David Pereira Coutinho
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Instituto de Telecomunicac¸˜oes and Instituto Superior T´ecnico, Lisboa, Portugal
Ana L. N. Fred, M´ario A. T. Figueiredo
Instituto de Telecomunicac¸˜oes and Instituto Superior T´ecnico, Lisboa, Portugal
Biometrics, ECG, String matching, LZ77, Data compression.
Conventional access control systems are typically based on a single time instant authentication. However,
for high-security environments, continuous user verification is needed in order to robustly prevent fraudulent
or unauthorized access. The electrocardiogram (ECG) is an emerging biometric modality with the follow-
ing characteristics: (i) it does not require liveliness verification, (ii) there is strong evidence that it contains
sufficient discriminative information to allow the identification of individuals from a large population, (iii) it
allows continuous user verification. Recently, a string matching approach for ECG-based biometrics, using
the Ziv-Merhav (ZM) cross parsing, was proposed. Building on previous work, and exploiting tools from data
compression, this paper goes one step further, proposing a method for ECG-based continuous authentication.
An adaptive way of using the ZM cross parsing is introduced. The use of the Lloyd-Max quantization is also
introduced to improve the results with the string matching approach for ECG-based biometrics. Results on
one-lead ECG real data are presented, acquired during a concentration task, from 19 healthy individuals.
The problem of user verification has concentrated
much effort of the research community in the last
few years. This has resulted in many approaches
for personal authentication based on biometric fea-
tures. Conventional access control systems are typ-
ically based on a single time instant authentication.
But the demand for robustly preventing fraudulent
or unauthorized access to systems led us to another
problem. How to guarantee that the initially authen-
ticated person is the same that is using the system?
This problem is addressed by continuous user verifi-
cation, where biometric authentication (verification)
(Jain et al., 2007) is useful, and several studies on
this topic have been published (Monrose and Rubin,
2000)(Sim et al., 2007)(Niinuma and Jain, 2010).
The electrocardiogram (ECG) is an emerging bio-
metric measure which exploits a physiological feature
that exists on every human. There is strong evidence
that the ECG is sufficiently discriminative to identify
individuals within a large population. The ECG al-
lows intrinsic liveliness verification, personal identi-
fication and authentication (Biel et al., 2001) (Chiu
et al., 2008) (Pereira Coutinho et al., 2010b), and dif-
ferent stress or emotion states detection (Medina and
Fred, 2010). Furthermore the ECG is a behavioral
biometric trait that can be used with other biometric
measures (Ross et al., 2006), as a complementary fea-
ture, for fusion in a multimodal biometric authenti-
cation system (Boulgouris et al., 2009, Ch. 18) and
for continuous authentication where biological signa-
tures are continuously monitored (easily done by us-
ing new signal acquisition technologies like the Vital
Jacket (Cunha et al., 2007), (Leonov, 2009)) in order
to guarantee the identity of the operator throughout
the whole process (Damousis et al., 2008).
Recently, a string matching approach for ECG-
based biometrics using the Ziv-Merhav (ZM) cross
parsing was proposed (Pereira Coutinho et al.,
2010a). Built on previous work and exploring prin-
ciples from data compression, in this paper we go one
step further, proposing a method for ECG-based con-
tinuous authentication. We introduce the use of ZM
cross parsing with adaptive models, in a way similar
to what is used by dictionary-basedtext data compres-
sion algorithms, such as the LZ77 (Ziv and Lempel,
1977). The use of the Lloyd-Max quantization is also
Pereira Coutinho D., L. N. Fred A. and A. T. Figueiredo M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003292003540359
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2011), pages 354-359
ISBN: 978-989-8425-35-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
proposed to improve the results with the string match-
ing approach for ECG-based biometrics. Results on
one-lead ECG real data are presented, acquired dur-
ing a concentration task, from 19 healthy individuals.
This paper is organized as follows: Sec. 2 makes
a brief review of the related works on ECG-based bio-
metrics systems and provides some details about a
recently proposed string matching approach. Sec. 3
discusses how to improve the efficacy of the string
matching approach and describes the proposed con-
tinuous authenticationmethod, detailing the use of the
ZM cross parsing with adaptive models. Sec. 4 dis-
cusses and shows the experimental results. Finally,
Sec. 5 finalizes the paper drawing the main conclu-
Two question arise concerning the design of an ECG-
based biometric system: How to store an ECG sam-
ple in a biometric database? How to match one ECG
sample with database samples?
Biel et al. (Biel et al., 2001) were the first to
answer these questions, by proposing the extraction
of fiducial features, which are used for database
storage and classification (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: Elements of a typical ECG waveform and features
used by Biel et al. for classification.
2.1 Fiducial versus Non-fiducial
In a broad sense, one can say there are two different
approaches in the literature concerning feature extrac-
tion from ECG: fiducial and non-fiducial.
Fiducial methods use points of interest within a
single heartbeat waveform, such as local maxima or
minima; that is, they use references to allow the def-
inition of features like latency times and amplitudes,
as shown in Figure 1. Many other examples can be
found in the literature.
Non-fiducial techniques aim at extracting discrim-
inative information from the ECG waveform without
having to extract fiducia. A global pattern from sev-
eral heartbeat waveforms may be used as a feature;
typically, wavelet or DCT coefficients have been used
as features.
Some methods combine these two different
approaches or are partially fiducial (Wang et al.,
2008) (e.g., they use only the R peak as a reference
for segmentation of the heartbeat waveforms). Ta-
ble 1 summarizes several approaches found in the
literature; for more details on each method, see the
corresponding publication.
2.2 String Matching Approach
A new non-fiducial approach was recently proposed
(Pereira Coutinho et al., 2010a). It is a simple
approach where the first step is to convert ECG
samples into sequences of symbols (strings) from
an alphabet, using 8 bit uniform quantization (256
symbols). Although information is lost due the
quantization process, enough discriminative infor-
mation is preserved (as shown by the experiments).
Identification or authentication is based on a 1-NN
(nearest neighbor) classifier, using the string similar-
ity measure described next. An application example
on person identification is depicted in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Identification block diagram overview. The ac-
quired ECG signals are preprocessed in order to remove
noise, segmented, quantized between its maximum and
minimum value, resulting in a string. Test samples clas-
sification is based on string matching with database stored
2.2.1 String Similarity Measure
The string similarity measure used in (Pereira
Coutinho et al., 2010a) is based on Ziv-Merhav cross
parsing (ZMCP) (Ziv and Merhav, 1993). Ziv and
Merhav introduced an empirical divergence between
two sequences z and x based on two LZ-type parsing
algorithms: the incremental LZ parsing (LZ78) which
is a self parsing procedure of a sequence (let the self
parsing length of a given a sequence z be denoted by
c(z)) and the cross parsing (LZ78 parsing variation)
Table 1: Comparison of related works with string matching approach. The accuracy (Accur.) values shown are the reported
results for person identification.
Ref. Feature Method Subjs. Accur.
(Biel et al., 2001) Fiducial PCA 20 100%
(Shen et al., 2002) Fiducial Templ. matching+DBNN 20 100%
(Israel et al., 2005) Fiducial LDA 29 98 %
(Silva et al., 2007) Fiducial FSE 26 99.97%
(Chan et al., 2008) Non-fiducial Wavelet Distance 50 95%
(Wang et al., 2008) Non-fiducial AC/DCT+KNN 13 97.8%
(Pereira Coutinho et al., 2010a) Non-fiducial ZM Cross Parsing+1NN 19 100%
which is a sequential parsing of a sequence with re-
spect to another sequence (let us denote by c(z|x) the
sequential parsing length of a sequence z given a se-
quence x).
For example, as shown in Figure 2, the 1-NN
based identification of a test sample z in one of a set
of K classes, given the subject models x
per class k,
is then simply
k(z) = argmin
The ZMCP implementation consists on a static
dictionary pre-loaded with a sequence x (model),
where only the look ahead buffer (LAB) slides over
the input sequence z while making the cross parsing
(for details see (Pereira Coutinho and Figueiredo,
Our work is built on the basic ideas from (Pereira
Coutinho et al., 2010b) proposing the major enhance-
ments described as follows.
3.1 User-tuned Quantization
In the string matching approach, a user tuned au-
thentication scheme was proposed (Pereira Coutinho
et al., 2010b). After preprocessing the ECG ac-
quired samples, the system uses uniform quantiza-
tion to transform the samples into a string. In order
to make the system more user-tuned, one can learn a
quantizer for each user. That can simply be done us-
ing non-uniform quantization, namely the Lloyd-Max
quantization (LMQ).
Our proposal is that, after the enrollment process,
a Lloyd-Max quantizer be built for each user, and
the selected ECG acquired samples be encoded with
the associated user-tuned quantizer, and stored in the
database, to be used as a model. During the authen-
tication process the selected ECG acquired samples
are also encoded with the Lloyd-Max quantizer asso-
ciated to the subject that the user claims to be, and
then compared with the same subject’s stored model.
3.2 Continuous Authentication Method
The method that we propose is built on the string
matching approach that was briefly described in Sec-
tion 2.2. The classification stage remains the same,
using the ZMCP as the string similarity measure. The
major and significant change is in the way user’s mod-
els are handled. An overview of the proposed system
block diagram is depicted in Figure 3.
As in the original work, during the enrollment pro-
cess the system must learn for each user both the user
model and the user threshold. This is the crucial data
that will be retrieved from the system database during
the whole continuous authentication process. Then,
unlike the original work, we propose that every time
that the system makes a positive authentication, the
system database must be updated with that test sample
that led to the positive decision. This adaptive mode
of managing user models will enable the system to
learn during the authentication process.
Updating the model to store in the system database
will result from a simple string concatenation opera-
tion. We stress the simplicity of this model updat-
ing mode because it is not a time consuming opera-
tion, which is an important feature concerning real-
time systems. Due to user’s models size limitations, a
strategy like FIFO (First In First Out), or other crite-
ria, must be adopted when updating these models.
Notice that acquiring ECG signals for continuous
authentication will require specific devices that allow
continuous monitoring of the operator throughout the
whole process. An example of such devices would be
a wearable device like the Vital Jacket (Cunha et al.,
BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Figure 3: Proposed continuous authentication system block diagram overview. Notice that the system database is updated
only if user authentication result is true.
4.1 Data Collection
The ECG waveform dataset used was acquired using
one lead, in the context of the Himotion project
. The
dataset contains ECG recordings from 19 subjects ac-
quired during a concentration task on a computer, de-
signed for an average completion time of 10 minutes.
All the acquired ECG signals were normalized and
band-pass filtered (2–30Hz) in order to remove noise.
Each heartbeat waveform was sequentially segmented
from the full recording and then all the obtained wave-
forms were aligned by their R peaks. From the re-
sulting collection of ECG heartbeat waveforms, the
mean wave for groups of 10 consecutive waveforms
(without overlap) was computed. Each of these mean
waveforms is what it is called a single heartbeat in
(Pereira Coutinho et al., 2010b). Notice that an intra-
class study (Medina and Fred, 2010) with the dataset,
in the context of the exploration of electrophysiologi-
cal signals for emotional states detection, showed the
existence of differentiated states in the data that rep-
resent the ECG signal of a subject.
4.2 Experimental Results
The experimental results were obtained with a strat-
egy of leave-one-out cross validation over 50 runs.
The samples for the model and for the test sample
were chosen randomly from all the acquired single
heartbeats waveforms for each user.
1 temp web page preview.asp?id=305
We evaluated user authentication using non-uniform
quantization and Table 2 shows the comparison re-
sults of authentication experiments over the same
dataset. The results show that Lloyd-Max (rather
than uniform) quantization and user-adjusted thresh-
olds clearly improve the performance of the original
string matching approach.
The proposed continuous authentication method
was evaluated. Table 2 shows the results for the
continuous authentication experiments over the same
dataset. Test results show that the introduced adap-
tive capability, that is using ZMCP with adaptive user
models, improve also the performance of the original
In this paper, the presented work is built on the basic
ideas from (Pereira Coutinho et al., 2010b). Two ma-
jor enhancements on the string matching approach for
ECG-based biometrics was proposed. One was the
use of non-uniform quantization, namely the Lloyd-
Max quantization, when converting an ECG acquired
sample into a string. The other was to allow system
database update during the continuous authentication
process. This adaptive mode depends on a simply
string concatenation operation, which is not a time
consuming operation, an important feature regarding
real-time system.
Experiments carried out on a dataset with 19
healthy subjects, for whom the existence of differen-
tiated states in the ECG data of a subject has been
Table 2: Comparison of authentication related work results over the same dataset.
Reference Feature EER
(Oliveira and Fred, 2009) Fiducial (1-NN classifier) 8.0 %
(Gamboa, 2008) Fiducial (user-tuned) 1.7 %
(Pereira Coutinho et al., 2010b) Non-fiducial (uniform quantiz., user-tuned) 1.1 %
Proposed authentication method Non-fiducial (LLoyd-Max quantiz., user-tuned) 0.37 %
Proposed cont. authentication methodNon-fiducial (LLoyd-Max quantiz., user-tuned, adaptive models)0.36 %
shown (Medina and Fred, 2010). Results showed that
our method improve the performance of the original
system, enabling an average EER (equal error rate)
of 0.37 % on authentication and 0.36 % on continuos
Future work will include tests with other datasets
for further evaluation of our method, particularly with
datasets that have longer ECG samples. This allow a
more accurate performance evaluation in the case of
continuous authentication. The size of the HiMotion
project samples was quite small and this was a draw-
back in the present work. The user threshold tunning
process is another problem that must be addressed in
future studies because an adaptive learning strategy is
We acknowledge the following financial support: In-
stituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL),
the FET programme, within the EU FP7, under
the SIMBAD project (contract 213250); Fundac¸˜ao
para a Ciˆencia e Tecnologia (FCT), under grants
PTDC/EEA-TEL/72572/2006 and QREN 3475.
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