Everywhere" concept can to be implemented by the
application of the e-P.O.Box.
We developed a prototype of the e-P.O.Box
Basic System applied to personal health information
management system, whereby health information is
delivered from medical institutions to the server, i.e.
e-P.O.Box, for patient to manage his own. The
patient can access to the server using his ID card,
download his information, register other necessary
information, and refer to them when required for the
treatment or health maintenance from a medical
institution or from home. We conducted a field
experiment for the evaluation of the developed
system with the staffs of Tokyo Institute of
Technology and doctors in a hospital, simulating the
cases of clinical consultation of patients with some
adult disease. The experiment confirmed the
effectiveness of the system for the patients.
The introduction of the e-P.O.Box is for the purpose
of providing citizen’s personal information to the
citizen himself by governmental administrative and
social security-related organization. All the e-
Government services is expected to be converged
through the e-P.O.Box aiming for one stop service,
including the social security status check, national
pension, health insurance, employment insurance
etc. as well as healthcare service of private sector.
Especially, if personal healthcare information added
and managed, then e-P.O.Box functions as a PHR,
and it can also include personal pharmaceutical
information, such as e-Prescription and personal
medication history.
It is just like a bank account through which
people manage his monetary flow trusting the
baking service provider. The use of the account is
fully under the holder’s control and the status could
be checked at anytime. Every people in Japan
including foreigner has resident registration is given
a personal account of e-P.O.Box in the cyberspace.
However, it is not mandatorily but by the voluntary
application, which is for good social acceptance.
The e-P.O.Box account has a role of reliable
point in the cyberspace trusted publicly and
definitely tied to the user, like the address of home
in the real world, of which the existence is registered
in the local government. The cyber home position
provides a method of certification and qualification
of the user in public services, and the access to it is
securely guarded by the use of IC card. The newly
introduced Social Security Card is expected to be an
access card of the e-P.O.Box, the issuance covering
resident aliens in Japan. Another candidate is the
Basic Resident Register Card currently being used as
an identification card. In this case, however, the card
holder is limited to only Japanese nationality so far.
The e-P.O.Box seems at first glance to be similar
to the portal sites and PHR (Personal Health Record)
systems, which already exist in the Internet sites. In
such systems, however, management of information
flow is under the service provider’s control, so users
usually have ‘windows’ or ‘gates’ only to browse
their information. Moreover, the existent services
are separately provided by local governments, health
insurers, and medical institutions. Protection of
user’s privacy is always a matter of great concern.
A prototype of the e-P.O.Box System was developed
in Tokyo Institute of Technology for personal health
information management system. It consists of three
parts, inBox, viewBox, and Concierge. The inBox
has the function mainly to receive data from
healthcare institutions. The viewBox is used to
register, store, and refer the data in inBox. The
Concierge is a bridge for cooperation with external
services, which effectively utilizes the personal
health data for the user. Fig.1 shows the schematic
diagram of personal health information reference
system. In this diagram, the part of the Examination
Center is taken out of the laboratory and put in the
hospital near Tokyo Tech to collect the medical
examination data of users. For the upload from the
hospital to the server, HPKI signature is used to
confirm the potential authentication of the data.
The system adopts the Tokyo Tech ID card as an
access IC card, which is issued to all the staffs and
students of Tokyo Institute of Technology. The IC
card has user authentication function by PKI (Public
Key Infrastructure) technology, and is used for data
encryption and decryption to guarantee a
confidential communication. The electronic
signature of doctor is generated using HPKI
(Healthcare Public Key Infrastructure) and attached
to the data to confirm the integrity and non-
repudiation of it. The HPKI certificate is issued by
MEDIS-DC (Medical Information System
Development Center) in Japan.
The healthcare data dealt through the system are
to be described in a unified form to share and