Magdalena K. Chmarra
, Sharon P. Rodrigues
, Frank-Willem Jansen
and Jenny Dankelman
BioMechanical Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 2, Delft, The Netherlands
Department of Gynaecology, Leiden University Medical Center, Albinusdreef 2, Leiden, The Netherlands
Keywords: Training, Assessment, Standardization, Minimally invasive surgery.
Abstract: Training and objective assessment of surgical competence receives more and more attention from society
and medical communities, and is an ongoing research challenge. For obvious reasons of patient safety,
ethics, and cost-effectiveness, there is a need to shift the training and assessment from the operating theatre
to a simulated environment (e.g. skills lab). This paper presents the state of the art on training and
assessment of surgical skills in minimally invasive surgery, and discusses remaining challenges.
Minimally invasive surgery (MIS, ‘keyhole
surgery’) has been introduced into surgery to the
benefit of the patients. In contrast to conventional
open surgery, MIS is performed through small
(around 0.5 to 1 cm) incisions in the patient’s body
(Cuschieri, 1992). Through these incisions, special
cannulas are inserted in order to allow the
introduction of long, rigid instruments (e.g. scissors)
into the patient’s body. Visual feedback of the
operating field is obtained by a small camera, which
provides a two-dimensional (2D) image on a
monitor. Figure 1 shows surgeons performing MIS.
Since MIS is performed through small incisions,
patients experience less trauma than after an
conventional open procedure. Moreover, MIS causes
less postoperative pain and scaring. Patient
recovery time is faster, resulting in shorter
hospitalization, and reduced incidence of post-
surgical complications (e.g. adhesions, infections)
(Cuschieri, 1992). For these reasons, MIS becomes
progressively a common technique for major
surgical procedures (e.g. in urology, gynaecology).
The advantages of MIS, however, come with special
demands on the surgeon, who needs to develop
unique psychomotor skills that are different from
those needed in the open procedures. These skills
include a shift form a conventional 3D operating
field to a 2D monitor display, reduced tactile
feedback, distorted eye-hand coordination, alteration
to the fulcrum effect, fewer degrees of freedom,
judgment of distorted depth perception and spatial
relationships (Wentink, 2003; Breedveld, 2000; den
Boer 1999; Hanna, 1999; Hanna, 1998).
It is evident that proper education of future
surgeons is crucial for patient safety. However,
standardized training curricula and objective
assessment methods are lacking. This paper presents
the state of the art on training and assessment of
MIS skills, and discusses remaining challenges.
Figure 1: The view of the operating room during MIS
procedure. The patient is lying on the operating table in
the supine position. The surgeons lead the operation from
the left side of the patient. The camera operator stands
next to the surgeon. Both the surgeon and the camera
operator watch the operating area on a monitor (not
presented in this picture).
K. Chmarra M., P. Rodrigues S., Jansen F. and Dankelman J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003289502610268
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 261-268
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Mastering MIS skills requires repeated practice.
Traditionally, residents learn MIS skills in a classic
apprenticeship format with hands-on training in the
operating room (OR). However, some MIS skills are
difficult to be learnt in the OR because of its
environment complexity. These skills include, e.g.,
psychomotor skills. Due to use of rigid instruments
in a limited operating space, training of basic
(psychomotor) skills can be done outside the OR.
Currently, training of MIS skills is being done in
a traditional way (in the OR) and in a simulated
environment (in the skills lab).
2.1 Traditional Training
Traditionally, surgical residents (trainees) learn their
surgical skills while operating on patients under the
supervision of an expert surgeon (Dankelman,
2005). First, they observe experienced surgeons
performing several operations. After that, they
participate in the operation more actively; they
perform various basic techniques that they observed
during the first phase of the training. Finally, they
are taking a more independent role of a primary
surgeon. Such way of learning is potentially unsafe
for the patient. Moreover, it is not standardized, and
results in very long learning curve (Moore, 2002).
Besides, this kind of training is costly (Babineau,
2004; Bridges, 1999; Villegas, 2003).
Training of MIS skills takes also place on animal
models and human cadavers (Giger, 2008; Nebot-
Cegarra, 2004; Cundiff, 2001). The advantage of
using human cadavers for training MIS skills is that
they offer accurate anatomy. However, they lack of
bleeding when vessels are damaged during training,
and it is difficult to conserve the tissue of human
cadavers. Animal models offer comparable
physiological and tissue characteristics to those of
humans (Waseda, 2005; Olinger, 1999; Crist, 1994;
Bohm, 1994; Wolfe, 1993; Bailey, 1991). However,
there are no animals whose anatomy is exact the
same as that of humans. Moreover, animal models
and human cadavers are costly and one-time usable.
Besides, in several countries training on animals is
2.2 Training in Skills Labs
Quality control and patient safety gained lately
attention of health authorities and the public
(Inspectie, 2007; Roberts, 2006; Ritchie, 2004;
Satava, 2006). Therefore, there is a tendency to shift
the training from the OR to a simulated
Aggarwal et al. showed that training outside the
OR – for example in skills labs – is efficient
(Aggarwal, 2007). Thus, diverse training facilities
are being developed (Kolkman, 2007; Halvorsen,
2005; Youngblood, 2005; Katz, 2005; Schijven,
2003). A box trainer and a virtual reality (VR)
simulator are the most often used training facilities
in the skills labs.
Typically, a box trainer (Fig. 2) mimics a part of
a patient’s body (e.g. abdomen) and the surrounding,
as they are during real MIS. Box trainers allow to
use conventional MIS instruments and equipment. In
such a way, the residents are provided with a natural
force feedback, which is equivalent to that obtained
in the OR. The box can contain a variety of different
synthetic inanimate models (e.g. simple physical
objects such as pegs), synthetically produced organs,
and animal parts (Waseda, 2005; Scott, 2000).
VR trainers (Fig. 3) allow a training based on the
interaction with a computer-simulated environment.
Currently, there are various VR trainers for MIS on
the market (Halvorsen, 2005; Schijven, 2003). These
trainers supply the user with objective feedback
about his/her performance. Such feedback is
motivating for the residents to learn (Aggarwal,
2004; Grantcharov, 2001). There are, however, only
few VR trainers that are equipped with force
feedback (Halvorsen, 2005; Schijven, 2003). This
force feedback, however, is expensive and it differs
from the one experienced in the OR.
In surgical trainers, and especially in VR
trainers, there is a tendency to imitate reality as
much as possible. It is, however, not known whether
training on the high-fidelity trainers is the most
effective one for learning basic MIS skills (e.g. eye-
hand coordination) (Dankelman, 2005). In contrast
to animal models and human cadavers, which allow
training of various surgical skills, box trainers and
VR trainers are mostly used to train psychomotor
MIS skills only.
Figure 2: A box trainer used to train basic MIS skills.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Simendo – a virtual reality trainer developed by
DelltaTech. (Courtesy of DelltaTech).
Since MIS requires a lifelong learning, surgeons and
surgical organizations (e.g. the Accreditation
Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME),
the Dutch Association for Endoscopic Surgery
(NVEC), and the Dutch Health Care Inspectorate
(IGZ)) are calling for assessment tools that can be
used to credential surgeons as competent in MIS
(Park, 2002; Roberts, 2006; Ritchie, 2004; Satava,
2006; Inspectie, 2007). Because MIS requires a large
range of skills (e.g. motor skills, surgical judgment,
team work, communication, fast acting, technical
skills, cognitive knowledge), various objective
assessment methods are needed to assess those
A considerable amount of research has been
conducted into assessment of MIS skills. Existing
work can roughly be divided into three directions: i)
Assessment based on performed operations; ii)
Assessment of psychomotor MIS skills; iii) Task-
specific checklists and global rating scores.
3.1 Performed Operations
One of the fundamental and most commonly used
objective measure of surgical competence is the
number of performed cases, which is easily
quantifiable , and which indicates experience of a
surgeon (Park, 2002). However, it does not represent
the actual competence of the surgeon, since it is
based on the measure of surgical experience only. It
is also expected that different residents require
different number of cases for gaining required
surgical competence (Feldman, 2004).
Another easily quantifiable measures are the
number of complications and the number of errors
made (Mehrabi, 2006; Passerotti, 2008; Tang, 2005).
Assessment of MIS competence based only on
mortality and morbidity data is biased by the fact
that each patient and case are always different and
cannot be easily compared. Moreover, the
identification of the causes and results of medical
errors is complicated; it is difficult to identify errors
and their effects from the progression of patients’
underlying diseases, since different levels of
sickness and fragility among patients.
3.2 Psychomotor MIS Skills
Psychomotor MIS skills are assessed by analyzing
MIS instruments motion (Fig. 4) and/or applied
forces to the tissue (Cotin, 2002; Moorthy, 2003;
Van Sickle, 2005; Acosta, 2005; Cavallo, 2005;
Chmarra, 2010; Cesanek, 2008; Allen, 2009;
Cristancho, 2009). An example of typical MIS
instrument motions is presented in Fig. 4. Variety of
measures (parameters based on time-dependent 3D
representation of the tip motions of the MIS
instrument together with the rotation of the
instrument around its axis) have been suggested. The
most often used parameters are: time, path length,
movement economy, depth perception, accuracy,
deviation from the path, rotational orientation, and
motion smoothness (Chmarra, 2010a).
Many academic hospitals are equipped with box
trainers and VR trainers for the assessment of
individual MIS skills (Feldman, 2006; Goff, 2000;
Reznick, 1997; Dosis, 2005; Eriksen, 2005;
Gallagher, 2001; Kundhal, 2009; Salgado, 2009).
Such assessment is objective, but, similarly to the
current assessment methods based on performed
operations, it focuses on one aspect of competence.
3.3 Task-specific Checklists and Global
Rating Scores
Evaluation methods based on task-specific checklists
and global rating scores gained a lot of attention
(McKinley, 2008; Moorthy, 2003). They include the
Global Operative Assessment of Laparoscopic Skills
(GOALS), and Objective Structured Assessment of
Technical Skills (OSATS) (Moorthy, 2003; Goff,
2000; Gumbs, 2007; Chang, 2007; Pellen, 2009;
Martin, 1997; Cuschieri, 1979; McKinley, 2008;
Wincckel, 1994; Cohen, 1990). These methods
assess more than one aspect of surgical competence,
but it is difficult to judge surgical skills based on
them, since there is no clear definition of the passing
score that determines when a surgeon is competent
at different moments of his/her career.
Task-specific checklists and global rating scores
have been validated in the training environments.
Their realization in the OR remains a challenge; it is
Figure 4: Typical instrument trajectories of an expert surgeon (left) and a novice (right) performing a positioning task.
(Adapted from (Chmarra, 2010)).
not known how to assess the residents, because there
is no clear description on when the various scores
should be given. For example, two residents that
obtained the same score in OSATS might have very
different MIS skills. This is especially possible when
assessing the first-year residents and the fifth-year
residents; since the year of residency is often not
taken into account. Another disadvantage of these
methods is the fact that assessment of MIS skills is
often done by surgical educators, who might be
influenced by, for example, personal relationships.
Although various training and assessment methods
of MIS skills exist, standardized training curricula
and objective assessment methods are currently
lacking. For example, the Dutch surgical residency
program is very much regional; the residents follow
a series of regionally organized courses and
tutorials, which conclude with an assessment (Borel-
Rinkes, 2008). The lack of national standardization
of residency program results in confusion when
comparing expertise of residents from different
regions. Therefore, training and assessment methods
in surgery should be standardized and formalized.
4.1 Training of MIS Skills
For obvious reasons of patient safety, ethics, and
cost-effectiveness, training of MIS skills is being
shifted from the OR to a simulated environment. A
potential benefit of simulated environments is the
possibility of introducing more uniformity across
training programs at different medical centres. In a
simulated environment, the training conditions are
controlled exactly and objective assessment criteria
can be defined.
At this point, there is a sense of disappointment
about the results (e.g. efficiency, effectiveness) of
current training programs. Although there have been
few breakthrough attempts to improve the training of
particular MIS skills, development of a proper
curriculum to train competent surgeons remains a
To establish a reliable and valid training
curriculum, it is necessary to find answers to four
essential questions: What should be trained; Where
should it be trained; How should it be trained; When
should it be trained?
Currently, it is still not know ‘what’, ‘where’,
‘how’, and ‘when’ exactly should be trained. An
attempt to identify essential abilities and skills that
characterize surgical competence had been made by
Satava et al. during a workshop, which was
conducted ‘to establish a consensus on a baseline set
of metrics from which future education, training,
evaluation, and research in the technical aspects of
surgical and procedural skills can be measured’
(Satava, 2003). The ability has been defined as ‘the
natural state or condition of being capable, aptitude’,
and the skill has been defined as ‘a developed
proficiency or dexterity in some art, craft, or the
like’ (Satava, 2003). Since the definitions provided
by Satava should be seen as a first approximation at
establishing a standard set of nomenclature, further
studies are needed to either validate or refute these
initial concepts. Furthermore, it is necessary to
identify all the abilities and skills that characterize
competent surgeons. After that, a redistribution of
the surgical skills into sublevels (e.g. basic,
intermediate, advance) should take place.
It is important to determine behavioural level at
which the training is to be achieved, because it has
been recognized that different behavioural
characteristics should be learnt using different
training methods (Wentink, 2003; Dankelman,
2007). Wentink proposed to devise surgeon’s
behaviour using Rasmussen’s model of human
behaviour, which distinguishes three levels: skill-
based, rule-based, and knowledge-based levels
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
(Wentink, 2003; Rasmussen, 1983). Table 1 shows
current training methods that are attributed to these
three behavioural levels. Although currently
available training methods are being used to train
different behavioural characteristics, it is still
necessary to identify essential surgical skills that
characterize surgical competence.
Table 1: Levels of human behaviour in surgery.
Level of human
Training method
Skilled-based Box trainer, VR trainer
Rule-based Courses, literature,
internet, VR trainer
Knowledge-based Training in OR
VR – virtual reality; OR – operating room
Adapted from Dankelman (Dankelman, 2007)
There is a trend to imitate reality as much as
possible in surgical trainers. To find out whether
such high-fidelity trainers are the most effective
ones when learning basic MIS skills, studies have
been done to investigate whether those skills can
also be acquired using a low-fidelity trainers, in
which residents focus only on specific basic tasks.
Fundamental knowledge on efficient and effective
methods and tasks to train MIS skills, however, is
still lacking.
It is not known at which stage of training which
skills are learnt most effectively. Few studies
investigated how long a separate training session
should take and how long time between these
sessions should be (Verdaasdonk, 2007; Duffy,
2005; Mackay, 2002). These studies showed that a
common saying that ‘practice makes perfect’ is not
the only determinant of motor MIS skills learning;
the time that elapsed between two training sessions
seems to have a significant influence as well. It has
also been demonstrated that distributed training is
superior to the massed training.
4.2 Assessment of MIS Skills
To establish a reliable assessment methods for MIS,
it is necessary to find answers to four essential
questions: What should be assessed; Where should it
be assessed; How should it be assessed; When
should it be assessed?
Any attempt to assess technical competence of a
surgeon is difficult, because operative skill is a
combination of a surgeon’s knowledge, judgment,
and technical ability (Dankelman, 2005). Moreover,
to be able to assess the operative skill, it is necessary
to first measure that skill. Currently, there is no
method that is able to objectively assess surgical
competence based on data that includes: motion
analysis, force measurements, errors, final result of
operation, global assessment of performance,
number of performed surgeries, complications,
knowledge of anatomy, operational protocol, and
knowledge of equipment. This is partly caused by
the fact that not all the data mentioned above can
easily be measured.
Since it is not known where various MIS skills
should be trained, it is also not known (yet) where
these skills should be assessed. It is, however,
desirable to develop assessment methods that can be
used independently of the training setup. Developing
such methods is challenging, because factors such as
patient safety and ergonomics in the OR play a
critical role in designing these systems.
Assessment of technical competence of MIS
surgeons is a largely ignored aspect in researches on
patient safety, education in surgery, and MIS itself.
Many researchers focus only on validation of new
tasks and simulators for learning MIS skills
(Vassiliou, 2006; van Sickle, 2005; Stefanidis,
2010), whereas only a few isolated studies have been
found in the literature that introduce computer-aided
methods to assess and classify the surgeons based on
their technical competence (Cotin, 2002; Fraser,
2003; Allen, 2009; Cristiancho, 2009; Rosen, 2001;
Chmarra, 2010). All these attempts focus only on
manual dexterity of the surgeon, not taking into
account other skills.
Another problem is how to determine a passing
score, which defines when the surgeon is ‘good
enough’. The research is usually limited to show that
there is a correlation between the experience of a
surgeon and the proposed assessment measure.
Moreover, the existing methods assess competence
mostly on one individual (isolated) MIS skill only.
Few studies proposed methods to assess several
skills (Goff, 2000; Gumbs, 2007; Martin, 1997;
Mackay, 2003), but they combined these in a rather
ad-hoc, subjective manner. Moreover, some of these
methods were validated using data of experienced
surgeons and novices only. It is not known whether
these methods are able to distinguish between
surgeons with a finer gradation in experience (e.g.
expert and intermediate). Furthermore, none of these
methods takes into account that certain skills (e.g.
knowledge of procedure steps) can be compensated
by other skills (e.g. good teamwork).
Assessment of technical competence of surgeons
can be done either subjectively or objectively
(Feldman, 2004). Most of the present training
curricula use assessment methods that heavily rely
on subjective assessment measures (Darzi, 1999;
Martin, 1997; Moorthy, 2003). This should be
changed, and objective assessment methods that are
less likely to be biased by personal relationships,
should be developed. There are two main advantages
of introducing objective assessment methods: i) It is
possible to compare surgical competence of various
surgeons; ii) An objective assessment is more
reliable than the subjective one. By consequence,
residents will be more likely to accept objective
feedback on their skills and constructively
incorporate it in training.
It is difficult to say when assessment methods
should be used; no reliable training curricula have
been standardized nor widely used. It is, however,
desirable to develop assessment methods that can be
used at any time during training. Then it will be
possible to improve training methods without
necessity of developing new assessment methods. It
is important to recognize that development of
training curricula is closely associated with
development of assessment methods. Once the MIS
skills to be trained are known, it will become known
which MIS skills have to be assessed. The same
takes place the other way around; once the MIS
skills to be assessed are known, it will become
known which MIS skills have to be trained.
To develop reliable and correct training and
assessment methods, few recommendations should
be taken into account. First, it is necessary to ‘follow
the evidence of effectiveness’. Improved and/or new
methods are likely to be more enthusiastically
embraced and introduced when they are based on
evidence of their effectiveness. Also, the results that
indicate changes (e.g. improvement) in performance
of the methods need to be measurable.
Patient safety introduces new knowledge into
quality of performed surgery by way of disciplines
such as human factors, sociology, organizational
psychology, informatics. Therefore, development of
training and assessment methods should be done in a
multidisciplinary team.
After reliable and validated training curricula and
assessment methods have been developed and
implemented, hospitals can adapt their specialization
areas to the strengths (and weaknesses) of their staff.
Only then patients undergoing surgery will know
that they are in ‘good hands’.
Training and assessment of MIS skills is important
from the patient safety point of view. To improve
patient safety by better safeguarding the quality of
surgical performance, a number of training and
assessment methods have been developed and
introduced in MIS. Training of MIS skills is
currently done in the OR and in the skills labs, and
can roughly be divided into assessment based on
performed operations, assessment of psychomotor
skills, and task-specific checklists and global rating
scores. Establishment of reliable and valid training
curricula and assessment methods is difficult,
because fundamental questions of what, where, how,
and when should be trained and assessed have not
yet been answered. Studies should be conducted to
find the answers to these questions and to develop
appropriate training and assessment methods.
Implementation of these methods in surgical training
curricula should result in improvement of patient
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