Avar´e Stewart and Wolfgang Nejdl
Forschungszentrum L3S, Appelstr 9a, Hannover, Germany
Automatic labeling, Cross-classification, Medical intelligence gathering.
Recent pandemics such as Swine Flu have caused concern for public health officials. Given the ever increas-
ing pace at which infectious diseases can spread globally, officials must be prepared to react sooner and with
greater epidemic intelligence gathering capabilities. However, state-of-the-art systems for Epidemic Intelli-
gence have not kept the pace with the growing need for more robust public health event detection. Existing
systems are limited in that they rely on template-driven approaches to extract information about public health
events from human language text.
In this paper, we propose a new approach to support Epidemic Intelligence. We tackle the problem of detecting
relevant information from unstructured text from a statistical pattern recognition viewpoint. In doing so, we
also address the problems associated with the noisy and dynamic nature of blogs by exploiting the language in
moderated sources, to train a classifier for detecting victim reporting sentences in blog social media. We refer
to this as Cross-Classification. Our experiments show that without using manually labeled data, and with a
simple set of features, we are able to achieve a precision as high as 88% and an accuracy of 77%, comparable
with the state-of-the-art approaches for the same task.
Many factors in today’s changing society contribute
towards the continuous emergence of infectious dis-
eases. In response, Epidemic Intelligence (EI) has
emerged as a type of intelligence gathering which
aims to detect events of interest to the public health
from unstructured text on the Web.
In a typical EI framework, disease reporting
events (i.e., victim, location, time, disease) are ex-
tracted from raw text. The events are then aggregated
to produce signals, which are intended to be an early
warning against potential public health threats. Epi-
demiologists use them to assess risk, or corroborate
and verify the information locally and with interna-
tional agencies.
Although there are numerous EI systems in exis-
tence, they are limited in two major ways. First, these
systems focus mainly on using news and outbreak re-
ports as a source of information (Hartley et al., 2009).
However, in order to effectively provide a warning
as early as possible, diverse information sources are
needed, such as those from just-in-time crisis infor-
mation blogs
. Disproportionately, blogs and other
types of social media have not been considered in in-
telligence gathering. Secondly, the algorithms used
in these systems typically detect disease related ac-
tivity by relying upon predefined templates, such as
keywords or regular expression. The drawbacks of a
template-based approach is that given the variety of
natural language, many patterns may be required and
enumerating all possible patterns is costly. Moreover,
the results typically lead to a low recall for identifying
relevant events.
The first steps toward overcoming this limitation
is to view the Epidemic Intelligence task in a new
light, by: 1) including more diverse sources, such as
blogs, and 2) using statistical approaches (e.g., statis-
tical pattern recognition), to detect information about
public health events. However, the automatic extrac-
tion of information from blogs remains a challeng-
ing task, because blogs are both noisy and dynamic
(Moens, 2009).
In this paper we address these twofold challenges
first by relying upon comparable text. We say that
comparable text is one in which overlapping topics
Stewart A. and Nejdl W..
DOI: 10.5220/0003298105710576
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 571-576
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
are discussed in a similar way. For such text, we
assume that the languages used have common parts,
and therefore, the linguistic structures in one cor-
pus, can be identified in the other. Second, we ex-
ploit this notion by building a binary classifier, that
has been trained from the victim-reporting sentences
of one corpora, in our case outbreak reports. The
training data is gathered through weak labeling, i.e.,
the training set is automatically built. A classifier
trained on this training set is then used to detect
disease-reporting sentences in blogs. We refer to
this approach as Cross-Classification. The contribu-
tions of this work are: 1) an introduction of a Cross-
Classification Framework for Epidemic Intelligence,
and 2) an exploitation of outbreak reports for weak
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: the
Cross-Classification approach is described in Section
2 and an evaluation is given in Section 3. In Section 4,
related work is presented and in Section 5, the paper
concludes with a discussion on future work.
In this section, we describe our Cross-Classification
approach and outline how the text of outbreak reports
is exploited for weak labeling of blog post sentences.
We also outline the properties that impact the quality
of weak labeled sentences when using such sources.
2.1 Cross-classification
The Cross-Classification process is depicted in Fig-
ure 1. The comparable texts are two distinct corpora.
We define one as the auxiliary source (outbreak re-
ports) and the other one as the target source (blogs).
Additionally, the figure shows the traditional way of
classification in which the sentences of the target do-
main are labeled manually and used as training data
(Direct Classification).
Figure 1: Overview of Cross-Classification.
An outbreak report is a moderated source that typ-
ically relies on experts to filter and extract information
about health threats. Based on the underlying proper-
ties of the auxiliary data (see Section 2.2), we auto-
matically label the sentences in the auxiliary data as
positive or negative and use them for training a binary
classifier. The resulting model is then applied on the
target corpus in order to classify sentences.
The type of classifier we use is a tree-kernel based
support vector machine (SVM). The reason for this
choice is that for natural language tasks similar to
ours, linguistic representations have proven to be suc-
cessful for detecting disease reporting information
(Zhang, 2008; Conway et al., 2009). One reason is
that kernel methods are capable of generating a high
number of syntactic features, from which the learning
algorithm can select those most relevant for a specific
application (Moschitti, 2006). This can help over-
come the feature engineering needed with linguistic
2.2 Weak Labeling for Training Data
Since training data is unavailable for our classification
task, we apply weak labeling for gathering training
material. In particular, the Sentence Position is ex-
ploited for selecting positive and negative examples.
As in any classification task, the quality of the clas-
sifier is highly dependent on the training data and its
noise. We also investigate further properties that may
impact the quality of weak labeling, these include:
Sentence Length, and Sentence Semantics.
Sentence Position. The position of information in
text has been widely exploited in document summa-
rization for news where the first sentences in an article
or paragraph summarize the most important informa-
tion (Lam-Adesina and Jones, 2001). Based on this,
we model the auxiliary corpus as a sentence database,
where each document, in the corpus is represented
as an ordered sequence of one or more sentences.
We adopt an approach to automatically label the sen-
tences in each document, where the TopN sentences
in a document are taken as positive cases, for a thresh-
old value of N. Further we hypothesize that sentences
appearing towards the end of the sequence, are less
relevant, so the BottomN are automatically labeled as
negative examples.
Sentence Length. The sentences in the auxiliary
corpus, vary greatly in length, due to conjunction and
phrases. Previous work using tree representations for
sentences, has shown that longer sentences may con-
tain too many irrelevant features, and over-fitting may
occur, thereby decreasing the classification accuracy.
In this light, we propose that sentence length is also
an important aspect of Cross-Classification and inve-
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
stigate its impact on the quality of Cross-
Classification in our experiments.
Sentence Semantics. Finally, we are interested in
identifying victim-reporting sentences, where the def-
inition used for victim reporting is based on the tem-
plate for MedISys Disease Incidents
. This template
includes disease, time, location, case, and the status of
victims that have been extracted from the full text of
news articles. We say a sentence is a victim-reporting
one, if it contains a medical condition in conjunction
with a victim, time, or location, where the case and
status of a victim may be inferred from the context.
The semantic information is thus represented by the
presence of named entities (NEs) in the sentence. In
our experiments, we also investigate if the presence
of NEs is an important factor in choosing positive ex-
The goal of our experiments is to measure how well a
Cross-Classifier can detect victim-reportingsentences
within a blog. We train the classifier with three dif-
ferent feature sets and compare the results. Further,
we experiment with three weak labeling properties
for the outbreak reports, namely: Sentence Position,
Sentence Length, and Sentence Semantics. We com-
pare the performance of the Cross-Classifier to that
of a traditional classifier, and state-of-the-art perfor-
mance measures reported for a similar task, which
use a considerable number of features and rely exclu-
sively upon labeled data for training.
3.1 Experimental Setting
As target data, we selected the AvianFluDiary
, a well
known source within the “flu bloggers” community.
The data was collected for a one year period: Jan-
uary 1 - December 31, 2009. For the auxiliary data,
we used ProMED-mail
, a global electronic reporting
system, listing outbreaks of infectious diseases. This
data was collected over a period of eight years: Jan-
uary 1, 2002 - December 31, 2009. Early experiments
using the data from a single year, as the auxiliary data,
showed poor results, due to the fact that there were too
few documents (and hence sentences) to support weak
labeling. In total, we collected 4,249 documents for
AvianFluDiary and 14,665 for ProMED-mail.
The data for both the auxiliary and target domains
was processed using the Standford Parser
to split
and parse each sentence. The total number of sen-
tences for AvianFluDiary was 44,723 and ProMED-
mail 347,822. Sentences were further processed us-
ing OpenCalais
to extract NEs. In total, 3,300
documents and 34,752 sentences from AvianFluDi-
ary and 10,026 documents and 127,314 sentences
from ProMED-mail contained entities recognizable
by OpenCalais.
Weak labeling for the auxiliary data was con-
structed using the Top5 sentences as positive exam-
ples. Roughly 25,000 sentences were included in the
Top1, and the amount of training data increased by
25,000 sentences, as N increased. Further, we notice
in our corpus that the bottom sentences tend to refer
to additional web sites, so any bottom N sentences
containing URLs where eliminated.
SVM Classification. The Cross-Classifier was
based on SVM-TK (Moschitti, 2006), and the clas-
sification features used to build the classifier were
the parts-of-speech parse tree (POS), the term vec-
tor (VEC), and their combination (POSVEC). Experi-
ments using the vector space feature alone performed
consistently below the POS and POSVEC, thus, we
do not report them further in this work. Five random
sets, from each TopN set were selected to train a clas-
sifier, and the results obtained for each classifier were
averaged over these five trials.
Baseline. As a baseline, we compare the Cross-
Classification approach to the traditional (or Direct
Classification) method (see Figure 1), in which both
the training and testing is done on manually labeled
sentences of AvianFluDiary. Of the 5,328 sentences
manually labeled, 729 were positive cases, showing
a relatively low percentage of information-bearing
sentences within the blog. The direct classifier was
trained with equal amounts of positive and negative
cases using a 10-fold cross-validation. The evalua-
tion measures used were precision (P), recall (R), f1-
measure (F) and accuracy (A), reported using a scale
of 0 to 100%.
We next present our experiments: first we evaluate
the Cross-Classification performance with respect to
the three weak labeling properties of outbreak reports;
then, the classification features are examined.
Table 1: Cross-Classification performance for each of the
topN (N=1···5) sentences using training sizes of 1K, 2K
and 3K, and the POSVEC feature. Each of the topN entries
shown is the result of averaging over 5 trials.
Size N P R F A
1 81.27 44.55 57.54 67.15
2 79.71 65.51 71.85 74.39
3 78.44 70.34 74.15 75.50
4 77.90 75.75 76.77 77.13
5 75.90 75.56 75.70 75.78
1 82.41 48.34 60.93 69.01
2 80.54 67.30 73.29 75.50
3 78.80 73.17 75.85 76.73
4 76.33 75.58 75.93 76.06
5 76.09 75.50 75.79 75.88
1 82.15 47.98 60.57 68.78
2 79.49 67.63 73.06 75.07
3 77.99 74.29 76.08 76.65
4 76.57 76.16 76.35 76.42
5 76.89 76.30 76.57 76.67
3.2 Weak Labeling Properties
3.2.1 Sentence Position
We evaluate how the position of the sentence within
the document affects the performance of a weak la-
beler when compared against a random selection of
sentences for a direct classifier. Tables 1, and 2
summarize the Cross-Classification performance us-
ing the features: POSVEC, and POS, when varying
the training size (Size) from 1,000 (1K) to 3,000 (3K)
sentences; using a fixed sentence length of 5 to 199
characters. The bold font in each table shows the
maximum values obtained for each measure. The re-
sults clearly show that we obtain very good results
without manual labeling - precision reaching 82.41%
and recall 81.65%. Also, increasing the training size
improves the results, because the classifier has more
examples from which it can learn. Also, in terms of
a performance trade-off, the Top1 and Top2 positions
prove not to be the best, but instead Top3 or Top4
show better trade-off, as the precision becomes equal
to the recall.
Random Selection. The results for the Cross-
Classifier built from a random selection of sentences
as training set, using the POSVEC feature is presented
in Table 3. We notice that the random classifier per-
forms significantly poorer than the one in which the
weak labeling is used. This clearly suggests that the
sentence order is a useful, yet simple criteria for weak
Table 2: Cross-Classification performance for each of the
topN (N=1···5) sentences using training sizes of 1K, 2K
and 3K, and the POS feature. Each of the topN entries
shown is the result of averaging over 5 trials.
Size N P R F A
1 76.61 43.04 55.10 64.95
2 76.72 64.25 69.86 72.33
3 76.24 68.34 72.07 73.51
4 75.68 73.50 74.54 74.94
5 74.44 72.98 73.67 73.92
1 77.78 46.45 58.16 66.60
2 76.96 65.40 70.66 72.88
3 76.57 71.00 73.67 74.62
4 74.40 73.53 73.93 74.10
5 75.08 73.83 74.44 74.66
1 77.71 46.20 57.93 66.48
2 76.14 65.62 70.46 72.51
3 75.70 71.82 73.70 74.38
4 74.64 73.52 74.05 74.25
5 76.27 74.07 75.14 75.49
Table 3: Cross-Classification performance using a random
selection of sentences and training sizes of 1K, 2K and 3K,
for the POSVEC feature.
Size P R F A
1K 41.37 40.11 40.63 41.61
2K 42.85 43.62 43.11 42.88
3K 33.37 32.66 32.94 33.40
Table 4: Direct Classification performance for the POSVEC
86.50 90.42 88.32 88.06
Direct Classification. In the Direct Classification,
we used the manually labeled data of the target cor-
pus as a training set, and the results are shown in Ta-
ble 4. When only the sentence position is taken into
account, we see that the overall performance of the
Direct Classifier is significantly better than the Cross-
Classifier in terms of its recall and f1-measure. Yet,
in terms of precision, the Cross-Classifier obtains as
much as 82.41% (see Table 1), in comparison with the
Direct Classifier, which is 86.50%. Also, the recall is
much higher for the Direct Classifier. This is to be
expected, given the errors inherent in weak labeling.
Finally, we compare the Cross-Classification to
reported results for the same task (Zhang, 2008)
where the highest f1-measure value obtained is just
above 76%. When considering sentence position
alone, we obtain comparable f1-measures of 76.77%
(see Table 1).
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
3.2.2 Sentence Length
In order to determine if longer sentences impact the
performance of the weak labeled classifier, we created
a second partition of data based on sentence lengths
in the interval of [200...1024]. Although the range
of this interval is quite large in comparison with the
interval [5...199], the actual number of sentences is
much smaller. Interval [5...199] contains 96,851 sen-
tences in the Top5 set, whereas interval [200...1024]
contains 19,368. Figure 2 shows the average over the
Top5 results for the POSVEC feature.
Figure 2: Cross-Classification performance for sentence
lengths in the ranges of [5...199] and [200...1024] using the
POSVEC feature.
It can be seen, that using longer sentences results
in a classifier with lower overall performance. We be-
lieve this to be the case because more noise is intro-
duced as longer sentences include clauses and paren-
thetical information, which are not directly related to
victim reporting.
3.2.3 Sentence Semantics
We evaluate the performance of the Cross-Classifier
in the presence of selected NEs, which are relevant for
victim-reporting. These entity types include: location
and medical condition. In order to make as much dis-
tinction as possible between the positive and negative
NE-examples, only the TopN sentences containing
the named entities were chosen for training, whereas
the BottomN sentences not containing those entities
were used. In Figure 3, the Cross-Classification re-
sults are obtained using sentence lengths in the inter-
val of [5...199] characters, averaging over the Top5
results for the POSVEC feature and using a training
size of 3K. We notice that filtering weak labeled sen-
tences with respect to the presence of NEs yields a
significantly higher precision when compared with no
NEs. Thus, NEs are useful for filtering noise that is
present in the weak labeling examples.
Figure 3: Cross-Classification performance with Named
Entities (NEs), and without Named Entities (no NEs). The
Top5 (N=5) sentences were used, and averaged over 5 trials,
for a training size of 3K, with the POSVEC feature.
3.3 Discussion
The experiments presented above allow us to see
that Sentence Position, Sentence Length and Sen-
tence Semantics do, in fact, impact the ability of a
weak labeling Cross-Classifier to detect the relevant
victim-reporting sentences and several points should
be noted regarding each.
Sentence Length. Although we have experi-
mented with two different ranges for the sentence
lengths, a closer examination should be made to
determine the minimum and maximum lengths
that optimize the precision and recall. Even so,
we already can draw the conclusion that smaller
sentences (range [5...199]) already bring the ben-
efit of being able to distinguish between the infor-
mation bearing sentences, shown by our results.
Sentence Position. It should be noted that the
Sentence Position is not independent of Sentence
Length. As mentioned, the shorter sentences that
appear in the Top1 often consist of titles or even
concise summaries of the article. Refinements
which optimize the length of the sentence, should
also take this into account.
In the area of Epidemic Intelligence, approaches for
classifying disease-reporting sentences have been car-
ried out, where a number of features are used and dif-
ferent types of techniques, such as conditional ran-
dom fields and Naive Bayes networks (Zhang, 2008;
Conway et al., 2009). In all cases, the authors use
manually labeled data to build their models. In our
work, we seek to go beyond the human effort associa-
ted with building a training set for blogs and so-
cial media, while striving for comparable results with
these state-of-the-art systems.
Transfer Learning. Transfer Learning allows the
domains, tasks and distributions for a classifier’s
training and test data to be different (Pan and Yang,
2009). The sub-area of transfer learning most similar
to our work is transductive transfer learning, where
neither the source nor target data is labeled. In this
case, methods are sought to first automatically label
the source data.
Automatic Labeling. Work has been done in sev-
eral areas (Tomasic et al., 2007; Fuxman et al., 2009)
to reduce the human labeling effort; where automatic
Labeling has been achieved with weak labeling. In
one such work, (Tomasic et al., 2007) wild labels
(obtained from observing users) provide the basis for
generating weak labels. Similar to our work, weak
labels are distinguished from gold labels, which are
generated by a human expert. The weakly-labeled
corpus is used to train machine-learning algorithms
that are capable of predicting the sequence and pa-
rameter values for the actions a user will take on a
new request. In other work automatic labeling is ac-
complished by first defining a set of criteria a potential
corpora must have in order to support the automatic
labeling process (Fuxman et al., 2009). To date, none
of the work based on automatic labelling or a trans-
fer learning approach, consider the task of Epidemic
In this paper we have demonstrated that with our
Cross-Classification framework, it is possible to use
comparable text, such as outbreak reports as automat-
ically labeled data for training a classifier that is ca-
pable of detecting the victim-reporting sentences in a
As with any automated labeling process, the ex-
amples are subject to noise and error. We investigated
how this noise can be reduced and evaluated the qual-
ity of such weak labeled sentences using three prop-
erties: Sentence Position, Sentence Length and Sen-
tence Semantics. With no effort in human labeling
and minimalistic feature engineering, we were able to
build a Cross-Classifier, which achieved a precision
as high as 88%. The impact of this work is that the
noisy sentences in blogs, and possibly other types of
social media, can be appropriately filtered to support
epidemic investigation.
Cross-Classification has shown to be promising for
data in which the topic is rather focused. As a future
work, we will apply the approach to more diverse and
topic-drifting blog posts. Further, we seek to gener-
alize the results presented here, describing the con-
ditions under which corpora can be considered com-
parable. This would help in automatically selecting
the appropriate auxiliary and target corpora for Cross-
Classification. In this work, we have assumed the
presence of a high quality data set that lends itself to
weak labeling. As further work, we plan to consider
cases in which a Cross-Classifier can be built from
less volume of data, for example, by using a boot-
strapping approach.
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WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies