Urška Sancin and Bojan Dolšak
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor, Smetanova ul. 17, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia
Keywords: Product development process, Design, Material selection, Plastics, Human cognition, Decision support
Abstract: To succeed means to develop and produce a product with optimal properties for considerable lower price in
comparison to similar products on the market. Material selection is one of crucial decisions in product
development process affecting quality as well as price of future product. In technical praxis, the designer
has to evaluate the information gathered from material data sheets and simulations, engineering analysis and
animations of future product performance in virtual environment. Afterwards, he or she has to seek
interdependences between them and finally choose the optimum from the broad list of materials. Wide
spectrum of various polymers at disposal should be outlined here, as it presents a problem to the designer at
polymer material selection process. The proposed decision support system model is an attempt to solve this
dilemma and will focus on function, technical features and shape of developing product. Other criteria, like
serviceability, technical feasibility and economic justification are going to be considered accordingly. The
major benefits concern inexperienced designers along with small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs’).
Material selection is one of many stages in product
design process. The engineer has to progress through
this process in order to design a model, semi-product
or a final one. Within this process the designer has to
take numerous decisions at all stages of design like
material selection, process selection, analyses and
simulations, diverse evaluations of the developing
product, tool design and industrial design where
ergonomic and aesthetic attributes should be
Product development process is decision making
process since the engineer has to take considerable
amount of decisions whilst designing. Younger
inexperienced design engineers have major
difficulties at solving this query. One product
development phase, material selection, will be
discussed here in order to overcome decision making
barrier, the decision support system for plastic
product design is proposed. This computer aid will
offer recommendations and guidelines according to
the required parameters, shape or/and function of the
product and could also be helpful for experienced
designers using the system as a verification tool.
What is more, it is expected that small and medium
sized enterprises (SMEs’) will characterize proposed
system as a major acquisition as they could
economize at human resources and benefit on
financial field.
This article presents an explanation of material
selection methodology and polymer material
selection in praxis, all collected in Section 2. Section
3 envisages the intelligent decision support system
with graphic mode as Section 4 represents the
implementation of proposed decision support system
for polymer material products’ design. Conclusions
are tersely collected in Section 5.
Material selection is a significant stage of design
process and a complex task, whose execution varies
from enterprise to enterprise in accordance with staff
and the economic aptitude of the company. In this
section material selection methodology is described
and divided in four general approaches to polymer
material choice upgraded with presentation of this
process in praxis.
2.1 Material Selection Methodology
In general, material selection methods can be, accor-
Sancin U. and Dolšak B..
DOI: 10.5220/0003293107070710
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 707-710
ISBN: 978-989-8425-40-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ding to Ashby and Johnson (2005), arranged in four
different selection methods called Selection by
Analysis, Selection by Synthesis, Selection by
Similarity and Selection by Inspiration. All methods
require input data in the form of design requirements
specific for each method.
Selection by Analysis is the most systematic and
robust as input requirements are objectives,
functions, and constraints, and furthermore, they are
precisely defined and unambiguous. Its deficiency
derives from this particular distinctiveness, which
causes the method to fail in the case of imprecise
inputs or imperfectly formulated rules. Previous
experience and analogy are key factors in the
Selection by Synthesis method, where design
requirements appear in the form of intentions,
features, and perceptions. This method is used, when
knowledge of the solved cases can be exploited and
transferred to other product with some features in
common. Selection by Similarity is the selection
method, where input is already known or potential
material solution and its purpose is to find
substitutive material for an existing product, often
initiated by design requirement changes due to e.g.
environment legislation. The less uniformed method
is Selection by Inspiration, where input is pure
curiosity and the designer’s task is to examine and
analyse other solutions for a specific feature, in a
systematic way. This method is used when no
scientific method is helpful. All material selection
methods and their variations are implemented in
numerous variations as engineering praxis.
2.2 Polymer Material Selection
in Praxis
Usually the methodology of material selection
involves making a list of properties that you must
have for future application and the list of properties
that are desired for this particular application. These
must and want properties are then matched with the
properties of available polymer materials on the
market. In engineering praxis, four basic groups of
material properties are reviewed:
Physical (specific heat, coefficient of thermal
expansion, thermal conductivity, heat distortion
temperature, glass transition temperature)
Chemical (composition, additives, fillers,
crystallinity, environmental degradation, spatial
configuration, molecular weight, flammability)
Mechanical (tensile and compressive properties,
heat distortion, pressure-velocity limit, toughness,
stress rupture resistance, creep resistance)
Dimensional considering manufacturing condi-
tions (manufacturing tolerances, stability, available
sizes, moldability, surface texture)
In order to illustrate the importance of polymer
materials’ idiosyncrasies (Budinski and Budinski,
2010), each group of followed properties should be
2.2.1 Physical Properties
Physical properties are material characteristics that
pertain to the interaction of these materials with
various forms of energy and human senses.
Generally they could be measured without
destroying the material. Density is a physical
property determined with weighting or measuring
the volume of the product. Physical properties like
feel and colour are even easier to determine while
they affect the customer as he or she only looks at it.
Nevertheless, they are not marginal material
properties and their importance rises in today’s
consumer oriented society. The designer has to
acknowledge that plastic feels different from metal
and yellow is happier colour in comparison to
2.2.2 Chemical Properties
Chemical properties are related to the structure of
polymer material, its formation from the elements of
which the material is made, its reactivity with
chemicals and environments. These properties
cannot be visually inspected and are measurable in
chemical laboratory.
2.2.3 Mechanical Properties
Mechanical properties are the features of material,
which are put on view when it is exposed to a force.
They are related to the elastic or plastic behaviour of
the polymer and they often require destruction for
measurement. Term mechanical is used because they
are usually used to indicate the suitability of the
material for use in mechanical applications – parts
that carry a load, absorb shock, resist wear, etc.
2.2.4 Dimensional Properties
Dimensional properties include as well
manufacturing considerations like manufacturing
tolerances and moldability. This category concerns
also the surface texture and its roughness, which is
measurable and essential for many applications.
Available size, shape, finish and tolerances of the
product are also important polymer material
selection factors.
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
In recent years, many decision support systems
where developed and some successfully launched in
real applications (Turban et al., 2004). The
significance of material selection dilemma is
obvious as several models were developed to
support the designers at this stage of design (Đurić
and Devedžić, 2002).
Building the decision support system in graphic
mode presented in this paper aiming at a successful
and efficient performance is a complex assignment.
The development methods included in research are a
combination of special domain knowledge expertise
in the field of polymer materials and human
cognition in the field of design knowledge. Human
knowledge useful for problem solving is of special
importance and is in the form of rules relating to
modern plastic materials’ selection and correlated
manufacturing processes, assisted by the field of
Design for Manufacturing (DfM) (Molcho et al.,
A graphic mode of proposed system will be
related to three major groups of polymer materials:
thermoplasts, thermosets and elastomers, which will
all be arranged and presented in individual circles.
Within the framework of each circle several
technical features carefully selected to cover all
essential material properties described in Section 2,
will be assigned:
Mechanical properties (strength, bending
strength and working temperature),
Production process (injection moulding,
compression moulding, spin casting and extrusion),
Chemical properties (resistance to base, acid,
gas/oil, hot water),
Working environment (internal/external use, fire
Optical properties (colouring possibilities).
All three circles will have the same framework so
the parameters, introduced to the system by the user
will reflects trough all of them.
The system model will provide polymer material
suggestions in discussed case, e.g. the designer
receives two polymer material results, epoxy and
diallyl phthalate (DAP), whose properties are
introduced in the outer ring of the circle.
The significant feature of the system is two level
solutions. The primary result will be the possible
plastic material choice, many of them or none. The
database of the polymer materials will play the key
role here. Afterwards, the system’s knowledge base
containing human cognition of plastic material
selection and DfM will be of special importance as
the system will be able to evaluate the candidates for
potential material choices, which were just over the
boundaries created by introduced parameters. Thus,
some polymers are going to become a secondary
solutions presented to the designer in form of notices
containing recommendations about the advantages
of each suggested solution. Considering the
described decision support system with graphic
mode, the enterprises will be able to compete at the
global market by selecting the optimal material for
their product.
The decision-making process is a constant for every
designer aiming at a successful and efficient
performance. Alternatively to experts’ acquired
domain knowledge, we decided to develop an
intelligent decision support system (Edwards and
Deng, 2007) in order to overcome the bottle neck -
plastics material selection.
The knowledge base will contain human
cognition useful for problem solving in the form of
rules relating to modern plastic materials’ selection
and correlated manufacturing processes, assisted by
the field of Design for Manufacturing (DFM).
Different approaches to knowledge acquisition
(McMahon et al., 2004) and the appropriate
formalisms for the presentation of acquired
knowledge within the computer program will be of
special importance.
The potential for transparent and modular IT
rules, whose advantage is neutral knowledge
representation, uniform structure, separation of
knowledge from its processing and possibility of
dealing with incomplete and uncertain knowledge, is
planned to be compared with more flexible
knowledge presentation systems, such as fuzzy
logic, where fuzzy sets and fuzzy rules will be
defined as a part of an iterative process upgraded by
evaluating and tuning the system to meet specified
requirements. Tuning will be the most delicate job
whilst building a fuzzy system as fuzzy sets and
rules should frequently be adjusted during the
system’s construction. The main goal for the system
is to apply domain knowledge, including human
cognition, relations and experiences in the
knowledge base of the system, which will, together
with the data base, serviceable for a complex
reasoning procedure behind the inference engine
leading to qualified design recommendations and
guidelines for designing plastic products.
The user interface will be developed with a
special attention, in order to enable transparent and
efficient system application. Two different
application modes have been anticipated, in regard
to the type of input and output data. Question and
answer guided mode will be used mostly at the
beginning, when the first set of parameters has to be
presented to the system. During the data processing
phase, the system may present additional questions
or ask for more parameters. In this case, guided and
graphic modes will be used to present the problem to
the user. The solution in the final phase will also be
presented in graphic mode.
Human cognition along with experiences is
engineer’s main advantage. Consequentially,
inexperienced designers and SMEs’ are kept in the
background here as their decision making process is
aggravated. Decision support system model
proposed here could be of great importance for the
engineering praxis as designers have difficulties at
acquiring expert knowledge and experiences.
Proposed system model will be able to offer some
recommendation and design guidelines on the field
of design and knowledge expertise in the field of
polymer materials. The designer will benefit much
due to faster, less experience dependent design
process, consecutively higher efficiency and
friendlier working environment.
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ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence