The Bologna Process and its Implications in the Innovation of the
Teaching-learning Process
Pablo Murta, Marta Arce-Urriza and Jos´e Enrique Armend´ariz-I˜nigo
Universidad P´ublica de Navarra, Campus Arrosad´ıa s/n, 31006 Pamplona, Spain
Computer-based training, Web-based learning, Web-based teaching, Cognitive skills, Competency-based ed-
ucation, University, Strategic planning in education, Student-centered learning.
The Bologna Process is one of the milestones of the European Union. All European countries are adapting
their higher education degrees to this new paradigm that pursues a common professional with the same set of
skills across all countries. Its aim is to generate one of the most competitive economies in the world based on
knowledge and assuring its sustainability. On the other hand, ICT is one of the cornerstones of this type of
economy; thus, it does make sense to consider it as a key factor in higher education. In this paper, we relate
the Bologna Process to the usage of ICT in universities focusing on the case of Spain. In particular, we give a
brief overview of the preliminary usage of Sakai in our University.
The increasing usage of the Information and Commu-
nication Technologies (ICT) in the learning process
and its application in the cognitive and metacogni-
tive processes brings up the following question: how
will the upcoming European Higher Education Area
(EHEA) will effectively take advantage from ICT?
In 1999 there was a commitment of all European
ministers of Education to improve the competitive-
ness of university education. It was formalized as
EHEA; although it is broadly known as the “Bologna
Process” (BP). BP is aimed to develop a set of com-
mon skills across all degrees. These skills must let
students face the challenges of a global and competi-
tive job market.
BP tries to unify the plethora of different edu-
cational programs into a single European University
valid across all European countries. To do so, each
course from every degree is measured in terms of Eu-
ropean Credit Transfer System (ECTS) units. The
main purpose of BP is that students will switch from
a model relying on the reception of knowledge from
the professor to a new one based on the development
of skills.
BP leads to an innovation in the teaching process
(contents and didactic methodology) and the learning
methodology (processes, skills and strategies). Pro-
fessor will no longer be the exclusive knowledge
holder and the students will not act as merely re-
ceivers of that knowledge. This new education
paradigm implies that students must take the leading
role in the learning process: they must state questions,
generate new information and contribute to a general
consensus in the activities to be accomplished.
Despite some European countries have set the
length of each degree to 180 ECTS the length of each
degree by some European countries, the Spanish au-
thorities have set them to 240 ECTS (equivalent to a
4 year degree). The reason is twofold: it satisfies BP;
and, it also merges with other University systems of
great concern to Spain such as USA, South America,
Asia, etc.
ICT are currently being used simply as another
learning tool (Caeiro et al., 2004). However, the new
University system demanded by BP requires that ICT
changes its current use to a leading one since ICT pro-
vides an effective, flexible, accessible and attractive
way of learning. The rest of the work is divided into
the following sections: Section 2 is devoted to explain
the state of art with regard to BP and the adoption of
ICT in the teaching and learning process. Some pre-
liminary results of a new ICT tool being used in our
University are shown and discussed in Section 3. Fi-
Murta P., Arce-Urriza M. and Enrique Armendáriz-Iñigo J..
FOCUSING ON ICT IN THE EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION AREA - The Bologna Process and its Implications in the Innovation of the
Teaching-learning Process.
DOI: 10.5220/0003276101350138
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 135-138
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
nally, conclusions end the paper.
To fulfill the requirements that society asks for edu-
cation and professional skills, the European Council
proposed BP. It is founded in a strategy at three dif-
ferent levels (individual, social and academic). These
three levels derived into three strategic goals that
aim to a worldwide leading educational system: en-
hance the quality and efficiency of the educational
system; ease the global access of individuals to the
educational system; and, make the educational sys-
tem worldwide accessible.
Actually, BP states this change from a passive
learning model, where there is a knowledge holder
and transmitter (professor) and a receiver (student),
to a new one based on self skills acquisition. This
represents both a challenge for higher education insti-
tutions and a chance for innovation and international-
Some of the most sensitive factors regarding to
students’ performance are (Carnoy, 2004): (i) labor
situation; (ii) dedication and motivation to their stud-
ies; (iii) scholarships; (iv) prerequisites to access in
the University degree; (v) previous degrees; and, (vi)
grades in the last semester. According to (Carnoy,
2004), the advent of ICT means an enormous poten-
tial of change in higher education institutions. Nev-
ertheless, several analysts consider that the changes
accomplished have been scarce compared to what ex-
pected. One of the factors that limit the usage of ICT
in the teaching process of higher education is that they
may imply changes and transformationsat all levelsin
the didactic process (Salinas, 2004).
The literature, apart from introducing ICT tools
and results, presents the steps needed for the ICT im-
plementation process in education. Regarding to ICT
usage, we can find a plethora of applications and tools
that bring to professors and students the chance to
interact and exchange tasks. One of these tools is
SAKAI that has been used in higher education in-
stitutions such as: University of Michigan; Stanford
University; and, the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill. In (Bercovitz et al., 2009), it is shown
that the results of this tool are quite satisfactory for:
professors; students; and, administration staff. Fi-
nally, there has been an attempt to provide educational
support from the cloud computing environment such
as CourseCloud and CourseRank. They have been
used and developed at Stanford as a course scheduler
tool (Bercovitz et al., 2009; Koutrika et al., 2009).
The variety of this kind of ICT tools grows at the same
speed as its usage by universities worldwide. These
platforms (i) serve as an exchange tool of tasks, data
and support; (ii) ease the relationship between profes-
sors and students as the information flow grows; and,
(iii) enhance the learning process. The adoption of
these new technologies is due to the need in industry
and universities of a proper management of knowl-
Training enterprise games is another useful and
successful methodology used to train profession-
als (Badia and Garc´ıa, 2006). However, the increas-
ing popularity of ICT has made them loose the in-
fluence in the Collaborative Project-Based Learning
(CPBL) methodology. This didactic methodology or-
ganizes the teaching and learning process in such a
way that the professor proposes the students one or
several real-world cases. Students must them work
cooperatively in groups to seek solutions to the cases.
This way, an active collaborative learning takes place:
students learn to learn and to apply the theory to prac-
tical situations. We can consider CPBL with the help
of ICT as a modern and effective methodology, es-
pecially best suited for BP (Badia and Garc´ıa, 2006).
In fact, there are several European universities whose
syllabus of courses is entirely organized in terms of
CPBL like the University of Aalborg in Denmark and
the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands.
It is also worth mentioning that there are also
some ICT tools developed by the industry that aim
to manage the knowledge. (Salinas, 2004) states that
the innovationteaching process based on ICT consists
in revisiting current process and promoting innova-
tive experiences in the teaching and learning process
at higher education institutions. This process relies
on the ICT as tools that improve teaching, interaction
and content distribution.
According to (Carnoy, 2004) there will be no ef-
fective adoption of an ICT-based teaching and learn-
ing process until some requirements are fulfilled like
the cost reduction of hardware and professor training.
This will only occur when a new generation of pro-
fessors, those educated in the context of ICT, enters
into all range of educational institutions. To overcome
this situation current professors should be introduced
to ICT by special training programs so that they can
become comfortable with the new technologies. Pro-
fessor will then be able to cope with the adaption of
their courses to the use of ICT inside the teaching and
learning process.
We do not have to consider the new teaching and
learning process in universities as an isolated island.
We have to bear in mind that this is a continuous evo-
lution from the very first steps of the education. For
instance, it is necessary that the teaching and learn-
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
ing process at high schools is oriented to acquire the
necessary skills for higher education studies (Belvis-
Pons et al., 2009). Students come to University
with enough theoretical knowledge but lack of skills
such as: oral expression; the exposition and discus-
sion; and, information searching and filtering. Hence,
working on these transversal skills have a close rela-
tion with future success in the university.
In this work we want to test if the availability of
ICT tools in educational institutions imply significant
changes in the management of education, the organi-
zation of the work or the way students study. To do so
we use data from our University (UniversidadP
de Navarra). As we have previously noted, our Uni-
versity is using since June 2009 an implementation of
a SAKAI variant ( called Mi-
Aulario ( As times goes
by, we expect to have more data that will let us to per-
form a deep analysis of the results of this tool.
Figure 1: A general overview of the ICT tool (a variant of
SAKAI) usage at our University.
Figure 1 depicts the mean values of files uploaded and
used in each one of the different centers we have (3
Faculties and 3 Schools); the data was provided by
the institution. The size of the circle determines the
mean of total accesses in each respective Faculty or
School. From Figure 1 we can infer that each cen-
ter uses this tool in a different way, depending on
the usefulness perceived by professors. The Business
and Economics Faculty presents the greatest amount
of accesses (primarily because of a great number of
downloaded files) that may be related to a greater
number of downloaded files. On the contrary, the Law
Faculty presents the lowest access figures (mainly due
to the small number of downloaded files). The Grad-
uate School for Health Sciences and the Technical
School for Agricultural Engineering share a similar
mean in terms of accesses; however, they differ in
the mean number of downloaded files. The same can
be applied, though at a lower scale, to the Technical
School for Industrial Engineering and Telecommuni-
cations and the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sci-
With the exception of the Business and Economics
Faculty, we can state that Technical Schools take
more advantage of the ICT provided by our Univer-
sity than the rest of centers in our University. In
spite of its recent adoption and implementation, we
can asses, based on the same reasonings presented
in (De Pablos-Pons and Villaciervos-Moreno, 2005),
the four obstacles that possibly lead to the little usage
of this ICT tool are: (i) the adoption of ICT is left to
an individual choice instead of a global, corporative
commitment; (ii) lack of knowledge; the majority of
professors do not know the full potential of ICT; (iii)
lack of resources and quality materials that ensures an
ICT based teaching process; and, (iv) the necessity of
the development of an evaluation tool to ensure the
It is very popular in our University to photocopy
the material displayed in class. This fact along with
the general little motivation of students to search for
information when compared to the traditional way of
teaching can explain the scarce use of this tool.
We claim that the traditional way of teaching,
where the professor is the knowledge owner and stu-
dents are merely listeners, is no longer acceptable. BP
seeks for an autonomous professional, committed and
ready to live in a multicultural society with its own
rules of coexistence. Only with professional of this
kind, we will be able to develop a sustainable, com-
petitive and dynamic economy. This will also bring
an improvement in the quantity and quality of job of-
fers along with a greater social cohesion.
Dealing with changes inside the universities in
Spain, there is a merge of current three to five years
degree into a single four year degree. This is one of
BP keystones to satisfy the higher education degree
compatibility across the European Union. It is not
only the degree duration that changes but also the syl-
labus of courses. A syllabus is based on acquiring
a certain set of skills by the future graduate student
that will assure his capability to solve all the potential
problems he will find is his professional life.
On the other hand, universities pay special at-
tention to the research activity done by the faculty
staff instead of paying attention to the quality of their
teaching activities so as to improve the academic suc-
cess of their students (Belvis-Pons et al., 2009). In
the case of Spanish universities, they are less capable
of performing changes and BP implies a pretty big
The innovation in terms of methodology imposed
FOCUSING ON ICT IN THE EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION AREA - The Bologna Process and its Implications in
the Innovation of the Teaching-learning Process
by BP merely consists in a change in the teaching
and learning process. Further, the change will only
be effective if users (students and professors) see a
significant value increment for themselves. There-
fore, it must be taken into account the emotional and
psychological effects apart from the social needs of
individuals. The question that may rise up here is
what does ICT have to do with the teaching process?
It has been proved that improves the performance of
students; it is a skill demanded by almost every com-
pany; and, it is a modern tool that is best suited for the
characteristics of the Bologna Process. Besides, the
OECD (OECD, 2001) considers that the integration
of ICT in the teaching process spurs on to a radical
change, the development of transversal skills and ac-
tivities that fits better to real life activities than before.
Following (Carnoy, 2004), this happens because most
of professors do not know how to manage with new
teaching tools or paradigms. It seems that, in gen-
eral, they are not willing to adopt new technologies
in education; in particular, ICT. This last assertion
is also noted in (Carnoy, 2004; Salinas, 2004) where
they claim that professors are not aware of means and
methods needed to ease the teaching and learning pro-
cess; i.e., they are not likely to change the traditional
way of teaching. However, ICT usage is a mean to
increase the performance of schools and universities.
In concrete, we can find that ICT acts as a motivator
and a generator of a better learning (OECD, 2001).
The usage of ICT in higher education will be fa-
vored if the government provides means, like the non-
negligible investment in the ICT professors’ training
process and, mainly, if professors change the way they
teach in order to use ICT tools to provide skills to stu-
dents. The usefulness of ICT for teachers comes in
hand with its complexity, dependability and cleanli-
ness in the presentation of contents in the classroom.
The main challenge that arises is that professors may
leave their role as the source of all knowledge and
take the leading role as a guide for students’ self-
knowledge acquisition. For this, an attractive and in-
novative methodology such as the effective usage of
ICT tools is undeniable.
BP, being understood as a convergence plan, in an
ambitious plan due to the importance and meaning
of actions carried out to innovate the way the teach-
ing and learning processes are done. European edu-
cation convergence is planned as a single knowledge
unit that permits its citizens to move and work around
with a set of common skills. This fact constitutes one
of the strongest points to pursue this change and to
adopt ICT as the main tool for its development. The
adoption of ICT in higher education will depend on
the joint effort of all people involved. The most no-
tably role modification is on the professors’ side as
they will become guiders in the learning process.
This work has been supported by the Spanish Govern-
ment under research grant TIN2009-14460-C03-02.
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CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education