A Solution for Implementing Platform-independent Mobile Applications
Stefan Schäfer, Stefan Christmann
Application Systems and e-Business, University of Göttingen, Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5, Göttingen, Germany
Svenja Hagenhoff
Institute of Media Management, University of Applied Sciences St. Poelten, St. Poelten, Austria
Keywords: Widget, Mobile application, Platform-independency.
Abstract: The mobile internet is very heterogeneous at all levels - this is true for end devices as well as for operating
systems and runtime environments of mobile applications. Therefore all software providers face the
challenge of developing platform-independent applications and making them usable on a maximum number
of end devices. One possible way of doing this is provided by Widgets - small software programs with a
limited functional scope that are executed by a Widget-engine. This article looks at the state of development
of the most important W3C Widget-standards and analyses their prospects of success.
The mobile internet poses great challenges for
software providers as well as for customers, because
it is a strongly fragmented market with a multitude
of different producers of end devices and platforms
for the production and supply of software (Gartner,
2010; Admob, 2010, p.6). Customers who change to
a new device often find it difficult or even
impossible to use their former applications on the
new end device and to transfer their data. This is
also a problem for the producers of software, as they
have to provide a great variety of software for
different platforms in order to retain customers. This
leads to a high demand on development resources
and subsequently to increased software production
Solutions for this are projects like PhoneGAP or
Appcelerator, which translate web applications
written in (X)HTML, CSS and JavaScript into native
applications for mobile devices (PhoneGap, 2010).
J2ME Polish – as an alternative – is an open source
extension for Java Micro Edition (JavaME) which
makes it possible to design the user interface of
JavaME-based applications through CSS. It also
includes a database of devices providing an easy
way for developers to adapt applications to several
hundreds of mobile phone types (Müller & Reiprich,
2008, p.2). Both products are mainly solutions for
the existing variety of different platforms. W3C, on
the other hand, tries to counterbalance the great
variety of software development solutions by its
Widget-standard and to find platform-independent
solutions for applications with a low functional
scope in order to access a maximum number of end
Jaokar and Fish (2006, p.99) define a Widget as
a "downloadable, interactive software object that
provides a single service such as a map, news feed
etc". "Widget" is an artificial word combining
window and gadget. This goes back to the use of
Widgets in the MIT Athena Project, where a window
was associated with an object and called Widget
(McCormack, et al., 1989, p.4). The W3C defines
Widgets as applications executed on the client side,
but developed using web standards. Widgets are
usually downloaded and installed on an end device
where they run as independent applications. They
may also be integrated into web sites and accessed
through a web browser (Cáceres & Priestley, 2009).
Therefore, a great variety of runtime environments is
available. According to the W3C definition of
Widgets they may be called mobile applications if
they are executed independently on a mobile end
device or in a web browser. Such a runtime
environment is called a Widget-engine. It is software
that can execute small applications (Widgets) in
Schäfer S., Christmann S. and Hagenhoff S..
W3C WIDGETS - A Solution for Implementing Platform-independent Mobile Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0003196101150118
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 115-118
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
their context and present them to the user (Sachse,
2010, p.7).
In August 2006 W3C published a document called
Web Applications Packaging Format Requirements,
defining the requirements towards a uniform
packaging format for web applications (Cáceres,
2006a). This working group further specified the
requirements, leading to the final requirement
document Widgets 1.0 Requirements. Also the
elements for the execution of Widgets were
identified (cf. Figure 1).
Technologies such as XMLHttpRequest or
ECMAScript (also called JavaScript) are well-
established and need no further standardization in
the process of Widget-specifications. However, the
packaging format for Widgets, a uniform MIME-
type (media type), content and construction of the
configuration document, and an API for Widgets
need to be standardized. This Widget-API does not
aim at providing access for device-specific
functions, but only access to the Widget and its meta
data. Over time, different working groups were
established for the development of device-specific
In 2008 the Web Application Formats Working
Group of W3C was merged with the Web API
Working Group to form the Web Applications
Working Group. Its task is to further develop the
specifications on APIs and Widgets. This working
group has developed the following specifications on
Widgets, which can be regarded as the main content
of the standard (W3C, 2010).
Widget Packaging and Configuration (P&C):
This specification stipulates, among other things, the
structure of configuration files, the packaging, the
inner structure and the possibilities for the
internationalization of Widgets.
The Widget Interface (TWI): An API that
facilitates the access to metadata of the Widget such
as author or name in a simple way and provides a
DOM-method to access URLs within Widgets.
Widget Access Request Policy (WARP): WARP is
a safety model that regulates the access to network
resources through settings of the configuration file
and through providing methods that provide a wider
access of Widgets to network resources.
Digital Signatures for Widgets: This specification
describes how Widget packages may be digitally
signed using XML signature syntax in order to
guarantee the reliability of the Widget's source.
Widget URIs: This specifies the addresses through
which resources within Widgets may be identified
and accessed.
View Mode Media Feature: This Feature describes
how Widgets behave in certain views. As Widgets
are executed on a great variety of end devices, the
space available on the screen varies greatly. On the
other hand, they may be executed for example as
full-screen applications but also as minimized
applications taking only a small part of the screen.
Widget Updates: This specification describes the
update mechanism that is needed in order to
distribute new versions of Widgets to users.
When the requirements towards a Widget-standard
were stipulated, the existing Widget-landscape was
analyzed and a multitude of Widget-platforms was
identified (Cáceres, 2008). The existing implementa-
tions are described in the following chapter.
Figure 1: Required elements for running Widgets (cf. Cáceres 2008).
Meta data,
User Interface,
Packing Format &
Digital Signature
Media Typ
HTTP + URI + Unicode
XMLHttpRequest Widgets API
(images, sounds, etc.)
(X)HTML or proprietary XML
Widget User Agent
light blue areas require standardization
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
3.1 Implementations
Currently, implementation experiences are gathered
for the Widget specifications P&C, TWI and
WARP. For each implementation there is a number
of test cases and an implementation report (Cáceres,
et al., 2010). BONDI's Widget-engine was the first
to fulfill all test cases of the Widget-standard 100%.
Aplix Web Runtime and the Wookie-Project of
Apache were the next to fulfill the standard 100%
(W3C, 2009). Moreover, there are other
implementations with expanded functionalities.
Table 1 gives an overview.
BONDI is an initiative started by Open Mobile
Terminal Platform (OMTP) in 2008. OMTP is a
forum created by network providers with a total of
38 participants from phone producers to chip
providers and software/operating systems developers
(OMTP, 2010). BONDI is not an acronym but is
named after the Bondi Beach in Sydney. In addition
to implementing the Widget standard, BONDI
provides new interfaces to access the functions of
mobile phones. These are functions such as
localization, start of programs and access to the
address book in a secure manner. The platforms
currently supported include Windows Mobile,
Android, BREW, iOS, WebOS, BlackBerryOS and
Symbian. BONDI belongs to the mobile sector.
Aplix Web Runtime is a runtime environment for
Widgets for the systems Android (Google) and
Maemo (Nokia). It supports the JavaScript-APIs by
BONDI and JIL (Judge, 2010). Aplix Web Runtime
also belongs to the mobile sector.
Wookie is a server application providing an
opportunity to upload and provide Widgets. The
Wookie-project was supported by the IST-program
of the European Union as a part of the
TENCompetence project and was exclusively
developed by developers from the University of
Bolton. The Wookie-server is an application
developed in Java with a Widget-engine and other
plug-ins that can integrate Widgets into web
applications such as Wordpress or the course
management system Moodle (Wilson, et al., 2009).
Wookie is an implementation for web applications
that facilitates the embedding of Widgets into web
3.2 Dissemination and Acceptance
When the first document with requirements towards
Widgets was published, it triggered very mixed
reactions. They ranged from enthusiasm about the
possibility to write a single application and use it on
several platforms to doubts whether platform-
independent standards would be acceptable to total
rejection. In general, however, the first attempt at
overcoming the fragmentation in Widget-
development was favourably received (Cáceres,
2006b). Many of the important platforms for mobile
end devices appreciate and support the Widget-
standard, as shown by a great number of
implementations. However, there are not yet any
implementations for Apple devices. Besides the
Aplix Web Runtime, there is no other
implementation for the Android-platform. Very
probably, Aplix Web Runtime will not be available
as open source, but will be licensed to network
providers (Wilson, 2010). Provided a wider
acceptance and distribution of the Widget-standard,
Apple and Google may well yield to the public
pressure and develop more Widget-engines
implementing the W3C standard for Apple as well
as for Android platforms.
The clear advantage of W3C Widgets is that they are
platform-independent and therefore universally
applicable. They can be used as small desktop
applications, as mini-applications integrated into
web sites or as part of a Widget-engine running on
mobile end devices. Meanwhile, developers from
Table 1: Available Implementations of W3C Widget Standard.
Implementation Implementation of
Area Runtime Environment
BONDI 100% compatible Mobile E.g. Windows Mobile, Android, BREW, iOS, webOS,
Applix Web Runtime 100% compatible Mobile Android, Maemo.
Wookie 100% compatible Web Java-based operating systems,
web browsers.
Palette-Portal divergent/extended Web Web browsers; integrated into learning portal.
Opera divergent/extended Mobile
& Web
Stationary operating systems with Opera browser
starting from version 9.0, Windows Mobile, S60.
W3C WIDGETS - A Solution for Implementing Platform-independent Mobile Applications
many areas and companies are involved in the
development of the standard. One of the great
disadvantages of the Widget-standard is the lack of
device APIs. The Device APIs and Policy Working
Group is working on a specification, but there have
been no tangible results yet. Although Widgets are
supposed to be mini-applications with just a small
scope of functions, they have the disadvantage of not
including any code that is executable on the server
side and can therefore not generate dynamic content
without using JavaScript. This disadvantage can be
compensated partly by providing JavaScript within
the Widget-engine.
The implementation and use of the W3C
Widget-standard by major companies and consortia
is of vital importance for its success. Furthermore, a
generally accepted specification of device APIs is an
indispensable condition for the harmonization of
mobile applications. The markets for mobile
operating systems and browsers currently undergo
diverging developments. While in the area of
browsers, systems based on the rendering engine
WebKit develop into the dominant platform and
fragmentation is decreasing, in the area of operating
systems the publishing of a growing number of new
systems leads to more and more fragmentation in
this area. The lower level of fragmentation in the
browser area could promote a development trend
competing with W3C Widgets: the use of web
browsers as runtime environment. The new standard
HTML5 makes it possible to continue using web
applications offline using local SQL databases
(W3C, 2008). The future of the W3C Widget-
standard remains open. If it is consistently
developed and supported by the producers of
operating systems, it may become a runtime
environment for mobile applications to be reckoned
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Available at: http://metrics.admob.com/wp-
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McCormack, J., et al., 1989. X Toolkit: The Intrinsics &
Athena Widgets. Cambridge: Silicon Press.
Müller, N. & Reiprich, T., 2008. J2ME Polish (Online)
(Updated 25 February 2008) Available at:
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OMTP, 2010. Current Members (Online) Available at:
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PhoneGap, 2010. About PhoneGap (Online) Available at:
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W3C, 2010. PubStatus – WEBAPPS (Online) (Updated 21
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WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies