A Survey Focusing on User Dynamism Representation
ul Pe
Computer Engineering Department (DISCA), Polytechnic University of Valencia, Cam
ı de Vera s/n, Valencia, Spain
Julio Sahuquillo, Jos
e A. Gil, Ana Pont
Computer Engineering Department (DISCA), Polytechnic University of Valencia, Cam
ı de Vera s/n, Valencia, Spain
Web performance evaluation, Dynamic users’ navigation, Dynamic contents, Modeling dynamic workload.
The evolution of the World Wide Web from hypermedia information repositories to hypermedia distributed
applications and services oriented architectures (SOA) has introduced new features in the current and incoming
web. An important feature is the dynamism of its contents and services, which induces the dynamism of
the client behavior. This feature represents a major constrain when modeling and generating current web
In this paper, we first review the state of the art for web workload generation, focusing on the approach based
on workload models. After that, we analyze a representative subset of the state of the art workload generators
that use workload models, concentrating on those model characteristics that represent dynamism in the work-
load generation. The study reveals that five generators present some capabilities to reproduce this dynamism,
but only the GUERNICA approach improves the dynamic workload generation by using users’ behavior mod-
els. Finally, we discuss GUERNICA and describe how it generates dynamic workload by addressing both user
behavior and workload distribution.
As a consequence of the recent and incessant changes
in web technology, new types of hypermedia dis-
tributed applications, hereafter web applications, and
distributed services have become more frequent and
familiar to web users. For instance, e-commerce,
on-line booking systems, on-line auction systems,
Google Mashups and Amazon Web Services are only
few examples that manifest how web sites are evolv-
ing from hypermedia information repositories to hy-
permedia distributed applications and distributed ser-
vices. Due to the increase and popularity of these ap-
plications and services, typical of the Web 2.0, dy-
namic contents and services are becoming more and
more frequent, suggesting the review of widely ac-
cepted paradigms and models. The Web 2.0 technol-
ogy involves important changes in the web site ar-
chitecture (Treese, 2006), for instance, AJAX, flash,
tagging, social network, or services oriented architec-
tures (SOA) (Erl, 2005). These changes are more rel-
evant and meaningful in the recently incoming Web,
also refereed to as Future Internet (Tselentis, 2009).
This evolution also implies significant changes in web
users’ behavior (O’Reilly, 2005) because new appli-
cations promote a dynamic navigation, providing an
experience much closer to desktop applications than
the traditional static web pages, e.g., syndication of
website content or web information systems (Houben
et al., 2004).
As any system that is continuously changing, both
in the offered applications and in its infrastructure,
performance studies are important to evaluate novel
proposals when designing new web-related systems,
such as services oriented architectures, web servers,
or proxy policies. These studies require from the use
of an accurate and representative workload models in
order to guarantee the representativeness and valid-
ness of the results.
In the case of the Web, an appropriate web work-
load model is a major concern in order to reproduce
client workloads. These models can be used to eval-
uate the system performance and to test applications
and services since they reproduce the behavior of their
Peña-Ortiz R., Sahuquillo J., A. Gil J. and Pont A..
WEB WORKLOAD GENERATORS - A Survey Focusing on User Dynamism Representation.
DOI: 10.5220/0003274801190126
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 119-126
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
potential clients. In this context, a web workload
model should reproduce the HTTP requests that a real
web server typically receives in daily working ses-
Nevertheless, the implicit dynamism in users’ be-
havior and in the generation of web content makes
hard to design accurate web workload models that
represent users’ navigations. On the one hand, users
require customized information and advanced ser-
vices from web applications. This requirement im-
plies that the contents are dynamically generated from
different data sources. On the other hand, along a
typical navigation, users use to select pages to visit
depending on the previously visited ones, and particu-
larly on their contents or characteristics such as the re-
sponse time. Thus, the dynamism in the content gen-
eration implies that the users’ navigation may differ
depending on the contents generated by the web ap-
plication during a given period of time. In summary,
the dynamic content introduces dynamism in users’
navigation, that is, it produces dynamic users’ behav-
ior. For example, a high percentage of users’ naviga-
tion sessions begins searching a dynamic resource in
a specialized site and then it continues visiting one or
more sites, depending on the results of the previous
In general, the main challenges when modeling
web workloads are: i) how to model users’ dynamism,
ii) how to represent the different roles that users play
in the web, and iii) how to model continuous changes
in users’ behavior (Weinreich et al., 2006).
In a previous work (Pe
na-Ortiz et al., 2005) we
proposed the GUERNICA approach to model the dy-
namism of the web workload based on users’ behav-
ior models. This paper extends that work in sev-
eral ways. First, we review the state of art on web
workload generators, software products that are de-
signed and implemented to generate web workload,
and classify them in three main groups according to
their capability to generate web workload and/or to
model the users’ dynamic behavior. Second, we com-
pare GUERNICA to other web workload generators.
The study reveals that five web workload generators
present some capabilities to reproduce this dynamism,
but only our approach improves the dynamic work-
load generation by using users’ behavior models.
The remaining of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 reviews, analyzes and classifies a rep-
resentative subset of workload generators. Section 3
summarizes highlights some GUERNICA character-
istics. Finally, Section 4 presents some concluding
Dynamic web applications and services have induced
continuous changes in users’ navigation patterns, thus
making it difficult to characterize the web workload.
Currently, we can reproduce the client behavior by
using either traces or workload models. Traces log the
sequence of HTTP requests and commands received
by a web application or a web server during a certain
period of time and under specific conditions. There-
fore, traces are obtained in a particular environment
(e.g., server process speed or network bandwidth) for
a specific application. This means that if any system
parameter changes (e.g., new contents in a news por-
tal), the resulting trace might differ. Therefore, the
main concern in trace-based study is the representa-
tiveness potentially achieved, especially when the re-
quests received by a given web server exhibit a high
variability because they only reproduce a subset of
their clients. Consequently, these models are not ap-
propriate to model changes in the client behavior.
On the other hand, parameterizable workload
models are abstractions of the real workload that
hide those characteristics not relevant for a particular
study. Unlike the previous models, this kind of mod-
els is accurate enough when reproducing the client
behavior or when evaluating the performance of web
applications. Parameterizable workload models gen-
erate sequences of HTTP requests similar to the real
sequences and different scenarios can be configured
by properly setting the corresponding parameters.
The representation of the dynamic users’ behavior
has been addressed in some web workload characteri-
zation studies when defining dynamic web site bench-
marks (Amza et al., 2002) or when studying the per-
formance and scalability of the technology used to de-
velop dynamic sites (Cecchet et al., 2002). However,
user dynamism is complex by nature, and current re-
sults are still far from being precise and satisfactory.
Therefore, more research efforts must be done in this
direction in order to provide more accurate tools to
model and evaluate web performance. In this sense,
the Customer Behavior Model Graph (Menasc
e and
Almeida, 2000) was introduced to be used as input to
a workload model of an e-business site.
Workload models are the basics of workload gen-
erators. They are software products designed and
implemented to generate HTTP requests. They are
flexible tools useful to address tuning or capacity
planning studies but, unfortunately, current genera-
tors only represent the users’ dynamic behavior in a
partial way; for instance, they cannot represent user
navigation changes as a response to the quality of the
content, the quality of its generation, or the character-
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
istics of the last visited pages.
Comparing workload generators is a laborious and
difficult task since they offer a large amount and diver-
sity of features. In this paper we compare generators
according to a wide set of features and capabilities.
Below, the twelve features and capabilities used are
defined to ease the understanding of the comparison
Distributed Architecture. It refers to the ca-
pability to distribute the processes of generation
among the different nodes. The distribution of
the workload generation significantly helps to im-
prove the workload accuracy.
Mathematical-based Architecture. This fea-
ture represents the capability to use mathemati-
cal models to define the workload. These models
allow to improve the workload quality by using
them as workload parameters (e.g., users’ behav-
ior models or simulation architectures.)
Business-based Architecture. This refers to
the capability to model web application busi-
ness logic. When defining a testing environment,
the architecture simulator should implement the
same features as the real environment (e.g., e-
commerce architectures typically include a cata-
log, a product searcher, or a payment gateway).
Client Parametrization. This is the ability to
parameterize generators nodes (e.g., number of
users, allowed navigations set, or changes be-
tween navigations). In general, web dynamism
highlights the need for a workload characteriza-
tion based on parameters, and specially the related
user behavior.
Workload Types. Some generators organize the
workload in categories or types, each one mod-
eling a given user profile (e.g., searcher or buyer
user profiles).
Modeling of the Web Application Business
Logic (Business Test). This capability permits to
define functional tests related to a real web appli-
cation. These tests allow to guarantee the appli-
cation correctness (i.e., the application provides
the defined functionality, which fulfills the qual-
ity and assurance requirements).
Multiplatform. Is referred to a computer soft-
ware that are implemented and inter-operate on
multiple computer platforms.
Differences between LAN and WAN. Simula-
tions usually run in LAN environments, and most
of the current simulators cannot model differences
between LAN and WAN, where applications are
usually located.
Ease of Use. The generator should be a
friendly application carrying out usability guide-
lines, mainly in commercial products.
Performance Reports. The results elaborated by
the generation process are usually presented by
using graphical plots.
Open Source. This feature allows the develop-
ers’ community to develop extensions or different
generation alternatives over the generator archi-
Dynamic Workload. This is the main feature we
are interested in, because the dynamism in con-
tents and users is the most relevant characteristic
in the current web.
Table 1 summarizes the studied software packages
used to generate web workload as well as the grade
(full or partial) in which they fulfill the features de-
scribed above. By nature, this software can be classi-
fied in benchmarks and generators. In this paper, the
latter group is broken down according to the genera-
tor offers capabilities to model the dynamic workload
or not. In other words, as observed in Table 1, three
main groups have been identified as discussed below.
Group I: Benchmarks that model the client and
server paradigm in web context, but they do not
consider dynamism in web workload generation.
Webstone was designed by Silicon Graphics in
1996 and it is currently commercialized as a
Mindcraft product. It bases its operation on units
of execution located on the client. These units
simulate the clients’ behavior when accessing web
resources. These units can run on several ma-
chines in order to generate requests to the server
resources, which can be classified in different cat-
egories according to their size.
SPECweb99 was designed to measure the perfor-
mance of systems offering services in the web.
This generator, commercialized by SPEC, gener-
ates both static and dynamic requests. The work-
load is distributed among several clients, which
are managed by a central client that collects data
from the other ones. The clients generate requests
according to certain categories that are defined af-
ter studying different web applications. In addi-
tion, clients verify the result of each request. This
generator evaluates the architectural performance
in order to provide a generic profile of web appli-
SURGE was developed by Barford and Crovella
(Barford and Crovella, 1997) with the goal of
measuring the server behavior while varying the
user load. The generator performs an analytical
WEB WORKLOAD GENERATORS - A Survey Focusing on User Dynamism Representation
Table 1: Workload generators and grade in which features are fulfilled.
Mathematical-based arch. N
Dsitributed architecture
Business-based arch. N N N N N
Client parametrization N N
Workload types
Business test N
Multiplatform N N
Ease of use
Performance reports
Open source N
Dynamic workload N N N N
Group I Group II Group III
Full support N Partial support
characterization of the user load and a set of math-
ematical models that generate the HTTP requests
in the server.
Web Polygraph was developed at the California
University (Rousskov et al., 1999) and it is a
workload generator based on mathematical mod-
els which simulates both the client and the server.
It also allows to introduce real components in-
stead of mathematical models.
Group II: Workload generators that reproduce
web clients behavior without considering dy-
S-Clients was developed by Banga and Druschel
(Banga and Druschel, 1999). It generates load
sporadic tips to improve the benefits provided by
the server. S-Clients splits the process of gener-
ating traced HTTP requests in two subprocesses:
one for obtaining the connection and the other for
recovering the content, so enabling a relative par-
Webjamma was developed by Virginia Tech’s Net-
work Research Group. It is aimed at serving as a
baseline for developing a future generator. This
generator works in a simple way by taking a URL
file that provides the source of the HTTP requests
to be generated, so it cannot represent dynamic
users’ behavior. To this end, it uses a multipro-
cessing architecture based on generation nodes.
Deluge was developed by Thrown Clear Produc-
tions. It is a basic and open source solution that
includes three main components: i) dlg proxy
records HTTP requests, ii) dlg attack gener-
ates workload by reproducing recorded users’ re-
quests, so it does not allow dynamic HTTP re-
quests generation, and iii) dlg eval elaborates
statistics from the generated results.
Scripts and tools, which are usually basic and
open source approaches, only allow to capture
HTTP requests and to reproduce them for stress-
ing purposes; e.g., HAMMERHEAD, PTESTER,
Group III: Generators that model web workload
considering the dynamism.
TPC-W (Smith, 2000) was defined by TPC. It
is oriented to e-commerce web transactions, pro-
viding both models of business-client (B2C) and
business-business (B2B). It is aimed at evaluating
performance of architecture on a generic profile
of web applications. It examines real features of
e-commerce applications: security, catalog, etc.
The application profile is configured by choosing
the desired features, so allowing to represent dif-
ferent user behaviors. TPC-W partially models
dynamic users’ behavior by means of these users’
Webload (RadView Software, 2003) is web work-
load generator commercialized by RadView. It
is oriented to explore the performance of criti-
cal applications, quantifying resource usage in the
server. Webload is aimed at evaluating the cor-
rectness of a given application (testing). This gen-
erator includes two main modules: the first mod-
ule is on the client side and enables it to execute
request agendas (navigation scripts) on the server
side; the second module is on the server side and
estimates performance gains. Webload presents
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
some capability to model users’ behavior by us-
ing agendas.
MERCURY LoadRunner is a software, commer-
cialized by Mercury, for functional and perfor-
mance web testing. It generates the specific work-
load of a web application by simulating the con-
current navigations of a typical users set. The gen-
erator supports the recording of the navigation and
the definition of users’ families to generate web
workload. The software also includes a versatile
module that permits the graphic representation of
the representation. LoadRunner allows to define
users’ navigations and partially dynamic users’
behavior by using Javascript language to define
these navigations.
JMeter is a solution for generating workload and
evaluating web server performance presented by
Apache Project. It is written entirely in Java and
provides an easily configurable and visual API,
evaluating the performance of client side web ap-
plications. It presents partial capability to model
dynamic workload by defining a navigation test
based on patterns (e.g., regular expressions).
GUERNICA is a web workload generator de-
signed to generate dynamic workload by model-
ing dynamic users’ behavior. In addition, its de-
sign and implementation is intended to achieve a
solid baseline generator as a first step to support
future improvements and extensions with the aim
of becoming a commercial product.
Most of the presented generators do not model dy-
namic workload because: i) they are simulation ap-
proaches that do not reproduce real workload (e.g.,
Webstone or Web Polygraph), ii) they are based on
HTTP traces (e.g.,Webjama, S-Clients or the scripts
and tools solutions) or iii) they are based on workload
models that do not consider dynamism as a parameter
(e.g., SPECWeb99 or SURGE).
In summary, we can conclude that only five of the
studied approaches (i.e., Webload, TPC-W, JMeter,
Mercury and GUERNICA) present some capability
to model users’ dynamic behavior and to generate dy-
namic workload, but only GUERNICA presents fully
capability. This generator totally supports seven of
the twelve described features and partially supports
the remaining ones.
GUERNICA (Universal Generator of Dynamic Work-
load under Web Platforms) is a workload generator
based on the Dweb model (Pe
na-Ortiz et al., 2009),
a recent workload model able to characterize the web
dynamism in an accurate way. Three main concepts
allow Dweb to deal with dynamic workload: naviga-
tion, workload test, and workload distribution. The
two former permit to characterize the workload dy-
namism by means of web users’ behavior models.
The latter concept allows to improve the workload ac-
curacy by distributing its generation among different
Its design is the result of the cooperation among
the Web Performance Research Group (Polytechnic
University of Valencia), Intelligent Software Compo-
nents and the Instituto Tecnol
ogico de Inform
thereby, bridging the gap between academia and in-
GUERNICA applications and Dweb model con-
cepts permit to carry out the workload test process by
considering different levels of dynamism in users’ be-
havior when characterizing web workload. This pro-
cess consists of four main phases (see Figure 1) de-
tailed below.
1. Navigation Definition. This phase defines the
first level of dynamism by modeling the users’ dy-
namism when interacting with the dynamic web
contents (typical of dynamic web). For instance,
when a user runs a web searcher to make a query,
he or she usually continues visiting one or more
sites determined by the search outcome. If the
query is successfully resolved (i.e., a list of re-
sults is obtained), it is likely that the user will ei-
ther i) visit the first site of the list, or ii) refine the
search. On the other hand, if the response time is
too longer, the query might be canceled. In other
words, each user request depends not only on the
response itself but also on other issues related to
the quality of service (e.g., response time length
or content amount).
Owing to dynamic web contents, the users’ dy-
namism is modeled by using the navigation con-
cept. Figure 2 shows the navigation tree corre-
sponding to a Google search navigation.
Two main parts can be distinguished in the navi-
(1) The upper part of the diagram (before reaching
branch b1) shows the two ways in which the
search can be initiated:
a. On the left side, the user makes use of a search
toolbar of a web browser (e.g., Google tool-
bar for Mozilla Firefox) to make the query di-
b. On the right side of the figure, the user
reaches branch b1 after the Google.HOME
node, where the user requests the main page
(http://www.google.com) to web searcher en-
gine. After that, she or he waits for a while
WEB WORKLOAD GENERATORS - A Survey Focusing on User Dynamism Representation
Figure 1: Testing phases in GUERNICA.
(time referred to as the user thinking time) and
then the user makes the query.
(2) In the below side of the diagram, the user ana-
lyzes the results:
a. If the web search engine provides results (path
from b1 to b2) the user analyzes them. After
that, she or he can refine the results by making
a new query, refined query in the figure (path
from b2 to b1), or access the top n sites pro-
vided and finish the navigation (path from b2
to black dot through X TH RESULTS.HOME
b. On the contrary, that is, if no results are pro-
vided (path from b1 to b3), the user can make
a new query, other query in the figure (path
from b3 to b1), or finish the process (path from
b3 to black dot).
no et al., 2005) is a Mozilla plu-
gin that helps GUERNICA to define users’ nav-
igations. It captures real users’ navigations that
GUERNICA converts to its internal representa-
2. Performance Test Definition and Execution
Configuration. It defines the workload of the tar-
get site by using the workload test and workload
distribution concepts.
Workload test concept allows to define the second
level of dynamism. This level is related to the
roles that users play in the web and the continuous
changes of these roles defining users’ behaviors.
For example, assume people at the Import and Ex-
port Department in a typical multinational com-
pany that use to access the web during their job.
Assume also that the company has got a web
(intranet) which allows web access. Most
of the time, workers use Internet for professional
purposes (e.g., intranet navigations, suppliers sites
navigations, or professional web searches), but
sometimes they use the web for leisure purposes
(e.g., reading the news with Google Reader, per-
forming personal searches, or checking the mail).
So we can distinguish between two roles when a
department member navigates the web: working
behavior (professional navigations), and leisure
behavior (personal navigations).
The Dweb model uses the workload test concept
to model user behaviors and changes between be-
haviors. Figure 3 defines the working and leisure
behaviors of the example, and the likelihood to
change between behaviors by using balanced arcs
(the arc weight is the probability to change from
the source behavior to the destination behavior).
These behaviors are defined as automatons, where
their nodes represent navigations, and their bal-
anced arcs indicate the transitions between nav-
igations (the arc weight indicates the probability
to take that arc).
Finally, Workload distribution concept allows to
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an application
used by large organizations to manage inventory, resources,
and business processes across departments.
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 2: Google Search navigation pattern.
improve the workload accuracy by distributing its
generation among different machines.
3. Tests Execution. This phase executes workload
tests gathering performance statistics. The plan-
ner application controls and plans the workload
test. The probe client application is aimed at eval-
uating from the point of view of a typical user
(e.g., response time or application correctness) the
major functionalities of a given web application,
while it is stressed by the workload generators.
Results collected by generators and probe clients
are given to the planner, which groups, classifies
and reaches a consensus among them in order to
obtain an uniform set of results.
4. Results Analysis. Finally, GUERNICA analyzes
the performance of the system under test and rep-
resents the performance indexes by using graphi-
cal plots. Regarding 3D representation, it repre-
sents the results in an external format based on
an ontology that SemViz (Bl
azquez et al., 2008)
(implemented as an applet) can read and display
graphically. SemViz visualizes knowledge based
on ontologies by using 3D technology.
Due to the increase in the number and popularity of
web applications and distributed services such as e-
commerce, social networks or Amazon Web Services,
dynamic contents are becoming more and more fre-
quent. For example, Web 2.0 applications mainly fo-
cus on users who are the potential clients by provid-
ing them an experience closer to desktop applications.
One of the most important mechanisms to achieve this
goal is the dynamism present in the web content (e.g.,
personalized contents or publicity), which induces the
dynamism of users’ behavior in the current web. This
feature is the main shortcoming when modeling and
generating real web workload.
In this paper we have analyzed the characteristics
of a representative subset of the state of the art work-
load generators, focusing on the capability to repre-
sent user dynamism in the current and incoming web.
We found five workload generators that present some
capability to represent workload dynamism although
only GUERNICA allows to fully represent this dy-
namism. With the aim of illustrating how this fact has
been achieved, we described the workload test pro-
cess used in the generator side to address both user
WEB WORKLOAD GENERATORS - A Survey Focusing on User Dynamism Representation
Figure 3: Working and leisure behaviors workload test.
dynamic behavior and workload distribution.
This work has been partially supported by the Spanish
Government Grant (CICYT TIC2001-1374-C03-02
and FIT-340000-2004-236), Spanish Ministry of Edu-
cation and Science and the European Investment Fund
for Regional Development Grant (TSI 2005-07876-
C03-01) and IMPIVA Grant (IMIDTD/2004/92,
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