Experiments on Speech Signals of Patients with Laryngopathies
Jarosław Szkoła, Krzysztof Pancerz
Institute of Biomedical Informatics, University of Information Technology and Management, Rzesz
ow, Poland
Jan Warchoł
Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
Recurrent neural networks, Learning of neural networks, Laryngopathies, Temporal patterns.
Recurrent neural networks can be used for pattern recognition in time series data due to their ability of mem-
orizing some information from the past. The Elman networks are a classical representative of this kind of
neural networks. In the paper, we show how to improve learning ability of the Elman network by modifying
and combining it with another kind of a recurrent neural network, namely, with the Jordan network. The mod-
ified Elman-Jordan network manifests a faster and more exact achievement of the target pattern. Validation
experiments were carried out on speech signals of patients with laryngopathies.
Our research concerns designing effective methods
for computer support of a non-invasive diagnosis of
selected larynx diseases. Computer-based clinical
decision support (CDS) systems play an important
role in modern medicine (Greenes, 2007). The non-
invasive diagnosis is based on an intelligent analysis
of distinguished parameters of a patient’s speech sig-
nal (phonation). Some approaches were considered in
(Warchoł, 2006), (Szkoła et al., 2010), and (Warchoł
et al., 2010). There exist various approaches to analy-
sis of bio-medical signals (cf. (Semmlow, 2009)). In
general, we can distinguish three groups of methods
according to a domain of the signal analysis: analy-
sis in a time domain, analysis in a frequency domain
(spectrum analysis), analysis in a time-frequency do-
main (e.g., wavelet analysis). Therefore, in our re-
search, we are going to build a specialized computer
tool for supporting diagnosis of laryngopathies based
on a hybrid approach. One part of this tool, playing
an important role in a preliminary stage, will be based
on the patients’ speech signal analysis in the time
domain. Hybridization means that a decision sup-
port system will have a hierarchical structure based
on multiple classifiers working on signals in time and
frequency domains. Results presented in this paper
Figure 1: An exemplary speech signal (fragment) for a pa-
tient from a control group.
will be helpful for selection of suitable methods for
the planned tool.
Preliminary observations of signal samples for
patients from a control group and patients with a
confirmed pathology clearly indicate deformations of
standard articulation in precise time intervals (see
Figures 1 and 2).
Designing the way of recognition of temporal pat-
terns and their replications becomes the key element.
It enables detecting all non-natural disturbances in ar-
ticulation of selected phonemes. For the time domain
Szkoła J., Pancerz K. and Warchoł J..
IMPROVING LEARNING ABILITY OF RECURRENT NEURAL NETWORKS - Experiments on Speech Signals of Patients with Laryngopathies.
DOI: 10.5220/0003292603600364
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2011), pages 360-364
ISBN: 978-989-8425-35-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 2: An exemplary speech signal (fragment) for a pa-
tient with polyp.
analysis, we propose using neural networks with the
capability of extracting the phoneme articulation pat-
tern for a given patient (articulation is an individual
patient feature) and the capability of assessment of its
replication in the whole examined signal. Preliminary
observations show that significant replication distur-
bances in time, appear for patients with the clinical
diagnosis of disease.
The capabilities mentioned are possessed by re-
current neural networks. One class of them are the
Elman neural networks (Elman, 1990). In real time-
decision making, an important thing is to speed up
a learning process for neural networks. Moreover,
accuracy of learning of signal patterns plays an im-
portant role. Therefore, in this paper, we propose
some improvement of learning ability of the Elman
networks by combining them with another kind of
recurrent neural networks, namely, the Jordan net-
works (Jordan, 1986) and by providing some addi-
tional modification.
Our paper is organized as follows. After introduc-
tion, we shortly describe a structure and features of
the modified Elman-Jordan neural network used for
supporting diagnosis of laryngopathies (Section 2). In
Section 3, we present results obtained by experiments
done on real-life data. Some conclusions and final re-
marks are given in Section 4.
In most cases, neural network topologies can be di-
vided into two broad categories: feedforward (with no
loops and connections within the same layer) and re-
current (with possible feedback loops). The Hopfield
network, the Elman network and the Jordan network
are the best known recurrent networks. In the paper
we are interested in the two last ones.
In the Elman network (Figure 3) (Elman, 1990),
the input layer has a recurrent connection with the
hidden layer. Therefore, at each time step the output
values of the hidden units are copied to the input units,
which store them and use them for the next time step.
This process allows the network to memorize some
information from the past, in such a way to detect
periodicity of the patterns in a better manner. Such
capability can be exploited in our problem to recog-
nize temporal patterns in the examined speech signals.
The Jordan networks (Jordan, 1986) are similar to the
Elman networks. The context layer is, however, fed
from the output layer instead of the hidden layer. To
accelerate a learning (training) process of the Elman
neural network we propose a modified structure of the
network. We combine the Elman network with the
Jordan network and add another feedback for an out-
put neuron as it is shown in Figure 4.
The pure Elman network consists of four layers:
an input layer (in our model: the neuron I
a hidden layer (in our model: the neurons H
, H
..., H
a context layer (in our model: the neurons C
, C
..., C
an output layer (in our model: the neuron O
is a unit delay here.
To improve some learning ability of the pure El-
man networks, we propose to add additional feed-
backs in network structures. Experiments described
in Section 3 validate this endeavor. We create (see
Figure 4):
feedback between an output layer and a hidden
layer through the context neuron (in our model:
the neuron C
), such feedback is used in the Jor-
dan networks,
feedback for an output layer.
A new network structure will be called the modified
Elman-Jordan network.
The Elman network, according to its structure, can
store an internal state of a network. There can be val-
ues of signals of a hidden layer in time unit t 1. Data
are stored in the memory context. Because of storing
values of a hidden layer for t 1 we can make predic-
tion for the next time unit for a given input value. In
the case of learning neural networks with different ar-
chitectures, we can distinguish three ways for making
prediction for x(t + s), where s > 1:
1. Training a network on values x(t), x(t 1), x(t
1), ....
Patients with Laryngopathies
Figure 3: A structure of the trained Elman neural network.
Figure 4: A structure of the trained Elman-Jordan neural
2. Training a network on each value x(t + i), where
1 i s. This way manifests good results for
small s.
3. Training a network only on a value x(t +1), going
iteratively to x(t + s) for any s.
In our case, we have used method 2.
The Jordan network can be classified as one of
variants of the NARMA (Nonlinear Autoregressive
Moving Average) model (Mandic and Chambers,
2001), where a context layer stores an output value for
t 1. It is assumed that a network with this structure
does not have a memory. It processes only a value
taken previously from the output. In the NARMA
model, a context layer operates as a subtractor for an
input value.
If we pass a single value to the network input in a
given time unit t, then the Elman network stores the
copies of values from a hidden layer for t 1 in a con-
text layer. The size of a hidden layer does not depend
on the size of an output layer. In the case of the Jordan
network, an output value for t 1 is passed to a con-
text layer. Therefore, the size of this layer depends on
the size of an output layer. If a network has only one
input and one output, then we have only one neuron in
the context layer. In comparison with the Elman net-
work, the Jordan network learns slower and requires a
bigger structure. Therefore, the pure Jordan network
cannot be used in solving our problem. In the mod-
ified Elman-Jordan network proposed by us, the net-
work has feedbacks between selected layers. We pro-
vide additional information for the hidden layer. The
hidden layer has an access to an input value, previous
values of the hidden layer as well as an output value.
Additional information has a big impact on modify-
ing weights of the hidden layer. It leads to shortening
a learning process and decreasing a network structure
compared to the classical Elman network.
The experiments were carried out on two groups of
patients. The first group included patients without
disturbances of phonation. It was confirmed by pho-
niatrist opinion. The second group included patients
with clinically confirmed dysphonia as a result of
Reinke’s edema or laryngeal polyp. Experiments
were carried out by a course of breathing exercises
with instruction about a way of articulation. The task
of all examined patients was to utter separately some
vowels with extended articulation as long as possible,
without intonation, and each on separate expiration.
The obtained speech signals were analyzed using
the Elman network and the modified Elman-Jordan
network. Articulation is an individual patient feature.
Therefore, we cannot train a neural network on the in-
dependent patterns of phonation of individual vowels.
For each patient, a recorded speech signal was used
for both training and testing of a neural network. We
can distinguish the following steps of our computer
Division of the speech signal of an exam-
ined patient into time windows corresponding to
Random selection of a number of time windows.
Taking one time window for training the neural
network and testing of the neural network on the
remaining ones.
The network learns a selected time window. If the
remaining windows are similar to the selected one in
terms of the time patterns, then for such windows an
error generated by the network in a testing stage is
small. If significant replication disturbances in time
appear for patients with the larynx disease, then an
BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Figure 5: An exemplary learning process for the Elman net-
Figure 6: An exemplary learning process for the modified
Elman-Jordan network.
error generated by the network is greater. In this case,
the time pattern is not preserved in the whole signal.
Therefore, the error generated by the network reflects
non-natural disturbances in the patient phonation.
In our experiments. we used network structures
shown in Section 2. In each case, we required the
learning error less than or equal to 0.001. Figures
presented further show important features of neural
network models used in experiments. In Figures 5
and 6, exemplary learning processes for both neural
networks are shown. For the Elman network, we can
observe fast correction of weights (at the beginning
of a learning process) and next (in the second phase)
slow decreasing of an error. Sometimes an error in-
creases. For the modified Elman-Jordan network, at
the beginning, an error slowly but systematically de-
creases, and next (in the second phase) it significantly
In Figures 7 and 8, the quality of mapping of pat-
Figure 7: Exemplary errors for the Elman network (desired
output - dashed line, obtained output - solid line, error -
dotted line).
Figure 8: Exemplary errors for the modified Elman-Jordan
network (desired output - dashed line, obtained output -
solid line, error - dotted line).
terns learnt by networks is shown for both neural net-
works. For the modified Elman-Jordan network, the
learnt pattern is smoother than for the pure Elman net-
work. It leads to better and more exact mapping of a
shape of the pattern. This feature is very important in
pattern recognition and pattern searching in the whole
group of examined signals.
It is worth noting that presented graphs are repre-
sentative of most cases examined, but there exist ex-
ceptions. An important thing is a number of epochs
needed for learning a neural network. Tables 1 and
2 include selected results of experiments for women
from the control group and women with laryngeal
polyp, obtained using the Elman network and the
modified Elman-Jordan network. We give consecu-
tively an average mean squared error e
) and
an average number n
) of epochs needed to
learn the network.
It is easy to see that neural network models have
Patients with Laryngopathies
Table 1: Selected results of experiments for women from
the control group obtained using the Elman network and
the modified Elman-Jordan network.
ID e
0.0068 389 0.0061 88
2.4523 2335 0.0111 92
0.0170 501 0.0178 107
0.0109 597 0.0115 96
0.0332 662 0.0301 146
0.0178 609 0.0166 104
0.0096 428 0.0086 78
0.0068 318 0.0068 108
0.0080 490 0.0080 162
0.0084 553 0.0087 119
Table 2: Selected results of experiments for women with
laryngeal polyp obtained using the Elman network and the
modified Elman-Jordan network.
ID e
0.1720 331 0.1677 92
0.2764 536 0.3107 191
0.0518 566 0.0542 96
0.0268 504 0.0258 142
0.0418 646 0.0423 239
0.2107 444 0.2134 71
0.0921 1040 0.0877 40
0.0364 993 0.0351 72
0.0380 541 0.0370 180
0.1461 363 0.1411 160
similar ability to distinct between normal and disease
states (compare columns e
and e
), but the modi-
fied Elman-Jordan network needs a smaller number of
epochs, sometimes by 50 per cent or more (compare
columns n
and n
). Such observations are very
important for further research, especially in the con-
text of a created computer tool for diagnosis of larynx
diseases. The experiments also showed that some-
times the Elman network does not have the capabil-
ity of learning a given pattern. Ten thousand epochs
set in experiments were not enough for learning with
an error goal of 0.001. Such situation was observed
for w
(see Table 1). The modified Elman-Jordan
network reached a goal in a set number of epochs for
each sample.
In the paper, we have shown improving learning abil-
ity of recurrent neural networks used in speech signal
analysis of patients with laryngopathies. A combined
structure of two neural networks (the Elman network
with the Jordan network) speeds up a learning process
and that is important if a diagnostic decision should
be made in real time. The presented results will be
helpful for selection of suitable techniques for a cre-
ated computer tool supporting diagnosis of larynx dis-
This research has been supported by the grant No. N
N516 423938 from the Polish Ministry of Science and
Higher Education.
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BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing