more carefully, or student “to-do” lists).
The structure of courseware presented in Fig. 3
shows that it is well suited for compression with
XSAQCT, since as we noted before this compressor
has the best performance for regular structures.
Our previous experience with creating XML-
based courseware of the above type showed that the
user’s interface should provide the following
1. Author’s interface to support building the
initial courseware
2. Learner’s interface to support access to
specific courseware, or just specific lessons
or pages within the lesson
3. Author’s interface to support
insertion/deletion of new pages/lessons,
modifications of selected pages and
insertion/deletion/modification of author’s
4. Learner’s interface to support
insertion/deletion/modification of learner’s
In what follows, we outline a design of the
implementation of the above interface based on
XSAQCT used as an XML compressor.
Implementation of the author’s interface (point 1.
above) can use basic XML tools, such as XML
parsers. When the process of courseware creation is
completed, XML data created are passed on
XSAQCT for compression and storage.
Implementation of the learner’s interface listed in 2.
above uses standard queries, which will result in
partial decompression of the required courseware;
the entire courseware will continue to be saved in a
compressed form. Points 3. and 4. listed above will
be implemented via the update functionality of
XSAQCT with lazy decompression.
In this paper we showed how XML-based
educational applications can be implemented in
more efficient way using compressed XML
documents, which can be updated and queried with
minimal decompression. Our future work we will
design and test a more complete educational
application based on compressed XML data.
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