Knowledge Community (K-Comm) is a knowledge-
based social network that allows users to contribute
and seek knowledge in a social networking
environment with the purpose of sharing knowledge.
As the name suggests, it is a community where
members can form groups, link and interact with
like-minded people.
Unlike most conventional social networking
sites, the main focus of K-Comm is knowledge
sharing which is mainly achieved through a question
and answer (Q&A) approach where users can ask
questions or answer questions posed by other users.
In the spirit of knowledge sharing, we recognize
that every individual has something to share and
contribute, whether it is factual knowledge or
experiential knowledge, and K-Comm provide a
means to realize and capture tacit knowledge. By
having such a platform, we can capture an
individual’s tacit knowledge and tap onto the full
potential of individuals.
Based on our experience with the previous
prototype of K-Comm (Agarwal and Poo, 2008)
which has no social networking aspect, and previous
study on barriers to knowledge sharing (Agarwal et
al., 2007), we have identified social networking as
an essential knowledge-contributing barrier breaker.
Sclater (2008) also indicated that social networking
sites, blogs, and wikis offer student unprecedented
opportunities to enable knowledge sharing and
enable interactions. As such, the underlying K-
Comm system is a social networking system that is
knowledge centric in nature that allows us to unleash
the full potential of individuals. Furthermore, in
previous study (Lek et al., 2009), we have also
demonstrated that since K-Comm is driven by
community effort, it can formalize collective
3.1 Design and Implementation
We have used Elgg (Elgg, 2010), a PHP open source
social networking framework to build K-Comm.
This framework is used instead of the usual Content
Management Systems (CMS) because we wanted an
extensible framework that has social networking as
the central theme. Elgg provides us with
extensibility. Each component, for example, website
theme or features, are plug-ins and are programmed
using PHP.
3.2 Components of K-Comm
3.2.1 Profile Gathering and Personalization
K-Comm captures user profiles and allows users to
personalize their pages based on their interest.
Specifically, the system can capture user profiles
explicitly and implicitly.
User profile is captured explicitly during the
registration process. The instantiation of K-Comm in
National University of Singapore (NUS) consists of
a three-step registration process. In the first step, we
ask basic information like their name, email address
and password. In the next step, users can fill in their
general interests, specify whether they are students,
staff or alumni, and indicate the faculty they are
member of. Finally in the third step which is an
optional step, users can select the list of NUS
modules they have taken or are taking with the
option to be automatically added to the groups
created for those modules. This is to create groups
with current students and seniors who have taken
that module so that they can help one another.
The system allows administrator to customize the
list of fields to display on the registration page, and
indicate whether each field is mandatory or optional
so different instantiation of K-Comm can be
customized to the varying needs. The administrator
can also select the list of possible fields a user can
specify on their profile page.
User profile can also be captured implicitly
through users’ activities. For example, by asking a
question in the area of Computers/IT, the system
will be able to deduce that the user might be
interested in the category of Computers/IT. By
capturing user profile, the system will be able to
personalize each user’s screen. For example, looking
at the list of interest of the user, we are able to
generate a list of relevant questions to show on the
Q&A page.
3.2.2 Groups
Groups can also be created in K-Comm. They
allow members to participate in discussion forums,
post messages or share files. This helps connect
members who are interested in a particular topic.
Group owner can prevent accessibility of group
discussion forums and files to non-group member.
Thus, it allows members to create private groups
for project discussion among their project mates.
As mentioned in the previous section, we have
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education