created to be used on the original image for
extracting the face.
Some of the aspects of the algorithm can be
explored in more detail. For example, the number of
considered modes (IMFs) is an important and critical
parameter. More experiments, with other databases,
must be done in order to determine the best number
of modes, in a way that this number is independent
of the image (database).
Also in this preliminary work we have not tested
other possible structural elements for the dilatation
step, but it is an interesting point to investigate in
future works, as the success of the results depends
on the capability of this step. If we can merge the
different parts of the face in a sole region, the
procedure works properly; but if the face is split in
many different parts, the systems fails and face is
not correctly detected.
On the other hand, we have not explored yet the
possibility of having more than one face in the
image, but this is another interesting point to
investigate in detail.
Finally, future work must be done in order to test
the procedure in other situations, as for example in
bad illumination conditions, dark or shadow places,
brilliant places, etc. Of course, these scenarios,
where illumination can be very different, are not
easy, but they are realistic and must be taken in
consideration for real world applications.
We are already conducting investigations
following these points, and preliminary results for
some cases are very promising.
This work has been partially supported by the
University of Vic under a mobility grant for Dr.
Jordi Solé-Casals, by “Cátedra Telefónica ULPGC
2009-10”, and by the Spanish Government under
funds from MCINN TEC2009-14123-C04-01.
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FACE DETECTION ALGORITHM USING EMD - Application to Biometric Recognition System