pedagogical experts. Therefore a GUI is needed
which allows the teachers and pedagogical experts to
interact with the monitoring and analysis system, in
addition to the visualization techniques that deliver
the extracted knowledge insights. The visualization
tools are:
(1) The Logger exposes the details of the current
running processes and operations.
(2) The Workflow Visualiser revisualizes the
workflow model with up-to-date execution data.This
tool is useful to feedback the teachers with an online
overview of the current execution details in a visual
form (Figure 2). The number of current learners in
each workflow object is shown. The size of the
workflow object is relative to the number of
executing learners, to make the monitoring process
easier for the teacher.
(3) The User Follower is similar to the workflow
visualiser but concentrates on delivering
individualinformation about the execution for
specific learners, like statistical information and
behavioral attributes.
(4) The History Visualiser allows the teacher to
track the history of execution for each learner
visually on a time axis.
(5) The Query Builder allows to create a specific
high-level query on the stored data in the data store.
That is done by a GUI that is configurable to map a
parametriezed query to a low-level query that can be
executed directly at the data store side.
In this work, we have presented an approach to
monitor and analyse the execution of missions,
representd as workflows, in a TEL enviroenment
and an approach towards an automatic analysis of
the learners’ behaviors.
The developed system is able to load SCY workflow
models, to provide generic representations of the
semantics of those models. A generic data store has
been designed and developed to store those
representations. That property of generality enables
successful storing, monitoring and analysis of
workflow models of other environments than SCY,
in case of extending our system for other workflow
environments. As there was no running version of
SCY system at the moment of doing this work, a
simulator has been designed and developed to
simulate the execution of loaded and stored
workflows, to provide the required data for the
monitoring and analysis processes. Patterns in the
workflows models and executions have been
defined, extracted and used for monitoring and
analysis processes. Techniques to extract behavioral
attributes have been defined as an approach towards
modeling the behavior of a workflow executor
depending on time and routing perspectives at a
semantic level.
The fulfilment of this work has partially been
supported by the SCY project, www.scy-net.eu , a
EU- funded IP project, grant agreement number
212814, FP7.
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CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education