L. Papaleo
ICT Department, Province of Genova, Genova, Italy
G. Quercini
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland, College Park, U.S.A.
V. Mascardi
, M. Ancona
, A. Traverso
CS Department,
DARFICLET, University of Genova, Genova, Italy
H. De Lumley
Laboratoire D
epartemental de Pr
ehistoire du Lazaret, ADEVREPAM, Nice, France
MAS for rock-art preservation, Ontology extraction, Sketch interpretation, Visual database for rock-art.
This paper describes the joint effort of computer scientists, archaeologists, and historians for designing a
multi-agent system that exploits ontologies for the semantic description of the Mount Bego petroglyphs, thus
moving a step forward their preservation. Most components of the MAS have already been developed and
tested, and their integration is under way.
For decades the area around Mount Bego has been
deemed as a sort of a bewitched place, rocks being
carved with “thousand devils” (Pierre de Montfort,
XV century). On the other hand, archaeologists and
historians look at this place as an incredibly valu-
able source of knowledge, due to the up to 40,000
figurative petroglyphs and 60,000 non-figurative pet-
roglyphs scattered over a large area at an altitude of
2,000 to 2,700 meters.
The historical relevance of the Mount Bego pet-
roglyphs is unquestionable, as they date back to the
early Bronze Age, when humans left no written evi-
dences and the only witnesses of their existence are
their tools and, indeed, their “drawings”.
While learning from written sources is relatively
easy, even if this may actually depend on the source,
images generally lend themselves to a number of dif-
ferent and often conflicting interpretations, which is
the case of the Mount Bego carved rocks. Hence, the
coherence of any new interpretation of petroglyphs
must be checked against multiple sources.
Another major issue is that Mount Bego rocks are
not protected in a safe place such as a museum and
thus they are constantly exposed to rough weather as
well as vandalism of careless or malicious visitors.
The explorer who first realized the importance of
Mount Bego carvings from an historical point of view
and started a systematic activity for preserving them,
was Clarence Bicknell. In 1897, he sketched 450
drawings on small sheets of paper. Between 1898
and 1910 he realized up to 13,000 drawings and re-
liefs, part of which were then published in (Bicknell,
1913). Bicknell’s collection is completed by inedited
drawings owned by the University of Genoa. These
amount to 16,000 drawings and reliefs on different
materials. At the foot of almost all sheets Bicknell
wrote personal notes on the depicted subject, the lo-
cation of the petroglyph, a name assigned to the rock
with the petroglyph and the date of the relief. The
legacy owned by the University of Genoa also in-
cludes nine notebooks, filled with notes in Victorian
English, which can be subdivided into ve excavation
diaries and four note books. which cover a timespan
of 10 years (1902-1912).
Many years after Bicknell’s campaigns, several
teams led by Henry de Lumley have been surveying
and mapping this important archaeological area start-
ing from 1967.
To the purpose of preserving Mount Bego rock art,
we are moving along two directions: first, we will in-
Papaleo L., Quercini G., Mascardi V., Ancona M., Traverso A. and De Lumley H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003188002880295
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 288-295
ISBN: 978-989-8425-41-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tegrate the wonderful collection of Bicknell into an
existing database of data relative to Mount Bego cur-
rently hosted by the Laboratoire D
epartemental de
ehistoire du Lazaret (Adevrepam), based in Nice,
France; then we have implemented, and we are cur-
rently integrating into our MAS, most of the meth-
ods and interfaces that will allow end users to add
other data that might become available in the future:
data will be recognized and semi-automatically cate-
gorized, according to specific ontology-driven crite-
The reminder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. An overview of our approach is discussed in
Section 2; details on the design and partial implemen-
tation of a multi-agent system supporting sketch in-
terpretation algorithms are given in Section 3; semi-
automatic extraction of ontologies from texts is dis-
cussed in Section 4. In Section 5 we describe how
our framework will be used to integrate, analyze and
interpret data on Mount Bego. Related work and con-
cluding remarks are finally presented in Section 6.
The cultural relevance of the Mount Bego area calls
for immediate action for preservation. For this reason
the domain experts involved in this paper (H. de Lum-
ley himself and A. Traverso, an historian working at
DARFICLET, the Department of Archaeology, Clas-
sical Philology and their Traditions in the Christian,
Medieval and Humanistic Ages, University of Genoa)
welcomed the computer scientists’ proposal to com-
plement the techniques they usually adopt to preserve
the area with digital preservation and restoration tech-
Our long-term goal is the creation of a repository
which may eventually become a reference at Euro-
pean level as a repository for Bronze Age petroglyphs.
To this aim the repository needs to come with tools
that ease the integration of new data and allow anal-
ysis, comparison, interpretation and search on them.
Although here we only focus on Mount Bego, our ap-
proach is general enough to handle scenarios other
than Mount Bego. Just to make an example, many
demonstrate that there are strong similari-
ties between Mount Bego and Valcamonica’s petro-
glyphs. Hence, our approach should easily apply to
preserve and maintain in digital form Valcamonica’s
petroglyphs, in the same way as it applies to Mount
Bego’s ones, coherently with our long-term objective.
1 rtf/valca bego fr.pdf
In the current setting we have access to a database
managed by Adevrepam, whose data are the best can-
didates for starting to fill the European Bronze Age
petroglyphs repository. It is a PostgreSQL database,
equipped with the PostGIS module to manage ge-
ographical objects and accessed through the Py-
GreSQL module. It includes up to 45,000 among im-
ages, texts and cards obtained from reliefs in Mount
Bego area. Each carved rock has a unique identifier
number and precise GPS coordinates along with semi-
structured annotations about the petroglyphs.
Three aspects form the basis of our work:
1. Integration and Semantic Annotation. Our
main short-term goal is the integration of the Bicknell
legacy, which is the most valuable source of knowl-
edge on the petroglyphs that have been destroyed,
into the Adevrepam database. Bicknell did not limit
himself to faithfully depicting the petroglyphs, which
would have been a remarkable contribution itself, but
he also wrote semi-structured annotations, including
location, rough description of the represented subjects
and personal thoughts and interpretations. We remark
that even if the Bicknell legacy is relatively small,
a manual integration would be time-consuming and
error-prone, besides being not scalable to our long-
term goals. Therefore, we need to design a tool which
helps domain experts integrate the data in a semi-
automatic way. In this scenario duplicates are the ma-
jor issue; the Bicknell legacy, in fact, contains draw-
ings and annotations of petroglyphs which are already
in the Adevrepam database. If this is the case, the in-
tegration tool needs to recognize duplicates in order
to avoid the creation of two separate entries on the
same subject. Recognizing duplicates is not straight-
forward, especially in the field of rock art, where dif-
ferent petroglyphs may share more or less the same
patterns while being different. As far as semantic
annotation is concerned, we aim at creating seman-
tic relations among similar petroglyphs (that is those
sharing the same patterns) thus allowing successive
full and partial retrieval according to ontology-driven
metadata and visual content.
2. Analysis and Normalization. The new inte-
grated data must be checked against the existing ones
for coherence. We recall that Bicknell was not an
archaeologist and, even if the scientific community
agrees on the importance of his work, some inaccu-
racies are still possible in his drawings. Moreover, to
the best of our knowledge, an in-depth analysis and
assessment of his work has not been done before. To
this extent, we propose the exploitation of techniques
based on both image similarity and ontology-driven
metadata matching.
3. Interpretation and Semantic Enrichment.
Since giving an interpretation to petroglyphs is not
straightforward and two or more different interpre-
tations may coexist and complement each other, we
plan on developing a tool that helps domain experts
to assess their interpretations and theories. Petro-
glyphs are elementary drawings, with shapes that can
be found in many of them and so they are repeated.
Given a shape, different interpretations can be as-
signed to it. For example, a zigzag line is likely to
represent water (de Lumley and Echassoux, 2009), a
figure with two intersecting lines may represent a man
and so on. Therefore, the system we are going to im-
plement will be able to analyze all petroglyphs and,
using ad-hoc sketch interpretation techniques, to take
out all the “meaningful shapes” that occur frequently
and to propose them to the domain expert. A foreseen
usage scenario is that where the domain expert assigns
an interpretation to each shape and adds ontology-
driven metadata to that shape. Afterward, she can also
access the petroglyphs to check whether its interpreta-
tion fits in the depicted scene, and the system provides
suggestions of interpretations, thus being a real sup-
port for the experts. Moreover, the tool will also able
to check for frequent co-occurrences of two shapes
in the same petroglyph which may denote a possible
joint interpretation of the two shapes (that is the two
shapes have different interpretations if they occur in
the same petroglyph).
In the following sections we will describe the
technology we will use to implement these three
As it is well-known MASs are an optimal solution
when it comes to manage and organize data from mul-
tiple sources, which is the case in most Cultural Her-
itage applications such as ours. That is why we turned
to a MAS as a basis of our framework.
The architecture of our MAS will extend the one
discussed in (Casella et al., 2008) by adding spe-
cific classes of agents to it and enriching the sys-
tem with ontology-driven knowledge, thus extending
the communication interfaces with Semantic Web fa-
cilities. More specifically, the framework presented
in (Casella et al., 2008) serves as a basis for a multi-
domain sketch interpretation system, called AgentS-
ketch, that recognizes and interprets symbols and sim-
ple shapes. AgentSketch uses either on-line or off-line
interpretation of symbols; in the first case, the sys-
tem starts the interpretation process while the symbol
is being drawn, whereas in the latter the interpreta-
tion is carried out on a complete image. Sketch inter-
pretation is the linchpin to implement our framework,
as stated in Section 2 and AgentSketch works reason-
ably well on such tasks; therefore, we will use it while
adapting it to our specific case. In the following we
summarize the main features of Casella et al.s agent
framework (Section 3.1) and we show how we will
extend it (Section 3.2). How we will use it is the sub-
ject of Section 5.
3.1 The Agent Framework
The main novelty of the agent framework in (Casella
et al., 2008) over existing approaches is its flexibil-
ity, as it can be used in different contexts. Current
solutions (Kaiser et al., 2004; Juchmes et al., 2005;
Azar et al., 2006, just to cite some recent ones) either
borrow techniques from stroke recognition, therefore
limiting the set of symbols that can be recognized,
or restrict themselves to particular domains, or they
impose a-priori an usage mode (either on-line or off-
The agent framework (Fig. 1) is composed of four
kinds of agents:
Interface Agent (IA), that represents an interface be-
tween the agent-based framework and any input de-
vice used to draw a sketch. In the case of an online
interpretation, this may be a pen-based device.
Input Pre-Processing Agent (IPPA), that processes
the input received from the Interface Agent and
sends the obtained results to the Symbol Recogni-
tion Agents described below, using a format compli-
ant with the interpretation approach they apply.
Symbol Recognition Agents (SRAs), each one de-
voted to recognize a particular symbol of the do-
main by controlling one hand-drawn symbol recog-
nizer (HDSR). HDSR are not considered agents since
they are just passive providers of services within the
MAS. They must be programmed by the system de-
veloper in order to recognize the symbols of the
graphical language under consideration. SRAs may
collaborate with other SRAs in order to apply context
knowledge to the symbols they are recognizing, and
with the Sketch Interpretation Agent described below
that deals with the sketch interpretation activity. Of
course, we must assume that a professional with skills
on the computer science side specifies the patterns of
symbols of interest, by defining one hand-drawn sym-
bol recognizer for each of them. This activity is time
consuming and expensive, but the domain expert in-
volved in the activities described in this paper, namely
the end users of the designed MAS, believe that it
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: MAS architecture. Red components represent extensions to the original MAS architecture by Casella et al.. Red
lines identify new communication interfaces that will be developed to allow agents interact.
should be worth devoting time and resources to this
activity, given the benefits that they could gain from
Sketch Interpretation Agent (SIA) that provides the
correct interpretation either of the sketch drawn so far
(in case of an on-line drawing process) or of the entire
sketch (in case of an off-line interpretation process) to
the IA.
AgentSketch instantiates the general agent frame-
work architecture and has been exploited for recog-
nizing UML Use Case Diagrams in both on-line and
off-line modes. It is implemented on top of Jade (Bel-
lifemine et al., 2007).
3.2 Our Extensions
We are working at the extension of Casella et al.s
architecture by adding agents with new functional-
ities and by defining ad-hoc communication inter-
faces among the agents and the data layer (namely the
knowledge base, the multimedia DBs and the signa-
tures DB in Figure 1). We have designed two agent
types that will be added to the existing agent frame-
Classificator Agents (CA), that will use both the in-
terpretation of the sketch or image processed by the
SIA and additional information that may be attached
to the image itself (see Section 5.1) to classify the im-
age (or sketch) according to the ontologies defining
the MAS domain vocabulary.
Accuracy Agents (AA), that will exploit CBIR tech-
niques (Veltkamp and Tanase, 2002; Datta et al.,
2008; Shishir K. Shandilya, 2010) by extracting a
characterization (signature) of the images content
(given ad-hoc heuristics, possibly formalized in the
ontology), used for indexing and searching according
to visual content similarity. This activity will be per-
formed also for measuring the accuracy of Bicknell’s
drawings with respect to the more recent reliefs made
by de Lumley’s team.
The domain vocabulary of agents populating our
MAS is provided by a set of ontologies (stored in the
Ontology Knowledge Base, which we already started
to fill) that may be both developed by hand, or ex-
tracted in a semi-automatic way from existing infor-
mation sources (see Section 4).
The MAS described in Section 3 heavily relies on
the exploitation of ontologies for multimedia content
classification and retrieval. We developed an ontology
describing the petroglyphs found in Mount Bego (Pa-
paleo et al., 2010, Figure 3). Our ontology was manu-
ally built and is based on the results of the archaeolog-
ical reliefs of de Lumley and his team (de Lumley and
Echassoux, 2009). We remark that our aim is to inte-
grate in our repository new data as they are available
and this may require updating the ontology or creat-
ing new ones: it is self-evident that manual updates
take time and are error-prone. Therefore we designed
and implemented a Role Ontology Extractor tool that
Figure 2: A schema describing the communication between a Classificator Agent and the Interface Agent in our MAS. The
integration task will be performed under the supervision of the domain expert who, on the basis of the information provided
by the Classificator Agent on tags, can decide whether the content must be added as “new item” in the multimedia DB or as
an “update” of an existing entry.
semi-automatically generates concepts and relations
from texts, thus easing the process of creating new on-
tologies from scratch and/or updating existing ones.
The Role Ontology Extractor tool extracts from a tex-
tual document the most relevant concepts that may
be used in the MAS as well as relationships among
them and their generalized super-concepts (Bozzano
et al., 2010). The selection of meaningful relation-
ships among the ones output by the extractor must be
supervised by the domain expert: it is well known that
Word Sense Disambiguation (Agirre and Edmonds,
2006) that the extractor applies in order to give each
word its correct meaning within the context provided
by the text, is an AI-complete problem, and a software
tool can only support, but not substitute, the human
user. Once the selection of meaningful relationships
has been completed, the Role Ontology can be created
from them: concepts are mapped into OWL classes,
relationships among concepts are modeled as OWL
properties, and the taxonomic relationships between
concepts and their generalization is translated into the
OWL subClassOf relation. The Role Ontology gen-
erated in this way can be used inside the MAS as a
reference vocabulary among agents.
To show how the Role Ontology Extractor works,
we run it on the following sentence from (de Lum-
ley and Echassoux, 2009): These petroglyphs, [...]
,translate not just the daily preoccupations of these
populations who needed rain, sources and lakes in
order to fertilize their fields, but also their cosmo-
logical myths. At the center of these myths are the
bull god, brandishing lightning, master of the storm
and provider of fertilizing rain, and the high goddess,
mother goddess or goddess earth, who needs to be
fertilized herself by rain from the sky in order to bring
abundance to humans.
The extracted meaningful relationships are listed
below, and their ontological representation can be
found in (Papaleo et al., 2010, Figure 4).
Quality concept relationships
bull god ; pastoral population; agricultural
population; southern alps; ancient bronze age;
daily preoccupation; cosmological myth; high
goddess; mother goddess; goddess earth.
Concept action concept
bull brandish lightning; god brandish
lightning; population need rain; population
need source; population need lake; source
fertilize field; lake fertilize field; rain
bring abundance.
The selection of meaningful generalizations and
relationships from all those produced by the Role On-
tology Extractor has been made by hand. Once this
hand-made filtering stage has been completed, the
OWL ontology can be generated in an automatic way.
We are currently working at making the ontology
compliant to CIDOC-CRM, a high-level ontology
that enables information integration for Cultural
Heritage data (Doerr, 2003) which is also known
as standard ISO 21127:2006. The code of the Role
Ontology Extractor, developed by Michele Bozzano
as part of his Bachelor Thesis at the CS Department
of Genoa University, is available under GPLv2 license
roleExtractor.html). It was implemented using
SWI Prolog extended with the ProNTo Morph
library for natural language processing
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
This section shows how our framework will be used to
integrate new data into the Adevrepam database and
to retrieve content based on sketch interpretation.
5.1 Data Integration
Classificator Agents (CAs) are responsible for inte-
grating new data into the existing Adevrepam reposi-
tory while updating the knowledge base and keeping
the repository consistent. CAs work at the semantic
level of images (photographs of Bicknell’s drawings
like those shown in the right hand side of Figures 3
and 4, new photographs or sketches of Mount Bego
petroglyphs, as well as of petroglyphs dating back to
the same period, but discovered in other places) and
may take annotations from existing sources or specific
metadata attached to images into account. A CA is
activated when a new image is ready to be integrated.
The CA sends the image to the Interface Agent (IA)
responsible for the interpretation process. When the
Sketch Interpretation Agent (SIA) completes the in-
terpretation task, the IA sends the result back to the
CA that triggered the interaction. This result is a set
of concepts taken from the domain ontologies, stat-
ing the interpreted meaning of the set of recognized
symbols, and used to tag the image. If metadata or
annotations were attached to the image, the CA ex-
ploits them to provide an even more refined tagging,
by identifying those concepts in the ontologies clos-
est to the expected meaning of metadata. To carry out
this task we developed and experimented with success
an ontology matching algorithm that heavily exploits
natural language processing (Mascardi et al., 2009).
If the set of concepts that tags the image is iden-
tical to the set that tags another image already stored
in the database, the CA suggests to the user that the
image might refer to content already present in the
database and hence should not be considered as a new
entry but as an update of existing information. On the
other hand, if no similar tags are associated with any
entry, the CA suggests that the image should be added
as a new entry. Indeed, the CA must always interact
with the domain expert in order to correctly add new
content in the database. However, the CA provides
suggestions to the human user that lighten the burden
upon her.
After a decision has been made, the CA classi-
fies the image according to the ontology concepts that
tag it and stores it in the multimedia database with all
the necessary metadata. Figure 2 illustrates the set of
tasks and the communication among the agents in the
MAS and the user.
After the integration step, the framework must en-
sure that the new data are correct and coherent with
the existing data. In our specific case this means that
we assess the accuracy of the drawings of Clarence
Bicknell and to do so we need to compare his draw-
ings with the data already in the repository. To this
aim, the exploitation of techniques based on image
similarity measures have been explored. An Accuracy
Agent (AA) is activated by the user in order to estab-
lish if the selected image is part of one or more al-
ready existing classes of signatures (stored in the sig-
natures DB) or if a new similarity class must be deter-
mined. If necessary, the new signature class is created
and the signatures DB updated accordingly. Thus, in-
clusion, exclusion and intersection predicates are im-
plemented to ensure partial similarity measures and
ranking list of result answers. Once stored, the user
can ask to an Accuracy Agent the similarity measure
between two images. For example, it should make
sense to measure the similarity between the images
shown in Figure 3 and 4. Accuracy Agents operate
at the image level by running algorithms that compute
the similarity between images, without knowing noth-
ing of their meaning.
Figure 3: Petroglyph identified by id. ZIIGIR3: de Lumley
team’s relief (left; private collection owned by Adevrepam)
and Bicknell’s relief (right; private collection owned by
University of Genoa).
Figure 4: Petroglyph identified by id. ZVIIGIIR7: de
Lumley team’s relief (left; private collection owned by
Adevrepam) and Bicknell’s relief (right; private collection
owned by University of Genoa).
Figure 5: Petroglyphs of corniculates of the Mont Bego region. From de Lumley, H. and Echassoux, A. (2009).
The assessment of Bicknell’s drawings has never
been done and is very important for the preservation
of Mount Bego. Suppose that after this assessment we
find out that Bicknell’s drawings are accurate for ev-
ery figure but the horned one; this would imply that
we could digitally recreate all missing petroglyphs
with high accuracy, except for those representing the
horned figures.
5.2 Content-based Image Retrieval
Since Bicknell, the way archaeologists work today
has dramatically changed. Instead of botanical paper
sheets and pencil, they bring portable devices in their
excavation campaigns, often equipped with sketch-
based interfaces, as well as cameras and technical in-
struments for documenting with high precision their
discoveries. Consider the scenario where an archaeol-
ogist making excavations either in the Mount Bego re-
gion or in any region where similar petroglyphs have
been found (for example, the Valcamonica Valley
discovers a new petroglyph. She may wonder if sim-
ilar petroglyphs have been already recorded in the
“Bronze Age petroglyphs” repository. To this aim,
she may either take a picture of the petroglyph (Fig-
ure 6a) or draw a sketch by means of her PDAs sketch
based interface (Figure 6b).
In both cases, the agents devoted to sketch inter-
pretation may start their interpretation task (in on-line
mode if the archaeologist sketched the petroglyph, in
off-line mode otherwise) and discover that the pattern
of the sketch (or of the picture given in input) respects
the pattern of a known symbol, namely that of cor-
niculates, based on the results of previous campaigns
(Figure 5). The new sketches (or images) can be up-
loaded in the repository and structured according to
the semantic data provided (ontology-driven and vi-
sual) thus enriching the repository with new multime-
dia content and new knowledge.
A Sketch Interpretation Agent can be activated
also in the case in which a user wants simply to search
for content in the repository “similar” to an input data.
In this case, after the interpretation has taken place,
a Classification Agent must compare the tags result-
ing from the interpretation process with those tagging
content in the database, in the same way described in
Section 5.1.
The Classification Agent will return a ranked list
of multimedia content according to tag similarity cri-
teria that can be different depending on users’s needs
(which can be defined using specific ontology-driven
parameters). Also, users can decide to browse the
repository according to the structure of the knowl-
edge base, using specific ontology-driven paths and
constraints, similarly to the approach presented in
(Vrochidis et al., 2008).
Figure 6: Picture (from
merveilles/w musee merveilles/) and sketch of an petro-
As it is well known, a lot of research has been carried
out the wide context of Cultural Heritage, leading to
the development of many projects and tools. The most
notable example is the “Epoch” Network of Excel-
lence (, contract IST-2002-
507382) recently concluded, which aimed at pro-
viding a clear organizational and disciplinary frame-
work for increasing the effectiveness of work on the
interface between technology and the cultural her-
itage of human experience. The Epoch NoE col-
lected several tools for managing and organizing CH
multimedia content, as for example AMA (Archive
Mapper for Archaeology,,
a web tool for mapping archaeological datasets
to a CIDOC-CRM compliant format, or MAD
(Managing Archaeological Data, http://www.epoch-
id=216&Itemid=332) an application designed to
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
store, manage and browse structured and unstruc-
tured archaeological datasets encoded in a seman-
tic format. Other recent projects that shared sim-
ilar goals with the Epoch NoE are Europeana, and 3D COFORM,
Tools and expertise for 3D collection formation,
In (Vrochidis et al., 2008) a hybrid multimedia re-
trieval model is presented which provides a search en-
gine capable to perform similar tasks to those we pre-
sented in this paper, without explicit use of a MAS.
Within this wide scenario, our key application is
related to the preservation of Bronze age petroglyphs,
by also taking advantage of the incredible valuable
Bicknell’s collection; we aim, as our ultimate goal, at
designing a semantically annotated multimedia repos-
itory as a reference at European level as a thorough
database of Bronze Age petroglyphs, which would
be a definite contribution for domain experts, as rock
art sites are spread all over Europe. To this pur-
pose, we proposed a framework able to formalize the
knowledge related to the available multimedia content
through ontologies and to access and query the reposi-
tory by using ad-hoc sketch interpretation algorithms.
Besides the completion of the missing MAS compo-
nents, their integration in the MAS and a careful test-
ing, other future activities include, on the one hand
to interact with the actors of Epoch in order to under-
stand if our goal can be part of the more wide research
community and on the other hand, to compare our ap-
proach with the one in (Vrochidis et al., 2008) in or-
der to evaluate possible improvements. Finally, we
point out that our framework focuses on the manage-
ment, structuring and organization of multimedia con-
tent related to the Bronze Age but a lot of work could
be done also in the “presentation” of this content to
non-expert final users. We have already obtained pre-
liminary results (Ancona et al., 2010) on interactions
among 3D virtual worlds, living autonomous agents
and semantic enriched multimedia content. The inte-
gration of those achievements on the presentation side
within this framework will allow us to provide the
domain experts, but also the potential virtual tourists
and curious, with immersive experiences engaging on
both the educational and ludic sides.
Agirre, E. and Edmonds, P. (2006). Word Sense Disam-
biguation: Algorithms and Applications (Text, Speech
and Language Technology). Springer-Verlag.
Ancona, M., Mascardi, V., Quercini, G., Bogdanovych, A.,
de Lumley, H., Papaleo, L., Simoff, S., and Traverso,
A. (2010). Virtual institutions for preserving and sim-
ulating the culture of Mount Bego’s ancient people. In
VAST 2010.
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Boulanger, C. (2006). An Agent-based Multimodal
Interface for Sketch Interpretation. In MMSP-06.
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Developing Multi-Agent Systems with JADE (Wiley
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