The striking difference between our PZT heart
sound monitor system and the electronic stethoscope
is the sound detection element; a small vibration
detecting PZT disk adhered on the top of a plastic
cylinder (Fig. 1) directly touch a patient’s chest and
record heart sounds, while heart sounds are detected
by a microphone via the air inside the head of the
electronic stethoscope. The construction of the PZT
sensor is crucial for the detection of super low
frequency sound of below ~20Hz, which may be out
of range for an electronic stethoscope because its
sensor head is diaphragm type that intends to detect
mid-high frequency range sounds.
In the present study, we analysed the raw heart
sound signal that contained the super low frequency
sound, and we found that the raw sound signal of
cardiac patients lacked a sharp deflection that
appears in coincidently with R waves on ECG. We
also found that 2
sound in the filtered heart sound
was missing in most of the cardiac patients.
However, the 2
sounds were often observed in the
heart sound signal recorded at 3
, 4
or 5
intercostals spaces. Accordingly, the recording of
heart sound signal with the PZT sensor at left 2
intercostals space seems to be effective for the
diagnosis of patients susceptible to cardiac diseases.
It should be noted that the analysis of the super-low-
frequency sound is likely to be useful for cardiac
diagnosis (see Fig. 3).
As we only found a small part of information
hidden in the low frequency heart sound, we need
further investigate the sounds created by the heart in
cardiac patients with developing a quantitative
method for the cardiac diagnosis including such as
frequency domain analysis. Furthermore, we should
develop a simple and easy to use heart sound
monitor system, which continuously displays the
cardiac signal of a patient and provides us a tool for
visually diagnosing for the use in cardiology
outpatient department in hospitals.
In conclusion, the present study demonstrated
that the PZT-based heart sound monitor system has a
performance suitable for detecting heart sounds
including super low frequency sound. Although our
results are very preliminary and we may need to do a
further comparative analysis with other electronic
stethoscopes, we believe that phonocardiogram-
based analysis with the PZT heart sound monitor
system may provide us a new strategy for the
diagnosis of cardiac diseases.
This work was supported in part by the Vehicle
Racing Commemorative Foundation, Suzuken
Memorial Foundation, Nakatani Foundation of
Electronic Measuring Technology Advancement and
an intramural grant from Akita University. The
authors thank the staff of the department of internal
medicine at Akita University Hospital and Yu Obara,
Yuta Nakamura and Hideaki Kobayashi for their
contributions to the examination of the prototype
PZT sensor.
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