Marcello Guarini, Joshua Chauvin and Julie Gorman
Department of Philosophy, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset, Windsor, ON, Canada
Keywords: Knowledge, Neural Networks, Propositional Attitudes, Reliabilism, Representation, Representational
Success, State space models, Truth.
Abstract: Reliabilism is a philosophical theory of knowledge that has traditionally focused on propositional
knowledge. Paul Churchland has advocated for a reconceptualization of reliabilism to “liberate it” from
propositional attitudes (such as accepting that p, believing that p, knowing that p, and the like). In the
process, he (a) outlines an alternative for the notion of truth (which he calls “representational success”), (b)
offers a non-standard account of theory, and (c) invokes the preceding ideas to provide an account of
representation and knowledge that emphasizes our skill or capacity for navigating the world. Crucially, he
defines reliabilism (and knowledge) in terms of representational success. This paper discusses these ideas
and raises some concerns. Since Churchland takes a neurocomputational approach, we discuss our training
of neural networks to classify images of faces. We use this work to suggest that the kind of reliability at
work in some knowledge claims is not usefully understood in terms of the aforementioned notion of
representational success.
Claims to propositional knowledge have the form, S
knows that p, where p is a proposition. Reliabilism is
a philosophical approach to the theory of
propositional knowledge. Among the necessary
conditions for some agent or subject S knowing
proposition p are that (a) p is true, (b) S believes p,
and (c) p is the outcome of a reliable process or
method. According to Alvin Goldman (1986, 1992,
1999, 2002) reliability is required for both epistemic
justification and knowledge. As we will concern
ourselves primarily with the reliability requirement
in this paper, we shall not engage the issue of what
might constitute sufficient conditions for either
knowledge or justification.
The reliability of a process or method is
understood in terms of a ratio: it is the number of
true beliefs produced by a process or method divided
by the total number of beliefs produced by a process
or method. A process that produces 100 beliefs, only
80 of which are true, is 80 percent reliable. We need
not concern ourselves here over exactly what the
standard of reliability needs to be either for
epistemic justification or for knowledge. What does
need to be noticed is that reliability, traditionally
understood, requires us to look at propositional
attitudes (either a belief that p, or acceptance that p,
or something along these lines) and truth.
It is not uncommon for philosophers to
distinguish between propositional knowledge on the
one hand and capacity knowledge or skill knowledge
on the other. Skill knowledge takes the form S
knows how to x, where x is some sort of behaviour
or action. While it is often contested whether it is
appropriate to say that pre-linguistic children or
animals have propositional knowledge, it is
generally conceded that they have various sorts of
capacity or skill knowledge. A dog may know how
to stay afloat and swim in water without any
propositional knowledge of the physics of these
Paul Churchland’s “What Happens to
Reliabilism When It Is Liberated from the
Propositional Attitudes?” (chapter six of
Neurophilosophy at Work) is a thought provoking
attempt to take a reliabilist approach to
epistemology, divorce it from propositional
attitudes, and explain how we can have non-
propositional knowledge. Churchland begins by
enumerating many instances of know-how. The
examples include the knowledge possessed both by
humans and non-humans. He argues that much of
what we call knowledge has little or nothing to do
with the fixing of propositional attitudes. There are
many useful and important insights here. He also
Guarini M., Chauvin J. and Gorman J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003293307110716
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 711-716
ISBN: 978-989-8425-40-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
goes on to argue that a reliabilist epistemology can
be developed that requires neither propositional
attitudes (belief or acceptance) nor truth. This is a
striking claim. After all, the reliabilist understands
knowledge in terms of reliably arrived at true
beliefs. Clearly, this way of doing things requires
talking about both propositional attitudes and truth.
Churchland tries to formulate a reliabilism where
neither truth nor propositional attitudes are required.
In the process, he develops a notion of
representational success and defines reliability in
terms of it. We will argue that at least in some cases
of attributing skill knowledge or know-how, the
notion of representational success is simply not
needed. At best, representational success might play
a role in explaining the source of reliability, but even
that will be shown to be less attractive than it first
Churchland recognizes the importance of truth in
classical approaches to reliabilism, but he resists
talking of truth since (a) it attaches to propositional
attitudes, and (b) much of our knowledge is not
about fixing propositional attitudes. In place of truth,
Churchland formulates a notion of representational
success that is compatible with analyses of neural
networks. To keep things simple, consider a three
layer feed forward neural network. When it is
trained, it will have a hidden unit activation vector
state space that is multiply partitioned. Each
different pattern of activation across the hidden units
is a different point in that space. We can then
measure the distance between points (which
Churchland often refers to as similarity relations). In
short, this space in question is a kind of similarity
space. Churchland treats (somewhat metaphorically)
similarity spaces as maps that guide our interactions
with the world. Just as a map is representationally
successful when the distance relations in the map
preserve distance relations in the world, conceptual
spaces understood as similarity spaces are
representationally successful when they preserve
various similarity or distance relations in the world.
In the ideal case, representational success would
occur when the relative distance relations between
the learned points in state space correspond to real-
world similarity relations. Since the preservation of
similarity relations requires many points in space
and many relations between them, some kind of
holism is entailed by this position. It cannot be the
case that one representation (or individual vector),
all on its own or in the absence of other
representations (or vectors), can be
representationally successful. Since representational
success is cached in terms of preserving similarity
relations between vectors/representations,
representational success is a notion that attaches to
multiple representations all at once.
On classical accounts of reliabilism, the
reliability required for knowledge is a function of
true beliefs. Churchland’s representational success,
loosely modeled after the representational success of
maps, is his replacement for truth. Churchland
(2007, p. 111) understands conceptual spaces as
similarity spaces, and the reliability requirement for
knowledge amounts to the claim that a conceptual
framework or similarity space be “produced by a
mechanism of vector-fixation that is generally
reliable in producing activation vectors that are
[representationally] successful in the sense just
We just tended to the issue of how Churchland
formulates reliabilism without reference to truth.
Before going further, we need to review how he
conceives of theories. Churchland treats the
information stored in the synaptic weights of a
network as the network’s theory. His criterion for
theory identity has to do with the distance relations
that hold between points in hidden unit activation
vector state space. He wants to allow for the
possibility that different sets of synaptic weights
may implement the same theory. Given two sets of
synaptic weights, S1 and S2, they can be said to
implement the same theory if they lead to a
partitioning of hidden unit activation vector state
space such that the distance relations between
points, in the respective state space they generate,
are preserved. In this way, we can understand what it
means for a theory to change or stay the same in one
network, and what it means for two different
networks to implement the same or different
What if we had a non-propositional task
performed by a network where (a) we could measure
reliability and (b) that reliability was not understood
in terms of the aforementioned notion of
representational success? This would be a problem
for the type of position Churchland has developed.
In the next section we describe some neural
networks so that in the fourth section, we can
discuss scenarios where representational success is
not needed to discuss reliability.
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
In this section, we will describe artificial neural
networks (ANNs) that we have trained to classify
images of faces as either male or female. All of the
networks created were three-layer, fully
interconnected feed-forward networks trained by
supervised learning using the generalized delta rule.
To conduct our experiments, images were first
converted into vectors that were capable of being
analyzed by the ANN. The converted vectors
consisted of 5824 dimensions, one for each pixel of
the image, where each image was 64 x 91 pixels.
Each unit (i.e., each pixel) varied from 0 to 255,
which corresponds to the 256 shades of grey in the
images. All networks discussed contained 1 output
unit, 60 hidden units, and 5824 input units. We
experimented using both sigmoid and radial basis
activation functions. Although the results were
comparable, we opted to carry out most of our trials
using sigmoid activation functions. The results in
this paper reflect this preference.
Initially there were 101 images. However, due to
image/file corruption, a number of the images were
either corrupted outright or corrupted during the
vector conversion process. A total of 89 images were
used for training and testing purposes.
For training purposes, the desired output for all
female images was set to 0; the desired output for all
male images was set to 1. For testing, any output
result over 0.5 was interpreted as a male
classification, and any result below 0.5 was
interpreted as a female classification.
The training and testing runs we will discuss
herein are of two types. First, we trained on partial
sets. We randomly selected 44 images, used them
for training, and then we tested on the remaining 45.
We also trained on the 45 image set, and tested on
the remaining 44. Second, we trained the network on
the entire 89 image corpus.
The first point we want to make is that, given the
way Churchland defines theories and
representational success, it is possible for two
different theories to have equal levels of
representational success. Consider, for example,
networks N1 and N2. N1 was trained on 44 images
and tested on 45; N2 was trained on 45 images and
tested on 44. Each had its weights randomly
selected; each was trained using the same parameter
values, and each achieved essentially the same level
of success in classifying outputs of previously
unseen images (approximately 89%), but there are
important differences in the cluster plots. These
plots pair each face with its closest neighbour in
state space; then averages for each pair are
computed, and each average is paired with its closest
neighbour, and so on. Figure 1 is the cluster plot for
N1, and Figure 2 is the cluster plot for N2. While
there is some overlap between the plots, there are
important differences as well. An examination of the
lower portions of the cluster plots immediately
reveals some significant differences. We have two
networks with equal levels of classificatory success,
but each implements a different theory. This does
not change if we train the network on the entire set
of images. If we randomly select weights for
networks N3 and N4, and train each on the entire
training corpus with perfect classificatory success,
we can still generate different cluster plots (or
theories) for the networks. Assuming this means that
we can say that N1 and N2 have equal levels of
representational success, and N3 and N4 have equal
levels of representational success, then there is a
difference between classical truth as correspondence
and Churchland’s substitute, representational
success. On classical conceptions of theories and
truth, two inconsistent theories cannot both be true.
However, it may well be that two conflicting
theories (in Churchland’s sense of “theory”) can
both be equally representationally successful. There
may well be different ways of measuring similarities
and differences between faces, and different
networks may hone in on different features or
relations, or perhaps on the same features and
relations but weigh them differently, leading to
different similarity spaces (or different theories) that
achieve equally good or even perfect performance.
We offer this as a point of clarification since it might
be something Churchland (2007, p. 132-134) is
happy to concede.
The second point we want to make is that
representational success and reliability appear to
come apart. Remember, Churchland defines
reliability in terms of representational success. With
networks N1 and N2, we achieved 89%
classificatory success on new cases, and with N3 and
N4, we achieved 100% classificatory success on the
total set of images. Notice, we said “success,” not
“reliability.” To talk of reliability in Churchland’s
sense, we would have to be assured that the distance
relations in the state spaces map on to distance
relations in the world, since reliability is defined in
terms of representational success. However, it seems
Figure 1: A cluster plot of faces for network N1’s state space. M = male; F = female.
perfectly natural in cases like these to talk about the
reliability of the network even if we have no prior
views on the level of representational success
achieved. To see this, let us consider two scenarios.
First, consider two hypothetical networks, N5 and
N6, and let us say that training leads to poor
classificatory performance. Second, consider
hypothetical networks N7 and N8, and let us say that
training leads to outstanding classificatory
performance. Our intuition is that it is quite
reasonable to say that N5 and N6 have poor
reliability and that N7 and N8 have high levels of
reliability before we learn anything about the
structure of the hidden unit activation vector state
spaces of any of these networks. Before doing any
sort of detailed analysis, we simply do not know
exactly which distance relations in faces the
networks are honing in on during training, and for
purposes of discussing reliability, it just does not
seem to matter. But Churchland’s definition of
reliability in situations like this is about the level of
success with respect to distance relations in state
space mapping on to distance relations in the faces
(i.e., real-world features). If an objector were to
insist that this is not a problem since, in spite of our
not being aware of it, networks having high levels of
classificatory success are constructing similarity
spaces that map on to the world, and those without
classificatory success are not producing such spaces,
then it is not clear how much explanatory work the
notion of representational success is doing for the
notion of reliability. In arguing against a pragmatist
notion of truth, Churchland (2007, p. 103) claims
that he would not want to explain truth in terms of
successful behaviour, and representational success is
his substitute for truth. We are suggesting that the
only evidence we have for success in the networks
we have been considering is successful classificatory
behaviour. (We are not arguing for a pragmatist
theory of truth. Rather, we are suggesting that when
it comes to explaining know-how or attributions of
know-how, a system’s or individual’s behaviour is
very much of the essence.) Whatever the structure of
state spaces generated by N5 and N6 (whether they
are the same or different) we will say that they are
unreliable. Whatever the structure of the state spaces
generated by N7 and N8 (whether the same or
different) we will say that they are reliable. And we
will make our claims based on behaviour. What we
are interested in when discussing a network’s (or an
individual’s) reliability in classifying faces is the
ability to successfully perform. One further piece of
evidence for this is that when we make attributions
of know-how, we are not much interested in how
that know-how is achieved. For example, if we say
that two year old Jasmine knows how to recognize
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: A cluster plot of faces for network N2’s state space.
boys and girls by looking at their faces, we are
saying that Jasmine can perform this task very well,
and that we can rely on her to do so. Robert
Brandom (2000, chapter 3) discusses the importance
of the intersubjective nature of knowledge
attribution (though his focus is on propositional
knowledge, whereas ours is on capacity or skill
knowledge). We can say all of this without ever
knowing the structure of her face state space and the
ways in which its distance relations do or do not
map on to the world.
The above arguments assume that equal levels of
classificatory performance mean equal levels of
representational success. Some might challenge this
assumption, but we do not think that doing so leads
to a plausible defence of Churchland’s position.
Consider: if two networks can achieve perfect
classificatory success, and that is still not enough to
say that they are equally representationally
successful, then the notion of representational
success seems puzzlingly irrelevant to defining
reliability since in such cases, surely we would like
to say that the networks in question are equally
reliable; that is, that they know equally well how to
classify faces as male and female.
It might be thought that a neurocomputational
reliabilist would remain content with saying that
representational success explains successful
behaviour, and if there is more than one way to be
representationally successful, then it will turn out
that there is more than one way to explain how the
successful behaviour was arrived at. Perhaps, in the
end, such a response may be made to work, but
much work would have to be done. There are many
logically possible metrics. See Laakos and Cottrell
(2006) for an extended discussion of the importance
of metrics. Churchland appears to assume that the
distances between points in state space are Euclidean
distances. Mahalanobis distance, city block or taxi
cab distance, and other metrics are available. For the
sake of argument, say that by using a Euclidean
metric, a given set of faces is very similar in the
state space for network N9, and by using a
Mahalanobis metric, they are not similar. Is N9
representationally successful or not? Is N9 reliable
or not? We suspect that you probably want to know
how N9 performs in terms of classifying faces
before you answer these questions. When
Churchland remarks that street maps are
representationally successful in virtue of preserving
distance relations in the world, it must be understood
that there is a preferred metric for distance at work.
We have been considering a case (faces in state
space) where it is not obvious that there is a
preferred metric. Without a preferred metric, it is not
clear what talk of preserving similarity relations
amounts to (since such talk is a function of some
metric). In the absence of a preferred metric for
similarity relations, performance becomes the
driving consideration since it is not even clear what
representational success (in Churchland’s sense)
amounts to if we do not have a preferred metric.
However, we can still have capacity knowledge in
such cases (for example, the male-female
discrimination task).
4.1 Of Maps and State Spaces
Finally, let us close with some reflections on the
map metaphor, which appears to inspire many of
Churchland’s thoughts on these matters. The idea is
that a street map is representationally successful
because it preserves distance relations that are in the
world. Part of what makes this metaphor attractive is
that such a map would cease to be a reliable guide if
it did not at least roughly track distance relations in
the world. Imagine that the map says your desired
exit is 10km away and, in fact, it is only 0.1km away
– that is an exit you will likely miss. In a case like
this, tracking a specific set of distance/similarity
relations in the world is the key to success.
However, the point does not generalize to all state
spaces set up by neural networks being seen as high
dimensional maps that preserve distance/similarity
relations in the world. The burden of the discussion
section has been to show that we can have high
levels of success (in face classification) with
differing similarity or distance relations. When that
happens, we can still talk of how reliably a system
performs some task, but the notion of
representational success (as Churchland defines it)
does not play a role in defining that reliability.
In the case of the street map, there really is a
kind of plausibility in saying that what explains the
reliability of the map is that it preserves certain
distance relations in the world. Two points need to
be made about this. First, we need to understand that
there is a difference between these two things: (a)
being reliable and (b) explaining the source of that
reliability. We have seen that we can understand
what it is for a system (a face classifying neural
network) to be reliable independent of understanding
the source of that reliability. Churchland uses the
notion of representational success (or preservation of
distance relations) both to define reliability and to
understand its source (i.e. to do both (a) and (b)). As
we have seen, we can say that a system is reliable
without having any information about the
preservation of distance relations. Second, we need
to be careful not to overstate the explanatory work
the preservation of a set of distance relations does
when there are many possible sets of such relations.
If S1, S2, … Sn are all different sets of similarity
relations that lead to equal levels of reliability in
classifying faces, then it cannot be said that the
network is successful because it persevered the
similarity or distance relations in the world. The
most that can be said in explaining the source of
reliability is that the network is reliable because it
captured or preserved one of S1 through Sn. We do
not want to suggest that such a claim would be
vacuous. It is not. However, it is not nearly as
powerful or attractive as the case where there
appears to be a single set of similarity relations in
virtue of which reliability is achieved. The street
map metaphor is suggestive of such a powerful case;
there is no reason to expect that sort of case to
capture what is going on in all cases of classificatory
reliability in neural networks.
The street map example may be a special case. It
turns out to be (optimally) reliable or something we
can rely on if, and only if, a specific set of distance
relations from the world are preserved by the map.
We have not been given a reason for thinking that
such will generally be the case when the high
dimensional similarity spaces set up by neural
networks are compared to the world. Churchland’s
position is at its strongest when dealing with cases
like the street map. We take ourselves to have shown
that such an example does not always generalize.
The extent to which it might generalize is a question
for future work.
We thank the Shared Hierarchical Academic
Research Computing Network (SHARCNet) for
financial support.
Brandom, R. (2000). Articulating Reasons. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press.
Churchland, P. M. (2007). Neurophilosophy at Work.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Goldman, A. (1986). Epistemology and Cognition.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Goldman, A. (1999). Knowledge in a Social World. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Goldman, A. (1992). Liaisons: Philosophy Meets the
Cognitive and Social Sciences. Cambridge, MA: MIT
Goldman, A. (2002). Pathways to Knowledge, Private and
Public. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Laakso, A. and Cottrell, G. (2006). Churchland on
Connectionism. In Keeley, B.L. (Ed), Paul Churchland.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence