Using QVT Relations
Ali Fatolahi, Stéphane S. Somé and Timothy C. Lethbridge
School of Information Technology and Engineeing, University of Ottawa, 800 King Edward, K1N 6N5, Ottawa, Canada
Keywords: MDD, QVT, Web, Reusability, Meta-model.
Abstract: In this paper, a model-driven approach for web development is presented. The approach contains two
important elements that serve reusability: an abstract model and a set of transformations. Transformations
act as the chaining feature of model-driven development (MDD); that is transformations add to the value of
models by transforming them to those of the desired type. As a standard for developing transformations,
QVT relations are used in this paper to specify mappings from a high-level model to an abstract model of
web-based applications. This model is abstract since it does not rely on any specific web platform but on the
common features of web applications. Having this model and its corresponding transformations, model-
driven web development for specific platforms becomes faster and more reusable.
Models form the value of model-driven development
(MDD) methods. Transformations add to the value
of MDD by processing raw models and by creating
more detailed ones that could be used for the
development of actual applications. We aim at
maximizing the level of value re-use as well as
minimizing the length of transformations that create
value or add to it. Thus, we present an abstract
model of web applications that is reusable for
several web platforms as well as a set of QVT
relations to transform requirements to the abstract
web models.
We have added an intermediate level termed
Abstract PSM (APSM) to the three conventional
levels of MDA, i.e. CIM, PIM and PSM. The
APSM, an intermediate between the PIM and PSM
in the context of Web applications, is concerned
with models specified with respect to common
features of different web platforms. The APSM is
platform-specific in the sense that it describes
features specific to the abstract web platform; it is
also abstract since it does not contain details of
specific web platforms but only their shared
features. Two sets of transformations are needed
from PIM to PSM: one to map PIM to APSM and
the second one to map APSM to PSM.
An important aspect of our work is the usage of
QVT relations as a means of formalizing model-
driven transformations. In this paper, we present an
approach based on QVT relations to be used for the
generation of APSM models. Hence, the PIM-to-
APSM part of the transformations could be re-used
for all applications. Only the QVT relations required
for generating a specific PSM from the APSM need
to be supplied. Since the APSM is semantically
closer to PSMs, this latter part is easier to develop in
comparison to the conventional PIM-to-PSM
The importance of web applications as well as
the ever-increasing volatility of web technologies
postulates the need to benefit from models that have
been created for previous projects. In order to
achieve this, one needs either web models that are
adaptable with virtually any platform or automated
transformations that enable transforming models of
different platforms to each other. In this paper, we
use a combination of the two.
The APSM, which is used as the abstract web
model in this paper, is a reusable model because it
can be used to describe models of web applications
regardless of their platforms. Hence for example, the
APSM of a web application once deployed using a
.Net-based technology could be reused to create the
same application using a GWT-based framework as
Also, the transformations that map the APSM to
specific platforms come in handy here. These
facilitate model reuse by relieving the developer
Fatolahi A., S. Somé S. and C. Lethbridge T..
DOI: 10.5220/0003290703830386
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 383-386
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
from low-level tasks required to create the platform-
specific designs. At the ultimate case, with a
completely automated process, the task of
reproducing the same application for different
platforms using different technologies becomes a
matter of changing the automated code generation
module that targets the new platform.
According to Figure 1, an application has several use
cases, a number of these use cases may be startup
use cases. User interfaces may be defined for every
application. For web-based applications, it is
necessary to recognize different views for different
users; this is realized using the association of actors
and user interfaces. States may be associated with
presentations; this results in a presentation state. A
presentation is a special UI Composite, which means
it could contain other UI Components. UI
Composites are translated to pages, forms, tables or
panels depending on the specific platform the APSM
will be mapped to. UI Components may be
associated to each other through a FieldOperation.
This allows client-side operations to be defined. A
UI component is associated with a data composite in
order to model the data support required. Data
composites are composed of data entities. A data
composite can also participate in an association with
another data composite, where one data composite is
used as the basis of selecting data from another one.
For example, when selecting a country affects the
list of available provinces such association would be
Every data composite is supplied with a service
class, which manages the flow of information to and
from the data composite. An attribute crudNature is
added to the class Operation in order to determine
the type of service operation and is used for code
generation. Also, in order to model the call structure
from controller operations to service ones, an
association is added from the class Operation to
itself. A special UI composite, OperationTrigger, is
used to represent the information submitted to the
server side, for example, as part of a web form.
Transitions may carry events. Events can be
either signal or call events. Signal events represent
the events fired by UI Components such as
Operation Triggers, i.e. submit buttons. Call events
are rather called by controllers to handle the logic of
the application. These, often, call a data service.
In order to be able to move between platforms, a
web model must be able to specify Web 2.0
applications as well. The model is capable of
supporting Web 2.0 applications at an abstract level.
A presentation state may be composed of several
presentation units, which allows independent update
of different sub-units within the same presentation
unit. Also content-oriented UI elements may accept
feedback, where the feedback is itself a content-
oriented UI element. This enables an interactive
content as required by Web 2.0. Also, by having
content-oriented UI elements attached to items
found for every search event, the whole content
becomes searchable.
Figure 1: A Meta-model for Abstract Web Applications.
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
In order to achieve reusability using model-
driven transformations, it is critical to have
transformations that could be traced forward and
backward through elements that map platforms to
each other. According to Cichetti and Di Ruscio
(2008), most of the existing web models do not
adequately support this because they lose track of
changes by relying on name-based associations. Our
meta-model avoids name-based associations by
creating concrete associations such as the one
between UIComponent and DataComposite, which
provides the same type of support as suggested by
Cichetti and Di Ruscio (2008) in terms of an
association from DataCompositionWLink and
Despite the popularity of the existing web
models, as shown in Table 1, none of the existing
models meets all the requirements of a reusable
model in the context of a model-driven approach.
Table 1: Comparative Study of the Existing Web Models.
Figure 2: A Sample Input Model.
Figure 2 shows a sample input model. The figure
shows that two actors, Member and Admin may
access this process. This is related to a billing use
case. The User enters a counter number and requests
a bill. The system calculates and shows a bill
providing an option of instant payment or to return.
The group boxes at the left show the corresponding
presentations of every state. There could be more
than one presentation unit per page. The presentation
model of the state, Enter Counter is only composed
of one entry form that adds a new entry to the data
unit Bill. The state, Show Bill is related to a page
composed of two units. First unit shows the
information of the recent bill based on the created
bill in previous step. The second unit is simply a link
to home page.
The state Enter Counter is translated to a
presentation state, which leads to another state
through signal event Create Bill with two parameters
Date and Counter. The state runState1 is only
inserted to enable the activation of the call event on
the outgoing transition that calls the operation
required to create the bill. In case this is successful,
the object theBill, which carries the newly created
bill, is sent along the transition that ends at the final
state Online Payment.
Figure 3: The APSM Mapping of figure 2.
Figure 4 presents the classes required to support
the input model. The data composite BillComposite
is composed of only one class, BillEntity. The
attributes of BillEntity are selected so that there is
one attribute per UI component in Figure 3. The
class BillService handles the CRUD operations. The
controller BillingController needs an operation to
handle the creation of a bill. This operation is
basically required to create an empty BillComposite
object, to call the corresponding service and to
transfer this object to the next state as required for
Figure 4: The APSM Classes of Billing.
Figure 5 presents a summary of the information used
from the PIM as well as those created at the APSM
level. According to Figure 8:
Data objects and navigations through data
objects are created based on data associations found
within the UI model.
The contents and the structure of web pages are
determined by the contents of the presentation states
and transition flows.
Transitions and states from the input model are
also used to create events and operations used for the
generation of the behaviour and controllers of the
The generated behaviour and controllers are used
in turn to build the data access services in
combination with data associations from
presentation states. It is also used to map parameters
to attributes within the data model.
The following transformations were implemented:
1- PIM-to-APSM: This set maps the input model
such as the one in Figures 2 to the APSM model
such as the one of Figures 3-4.
2- APSM-to-AndroMDA: This mapping creates a
fully detailed AndroMDA model, which may be
transformed to code using AndroMDA .
3- APSM-to-WebML: The target in this mapping is
a specific configuration of the WebML-based tool,
4- APSM-to-GWT: maps the APSM to a platform,
based on Google Web Toolkit. This allows us to
evaluate the Web 2.0 modeling capabilities of the
abstract meta-model.
Although it is possible to use the approach without
the PIM-APSM transformations, this set helps
bringing reusability to an even more abstract level
that is reuse at the level of requirements model.
Figure 5: Summary of the transformations.
The implemented approach is named MODEWIS,
which stands for MOdel-driven DEvelopment of
Web Information Systems. Figure 6 shows how the
MODEWIS interacts with other components in this
implementation. Several case-studies, tools and
transformations are developed in the context of
MODEWIS (2010).
Figure 6: The Architecture of MODEWIS.
AndroMDA,, 15-02-2007.
Cicchetti, A. Di Ruscio, D. Decoupling Web Application
Concerns through Weaving Operations. In: Science of
Computer Program-ming 70(1) 2008. pp. 62-86.
Google Web Toolkit, Google Code,, June 2010.
MODEWIS,, 12-1-2010.
WebML,, May 5, 2008.
WebRatio,, 6-5-2008.
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies