Supporting Web Mining in Early Innovation Phases
Jan Finzen and Maximilien Kintz
Fraunhofer IAO, Nobelstreet 12, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Keywords: Innovation management, Open innovation, Web searching, Semantic search.
Abstract: Fraunhofer IAO conducted a study among 1,000 German innovation professionals regarding their web-
based information acquisition needs. The study showed the need for search tools and methods optimised for
the target group of innovation professionals. In this paper we deduce accordant concepts from the study’s
results. We suggest an “Innovation Mining Process” as a structured approach to web-based information
acquisition for early innovation phases. Our software prototype - the Innovation Mining Cockpit (IMC) -
picks up essential concepts of this process and implements them as an easy-to-use web portal. The IMC is
intended as a central point of contact for innovation-related search activities.
Innovative ideas can be the result of both formal and
unstructured search processes and can have many
different origins. The Internet provides access to
external innovation sources in multiple and
comfortable ways. However, the analysis process
remains a complicated one: it is often unclear where
the relevant information is located. Furthermore,
classical search engines do not offer a sufficient
precision to filter the results and separate the
relevant ones from the large amount of irrelevant
In a 2009 survey among innovation
professionals, Fraunhofer IAO analyzed the Web
searching requirements of innovation professionals
in Germany (Finzen, Krepp and Heubach, 2009).
Figure 1 summarizes the findings regarding the
importance of different Web-based information
sources regarding different steps of the early
innovation phases: “innovation push”, “idea
collection”, “idea creation”, and “idea evaluation”.
While online journals and research and technology
portals are used for finding innovation impulses and
collecting ideas, encyclopedias and especially patent
databases are most useful for idea evaluation.
Internet-based information sources are considered
most useful for collecting ideas, but less useful for
the actual creation of ideas.
Figure 1: Importance of Internet-based information
sources for different (early) innovation phases (n=142).
We questioned the respondents about the most
annoying problems they encounter with search
engines. More interesting than the obvious aspects
quality and time-efficiency however seem the
remaining ones: almost half of the respondents
claimed that they miss a ranking according to up-to-
dateness and almost 40 percent are not satisfied with
the available filter mechanisms.
Finzen J. and Kintz M..
INNOVATION MINING - Supporting Web Mining in Early Innovation Phases.
DOI: 10.5220/0003276202410247
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 241-247
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 2: Importance of search engine features (n=142).
The results clearly show that there is a demand
for a new generation of search tools tailored to the
needs of innovation professionals.
From both the results of our survey described above
as well as from discussions with industrial customers
we deduce several requirements that innovation
mining tools must take into consideration. These
requirements are discussed in the following sections.
2.1 Incorporate User Knowledge
Innovation professionals are considered to have a
deep domain competence and bring along a broad
knowledge of where and how to find information
meeting their requirements and needs (“source
competence”). It seems promising to make use of
both the domain and the source competence as much
as possible within a professional information
acquisition tool, e.g. by
allowing the users to integrate their favourite
information source with little effort, and
integrating domain knowledge into the search
process. This can be done, for example, by
hierarchically or ontologically structuring domain
knowledge and providing both search queries and
result sets for respective nodes.
2.2 Deal with Multitude
of Relevant Information Sources
As shown in Figure 1 there are many kinds of
information sources that are relevant to innovation
management. Depending on the actual phase of the
innovation process, some of these information
sources are more important than others. According
to our survey, the majority of respondents liked the
idea of having multiple information sources
integrated and accessible via a unified point of
access. We divide the information sources available
on the web into three different levels:
1. The Document Level: On the most basic level,
single documents are accessed directly. E.g., the
Fraunhofer website can be accessed by the user
assuming to find the site at
2. The Database or Search Engine Level: For most
types of documents, specialised search tools already
exist that offer advanced functionality to retrieve and
present information. E.g., there are numerous search
engines for scientific content, and web-based patent
databases make it easy to search for patents on a
given subject. To integrate such sources, a tool has
to “speak” and “understand” the same “language”,
i.e., know how to formulate and send a search query
to the search engine and how to grab and interpret
the results. This is commonly known as “meta
3. The Meta Search Level: For some kind of
information, meta search engines already exist.
Accessing meta search engines requires basically the
same requirements and process steps as for “normal”
search engines, but is has to be kept in mind that one
relies on the “language translation step” being
executed by the meta search engine and thus not
being under one’s own control.
One challenge of providing an integrated
information acquisition tool for innovation mining
thus lies in the handling of “different languages” of
different information sources.
2.3 Use Document-specific Metadata
There are many different document types relevant
for innovation mining process, like e.g. patent data,
scientific papers, press releases, or blog entries.
Each of these document types has specific attributes
and metadata that can be exploited within innovation
mining: Press releases always have a publishing date
and address information which make it easy to order
and visualize them accordingly (Finzen, Kintz, Koch
and Kett, 2009). Scientific literature can be a basis
for expert identifiaction using co-authorship
analyses. Patent data can be exploited for e.g. white
spot analysis (Siwcyk, 2009).
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
2.4 Improve Ranking Mechanisms
One very clear result from our survey was the
immense importance of ranking algorithms: People
are quite unhappy with today’s search engine’s
result ranking methods being only partly transparent
and only poorly adaptable to the user. For innovation
professionals, especially a ranking according to up-
to-dateness and regional aspects showed up to be
important. An information acquisition tool for
innovation professionals thus should provide
adequate possibilities. The determination of up-to-
dateness, of course, is a challenging task and heavily
depends on the document being analysed: Certain
documents, like blog entries, patents, or press
releases usually contain appropriate metadata. If
explicitly marked, e.g. using an appropriate HTML
or XML-tag, identifying them is trivial. Sometimes,
however, they have to be extracted from the text –
which is rather straight-forward by using regular
expressions. In case of arbitrary web documents, the
task is much more difficult: though timestamps may
be found in the document it is not always obvious if
it denotes the point in time the information in the
text refers to. If no timestamp is given at all, the
freshness might be estimated by comparing the
content with another version of the content that has
been indexed the last time the page was visited. Web
monitoring tools do exactly that: they visit a web
page in certain intervals and detect certain changes.
By integrating carefully selected web monitoring
patterns, a search engine might consider such
documents that have been recently changed in the
ranking method.
2.5 Support Long-term
Information Needs
Search queries are often classified as being either
1. navigational (searching one or more specific
2. informational (seeking information for a given
topic), or
3. transactional (perform a particular action),
depending on the user’s intention (Broder, 2002,
Manning, Raghavan and Schütze 2007).
Almost 50 percent of all queries that general
purpose search engine users utter belong to the first
class (Broder, 2002). Consequently, current general
purpose search engines mainly address navigational
information needs. Nevertheless, the information
needs of professional end-users (like market
researchers, innovation professionals, etc.) often fall
into the second or third categories. Springer (2006)
stated that „the further development of tools to
enable the detection of trends and the finding of
information in the Internet can account for
improving the innovation performance of
Recurring searches are widely used within
professional information management (cf. Finzen et
al., 2009). The possibility to save and automatically
repeat complex queries thus should be combined
with effective ways to notify the user on newly
found results. According to our study’s results,
techniques like RSS-feeds are still considered less
important than more traditional communication
channels like e-mail. Nevertheless we expect that the
acceptance of such techniques will grow in the
future, as they offer good means of integrating
search results with further applications (e.g.
knowledge management systems).
2.6 Offer Advanced Interaction
and Visualization Concepts
Common use cases in innovation management
include patent mining, competitor observation, and
trend monitoring. To support these use cases
information must be either extracted from one or
more documents, or interpolated given an amount of
documents. Such information needs do not only
require special result presentation techniques, but
also affect the query frontend: the users have to
clarify that they do not want to be confronted with a
list of documents but rather with, e.g., information
extracted from documents (“new products of
competitor X”) or statistic information (“pie chart
comparing the positive and negative utterances of
forum users who wrote about company X in the last
month”, “bar chart showing the trend for a recent
search topic for selected companies”). Search tools
for professional end-users thus require suitable
navigation concepts and powerful user interfaces for
both, search query formulation and result
2.7 Foster Integration
and Collaboration
Web-based information gathering is a very
individual task even in professional information
work. However, with the size of an organisation the
need to exchange search artifacts rises. It is quite
common for larger companies to outsource search
tasks to a special department (Finzen et al., 2009).
With people searching for information together, the
INNOVATION MINING - Supporting Web Mining in Early Innovation Phases
need for methods and tools to foster collaboration
arises. Ways to achive this include: exchange of
bookmarks, persistable search spaces, sharing of
search results and analysis reports.
Building on the “tech mining” process described by
Porter and Cunningham (2004) we suggest a five-
step Web mining approach depicted in Figure 3.
1. Identify Information Need: Although the
outcomes of any mining process might be surprising
(after all, the idea of data mining is the detection of
previously unknown facts), it should be as directed
as possible. This means that the overall strategic
goal of the mining process should be defined as the
very first step, as it influences subsequent steps like
source selection or visualization parameterization.
2. Collect Information: Depending on the
information need, a variety of information sources is
selected for mining. If the information need
embraces temporal developments, e.g., trend
analysis of a given topic, the document corpus must
be created over a larger timeframe. However, for the
case of innovation mining, it is usually important to
gain information as soon as possible, i.e. ideally in
real-time – as soon as they show up on the web.
Therefore, either sophisticated crawl-and-scrape
approaches or (even better) a push supply of
information is needed.
3. Process Results: Once the source corpus is
defined (and most probably being frequently
expanded), the result processing starts. Though the
approaches applied might vary very much, the main
task of this step is a matching of a specified
information need (e.g., a search query) against the
documents of the corpus. In navigational search the
tasks usually ends with weighting the respective
document’s relevance in relation to the information
need. This allows a suitable ranking of documents in
a subsequent step. Information needs that are of a
more informational kind typically involve additional
information processing steps: information or
metadata extraction forms a basis for appropriate
analyses in the subsequent step.
4. Analyze and Interpret: The information collected
in the processing step are analyzed and condensed,
and finally put into graphs that suit the information
need. This step aims at supporting the analysis of the
data by the user as good as possible. It includes
choosing the best-fitting visualization, the tailoring
of the visualization regarding the results to display
as well as possibly providing additional information
that helps interpreting the data in the right way.
5. Disseminate and Act: Once interesting results are
found, subsequent processes can be triggered:
further results showing up in the future might be
automatically taken into account and thus resulting
in new versions of the result analysis. When new
findings are available, the user might want to be
notified by an appropriate alerting mechanism.
Results might be saved and reloaded, printed,
exported into complementary software tools, and
passed on or shared to other users
To evaluate our deductions regarding search tool
requirements of innovation professionals, we
implemented a search engine prototype. The
Innovation Mining Cockpit (IMC) picks up essential
concepts of this process and implements them as an
easy-to-use web portal.
Coll e ct
and act
Internal data
Co m p et i t o r s‘
Pat en t
Press releases
Bl o g s, f or u m s…
Text and data
Se m a n t i c
Da sh b o a r d s/
cock p it s
Trend s and
event s
Rep o r t i n g
(e-mail, SM S,
Collaboration &
Co m p et i t o r s
Pr o d u ct s
Eve n t s
Cam p a i g n s
User ideas
Figure 3: Innovation Mining Process.
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
We will present the IMC’s main features
regarding the requrements discussed above in the
following section.
4.1 Source Identification
The source identification module implements a meta
search engine approach: The keywords entered in
the text field are passed to various general purpose
search engines. The results of the different search
engines are combined, ranked, and displayed in a
typical search results list. Either the complete URL
or the Web domain can be added to the search space
(the websites initially show up in a special folder
“New sites” within the Search Space Configuration
module). The Source Identification module aims
mainly at step 2 (“collect information”) of the
Innovation Mining Process and is particularly
important to quickly add new information sources to
the mining process. In combination with the Search
space configuration module described in the next
section, the source identification module illustrates
one basic design paradigm of the IMC. The search
and mining process is restricted to such sources that
the user considers potentially relevant. This
approach, of course, not only lowers the number of
irrelevant results in the search process but also
restricts the resource requirements (regarding
computation and storage hardware) significantly as
opposed to a broad crawling approach. On the other
hand, it makes finding and selecting the significant
sources a most important preprocessing step.
4.2 Search Space Configuration
The Search Space Configuration module supports
step 1 (“identify information need”) and 2 (“collect
information”) of the Innovation Mining Process. It
combines a sophisticated bookmarking system with
several search engine specific adjustments, like
crawl depth, support of named entity recognition, or
automatic recognition of RSS feeds. Figure 4 shows
a screenshot of the Search Space Configuration
It allows distinguishing between “normal”
Websites and feeds that offer an information push
supply. The main difference lies in the information
supply paradigm. As RSS-based information offer
several advantages compared to a classical website,
we built the IMC’s whole data aggregation
mechanism on the feed principle. Based on some
heuristics (like text block length), significant
changes and new content are detected and provided
to the IMC in an RSS-like format. Thus, the IMC
internally builds its own feeds for any website that
may not offer one explicitly. This way, the user can
easily be notified on any (relevant) newly found
information on any site either by RSS, E-Mail or
Figure 4: Search space configuration.
4.3 Feed Search
The feed search portlet offers advanced functionality
to search and analyze feeds:
Any configured search can be turned into an RSS
or Atom feed using the respective buttons at the
bottom of the dialog.
The timeframe can be limited using the calendar
pickers at the top of the dialog.
A feed search configuration can be saved and
loaded. This is especially important as
configurations can become quite complex –
consisting of source restriction, filter settings and the
actual search query. This supports the long-term
information needs of innovation professionals.
Figure 5: Feed search frontend.
INNOVATION MINING - Supporting Web Mining in Early Innovation Phases
Figure 5 depicts the feed search module showing
the results for a “wind energy” query. The result list
is accompanied by trend chart and tag cloud
visualizations are provided to (i) provide additional
information about “hot topics” and (ii) further
navigate through the search result set.
4.4 Change Monitoring
and Notifications
Information needs in innovation management are
often rather informational than navigational and
rather long-term than ad-hoc (Finzen et al., 2009).
The Feed Search portlet therefore provides means to
automatically execute the query in the background
and notify the user on newly found results either by
e-mail or using a feed reader. The e-mail notification
report can be scheduled for any search either on a
regular basis (e.g., once per day or week) or as soon
as new results have been found (which of course
depends on the interval the website’s content is
being compared by the IMC’s crawler, or the feed
polling interval configured in the Search Space
Configuration module. E-mail adresses are
configured within the portal server’s user
management system.
4.5 Semantic Annotations
Depending on the document type and the
information source, a document may embrace
metadataor even semantic markups which can be
utilised to offer advanced result visualisations and
browsing functionality, e.g. facetted search.
Unfortunately the amount of semantically annotated
web content today is still very limited.
The IMC integrates the OpenCalais web service
( on demand during the
search space configuration process. As OpenCalais
is currently not available in German, we also
integrated the AlchemyAPI web service
( by orchest8, which
offers similar functionality.
Figure 6 shows results in the Feed Search portlet
that have been annotated via the OpenCalais web
service. Countries and organisations are provided in
the left meta data columns. Clicking on a meta data
link restricts the current search accordingly, e.g.
when clicking on “U.S. Department of Energy”,
only results that include a reference to this
organisation will be displayed.
Figure 6: Semantic annotations.
4.6 Visualization
Special emphasis has been put on search result
Frequency Analysis: trend monitoring and event
detection are important use cases within the area of
technology and innovation management. The
innovation mining cockpit uses tag clouds, classical
bar and line diagrams for any possible search query.
Geographical Analysis: oftentimes geographical
information can be extracted from texts fairly easily
(e.g., country names can be easily maintained in
look-up lists). For geographical information, the
longitude and latitude can easily be assigned using
respective geo-coding web services. This allows the
visualization of objects on maps.
Association Analysis: association graphs are used to
show and analyze relations between objects, e.g.
companies or persons. Generally, the nodes
represent objects and the edges the relations between
these objects. Various layout algorithms help to
analyze structural information within the graph. For
example, the degree of cross linking may indicate a
company’s importance (or at least its activeness)
within a technological area.
The current version of the IMC has been presented
to several industrial partners and obtained very
encouraging reactions. We are currently running
through a long-term evaluation with an industrial
partner of the automotive sector to evaluate how the
different modules are accepted in an innovation
professional’s daily work. Even though final
evaluation results are not available yet, we already
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
achieved valuable feedback that will be addressed
during short-term development of the tool:
The current implementation forces users to index
a whole website (using the main URL combined
with a high crawl depth). This leads to a large
amount of irrelevant content, as the main intention
of the IMC is to mine only such content that is very
fresh. In the next version of the IMC, a wizard will
help users to identify the relevant parts of a website
by generating a sitemap of a website and let the user
select branches of this maps, e.g., company news,
press releases, discussion forums, etc.
Our association analysis is currently solely based
on co-occurrence analysis. This proves useful in
selected use cases such as “who knows whom” or
“who works with whom” analysis but demands for a
very well selected source corpus, as results can
easily be polluted by a misplaced source containing
lots of named entities, like e.g., a stock report
mentioning 100 companies. Although using
thresholds regarding the occurrence number proves
very helpful to get rid of such problems, combining
the co-occurrence approach with more sophisticated
approaches based on linguistic and semantic analysis
seems promising.
Table 1 summarizes further needs and plans for
future extensions.
Table 1: Future work.
Requirement Future work
Semantic domain models to utilize
user domain knowledge
Integration Specific support for scientific
literature, patent data, forums & blogs,
and open innovation portals
Use uniform annotation framework
based on Apache UIMA
Ranking Improve configurability of relevance
Collaboration Reports, private and public spaces
More information on Innovation Mining can be
found on
The project was funded by means of the German
Federal Ministry of Economy and Technology under
the promotional reference “01MQ07017”. The
authors take the responsibility for the contents.
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Manning, C. D., Raghavan, P., and Schütze, H. (2007).
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Dienstleistungen“ nova-net Werkstattreihe, Stuttgart:
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Siwczyk, Y. (2010). IT-gestützte White-Spot-Analyse:
Potenziale von Patentinformationen am Beispiel
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INNOVATION MINING - Supporting Web Mining in Early Innovation Phases