Figure 9: Contributions of each independent component to
(n) as weighted by the adequate mixing coefficients.
Top: case 698, glottal source common mode in blue,
differential mode in red. Bottom: Id. for case 181.
pathology index by itself. And these pathology
indices can be anticipated in advance: these are the
ratios between the coefficients of matrix
A, by rows.
Of course, this is simply a preliminary observation
which needs to be certified by a more exhaustive
study on a wider subset of the database from which
these two samples have been drawn. Without going
to a more exhaustive study, which is left for further
investigation, it is evident that the contribution to the
differential mode is related to alterations in the
vibration pattern known as
jitter and shimmer
classically (Titze, 1994).
Jitter is especially prone to
cause differences in the boundary between
neighbour cycles as can be inferred from the figures.
Therefore to grant a
jitter-independent analysis, ICA
should be applied to each possible combination of
phonation cycles in pairs after clipping and
interpolating each single phonation cycle, to match
cycle durations at the cost of assuming interpolation
side effects. This technique would open the
possibility of estimating the biomechanical
parameters in eq. (1) independently for each vocal
fold, thus opening important consequences for the
study of voice pathologies showing asymmetric
The application of ICA opens many other
interesting lines of study, as is for instance, the
spectral distribution associated to the differential
mode as compared to the common mode. It is well
known that the spectral distribution of the common
mode has much to see with the overall vocal fold
biomechanics (Gómez et al, 2009). The differential
mode, on its turn, may be strongly connected with
voice pathology correlates as Harmonics-to-Noise,
or Glottal-to-Noise ratios, which are known to be
good pathology indices. Another important study is
that of the statistical distribution of the differential
component, which is left also for a future
Studies of the Glottal Source have concentrated
mostly up to now on the reconstruction of this signal
under conditions granting the most similarity as
possible to its physical counterpart (supraglottal
presure), which is not accessible in a simple and non
obtrusive way. The differences in duration and
amplitude of the glottal cycles which dominate the
pattern of the glottal source have been quantified by
distortion parameters as
jitter, shimmer or some of
their related siblings, but not much effort have been
inverted in quantifying and modelling these
differences. Up to a certain point it seems reasonable
to think that in short-term analysis these may be due
to asymmetries in vocal fold vibration. Knowing that
this is clearly a sign of non-normal phonation
(dysphonia), it would be greatly interesting to know
to which extent asymmetric vibration can be
understood and if this knowledge is amenable of
being applied to voice production and pathology
studies. The key to this methodology success is
granting good estimates of vocal fold vibration
asymmetry and this seems to be granted by the
application of Independent Component Analysis as
this preliminary study has brought to light. It may be
argued that other possible strategies to derive the
common and differential modes could have used, as
simple average. Needless to say that these naive
techniques do not grant the statistical independence
granted by ICA, therefore they cannot grant
independent estimates of each vocal fold
biomechanics, which is the key to the success of this
methodology. Going one step further, pathology
indices may be derived directly from the estimates
of the mixing matrix A, this being a preliminary
outstanding result. As the present study is limited in
its extension to explore the viability of the
methodology, many open questions remain in the
shelf to be answered in future studies. The objective