Martin Vesel´y
LIA EPFL, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Martin Rajman
LIA EPFL, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Jean-Yves Le Meur
CERN, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Ludmila Marian
CERN, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland
J´erˆome Caffaro
CERN, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Specialized search engines, Score aggregation, Information retrieval.
In this paper we present an approach to score aggregation for specialized search systems. In our work we
focus on document ranking in scientific publication databases. We work with the collection of scientific publi-
cations of the CERN Document Server. This paper reports on work in progress and describes rank aggregation
framework with score normalization. We present results that we obtained with aggregations based on logistic
regression using both ranks and scores. In our experiment we concluded that score-based aggregation favored
performance in terms of Average Precision and Mean Reciprocal Rank, while rank-based aggregation favored
document discovery.
Specialized search gains increasingly attention across
scientific communities. According to a recent study,
users of scientific information in the field of parti-
cle physics often turn to specialized search services
such as arXiv.org
, or the CERN Docu-
ment Server (CDS)
, rather than to general purpose
search engines when accessing scientific information
(Gentil-Beccot et al., 2008).
In the scope of specialized search, the traditional
notion of relevance is often extended to incorporate
additional attributes to score and rank documents at
a search engine output. When searching for scien-
tific documents, ranking attributes are traditionally
based on citations or previous document usage such
as ”reads” or document access frequency. The in-
tuition is that citing or reading a document by peers
shows evidence of document relevance within a given
scientific field.
Additional attributes are sometimes used, such as
the publication date. As new documents do not have
a sufficient search or citation history, they might be
incorrectly ranked when time is not taken in consid-
A multitude of relevance attributes thus needs to
Veselý M., Rajman M., Le Meur J., Marian L. and Caffaro J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003293404820485
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 482-485
ISBN: 978-989-8425-40-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
be aggregated within the document ranking process.
In this paper we propose an aggregation mechanism
that allows for aggregation of a multitude of query-
independent attributes. We use two approaches, one
aggregating the attribute scores and another one, ag-
gregating ranks using weighted sum and logistic re-
gression as the aggregation vehicle. We present the
evaluation framework that targets the CDS document
collection, a production database used at CERN.
In the section 2 we outline the aggregation
method, in the section 3 we present the experimen-
tal data set up, in section 4 we present results that we
obtained on a test data set and we conclude in section
We divide the process of score aggregation in three
step: (i) first we select relevant ranking attributes that
are convenient for aggregation, (ii) in the second step,
scores need to be normalized and re-scaled, and (iii)
finally, scores are aggregated via a score aggregation
Selection of Attributes. In the first phase we select
attributes that are convenient for aggregation. At-
tributes that are not correlated are good candidates
for aggregation. On the other hand attributes that are
highly correlated can be considered as substitutes and
in that case we can selected only one of them.
We noticed that usage of traditional correlation
coefficients such as Spearman Rank correlation or
Kendal Tau coefficients do not take into account the
importance of low ranks. For this reason the correla-
tions should be adjusted so as to put more weight on
changes that occur in the upper part of the ranked list.
Some work in this direction has been also suggested
by (Yilmaz et al., 2008).
Score Normalization. In the second step we normal-
ize scores so that they reflect the underlying distribu-
tion of values. The idea is that a normalized score
should reflect the proportion of the population of doc-
uments with lower scores as they are observed for a
given ranking attribute. For example, if a score of N
corresponds to a median score among all of the ob-
served scores, it should be converted into a normal-
ized score of 0.5.
To determine the normalization function for each
of the attributes, we first calculated values at a per-
centile level. We then smoothed the obtained values
using standard density estimation techniques to ap-
proximate the underlying densities. We then construct
the cumulative distribution function summing up val-
ues over corresponding interval.
Score Aggregation. The task of score aggregation
was previously addressed in several works. Garcin et
al (Garcin et al., 2009) analyze aggregation of feed-
back ratings into a single value. They consider differ-
ent aggregations relying on informativeness, robust-
ness and strategyproofness. On all these attributes,
they show that the mean seems to be the worst way of
aggregating ratings, while the median is more robust.
In previous works, logistic regression was also used
as a vehicle to aggregate scores (Le Calv´e and Savoy,
2000) (Jacques Savoy and Vrajitoru., 1996) (Craswell
et al., 1999). In our preliminary study we adopted the
two mentioned aggregation models based on logistic
regression and a weighted sum.
To rank documents with logistic regression we
first compute the value of logit that corresponds to
a particular combination of scores of individual doc-
uments. We then project the obtained result on the
logistic curve and read the resulting aggregated score
on the Y-axis.
A more detail about the implementation of the
rank aggregation with logistic regression in d-Rank
can be obtained in (Vesely and Rajman, 2009). In our
study we worked with chosen regression coefficients
for which we tested a variety of combinations. Even-
tually coefficients should be learned through an auto-
mated procedure. The way we have generated data
for our experiments is in more detail described in the
next section.
Within our work we plan to perform two types of eval-
uation: a system evaluation using a referential that we
extracted from the user access logs, and a user-centric
evaluation (Voorhees, 2002).
In order to proceed with the system evaluation, we
needed a referential that would allow us to compute
and compare our system using standard information
retrieval measures. To our knowledge the CDS col-
lection was not used within an information retrieval
evaluation in the past. One of the results of our work
thus is a referential that allows for a system evalua-
tion of various document retrieval scenarios featured
by the CDS retrieval system.
To create the referential of relevance judgments,
we opted for parsing the user access logs for queries
that were issued by users of the CDS search system
in the past. This way we have obtained a set of test
queries for experimentation that is close to a real-
world scenario. For this purpose, we created a tool
that allows us to parse user access logs and extract
information that is essential for our experimentation,
including search phrases, search attributes and corre-
sponding relevant documents. Queries in the refer-
ential are composed from all query terms that were
used by a user including all parameters that were used
at the search time. Document identifiers then corre-
spond to a known relevant documents that were down-
loaded upon a search were then added. A typical ref-
erential entry looks as follows:
Query terms: Ellis, John
Field: Author
Collection: Published Articles
Action type: Search
Relevant document: 1282439
Relevant document: 1257907
For our initial experimentation we also generated
a small data set constructed in the following way: we
generated a collection of one thousand documents and
ranked them using five artificial independent rank-
ing attributes. Furthermore we assumed that the in-
dividual ranking attributes do perform relatively well
when used separately to perform ranking. Our ref-
erential thus contains a set of documents that were
ranked high, the referential documents were selected
randomly with a log-normal distribution of ranks to
favor good individual performance.
As far as the evaluation measure is concerned, we
opted for the Average Precision and the Mean Recip-
rocal Rank, used previously in the TREC evaluations.
These evaluation measures put more weight on better
ranked relevant documents for each query in the eval-
uation set. The lower rank the relevant document is
observed, on average, the better performance of the
ranker is calculated.
In this section we present results that we obtained on
a generated data set. We have conducted the follow-
ing two experiments. In the first experiment we fo-
cused on performance of our aggregates and we com-
pared them to the best-performing individual ranking
attribute. In the second experiment, we focused on
how the ranking aggregation allows to lift relevant
documents from the bottom of the ranked list to the
visible area. We selected a threshold of Rt, a rank
that splits a ranked document list to two parts, the one
that was visible to the user on the search output, and
the ”invisible” one. We then kept only relevant docu-
ments that belong to the invisible part of the list in the
referential (i.e. removed documents that ranked well
enough). We again computed the AP evaluation mea-
sure for the aggregates. This way we could estimate
the quantity of relevant documents that did not score
well enough using the individual rankings, and were
lifted into the visible ranking area after aggregation.
In our experiment we selected Rt=100.
We aggregated the lists in two different ways: by
score and by rank. We used the logistic regression
aggregation framework and a simple weighted sum
aggregation for comparison. We thus evaluated the
following four ranking aggregates: (i) weighted sum
of scores (AW-S), (ii) weighted sum of ranks (AW-R),
(iii) score aggregate using logistic regression (LR-S),
and (iv) rank aggregate using logistic regression (LR-
R). We then calculated the MRR and AP@k mea-
sures for k in 5,10,20,50,100. The obtained results
are shown in the Figure 1 and in the Table 1.
5 10 20 50 100
Figure 1: Average Precision at various levels for the best
individual ranking attribute (baseline) and ranking aggre-
5 10 20 50 100
Best ranking w/o aggregate
Aggregate via linear combination (ranks)
Aggregate via linear combination (scores)
Aggregate via logistic regression (ranks)
Aggregate via logistic regression (scores)
Figure 2: Potential for discovery of relevant documents us-
ing (AP@k), Rt=100.
Table 1: Results of the evaluation run on test data
(AP@5,10,20 and MRR).
AP@5 AP@10 AP@20 MRR
Baseline 0.621 0.606 0.595 0.59
AW-S 0.693 0.638 0.598 0.632
LR-S 0.627 0.628 0.606 0.547
LR-R 0.351 0.294 0.293 0.447
AW-R- 0.435 0.429 0.416 0.477
As shown in the Table 2 the performance of the
ranking aggregate based on logistic regression with
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ranks provides best performance in terms of the mean
average precision considering only relevant docu-
ments that were presumably not seen on lists ranked
with the individual attributes.
We now proceed with the significance measure-
ment for the second experiment. We worked with a
10-fold data sample. Table 3 shows values for all pairs
of aggregated measures. As shown, we have found
a non-significant difference between the two score-
based aggregations AW-S and LR-S on 95% level of
Table 2: 10-Fold validation test for measuring lift with
Fold Base AW-R- AW-S LR-R LR-S
1 0.077 0.231 0.080 0.382 0.053
2 0.064 0.197 0.067 0.394 0.060
3 0.062 0.210 0.067 0.381 0.054
4 0.064 0.181 0.069 0.396 0.089
5 0.062 0.248 0.070 0.412 0.069
6 0.054 0.224 0.065 0.363 0.063
7 0.044 0.243 0.061 0.345 0.069
8 0.049 0.218 0.062 0.415 0.056
9 0.056 0.199 0.069 0.310 0.083
10 0.044 0.236 0.054 0.414 0.076
Mean 0.058 0.219 0.066 0.381 0.067
StDev 0.010 0.022 0.007 0.034 0.012
Table 3: Significance test for measuring lift using AP@5.
Baseline 2.25 21.1 1.88 30.0
AW-S - 21.1 0.18 28.9
AW-R - 19.1 12.8
LR-S - 27.6
In this paper we proposed a framework for score ag-
gregation in specialized search systems. In particu-
lar we focused on ranking of scientific documents in
the particle physics community. We addressed the is-
sues of score normalization and aggregation through
methods of kernel density estimation and logistic re-
gression as possible vehicles for rank aggregation. We
have presented results from two experiments suggest-
ing that score-based aggregation favored performance
in terms of Mean Reciprocal Rank and Average Preci-
sion, while rank-based aggregation favored document
In the future work we plan to proceed with user-
centric evaluation on real-world information retrieval
system. The goal is to confirm our preliminary results
obtained on a small test data collection and we plan to
apply an automated procedure to learn the aggregated
scoring function.
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