Customised Learning Paths
Ayodeji Adesina and Derek Molloy
School of Electronic Engineering, Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Republic of Ireland
Keywords: Customised learning paths, Competence-based assessment, Virtual learning environment, Business process
management, Learning workflow.
Abstract: Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) such as Moodle help facilitate the management of educational
courses for students, in particular by helping lecturers with course administration and students manage their
own learning. However, problems still remain; in particular, e-learning environments provide a “one size
fits all” approach to the learning process, where each student must follow the same learning path through
course materials, regardless of their prior knowledge, learning requirements or of possible learning
disabilities. This paper presents the development of an e-learning system based on Business Process
Management (BPM) concepts, principles and technologies, which are used by the enterprise business
community for managing workflow. The developed system allows for the creation of customised learning
paths through course materials in a blended pedagogical approach within a custom VLE.
e-Learning has in no doubt had a profound effect on
the way training and education is delivered. In
academia, e-learning is becoming vital for distance
education, and often seen as complementary to the
classroom environment, where it can help to
strengthen the traditional pedagogy. It has been
determined that different learners browsing and
studying the same e-learning materials will generally
show different learning behaviours according to
their personal characteristics (Chuang, H., and Shen,
C., 2008). This is because learners tend to meander
through different paths through learning content.
Although learners can learn to some degree
independently in an e-learning environment, they
have to determine “what to learn” and “where to go”
at each learning node/decision, often consuming
mental and physical efforts during learning that
causes cognitive overload and results in student
anxiety (Lin and Wu, 2007). Within the academic
environment, a Virtual Learning Environment
(VLE) (e.g. Blackboard, Moodle etc) is a software
system that allows for the implementation of e-
Learning. However, one of the limitations of
existing VLEs is that they provide a “one size fits
all” approach to the learning process through the
course materials, as each student must follow the
same learning path regardless of their prior
knowledge, learning requirements or of any learning
disability. This paper presents the design and
implementation of an e-learning system that allows:
a course writer to draw and configure using a
graphical interface the paths possible through course
materials; the course writer can see the statistical
progress of a learner versus other learners, or the
statistical progress of the entire cohort.
Within the literature it is widely recognised that an
important component of success in distance
education is related with the ability to customise the
learning process for the specific needs of a given
learner (Colace et al., 2005). In general context,
personalised learning is a potential approach to
meeting future educational needs and may provide
new alternatives that foster learning capacity among
individual learners (Bentley and Miller, 2004).
Jarvela (2006) states that personalisation of learning
has become imperative, where personalisation of
Adesina A. and Molloy D..
DOI: 10.5220/0003273203650368
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 365-368
ISBN: 978-989-8425-49-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
learning does not purely mean individualised
learning, nor is it the opposite of social learning, but
as an approach in educational policy and practice
whereby every student matters - equalising learning
opportunities in terms of learning skills and
motivation to learn.
Heller et al. (2006) give a definition that
“customised learning aims at tailoring the teaching
to individual need, interest and aptitude so as to
ensure that every learner achieves and reaches the
highest standards possible.” The decision to find
alternative paths for learners raises a fundamental
question as to whether the same expected learning
outcome can be achieved by learners following
personalised learning paths, supplemented with
contingent teaching, where the lecturer does not
have a fixed linear "script" but rather a diagnostic
branching tree where audience responses to early
questions determine what is performed next (Draper,
2004). Wolf (1995) also advocated this approach
through Competence-Based Assessment and define
it as: “A form of assessment that is derived from a
specification of a set of outcomes; that so clearly
states both the outcomes - general and specific - that
assessors, students and interested third parties can
all make reasonably objective judgements with
respect to student achievement or non-achievement
of these outcomes; and that certifies student
progress on the basis of demonstrated achievement
of these outcomes”. This definition encapsulates the
important components of competence-based
assessment; emphasis on outcomes; specifically,
multiple outcomes, each distinctive and separately
considered. For creating personalised learning paths
and efficiently uncovering the knowledge or
competence level of a learner, prerequisite structures
on LOs and assessment problems, or on skills
underlying those entities, are extremely useful
(Steiner and Albert, 2008). Heller et al. stated that
among the benefits of a personalised learning
environment is the fact that the time taken to learn is
reduced, and that learner’s retention is improved.
3.1 Business Process Management
BPM refers to: aligning processes with the organisa-
tion’s strategic goals; designing and implementing
process architectures; establishing process
measurement systems that are aligned with
organisational goals; and, educating and organising
managers to manage processes effectively (Bosilj-
Vuksic et al., 2005). It ensures continued
improvement of business performance by managing
the processes and their components: organisational
structure, policies, business rules, regulations,
human resources, and ICT. BPM refers to: aligning
processes with the organisation’s strategic goals;
designing and implementing process architectures;
establishing process measurement systems that are
aligned with organisational goals; and, educating
and organising managers to manage processes
effectively (Bosilj-Vuksic et al., 2005). It ensures
continued improvement of business performance by
managing the processes and their components:
organisational structure, policies, business rules,
regulations, human resources, and ICT.
Figure 1 illustrates the lifecycle of a BPM system
right from the inception of a business concept. A
business concept is: modelled in a business
modeller; implemented and deployed in a business
run-time engine; monitored in a business monitoring
activity system (e.g. dashboard); and,
analysis/optimisation is performed based on
feedback for continuous improvements.
Figure 1: End-to-end life cycle of BPM.
The purpose of exploring BPM is to manage
learning processes in an automated manner and to
ingrain customised learning paths within a learning
process workflow model. Therefore, a BPM-based
VLE solution is a software system that uses BPM
concepts and technologies to enable the full learning
process to be defined in a computer language,
thereby, allowing possible multiple learning paths.
3.2 Design of Customised Learning
The paper focuses on the design and implementation
of customised learning paths in a learning process
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
through course materials using the following BPM
Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN).
BPMN is a core enabler of BPM. It is a standardised
graphical notation for drawing/modelling business
processes in a workflow system. BPMN elements
are made up of simple diagrams that use a small set
of graphical elements. Figure 2 shows the core sets
of BPMN elements, which fall into four categories:
1) Flow objects: These include event (i.e. start, end
and intermediate events) activity (i.e. task) and
gateway (i.e. a diamond shape and will determine
different decisions). 2) Connection objects: This
allows flow objects to be connected together. 3)
Swimlanes: These serve as a mechanism to organise
activities and responsibilities on a process diagram.
4) Artifacts: These allow developers to bring some
more information into the model/diagram. In this
way the model/diagram becomes more readable.
Figure 2: Core set of BPMN elements.
In our BPM-based VLE, BPMN is used to model
learning processes/activities. The course writer is
able to draw out the mode and extent of a workflow
that enables adaptive customised learning paths
through the course materials.
Java Process Definition Language (JPDL). BMPN
is not executable; therefore, it needs to be converted
into a computer executable language. JPDL is a
JBoss process orchestration language that is
executable in a workflow engine. It is an intuitive
process language that expresses business processes
both in graphical and XML form. To bind tasks
together, jPDL has an extensible control flow
mechanism. The BPMN model designed by the
course writer is converted into a JPDL. The
generated JPDL is an XML that can be deployed
into workflow engine and access by any BPM client.
Figure 3 shows a screen grab of our BPM-based
VLE implementation (all web-based). The figure
shows the learning interface for students and a
monitoring interface that allows the lecturer to view
learners' progress. The system uses information
collected during introductory tests to ascertain that a
learner meets any prerequisites. Also, during the
learning process, as the learner begins to navigate
through each topic, the system is able to infer
learner’s knowledge using the results from the
learner’s competence-based assessment (mastery
level) on a specific topic; this inference is a basis for
building the individual learning path for each
learner. The implementation of a customised
learning path in a learning process within the system
encompasses an approach where a general LO is the
ultimate goal but individual learner’s learning
behaviour within a learning process determines the
learning path in achieving the desired LO.
Figure 3: Student/lecturer BPM-based VLE web interface.
4.1 Implementation and Deployment
of Customised Learning Path
Using the basic BPMN elements mentioned
previously, an example customised learning path is
modelled in BPMN as shown in Figure 5. The swim
lanes in the overall diagram represent the activities
and responsibilities between learner and lecturer.
Learning through each topic in the course material is
modelled as task lists that need to be fulfilled by a
learner. Competence-based assessment in this
example is modelled as a simple question to test a
learner’s competency on particular topics. The JPDL
version of our modelled customised learning path is
deployed in JBoss JBPM runtime engine.
- Customised Learning Paths
4.2 Monitoring Instance of a Learning
Path on a Dashboard Console
Dashboard provides real-time alerts based on
business metrics when business processes are in
need of intervention. In our current implementation,
the major benefit of this added functionality is for
the detection of lack of progression (of the
individual or cohort). The course writer can act in
real-time using the monitored data, rather than
detecting problems at semester-end/major
Figure 5: BPMN diagram of a customised learning
Figure 6: Learning path of a struggling learner captured,
monitored and given support by lecturer (Path followed in
The chain of the deployed learning process can
be viewed by the lecturer within a BPM dashboard
as shown in Figure 5 (if no learning process is
invoked). Figure 6 captures the learning footprint of
a learner’s learning path that is struggling through
the course note and needs supports.
In this paper we have presented a software
framework and prototype system implementation
that uses BPM technology to allow course writers to
define and model customised learning workflows,
which can contain multiple learning paths. The
drawback and disadvantage of our BPM approach
lies in its complexity. However, as the open source
BPM frameworks, on which we rely, are only
beginning to gain traction we expect the level of
complexity to reduce over time through the addition
of more assistive and visual design tools.
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CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education