraints will
be satisfied. In the solution process, intelligent
agents are used whom knowledge base contains the
preconditions and the results of the services,
encoded in situation calculus terms. The available
web services correspond to operators, primitive or
composite. The role of the agents is the inference on
the web services, in order to discover, execute and
compose them.
A different and quite simple web services
composition method is presented in (Zhang, 2008).
It is based on regression in a state space. The
algorithms belonging to this category start from
exploring the goals that must be succeeded and seek
for the actions that lead from the goals to the initial
state. The method proposed introduces a new
structure called SLM (Semantic Links Matrix) and is
a table containing the values of semantic relevance
between the parameters of the web services. For the
construction of this table, the process models and the
relative ontologies of the atomic services are used.
Generally, the SLM structure groups the candidate
web services based on their semantic relevance and
in the same time provides information on their
quality characteristics so as to ease the choice
among them. The algorithm begins from the goals,
but because of the SLM structure it does not need to
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
calculate the previous states. In the step of locating
the actions that satisfy the current goals, all the
services that have a positive value in the relevance
function are considered as candidates. The best
service is chosen based on the QoS characteristics.
The process continues until it reaches the initial
Another approach described in (Yu, 2006) uses
model checking techniques for producing the plan.
The algorithm consists of four steps. In the first step,
the goal and the initial states are defined. In the
second step, the model of the process on which the
checks will be running is extracted. The web
services that could be used for the domain are
automatically detected and the state space where the
solution is searched is constructed. Information on
the services is retrieved by the ontologies and is
inserted to the model. In the third step, the search
algorithm in the plan space is executed and some
plans that satisfy the goals are collected. In the
fourth and last step, the best plan is chosen and is
converted in a composite web service, encoded in
A system which was developed recently and is
analyzed in (Hatzi, 2009) is the system PORSCE.
The approach is based on transforming the web
services composition problem to a planning
problem. The straight forward mapping of these two
fields is exploited and the OWL-S descriptions of
the available web services are used to construct
PDDL plan files. The initial state is derived by the
data given as input to the final web service by the
user, whereas the goals are reflected by the desired
outputs. The operators of the problem correspond to
the available atomic web services that can be used.
Their preconditions are mapped to the inputs of the
services and theirs results to the outputs.
Simultaneously, the ontologies that are connected to
the types of the parameters of the available web
services are used so as for the semantics of the
concepts to be provided. The system starts by
representing the composition problem with planning
terms. Then, a solution to the problem is provided by
an external planner, such as LPG-td (Gerevini et al,
2004; 2005) or JPlan (JPlan), according to the user’s
selection. Finally, the quality of the produced plan is
measured based on some quality measures selected
by the user at the beginning of the process and the
results are provided to the user. There is also the
possibility of replacing instantly some of the web
services in the plan with other relevant, as they are
discovered during the planning process.
Another approach that exploits the similarities
between the AI planning and semantic web services
composition research fields is the OWLS-Xplan
(Klusch, 2005). This system uses the OWL-S
descriptions of the available web services, the
relevant OWL ontologies that define the types of the
parameters in the descriptions and a planning query
as input. After some preprocessing of the above data
and the execution of the Xplan planning algorithm,
the result is a plan describing the sequence of
composed services that satisfies the goals.
The OWLS-Xplan approach consists of two
basic parts. The first one is an OWLS2PDDL
converter which converts the OWL-S descriptions
along with the OWL ontologies to the equivalent
PDDL domain and problem of the composition.
Specifically, the conversion results to descriptions of
the domain and problem in a XML dialect of PDDL
(developed by the authors), referred to as PDDXML,
that simplifies parsing, reading and communicating
the descriptions using SOAP. An atomic operator is
directly related to a service profile as they both
provide a general description of their instances,
actions and web services, respectively. A complex
action can be linked to a service model that
describes how simpler actions should cooperate to
result to the composite one. Finally, the methods
used in HTN planning are related to composite web
services and may be used by the planner as a
hierarchical task network during the planning
The second part of OWLS-Xplan is the
developed heuristic hybrid Xplan AI planner that
combines the benefits of the action-based FF-
planner (Hoffman et al, 2001) with HTN planning.
Xplan always finds a solution, if it exists in the state
space, over the space of possible plans, in contrast to
HTN approaches. It combines guided local search
with graph planning and a simple form of
hierarchical task networks to produce a plan. Also, a
re-planning component is included to improve
flexibility is cases changes happen in the world
during planning, a property well needed in semantic
web services composition field.
The solution analyzed in (Yang, 2009) also
translates the composition problem to PDDL
descriptions and suggests that in this way an
appropriate planner could be found each time
according to the problem so as to provide an
improved solution. The paper presents a three step
technique for the creation of a composite web
service with the first step being the translation of the
OWL-S descriptions and OWL ontologies to PDDL
domain and problem descriptions; the second one is
the creation of a plan that solves the problem with
the execution of a planner; the third one is the
translation of the plan to a new OWL-S description
of the resulting composite web service. However,
the paper focuses only on the first step of the
procedure. Some assumptions are made to ease the
translation function, such as considering that each
atomic process has either effects or outputs but not
both simultaneously. Also, the authors of the paper
do not deal with OWL-S process models that have
composite process using Repeat-While and Repeat-
Until or Any-Order and Split-Join constructs. The
algorithm proposed, deals separately with the OWL-
S process model, the atomic and simple processes,
the sequence, if-then-else, choice and split processes
and with the OWL-S target service description to
create the domain and problem descriptions. The
process of choosing the appropriate planner for each
problem and the translation of the plan to OWL-S
description of the new service are not elaborated in
the paper.
The aforementioned methods tackle the problem
of web services composition using a variety of fully
or partially automated techniques. However, they
don’t deal with the task of expressing the resulting
composite service in OWL-S, taking advantage of
the supported control constructs.
This section analyzes the method for translating a
composite web service expressed in the PDDL
language to the corresponding OWL-S description.
The translation completes in two phases. The first
one concerns the extraction of all the required
information from the plan for the creation of a
composite web service’s functional representation.
The second is about the conversion of this
representation to an OWL-S description of the
resulting composite web service.
3.1 Constructing the Composite WS
The first step in the creation of an OWL-S
description based on data derived from a PDDL plan
is the manipulation of these data and their
conversion to a composite web service functional
representation. This representation refers to the
available simple or atomic web services and the
order in which they should be executed and is
structured using the OWL-S control constructs
sequence, split and split-join.
In the following algorithm the functional repre-
representation of a composite web service C is
represented as a predicate f(a
), where f is
the control construct used to describe the
composition structure and a
stand for the
simple web services that participate in the
composition. Each a
could be another composite
service or, in a simpler case, an atomic process,
which is represented as atomic(a
The developed algorithm consists of three
general steps, as shown in Figure 1. The first step
concerns the parsing of the files associated with the
composition planning problem and the extraction of
all the information needed in the next steps. In the
second step, a web service composition graph is
created. The nodes of the graph are the actions of the
plan and the edges are the links that express the
order constraints among the actions. The creation of
the graph is based on the information collected from
the previous step. Finally, in the last step, the
composite web service functional representation is
formed using the ordering constraints that are
extracted from the composition graph. In the
following paragraphs, these three steps are described
in more detail.
Figure 1: Converting a PDDL plan to a composite web
service functional representation.
The initial available information is derived from
the PDDL domain and problem files of the
composition problem. For the parsing of these files,
an external library, called PDDL4J, (Pellier, 2008) is
used. The types of information that are required by
the translation process are the following: a) the name
of the operator, b) the parameters list, c) the
preconditions list, d) the effects list, e) the initial
state and f) the goals of the problem. Finally, the
resulting plan is parsed in order to extract
information concerning the actions of the plan.
Exploiting the syntax of this file, information on the
actions used can easily be extracted. The data that
are needed in the later steps of the algorithm involve
the timestamp of each action, which is the time step
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
when the action will be executed and the name,
parameters and duration of it. The actions are read in
the order that they are presented in the plan, so the
procedure keeps track of this order.
When all these data are retrieved, the procedure
continues combining them so as to create objects
representing the steps of the plan. Every step
contains the name of the action that will be
executed, the parameters with which the action is
called, the timestamp and duration of the action, the
operator from which the action is derived, the
substitution imposed on the operation, the list of
preconditions that must hold for the action to be
executed and the list of the effects, the facts that will
change due to the execution of the action.
The second step creates the web service
composition graph. The nodes list is identical to the
list of actions of the plan. In essence, the
contribution of this step is the computation of the
edges, that is, the links between the actions. The
general idea is to traverse all the actions and locate
cases where one precondition of an action matches
one effect of another. This ought to happen in theory
because of the causal links that are present among
the actions of the plan, which imply that the
preconditions of the later actions will appear as
effects of other previous actions. An order constraint
link is then created between the two actions.
Algorithm 1 (Graph): Computes the web services
composition graph.
Inputs: P = {a
}, the plan
Output: G = (P,E), web services composition graph
E =
for i = n down to 1
for each c prec(ai)
for j = i-1 down to 0
for each p add(aj)
if (c = p)
E = E U {(aj,ai)}
return G = (P,E)
The algorithm that discovers such kinds of links
is called Graph and starts from the last elements of
the action list. Each one of its preconditions is then
examined so as to discover a previous action in the
plan that produces this fact. This means to discover
an action that contains this fact in its effect list. So,
another loop is needed to access all the previous
possible producers of this imminent link. When such
a previous action is found, a link is created among
the two actions. This link illustrates an order
constrain and ensures that the action that produces
the fact will be executed before the one that consu-
mes it in its preconditions list.
A simple example of the above procedure is
depicted in Figure 2. In this example there are two
actions in the plan, the actions Drop Ball B with
which a robot puts down the ball B and the action
Grab Ball A that results in a state where the robot is
holding the ball A. The algorithm examines first the
action Grab Ball A and loops on its preconditions. In
this case there is only one precondition, declaring
that for executing this action, the robot’s gripper
must be free. So, somewhere in the plan there should
be an action that realizes this fact. Exploring the
previous actions of the plan, the algorithm confronts
the action Drop Ball B and matches the fact under
consideration with the second result of this action.
Automatically, an order constraint link is created
between the two actions meaning that the robot
should definitely perform first the action Drop Ball
B so as to be able then to perform the action Grab
Ball A.
Figure 2: Example on discovering links.
When all the edges and the corresponding order
constraints are discovered in the plan, the procedure
can continue and exploit these relationships in order
to construct a composite web service functional
representation that illustrates in a more formal way
how the actions of the composite service relate to
each other. This representation is built upon the
control constructs that OWL-S uses to describe the
different possible connections between web services.
In the algorithm we use three basic control
constructs: sequence, split and split-join. The control
sequence declares that all its members should be
executed in the exact order they appear. The control
split is used to describe cases of parallel execution of
web services. The last control, split-join, describes
the case where a split occurs in the plan and the
parallel executions connect again in a next step in
one web service. It is important that the web services
that happen to be last in the parallel executions, have
to synchronize their outputs to supply the web
service following the connecting point with the
sufficient inputs.
The general algorithm that constructs the
composite web service’s functional representation
consists of 2 basic steps, presented in Algorithm 2
(Basic) and Algorithm 3 (Join). Before the execution
of these algorithms, a manipulation of the data
gathered so far is needed. First, the order constraints
list is reduced by removing all the constraints not
needed. Then the algorithm Basic is called, locates
the web services that will be invoked first and
creates functional representations of the sub-
compositions that start from these services. All these
representations are then added to an empty split
control. Up to this point, the first version of the
requested functional representation is ready. But
some refinement steps should be performed in order
to provide a more concise representation. So, next in
the developed algorithm, a process named Join takes
place and simplifies the functional representation by
replacing split controls with split-join where
possible. The generated functional representation of
algorithm Basic contains null expressions and
unnecessary controls, such as a split control with
only one parameter. In the following paragraphs a
more detailed description of the translation
procedure is provided.
The output of Graph algorithm may contain
some unnecessary ordering constraints, so the first
step is about locating such constraints and removing
them from the set. Unnecessary constraints are the
ones that can be implied by others, so there is no
need for their existence in the set. One order
constraint A can be inferred by others if there exists
another constraint B with the same left part as A and
a constraint C whose left part is identical to the right
part of constraint B and its right part is identical to
the right part of constraint A. An example will
clarify more the above situation. Let the set {A<C,
A<B, B<C} be the set of constraints of the
composition problem. Examining the need of
existence of the first order constraint, which is
interpreted as ‘the web service A must be executed
before the execution of the service C’, the constraint
Α<Β has the same web service at the left part. The
process continues by exploring the set for constraints
that have service B in the left part, because this is the
right part of the constraint A<B. Such a constraint
exists and is the third of the set. Also, this constraint
has identical right part with the first constraint that is
examined in the process. This means that the
constraint A<C is unnecessary because it can be
inferred by the constraints A<B and B<C, so it is
removed from the set.
The next procedure that takes place is the Basic
procedure, shown in Algorithm 2. The first step of
this algorithm is the location of the so called ‘clear’
services, the web services that are executed first in
the plan. The main characteristic of these services is
that they are not consumers in any causal link, which
means that there is no need for another web service
to be executed before them. Such services can be
located by searching for the existence of each web
service in the plan as a right part of an order
constraint. If this search returns no results, then the
service can be marked as “clear”. For example,
having the set of web services {A, B, C} and the
order constraints {A<B, B<C} it can be easily
inferred that only the service A is clear, because it
does not appear as a right member of any order
constraint. For each clear web service, the
construction of sub-representations of the desired
composition takes place. In essence, the relationship
among a clear web service and all its children, all the
services that can be executed after the completion of
the clear service, is revealed.
Algorithm 2 (Basic): Computes an initial composite
service with Sequence and Split constructs.
Inputs: G = (V,E), the web service graph
Output: C, a composite service
// R is the set of root nodes in G
set R {rV: x V, (xr)E }
if R = 0 then return NULL
if R = 1 then
set G’ the tree in G with rR
as the root
return sequence(r, Basic(G’-{r}))
set c {}
for each r in R
set G’ the tree in G with rR
as the root
set c c Basic(G’-{r})
return Join(split(c))
In the next steps of the algorithm Basic, the
number of clear services is examined. In the trivial
case, where there are no such services, a null value
is returned. If there is only one clear service, then
the only representation that can be constructed is a
simple sequence of the clear service and the
composition of the child. So in this point, the
algorithm calls recursively itself with the rest of the
graph as a parameter. This is because the expression
beginning from the clear service must contain all the
information about the expressions that can be built
from the children of this service.
If there are more than one clear services, then an
empty composite web service is created and for
every clear service the Basic procedure is invoked
having as parameter the Graph without the service
in question. All the returned functional
representations are then added to a split control. The
resulting split expression is simplified by an
algorithm that will be analyzed later in the paper. A
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
short example is given to clarify the procedure.
Suppose there are a clear service A and two children
B and C. The functional representation returned
from the algorithm, in terms of control constructs,
will be seq(A,split(Basic(B),Basic(C))). Supposing
that there are no other web services in the plan, the
final result will be seq(A,split(B,C)).
Algorithm 3 (Join): Replaces split with split-join
where possible in a composite service.
Inputs: C=f(a
), a composite service with
sequence and split constructs
Output: C, a composite service with sequence, split
and split-join constructs
for each (a
): i,j in [0,n]
Set L(a
) = 0
if a
= a
k, a
= a
k then
) = |k|
= max(L
if L
> 0 then
Let f
) the
construct containing k in a
Let f
) the
construct containing k in a
if f
= split then
= f
if f
= split then
= f
C= C–{a
while L
> 0
return C
Next, the composition representation that
resulted from the clear services (algorithm Basic) is
simplified by the algorithm Join (Algorithm 3). The
main function of this algorithm is to replace the split
controls with split-join, wherever this is possible. In
every step, two parameters of the functional
representation are examined for the existence of a
common part. If one such part is found, it is
removed from both the parameters and the results
are added to a new split-join relationship. Finally, a
new sequence control is created, the split-join is
added as the first parameter and the common part is
added as a second parameter.
For each pair (a
) of parameters, the size of
their common part is stored in the structure L(a
The size of x is expressed as |x| and refers to the
number of simple web services that take part in the
functional representation of x. When all the pairs are
traversed, the one with the largest common part is
selected, that is the pair (a
). If the size is a
positive number, then the next step checks whether
the common part is in a split control in the two
parameters of the selected pair. If so, the split
expression must not be divided instead it should be
completely removed.
Since this procedure is performed twice, once for
every parameter of the couple, the results are two
new common parts that should be removed
respectively from the parameters. This is realized in
parameters a
and a
. The resulting expressions are
added as members of the split-join control,
symbolized as ‘s+j’, which in turn is added as a
parameter of the sequence control. Then, the
common parts are combined in a split control,
symbolized as ‘s’ and the result becomes the second
parameter of the sequence control. Finally, this new
sequence representation replaces the two parameters
in the initial composite web service, a
. All the
previous steps are repeated for the altered composite
web service C until no common part exists between
its’ parameters. Then, C is returned, as was formed
from the procedure and represents a composition
having sequence, split and split-join control
constructs that functionally represents the data flow
among the participating simple web services.
After the completion of Join, the null parameters
of the functional representation created so far are
cleared and the pointless control constructs are
removed, e.g. the expression split(A) becomes A.
Finally, the duplicate references to control constructs
are eliminated This means, that the expression
seq(seq(A,B),C) is transformed to the equivalent one
Figure 3: Composition example.
A short example of the whole procedure is given
to clarify its workings. In Figure 3 a web services
composition plan is depicted in a graphical way. The
clear service is only the service A, so the result of
the Basic algorithm, before calling the algorithm
Join, will be seq(A,split(seq(B,D),seq(C,D))). The
Join algorithm will notice that the parameters
seq(B,D) and seq(C,D) have the service D as a
common part, so the split control construct can be
replaced by a split-join one. By removing the
common part from each parameter, the results are
the representations seq(B,null) and seq(C,null) and
they are added as parameters in a new split-join
control. Since the common part is not in a split
expression in none of the two parameters, the
resulting common part is just the service D and the
new sequence representation is constructed as
follows: seq(split-join(seq(B,null),seq(C,null)),D).
This representation replaces the split of the initial
expression and the result is the representation
After the completion of the clearing algorithm
the functional representation is transformed to
seq(A,seq(split-join(B,C),D)) which finally becomes
seq(A,split-join(B,C),D) at the last step, which is an
accurate functional representation of the
3.2 Creating OWL-S Descriptions
Up to this point, a functional representation has been
constructed that supplies sufficient information on
the data flow of the composition. But, for the
procedure to be complete so as to provide the user
with a new semantic web service ready for
execution, the OWL-S description has to be
constructed. This is done based on this
representation. The descriptions that are constructed
by the algorithm are the process and the profile
descriptions. The OWL-S API, which can be found
at (OWLSAPI), was used for their creation. This
OWL-S API is a JAVA library providing functions
that facilitate the creation of OWL-S descriptions.
Algorithm 4 (OWLSProcess): Creates the OWL-S
process description.
Inputs: C = f(a
Output: The OWL-S process description of C
if f = atomic then
A = OWLSAPI.AtomicProcessElement
LI = LO = {}
for each p
= OWLSAPI.InputElement(p
LI = LI + {k
for each o
= OWLSAPI.OutputElement(o
LO = LO + {m
PE = OWLSAPI.PerformElement
return PE.add(A)
CC = OWLSAPI.ControlContruct(f)
return CC
First, the process file is created by the algorithm
4, OWLSProcess. The algorithm takes as input
parameter the composite web service representation
C, as formed by the previous algorithms and
discerns two cases. If C is an atomic service, then
the appropriate parts of the OWL-S process
description are created that describe the service
along with its inputs and outputs. Specifically, for
every input of the atomic service, an input element is
created by calling the InputElement function of the
OWL-S API. All the input elements are gathered in
a list which is then set as the value of the hasInput
field of the OWL-S process description. The same
steps are followed for the creation of the output list
which is the value of the hasOutput field in the
If C is not just an atomic service, but instead a
composite one, then the appropriate control
construct element is created (seq, split, split-join)
according to f and the algorithm CLO is called to
create the list of the services that takes part in this
element. Then, this list is added to the control
construct element and this is the object that the
OWLSProcess algorithm returns. In fact, this object
contains all the information about the OWL-S
process description of C.
Algorithm 5 (CLO): Creates the List Object
containing the atomic services of the composite one.
Inputs: C = f(a
Output: LO: the List Object
if n = 0 then
return null
LO = OWLSAPI.ListObjectElement
LO.First = OWLSProcess(a
LO.Rest = CLO(f(a
return LO
The algorithm CLO has as input a composite web
service functional representation, which is in essence
a functional representation with OWL-S control
construct connecting the participants services, and
creates using the OWL-S API a List Object element
with the atomic services as parameters. The list
object is a structure with First and Rest parts and
could be described by an expression like:
In CLO algorithm, the first parameter of the
expression is examined and the OWLSProcess
algorithm is called for this. The result becomes the
head of the constructing list, because it is the service
or the composition of services that will be executed
first. Then, the CLO algorithm is called recursively
for C’, the composite web service C with a
The result of this call is set as the Rest part. Finally,
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
the constructed list object is returned.
The last step in converting the composite web
service functional representation to OWL-S
description is the creation of the profile description.
Here, the composite web service is treated as an
atomic service with specific inputs and outputs. The
construction of this description is merely based on
the methods provided by the OWL-S API’s
Web services are playing an important role in the
web applications development field, with which
many different systems through the globe can
communicate and exchange data using the World
Wide Web. Users that need a specific functionality
can retrieve the desired web services from the UDDI
registries and use them to create the output they are
looking for.
SOA architecture has contributed to the rapid
and easy web applications development, using as
units the web services and combining them to create
new, complex services of advanced functionality
that can serve even as complete business models.
The composition methods studied in this paper differ
on user’s involvement level. Some initial solutions,
of limited autonomy, use workflows and leave the
details regarding the location the appropriate
services execution and their order to the user. In
some more creative solutions, the user doesn’t have
to find the exact services that will be used, but just
provides a description of them. The discovering of
services that match with the descriptions and the
execution of the resulting workflow are
automatically performed without the intervention of
the user.
In later studies, the autonomy of the composition
procedure is increased. Semantic information
concerning the web services is used to describe in a
semantic level their functionality. Languages such as
OWL-S are used for this purpose. In this way,
concept matching becomes possible and so is the
check whether two or more services can cooperate.
The semantic information is used also by automatic
web services composition via planning methods,
which are examined in this paper. The composition
problem is treated as a planning problem and solved
by algorithms of the field.
The result is a plan encoded in planning
languages, such as PDDL+ that describes the
services that will be used for the composition and
the way in which they will be combined to create the
desired composite web service. But, for this final
service to be available to other users too and to be
published in a UDDI registry as an atomic web
service and take part to possible future
compositions, semantic description of the service
have to be created.
The contribution of this paper focuses on
converting the PDDL+ plans that constitute the
composite web service to OWL-S descriptions of the
new web service. Information extracted from the
domain of the composition problem is used to
construct a composite web service functional
representation that describes sufficiently the
composition. Then, this representation is used to
create the OWL-S profile description of the
composite web service, containing information on its
inputs and outputs. Also, the OWL-S process
description is constructed, that analyzes the way the
atomic services are used for the production of the
final composite web service.
As for future plans, a complete system could be
developed as an extension to the already existing
automatic web services composition systems, taking
advantage of the algorithms proposed by this paper
to construct new semantic web services and publish
them in UDDI registries so as to be available to
everyone who could be seeking such functionality.
In this way, an integrated solution to the
composition problem would be provided. Already
developed solutions could be used to this direction,
such as the system SiTra described in (Bordbar et al,
2007), which transforms the OWL-S description of a
web service to BPEL, the execution language for
web services.
Also, the possibility of creating the grounding
OWL-S descriptions of the composite web service
could be explored. In this description, the exact data
flow among the atomic services will be described
and the result will be an even more automated
solution. So far, our approach provides the order and
the way of the execution of the services taking part
in the composition. However, the information of
which output is offered as input to the next service is
not provided from the OWL-S descriptions of the
composite service. This procedure is left to the
system that tries to execute the resulting service. It is
obvious that by providing this kind of information
through the grounding description, the development
of systems that execute complex services is greatly
Moreover, characteristics concerning the quality
could be considered for the composite web service.
In case there is such data in the semantic
descriptions of the atomic web services, procedures
that take advantage of them could be developed to
construct the quality characteristics of the resulting
composite service.
Finally, we aim at integrating web service
composition via planning into a decision support
system for industrial risk reduction, which represents
risk case studies via domain dependent ontologies
including the mechanism for building up the risk as
a composition of simple physical processes
(Angelides and Xenidis 2007).
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System (IRIS)” (7th Framework Programme,
Theme: 4 – NMP, FP7-NMP-2007-LARGE-1, CP-
IP 213968-2).
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