Assessing the Quality of the Portal of Open Source Software Products
Gabriele Basilico, Luigi Lavazza, Sandro Morasca, Davide Taibi and Davide Tosi
Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Via Ravasi, 2, 21100 Varese, Italy
Keywords: Open source software, Trustworthiness, Quality perception, Certification/assessment models.
Abstract: Open Source Software (OSS) communities do not often invest in marketing strategies to promote their
products in a competitive way. Even the home pages of the web portals of well-known OSS products show
technicalities and details that are not relevant for a fast and effective evaluation of the product’s qualities.
So, final users and even developers, who are interested in evaluating and potentially adopting an OSS
product, are often negatively impressed by the quality perception they have from the web portal of the
product and turn to proprietary software solutions or fail to adopt OSS that may be useful in their activities.
In this paper, we define an evaluation model and we derive a checklist that OSS developers and web masters
can use to design their web portals with all the contents that are expected to be of interest for OSS final
users. We exemplify the use of the model by applying it to the Apache Tomcat web portal and we apply the
model to 22 well-known OSS portals.
The usage of Open Source Software (OSS) has been
continuously increasing in the last few years, mostly
because of the success of a number of well-known
However, the diffusion of OSS products is still
limited if compared to the diffusion of Closed
Source Software products. There is still reluctance to
massive adoption of OSS mainly due to two reasons:
(1) lack of trust, as final users are often skeptical in
trusting and adopting software products that are
typically developed for free by communities of
volunteer developers that are not supported by large
business companies; (2) lack of marketing strategies,
as OSS developers often do not pay attention to
marketing, commercial and advertising aspects
because these activities require a huge amount of
effort and are not very gratifying. OSS developers
are more focused on and interested in developing
competitive software products than creating a
commercial network that can support the diffusion
of their products. Thus, OSS products may not have
the success and the recognition that they should
Instead, as a mark of quality, commercial
software and software producers may claim
adherence to well-known standards, such as
ISO9001 (ISO, 2008). Such product and process
certifications require detailed documentation and
clearly defined organizational responsibilities, which
are likely to exist only for an established
organization with a solid and clear infrastructure.
Such an accreditation is not easy to obtain for OSS
produced by globally spread individuals or virtual
teams who often operate without much infrastructure
and / or a formal environment of tools.
The websites and web portals of OSS products
may suffer from similar problems, as they are
created by non professional web masters who, on the
one hand, tend to focus on technicalities that are not
relevant for the evaluation of the OSS product from
the point of view of the end-user, and, on the other
hand, often do not provide in a systematic and
exhaustive way the technical information needed by
other developers that intend to modify the code or to
incorporate it into their products.
Websites and web portals are very important for
creating the initial quality perception that end-users
or other developers have about an OSS product. A
website may be viewed as a shop window: if the
window is ordered, clean and well organized
customers will probably go inside the shop to either
have a look or buy a product. Conversely, if the
window is dusty and messy, buyers will not enter the
store and they will turn to another store. This may
Basilico G., Lavazza L., Morasca S., Taibi D. and Tosi D..
OP2A - Assessing the Quality of the Portal of Open Source Software Products.
DOI: 10.5220/0003275201840193
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 184-193
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
seem an obvious consideration, but OSS portals
often do not provide the contents that are most
relevant to the end-users (Lavazza et al., 2008), or, if
they do, they provide this information in hidden
sections of the website, thus not favouring usability
(Nielsen, 1999). This may have a strong impact on
the diffusion of OSS products.
In this paper, we introduce OP2A (Open source
Product Portal Assessment), a model for evaluating
the quality of web portals that store OSS products.
OP2A can be used as the starting point for
objectively certifying the quality of OSS portals.
The model is built upon the results of a survey (Del
Bianco et al., 2008) – conducted in the context of the
European project QualiPSo (QualiPSo, 2011) –
carried out to (1) identify the factors most
commonly used to assess the trustworthiness and the
quality of an OSS product, and (2) understand the
reasons and motivations that lead software users and
developers to adopt or reject OSS products. The
model can be used by OSS developers to assess and
improve the quality of their own web portals in order
to present their products clearly, and minimize the
effort required for presenting and promoting the
OSS product in a competitive manner. OP2A takes
into account a number of factors that are considered
very important for the trustworthiness of an OSS
product and describes the way this information
should be presented to users that access the web
portal of the product. OP2A is based on a checklist
that summarizes the factors and simplifies the
computation of the site maturity score. The checklist
can be used by OSS developers to evaluate the
maturity of their web portals and identify the
maintenance actions required to meet attractiveness,
clarity, and completeness requirements. We applied
the assessment model to a real-life web portal (the
Apache Tomcat portal) to show (1) the limitations of
this portal, (2) how to use the checklist, and (3) how
our model can actually drive the improvement of the
portal. We also apply OP2A to 22 well-known OSS
portals to assess the quality level of these famous
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2
introduces the OP2A assessment model and the
related checklist. Section 3 presents the application
of the model to the Apache Tomcat web portal and
to the 22 OSS portals. Section 4 describes related
works in the field of web quality and usability. We
conclude and sketch future work in Section 5.
In this section, we detail the OP2A assessment
model we derived from the results of our survey.
2.1 Which Factors Influence
the Quality Perception
of OSS Products
We conducted a survey (Del Bianco et al., 2008) in
the context of QualiPSo (QualiPSo, 2011) to find out
which factors are most commonly used by
developers and end-users to assess the
trustworthiness of an OSS product. Our goal was to
understand the reasons and motivations that lead
software users and developers to adopt or reject
existing OSS products, and, symmetrically, software
developers to develop OSS. We called these factors
“trustworthiness factors”. Specifically, we focus on
the trustworthiness of OSS, since OSS users and
developers will not adopt a specific OSS product
unless they can trust it. On the other hand, OSS
developers need to promote the trustworthiness of
their products, so that they may be more appealing
to end-users and other developers that want to
integrate existing OSS products in their software
solutions or build on top of them.
Our survey showed that the most important
factor is the satisfaction of functional requirements,
followed by reliability and maintainability. The
complete ranking of trustworthiness factors is
reported in (Del Bianco et al., 2008). Each factor
was rated by the interviewees on a 0 to 10 scale,
with value 0 meaning “not important at all” and
value 10 meaning “of fundamental importance.” For
each factor, we computed the mean value of the
scores assigned by the 151 respondents: the mean
scores of functional requirements satisfaction,
reliability and maintainability are 8.89, 8.19 and
7.85, respectively. We computed the means, even
though the measurement scale of used in the
responses is ordinal, strictly speaking, because they
are quite representative, for our purpose.
We used the results of this survey, specifically
the trustworthiness factors and the relevance score
they obtained in the survey, to derive our OP2A.
2.2 The OP2A Assessment Model
Certifying the quality of a web portal can help
achieve the goals of different stakeholders. From the
developer’s point of view, the assessment provides
guidelines for the definition of the website structure.
OP2A - Assessing the Quality of the Portal of Open Source Software Products
Certified websites speed up the assessment of
new OSS products and guarantee the availability of
all the needed information for both OSS users and
developers that may need to reuse OSS source code.
OSS web masters may benefit from the website
model used in the assessment, because it helps
assess if all the product's contents are correctly
organized and published in their portals: they can
simply compute the maturity level of their web
portal, and then, improve the “goodness” and
“attractiveness” of the portal, if needed.
OP2A is built upon two sources of data: the
trustworthiness factors highlighted in (Del Bianco et
al., 2008) and the literature that describes well-
known usability and accessibility rules for
developing websites and web portals (Nielsen and
Norman, 2000). OP2A has been defined with
emphasis on simplicity and ease of use. To this end,
we defined a checklist that OSS developers and web
masters can use to determine the maturity level of
their own OSS web portals. OP2A is thus a tool for
self-assessment, rather than an instrument for formal
certifications. The core of the checklist is reported in
Appendix and in (OP2A, 2011).
The checklist is structured in five areas:
company information; portal information; reasons of
assessment; availability of information concerning
trustworthiness factors; portal usability information.
So, when using the checklist, the evaluator first
inserts general information about the company,
about the portal under analysis and the reasons of
assessment. Then, the evaluator goes through a
sequence of entries that drive developers and web
masters to identify whether contents and data related
to the relevant trustworthiness factors are published
in their OSS web portal.
Specifically, the core of the checklist is the
evaluation of the project information availability
(the fourth area of the checklist) in which
trustworthiness factors are considered and detailed
in subfactors. In turn, trustworthiness factors are
grouped into the following seven categories:
1. Overview: general description of the product,
without dwelling too much on the details, as only an
overview of the software is needed;
2. Requirements: disk usage, memory usage,
supported operating system, etc.;
3. License: reference to the license, use conditions,
and law conformance;
4. Documentation: user documentation, technical
documentation, etc.;
5. Downloads: the number of downloads and
related information;
6. Quality reports: Reliability, Maintainability,
Performance, Product Usability, and Portability
aspects are addressed;
7. Community & Support: the availability of various
forms of support and the possible existence of a
community around the project are investigated.
Every item of the information availability area is
associated with a weight. Items corresponding to
trustworthiness factors are weighted according to the
average grade obtained in the survey (Del Bianco et
al., 2008). If a trustworthiness factor is evaluated
through subfactors, its value is equally divided
among the subfactors.
As an example, Fig. 1 shows an excerpt of the
checklist that refers to the “License” category. The
interviewees of our survey (Del Bianco et al., 2008)
assigned to factor “Type of license” an average grade
of 6.45 and to factor “Law conformance aspects” an
average grade of 6.89. In the checklist, we have
three items: “Law conformance aspects”, which is a
factor, so it has the weight obtained through the
survey, and “Main license” and “Sub-licenses”,
which are sub-factors of “Type of license” and thus
get half of the weight that was obtained for factor
Type of license
” in the survey.
The total value for the “License” category of the
checklist is: 6.45+6.89 = 13.34.
Project Information Availability Overall Assessment
3. License ________ / 13.34
Y N Weight
- Main license
- Sub licenses (if applicable)
- Law conformance (if applicable)
Figure 1: Excerpt of the checklist for the area “project
information availability”, category “License”.
The evaluator evaluates the availability of each
type of information by ticking the box “Y” if the
information is available, “N” otherwise. Some
trustworthiness factors and sub-factors may be not
applicable to the target portal: if a factor is not
applicable, its weight is not meaningful to compute
the final score of the portal. For example, if the sub-
factor “Law conformance” is not applicable, the total
value for the “License” category is 6.45 instead of
When this process is completed and all the
entries have been checked, the evaluator simply
sums the values of the information classified as
available: the result is the actual total score of the
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
The weighted percentage of covered factors is
equal to:
where Tot_Portal_Score is the sum of all the sub-
factors that received the Y evaluation (or equally the
sum of the seven categories), while
Tot_Applicable_Score is the sum of all the sub-
factors that are applicable for the portal under
assessment. Tot_Portal_Score is a valid indicator
about the quality of the target portal and can be used
by final users and web developers to understand the
quality level of the portal. A high value of
Tot_Portal_Score suggests that the quality of the
portal is good, while a low value of
Tot_Portal_Score indicates that the portal needs
refactoring. The checklist suggests how to improve
the quality of the portal.
Referring to our previous example, if the web
portal under analysis provides only information
about the main license used in the project and
sublicenses and law conformance aspects are
applicable but not published on the web portal, the
final score for category “License” will be 3.22.
The last area of the checklist details usability
aspects of the web portal. Specifically, we check
whether the aspects that affect the site usability have
been met. This part of the checklist is divided into
ten subparts, one for each of Nielsen’s usability
heuristics (Nielsen, 1999): (1) Visibility of system
status; (2) Match between system and the real world;
(3) User control and freedom; (4) Consistency and
standards; (5) Error prevention; (6) Recognition
rather than recall; (7) Flexibility and efficiency of
use; (8) Esthetical and minimalist design; (9) Help
users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors;
(10) Help and documentation.
For space reasons, we do not report the details of
the heuristics here. See (OP2A, 2011) for more
details. In this part of the checklist, we are mainly
interested in summarizing well-agreed guidelines
(Nielsen and Norman, 2000)(Nielsen, 1999) for
creating high quality web sites, to simplify the work
of OSS developers that should keep in mind these
aspects when designing the web portal.
In this section, we sample the application of the
OP2A model to the OSS product website: the
Apache Tomcat website (Apache, 2011), and we
apply also the model to 22 well-known OSS portals.
The goal of this activity is threefold: (1) showing the
simplicity of OP2A and the real support provided by
the checklist; (2) showing how it is possible to
actually improve the quality of the web portal by
refactoring it according to the indications provided
by the analysis; (3) providing an evaluation of the
quality of well-known OSS products. The Appendix
reports on the evaluation results of the Apache
Tomcat website. Here, we also propose a refactoring
of the portal to improve its quality and visibility.
3.1 Applying OP2A to the Apache
Tomcat Website
Apache Tomcat is an open source servlet container
developed by the Apache Software Foundation. It
provides a platform for running Web applications
developed in Java. We decided to take Apache
Tomcat as an example because of its notoriety and
The URL http://tomcat.apache.org/ shows the
Apache Tomcat website at the time of writing. A
quick look at the home page shows a very long
menu on the left, with several links grouped by
topic. We notice a lack of the general product
description. On the home page the overview says:
Apache Tomcat is an open source software
implementation of the Java Servlet and JavaServer
Pages (jsp) technologies...” but an inexperienced
user or developer may not understand if Apache
Tomcat is just a utility or a set of libraries for Java
Servlet and jsp or something else able to manage jsp.
The download area is well structured, but it
contains too much information, while users usually
want to be presented with a link for downloading the
latest stable version of the product. Nevertheless, we
scored this area as good in our checklist, because it
provides all the information required by OSS final
users and developers.
Other areas like “problems?”, “get involved” and
“misc” fulfil several entries of the checklist. More
than 90% of the information is correctly shown on
the website for the categories: Overview, License,
Documentation and Downloads. Conversely, we
noticed that information about Requirements and
Quality Reports –such as reliability, maintainability,
performance and product usability– are marginally
discussed on the Apache Tomcat website. The
current version of the website covers 60% of the
category Community&Support. In conclusion, as
shown in the Appendix, the Apache Tomcat website
earned a Tot_Apache_Score = 98.19 over a
theoretical Tot_Applicable_Score = 147.50. (66.6%).
OP2A - Assessing the Quality of the Portal of Open Source Software Products
3.2 A Proposal for Refactoring
the Apache Tomcat Website
As described in Section 3.1, the Apache Tomcat
website gained a Tot_Apache_Score of 98.19 thus
indicating that more than 30% of trustworthiness
factors have not been taken into account when
designing the Apache Tomcat website. In this
section, we make a proposal for refactoring the
Apache Tomcat portal to improve the quality of the
website and to increase the Tot_Apache_Score, so
that OSS users and also developers will be able to
quickly find all required information, and the
probability of adoption/reuse the Apache Tomcat
product will increase.
Table 1: Evaluation data for the assessment of the Apache
Tomcat website.
inal Website Refactored Version
st dev
To this end, we need to consider all the factors
included in the OP2A checklist. In Fig. 2, we
propose a new menu structure for the home page.
This menu is shorter than the original one and
enables users to reach the most important
information directly from the home page. The idea
of grouping all the information comes out by
looking at the views of Nielsen (Nielsen, 1999).
To validate the quality of the refactored version
of the website, we asked ten master students, who
had never accessed the Apache Tomcat portal
before, to preliminary surf the original web portal
and the refactored one for 10 minutes and rank their
perception of the quality of the website, in a scale
from 1 (poor quality) to 4 (very good quality). Then
we asked our sample to fill out the OP2A checklist.
Five students evaluated the original Apache tomcat
website, and the five other evaluated the refactored
version. We were interested in observing the ease of
the information retrieval process, the time taken to
fill out the checklist, the perceived quality of the two
versions of the website, and the subjectivity degree
of the checklist. In Table 1, we show the time taken
by our testers for analyzing the original Apache
Tomcat website in column <<overall time>>, the
users’ perceived quality of the Apache Tomcat
website in column <<quality perception>>, and the
total score achieved by applying the checklist on the
website in column <<OP2A score>>. The other two
columns show the overall time, and the quality
perception for the refactored version of the website.
Based on these results, we can state that the
refactoring actually improved the quality of the
portal. It is interesting to observe that the quality
perception is actually increased from an average
value of 2 to an average value of 3.6 after the
refactoring activity. These values are in line with the
maturity level computed by OP2A. Moreover, the
standard deviation (equal to 1.46), computed over
the five OP2A scores, suggests the low degree of
subjectivity of the proposed checklist.
For our experiment, we selected ten students
following (Nielsen and Landaur, 1993). In any case,
we are conducting additional experiments with a
larger number of students in order to strongly
validate these preliminary results.
3.3 Applying OP2A to 22 OSS Portals
We also applied the OP2A checklist to 22 additional
portals of Java OSS projects. The set of portals has
been selected by taking into account different types
of software products, generally considered well-
known, stable and mature. An author of this paper
conducted the assessment of the 22 portals. The
purpose of this experimentation is not to shows the
feasibility of OP2A, but to provide a preliminary
assessment of the quality of these portals. Table 2
summarizes the results of the assessment. Column
<<OP2A Score>> reports the total score achieved
by applying the checklist on each portal, and the
ratio (as percentage) between the obtained score and
the total achievable score. The experimentation
shows that the quality of the analyzed portals is not
adequate in general, thus needing a strong refactor of
the portal to achieve an acceptable level of quality.
In (OP2A, 2011) it is possible to find the details of
this experimentation.
Before committing to using a software product,
people want to collect information about the
product, in order to be able to evaluate its
trustworthiness. Usually, during the selection of
software, users and developers collect information
about the products from the official websites. This is
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
especially true for OSS products, which are typically
distributed exclusively via the web.
The type of the information commonly used by the
users when they evaluate OSS projects has been
investigated in the last few years, and several OSS
evaluation methods have been proposed. Their aim
is to help potential adopters to understand the
characteristics of the available products, and to
evaluate the pros and cons of its adoption. Some of
the most known OSS evaluation models are:
OpenBRR (Wasserman et al., 2005), QSOS (Atos,
2010), OSMM (Golden, 2005) and OpenBQR (Taibi
et al., 2007). OSMM is an open standard aimed at
facilitating the adoption of OSS based on the
evaluation of some maturity aspect of OSS like
documentation, provided support, training
availability and third parties integration possibilities.
QSOS extends the information to be evaluated by
adding new quality areas like the documentation
quality and the developer community. Finally,
OpenBRR and OpenBQR address additional quality
aspects and try to ease the evaluation process.
Table 2: Assessment of 22 portals of well-known OSS
Analyzed Portal OP2A Score
le 93
se 105
s 77
Hibernate 82
Unit 77
Jackarta Commons 76
ert Re
ort 102
JBoss 111
JFreeChart 81
4J 79
PMD 78
Saxon 71
Struts 103
Weka 82
Xalan 71
Xerces 110
Servicemix 71
The evaluation process of all these methods is
mainly organized into an evaluation step and a
scoring step. The evaluation step aims at collecting
the relevant information concerning the products
from the OSS website. In this phase, the goal is to
create an “identity card” for every product with
general information, functional and technical
specifications, etc. The quality aspects of the
selected products are evaluated and a score is
assigned according to the evaluation guidelines
provided by each method. In the scoring phase, the
final score is computed by summing all the scores
calculated in the previous step.
In (Golden, 2005) a method for OSS quality
certification is proposed. Like the other evaluation
methods, it is based on the evaluation of a common
set of information but differs whilst the process is
based on ISO/IEC 9126. The biggest problem of the
evaluation model is the definition of the information
to be evaluated. This information has been defined
according to experience and the literature, but they
are often unavailable and not useful for most users.
In order to reduce the set of information to be
evaluated, we carried out a survey (Del Bianco et al.,
2010) to study the users’ perception of
trustworthiness and a number of other qualities of
OSS products. We selected 22 Java and 22 C++
products, and we studied their popularity, the
influence of the implementation language on
trustworthiness, and whether OSS products are rated
better than Closed Source Software products.
Another important research field for this paper is
the website certification. In 2001, a certification
schema proposal for Italian Public Administration
website quality has been defined (Minelle et al.,
2001). This certification model is based on a set of
information that Public Administration websites
must publish on their own website. The set of
information has been defined by investigating the
quality aspect –e.g., usability and accessibility– of
30 Italian Public Administration websites.
Since 1994 the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C), defined several standards, guidelines and
protocols that ensure the long-term Web growth and
accessibility to everybody, whatever their hardware,
software, language, culture, location, or physical or
mental ability.
In 2008, W3C released the second version of the
“Web Content Accessibility Guideline”, aimed at
making Web contents more accessible (W3C, 2008).
Usability is defined by the International
Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) as: “the
extent to which a product can be used by specified
users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness,
OP2A - Assessing the Quality of the Portal of Open Source Software Products
efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of
use“. Some usability studies show problems in
Sourceforge (Sourceforge, 2011): Arnesen et al.
(Arnesen et al., 2000) showed several problems,
mainly concerning the link structure and the
information organization. Another study (Pike et al.,
2003) identified usability problems both with
Sourceforge and with the Free Software Foundation
(FSF, 2011) website by means of eye tracker
techniques (Jacob, 1991).
Currently, the vast majority of OSS websites
does not provide the information needed by end-
users. OP2A aims at ensuring both the availability of
information and its accessibility.
A survey that we conducted in the context of the
QualiPSo European project led to the identification
of the trustworthiness factors that impact on the
choices of users in adopting OSS products. On such
basis, we defined the OP2A assessment model,
which contains a checklist that OSS developers and
web masters can use to design their web portals so
that all the contents that are expected by OSS users
are actually provided. We exemplified the use of
OP2A through its application to the Apache Tomcat
website, to show the simplicity and the actual
potentialities of the model and of the checklist, and
we evaluated the quality of 22 OSS portals.
Preliminary results suggest that the model can be
effectively used to improve the quality of OSS web
The proposed evaluation model can be applied
also to the websites of closed source products. Of
course, a few trustworthiness factors (namely those
addressing source code qualities) are not applicable
in the case of closed source software.
We are conducting additional experiments and
we are applying OP2A to other OSS web portals to
understand whether: (1) the weight of subfactors
should be refined, for example asking OSS
developers and users to weight also subfactors; (2)
the checklist needs refinements, for example
detailing/adding/removing subfactors from/to the
checklist; (3) using degrees of presence of factors,
instead of yes/no values;
The research presented in this paper has been par-
tially funded by the IST project
(http://www.qualipso.eu/), sponsored by the EU in
the 6th FP (IST-034763); the FIRB project
ARTDECO, sponsored by the Italian Ministry of
Education and University; and the projects
“Elementi metodologici per la specifica, la misura e
lo sviluppo di sistemi software basati su modelli”
and “La qualità nello sviluppo software,” funded by
the Università degli Studi dell’Insubria.
Figure 2: Apache Tomcat website Refactoring.
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OP2A - Assessing the Quality of the Portal of Open Source Software Products
Here, we present the core of the OP2A checklist and the results of its application to the Apache Tomcat
resent the core of the OP2A checklist and the
Overall Assessment
1 Overview ____ / 29.09
Y N Wei
Product general description
x 3.92
Product age
x 3.92
Best Practices
x 6.23
Features high level description
x 4.29
Detailed Features description
x 4.29
x 6.44
2 Requirements ____ / 8.59
Y N Wei
Hardware requirements
Disk usage
x 1.43
Memory usage
x 1.43
Min CPU required
x 1.43
Other HW requirements
x 1.43
Software requirements
Supported operative systems
x 1.43
Required 3rd parties components (if applicable)
x 1.43
3 License ____ / 13.34
Y N Wei
Main license
x 3.22
Sub licenses (if applicable)
x 3.22
Law conformance (if applicable)
x 6.89
4 Documentation ____ / 20.85
Y N Wei
Technical documentation
Code documentation
avadoc, etc.
x 0.60
Code exam
x 0.60
Architectural documentation
x 0.60
Documentation on customization
x 0.60
x 0.60
Technical related F.A.
x 0.60
Technical forum
x 0.60
Technical related mailin
x 0.60
x 0.60
Documentation about additional tools for developing,
modifying or customizing the product (if applicable)
x 6.84
Security aspects analysis (if applicable)
x 6.21
User documentation
User manual
x 0.60
Getting started guide
x 0.60
User related F.A.Q.
x 0.60
Mailing list
x 0.60
5 Downloads ____ / 12.00
Y N Wei
Download page
x 3.00
The download page is easily reachable
x 3.00
More than one archives
x 3.00
Specified the dimension of each downloads
x 3.00
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
6 Quality reports ____ / 37.11
Y N Wei
6.1 Reliability
____ / 8.20
x 1.64
x 1.64
Failure frequency
x 1.64
Product maturity
x 1.64
x 1.64
6.2 Maintainability
____ / 7.86
Code size
x 1.96
Standard architectures (if applicable)
x 1.96
Language uniformity
x 1.96
Coding standard (if applicable)
x 1.96
6.3 Performance
____ / 7.34
Performance tests and benchmarks (if applicable)
x 3.67
Specific performance-related documentation
x 3.67
6.4 Product Usability
____ / 7.20
Ease of installation/configuration
x 3.60
ISO usability standard (ex. ISO 14598)
x 3.60
6.5 Portability
____ / 6.51
Supported environments
x 2.17
Usage of a portable language
x 2.17
Environment-dependent implementation (e.g., usage of
hw/sw libraries)
7 Community & Support ____ / 26.52
Y N Wei
7.1 Community
____ / 14.52
Size of the community
x 7.20
Existence of mid / long term user community
Trend of the number of users
x 2.44
Number of developers involve
x 2.44
er of posts on foru
x 2.44
7.2 Training and Support
____ / 12.00
Availability of training
Training materials
x 2.54
Official training courses (if applicable)
x 2.54
Bugs numbe
x 1.72
Number of patches / release in the last 6 months
x 1.72
Average bug solving time
x 1.72
Availability of professional services (if applicable)
x 1.72
Total Score: 98.19 / 147.50
OP2A - Assessing the Quality of the Portal of Open Source Software Products