store, manage and browse structured and unstruc-
tured archaeological datasets encoded in a seman-
tic format. Other recent projects that shared sim-
ilar goals with the Epoch NoE are Europeana,
http://www.europeana.eu/portal/ and 3D COFORM,
Tools and expertise for 3D collection formation,
In (Vrochidis et al., 2008) a hybrid multimedia re-
trieval model is presented which provides a search en-
gine capable to perform similar tasks to those we pre-
sented in this paper, without explicit use of a MAS.
Within this wide scenario, our key application is
related to the preservation of Bronze age petroglyphs,
by also taking advantage of the incredible valuable
Bicknell’s collection; we aim, as our ultimate goal, at
designing a semantically annotated multimedia repos-
itory as a reference at European level as a thorough
database of Bronze Age petroglyphs, which would
be a definite contribution for domain experts, as rock
art sites are spread all over Europe. To this pur-
pose, we proposed a framework able to formalize the
knowledge related to the available multimedia content
through ontologies and to access and query the reposi-
tory by using ad-hoc sketch interpretation algorithms.
Besides the completion of the missing MAS compo-
nents, their integration in the MAS and a careful test-
ing, other future activities include, on the one hand
to interact with the actors of Epoch in order to under-
stand if our goal can be part of the more wide research
community and on the other hand, to compare our ap-
proach with the one in (Vrochidis et al., 2008) in or-
der to evaluate possible improvements. Finally, we
point out that our framework focuses on the manage-
ment, structuring and organization of multimedia con-
tent related to the Bronze Age but a lot of work could
be done also in the “presentation” of this content to
non-expert final users. We have already obtained pre-
liminary results (Ancona et al., 2010) on interactions
among 3D virtual worlds, living autonomous agents
and semantic enriched multimedia content. The inte-
gration of those achievements on the presentation side
within this framework will allow us to provide the
domain experts, but also the potential virtual tourists
and curious, with immersive experiences engaging on
both the educational and ludic sides.
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