Noury Khayat, Michael Mock and Jörg Kindermann
Fraunhofer Institut IAIS, Schloß Birlinghoven, Sankt Augustin, Germany
Keywords: Agents, Analysis, Behaviour monitoring, Technology-Enhanced Learning Environment, Workflow.
Abstract: In the context of the European SCY project, a collaborative, learner-centric TEL environment is described.
Reference workflows and workflow executions are analyzed to extract meaningful behavioural attributes
automatically. The extracted patterns provide insights into learner behaviour.
Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL) Environ-
ments are systems designed to support learning and
teaching, based on the support of new emerging
technological achievements. An approach to achieve
such a TEL Environment is being done in the SCY
Project In SCY-Lab, the TEL environment produced
by the project, learners work on a given "mission",
like an experiment, a design task, etc., to reach the
intended goals in the learning process. A mission
can be any complex task or assignment with an
interdisciplinary scientific background, guided by a
general question (e.g.”How can we build a CO2-
neutral house?”, or “Development of a healthy menu
for the school canteen”). The fulfilment of a mission
requires a combination of individual and
collaborative contributions from the learners, using a
provided set of tools, services and resources.
Teachers expect specific results from learners
during and after mission execution in the form of a
text, an image, a design, a simulation model of a
physical system, etc. Those missions, represented as
workflows, are executed based on provided rules
and semantics. We call this a workflow model. Each
execution of the model is called a workflow
execution. We can summarize the building blocks of
a workflow model as follows: (1) Scenarios: Each
learning mission has one scenario object as an
encapsulated block, which represents all the tasks to
be executed, (2) Learning Activity The primitive
unit which represents the requested task to be
executed, (3) Learning Activity Space (LAS) (Ney
et al., 2009): Grouping objects, which contain other
objects on lower levels, like the learning activities.
(4) Emerging Learning Objects (ELOs): represent
the pedagogically relevant products of learner
performance during the learning process. (5) Tools:
components of the learning system used in creating,
manipulating or storing ELOs. (6) Action logs: all
interactions of the learners with the system when
executing a workflow. (7) Scaffolds: feedbacks or
hints provided to the learners.
SCY contains a high level of interactivity:
Interaction between learners is a key point in
improving their learning performance. Interaction of
learners with SCY technology is necessary to
produce the ELOs. In SCY, pedagogical agents (i.e.
autonomously active components of the learning
system) are used to analyze the interaction of the
learners with the technology. The agents send
scaffold to the learners automatically.The interaction
of the teacher with learners is necessary for
supervision. The interaction of teachers with the
SCY technology also is essential, since the teachers
have the responsibility of shaping the pedagogical
missions and monitoring the learners' executions.
Along those interactions, the learners leave
specific traces as action logs of the executed
workflows. Valuable insight about the execution is
therefore hidden in the actions logs. Manual
inspection is not possible because of the huge
amount of data. Automatic analysis is needed to
extract informations, which reveal behavioral
aspects, the learner has shown during the execution
of the mission. The teachers and pedagogical experts
Khayat N., Mock M. and Kindermann J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003299301870192
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 187-192
ISBN: 978-989-8425-49-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: System architecture.
will thus be able to obtain answers to pedagogical
This paper features methods and techniques to
extract that information automatically from the
action logs. Meaningful patterns, potential outliers
and behavioral aspects are results of the extraction
2.1 Learning Environments
The DORIS pedagogical agent for intelligent
tutoring system is an approach to follow learners’
interaction with the tutoring system, and guide them
during the learning process (dos Santos et al., 2002).
Those agents perceive related information about the
learners' interaction with the system, and make an
appropriate response based on that information.
DORIS agents take into consideration specific
perspectives during the monitoring process. Those
perspectives are restricted to starting and finishing
time of the interaction incidents between learners
and the system; pages visited by them and the
consumed duration in each of those pages.
In SCY, the learning missions are represented as
workflows, to be executed by learners in computer
systems. That allows providing a more specific plan
for the learners to follow (de Jong et al. 2010).
2.2 Behaviour Modelling
Behaviour modelling is a semantic abstraction of
some observed actions to fit a model, which caused
the generation of those actions. In (Bollen, Giemza,
Hoppe 2008) an architectural framework for
distributed collaborative learning environments with
agent support is described which features rule-based
state and action pattern analysis. (Akhras, John,
2002) discusses intelligent tutoring systems from a
constructivist perspective, which includes a domain
model, a teaching model, and a learner model,
therefore exceeding the SCY approach, which does
not include full user-modelling.
In (Zhou, Evens, 1999), manual experiments
have been done in the context of the CIRCSIM-
Tutor intelligent tutoring system, to define what a
learner model is, and how to divide the learner
model into components.
Another approach has been presented in
(Fernandez et al., 2009), where a methodology has
been developed as an alternative to discover human
behaviour patterns using automatic learning
methods. The approach reveals the execution of the
workflows which have been executed by converting
gathered sensor data to the form of a workflow.
An appropriate distributed client-server architecture
has been designed for the SCY system to make it
accesable from different places. The client, SCY-
Lab, is to be used by the learner or the teacher. The
back end is the SCY server which provides the
services for the learner and the teacher, and is
supports the analysis processes. Accordingly, we
have designed our system as a distributed system,
which contains three functional parts: an information
system at the client side, including a graphical user
interface (GUI) for the teacher and pedagogical
experts, and the monitoring and analysis system at
the server side.
As there was no complete running version of the
SCY system early in the project life-cycle, we had to
simulate the learner behavior and his execution of
the mission. The system is separated into several
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
modules, which communicate with each other, to
serve in monitoring a specific scenario. Figure 1
shows an overview of the modules of the system,
distributed on the appropriate architecture sides.
A standard working scenario of the system starts
at the loader, which loads the SCY workflow model
into the permanent data store as a reference, and also
into the simulator to be executed by the virtual
Once the model has been loaded into the data
store, the simulator can, but does not have to, use the
stored model directly without the need of reloading
it.. In the simulator, the simulated learners start
executing the workflow model, by using a workflow
engine, and firing meaningful events that describe
the current state of the execution. A generic observer
at the server side catches those events, filter them
based on configurable settings and stores them in a
dedicated permanent data store. This allows the
monitor and the analyzer to access execution data.
The results are directed to the visualiser.
In this way, we can easily integrate our
monitoring and analysis system into the SCY
System, relacing the simulation system by real
learners. The monitoring and analysis tools and
utilities would be represented as one service in the
main SCY server as a kind of Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA). More details about the SCY-
Lab architecture are available in (de Jong et al.
The Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC)
has defined a workflow management system
(WfMS) as "a system that defines, creates and
manages the execution of workflows". Therefore,
our system can be considered as a workflow
management system.
Workflow models are provided to the system,
executed by the workflow engine in the simulator,
events are fired describing the states of the
execution, and analysis and monitoring is done on
the workflow execution. The common factor in all
those scenarios is that everything is done relatively
to the workflow model. Therefore the processing
results can be seen as extensions to the workflow
model. We call this "workflow model enrichment".
Substantially, the enrichment is done by interpreting
the outcomes of the executions relatively to the
workflow model, breaking them into smaller units,
transforming them and getting meaningful
information out of low-level data. These
functionalities are implemented in the analyzer
module. First we describe the processing of simple
events. Then, complex events as patterns of simple
events or workflow objects, are investigated. Finally,
our understanding of the processing results and
possible applications based on different
perspectives, are presented, resulting in the
"Behavior Modeling".
4.1 Simple Events Processing
Different states can be assigned to the different
workflow objects depending on their semantics
during the execution phase or afterwards. That can
happen either directly by an action of the learner or
as computation of a specific behavior issue.
States are triggered by events. The events can be
categorized by: (1) the types of workflow objects, on
which the events occurred, like: Activities, ELOs,
etc.; (2) the perspective of the access operations to
the workflow objects, like: reading, writing an
object, etc. (3) depending on the conditionality of
firing the events. There are unconditional types of
events, which will be fired independently of any
parameters, and conditional types of events, which
will be fired only if specific criteria have been met,
like a parameter value exceeding a threshold, etc.
4.2 Complex Events Processing
The cloud of simple events, makes the task more
diffcult to get a meaningful insight into the
executions of the workflows. Therefore we add a
higher level by combining various simple events to
form a complex event. Complex events can also be
organized in hierarchal structures, where a complex
event can contain other complex events. For
example, firing a complex event, related to the
whole mission, depends on the fired complex events
of the contained executable workflow objects. The
complex events are analysis units, which are used in
this work in two contexts: event patterns and
workflow patterns.
4.2.1 Event Patterns
Event patterns are sequences of simple events. An
example is an essential event pattern, which
expresses the visit concept of an executable
workflow object, and includes the simple events of
entering and leaving that object.
Figure 2: A sample output of the workflow visualiser.
Event patterns are also helpful in firing some
simple events, which would not be possible to detect
without their support. For example, the event of
exceeding the expected execution time for an
executable workflow object could be fired by
comparing the duration of the visit event pattern
with the reference value of the expected time of that
Thus, sequences of specific event patterns could
result in producing a higher level pattern, which
reflects the structure of the executed workflow
objects. We call the higher level patterns workflow
4.2.2 Workflow Patterns
Important approaches in the field of workflow
patterns are discussed in( Russell, et al. 2006) . For
SCY, specific workflow patterns have been
An example of workflow patterns is the loop, a
group of executable workflow objects, where the
execution is done in a sequential way, and can be
repeated. In SCY, we recognize two types of loops,
being inspired by ( Russell, et al. 2006) :
- Safe loop: This kind of loop has only one entry
and exit point. Once an iteration of a loop has
started, it is not possible to be interrupted by leaving
the loop from some exit point other than entry point.
This loop corresponds a structured loop in ( Russell,
et al. 2006) .
- Unsafe loop: This kind of loop has more than
one exit point, independently of the number of entry
points. Unlike in a safe loop, it is possible to leave
an iteration, without completing it to the same point
where it has started.
Workflow patterns cab be seen in SCY on two
levels: (1) as workflow models, where the patterns
are extracted automatically from workflow models,
and stored as references in the data store for later
use. (2) as workflow executions, where the patterns
are detected during the execution through the events,
and referred to as instances of the workflow patterns
on the workflow model level.
Loops are extracted from workflow models by
traversing the workflow, and building a tree of the
traversed workflow in a specific way, which reveals
the existence loops. It is an optimized version of the
algorithm of (Havlak, 1997), where the Havlak’s
algorithm does not remember the workflow objects
already traversed. The set of the workflow patterns
which the learner has followed to reach the goal can
be used to extract higher level behavioral aspects of
the execution.
4.2.3 Behaviour Modelling
The learner executes the workflow and creates his
own register of execution outcomes, which define
the level of quality according to constraints, rules
and hints. Modeling the behavior can be seen from
several perspectives.
(1) The time perspective: the workflow model
should contain all the information required by the
learners, including the expected time to be
consumed. It is possible to infer if the behavior of
the learner is accordant to the providedconstraints.
(2) The routing perspective is based on the paths
in the workflow, or the set of the workflow patterns,
which the learner has followed to reach the goal.
The workflow model should be provided with a
specified optimal path, which could be considered as
a reference for the learners.
Now we present the process of extracting the
attributes which represent the behavior of the
learner, the behavioral attributes. Our approach
depends on statistical computations of the
accumulated information and analysis results of the
workflow execution. From the time perspective, we
define two new concepts, the “time out” and “time
rest”, as follows:
(1) Time Out is the time the learner has
consumed in an executable workflow object, after
exceeding the expected consumption time. It is
always accompanied with an “exceeding time”
(2) Time Rest is the time which the learner is still
allowed to consume in an executable workflow
object, at the moment of finishing that object. It is
always accompanied with a “finishing in time”
Those concepts are applied to both the single
visits and all the visits; and the statistical
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
computations are calculated on both concepts
From the routing perspective, we depend on
aggregation meausrements of the executed workflow
objects, relations and patterns. The calculation those
routing measurements is based on two secondary
(1) Correctness is considered as a precision-
oriented concept. We distinguish between executed
workflow patterns which have been executed
according to the systematic or optimal behavior and
others. The former are consided to have a feature of
"correctness". Note that we assume “optimal”
workflow executions to be denoted explicitly by the
pedagogical expert when designing the SCY
learning workflow.
(2) Counting occurences of patterns: We
differentiate between the fact whether a specific
workflow pattern has been executed and the number
of executions. The former is called a “class”, the
latter an “instance” (in analogy to object-oriented
modeling). For example, the aggregation of a
specific workflow pattern which has been executed
N times, would generate the value 1 for the "class"
measure and the value N for the "instance" measure.
The extracted behavior attributes are abstracted into
concrete behavioral concepts:
- Correctness is an outcome of the behavior
modeling, which is obtained from the routing
behavioral attributes as seen from the
"correctness" perspective. It specifies how the
execution corresponds to an optimal behavior.
The different attributes of the correctness vector
have different meanings depending on the
patterns contributing to the attribute: loops,
sequences, etc.
- Repeatness is obtained from the routing
behavioral attributes as seen from the
"abstraction" perspective. It specifies how the
workflow objects are repeated in an execution.
- The time-related measure represents the
temporal behavior of the execution as obtained
by fetching the time attributes from the
extracted attributes.
- Loopness expresses how “loopy” the execution
is: the number of executed loop classes, loop
instances and correct. It is obtained by fetching
the loop-related attributes.
- Sequentiality expresses how sequential the
execution is. It is of minor importance than
loopness, since the semantics of sequences are
not as critical as loops; i.e. an infinite loop
would lead to failure, and that is not true for the
- Conjunctionality expresses the behavior of
executing conjunctions as splits. This measure
gives an impression on the the transitivity of
workflow execution; i.e. how many redirections
the learner has taken during the execution.
- Disjunctionality expresses the behavior of
executing conjunctions as joins. This measure
has an opposite meaning of Conjunctionality.
Other combinations of the extracted attributes
could be evaluated, based on the required semantics
and purposes and by applying the appropriate
workflow patterns.
Table 1 is a part of the data table of low level
behavioral attributes. The learner U2 has not
finished the mission in time. It appears that he was
too "loopy" during the execution (number of
executed loop classes is 2; number of the correct
loop classes is 1). Similarly, the number of correct
loop instances is 2, whereas the number of executed
loop instances is 4. Similar to U2 are U4 and U5.
The difference is that U5 has executed more wrong
loop instances than U2 and U4, but that has not led
to worse than exceeding expected time.
Table 1: A low level behavioural attributes data table.
# of loops # loops correct finished
user class instance class instance in time
U1 2 2 2 2 yes
U2 2 4 1 2 no
U3 0 0 0 0 yes
U4 2 4 1 2 no
U5 2 6 1 2 no
An opposite example is U1. He has finished the
mission in time, executed loops from 2 loop classes,
and both are included in the optimal behavior.
Similar to U1 is U3. The is that U3 has not executed
loops at all, which has apparently led to finishing
also in time.
The discussed behavioral attributes show
potential explanations of the mission outcome.
Attributes from other workflow patterns have also
been investigated and implemented. The low-level
attributes can already a first insight, but they
primarily serve as input to further data-mining
Our monitoring and analysis methods and
techniques should be usable by the teachers and
pedagogical experts. Therefore a GUI is needed
which allows the teachers and pedagogical experts to
interact with the monitoring and analysis system, in
addition to the visualization techniques that deliver
the extracted knowledge insights. The visualization
tools are:
(1) The Logger exposes the details of the current
running processes and operations.
(2) The Workflow Visualiser revisualizes the
workflow model with up-to-date execution data.This
tool is useful to feedback the teachers with an online
overview of the current execution details in a visual
form (Figure 2). The number of current learners in
each workflow object is shown. The size of the
workflow object is relative to the number of
executing learners, to make the monitoring process
easier for the teacher.
(3) The User Follower is similar to the workflow
visualiser but concentrates on delivering
individualinformation about the execution for
specific learners, like statistical information and
behavioral attributes.
(4) The History Visualiser allows the teacher to
track the history of execution for each learner
visually on a time axis.
(5) The Query Builder allows to create a specific
high-level query on the stored data in the data store.
That is done by a GUI that is configurable to map a
parametriezed query to a low-level query that can be
executed directly at the data store side.
In this work, we have presented an approach to
monitor and analyse the execution of missions,
representd as workflows, in a TEL enviroenment
and an approach towards an automatic analysis of
the learners’ behaviors.
The developed system is able to load SCY workflow
models, to provide generic representations of the
semantics of those models. A generic data store has
been designed and developed to store those
representations. That property of generality enables
successful storing, monitoring and analysis of
workflow models of other environments than SCY,
in case of extending our system for other workflow
environments. As there was no running version of
SCY system at the moment of doing this work, a
simulator has been designed and developed to
simulate the execution of loaded and stored
workflows, to provide the required data for the
monitoring and analysis processes. Patterns in the
workflows models and executions have been
defined, extracted and used for monitoring and
analysis processes. Techniques to extract behavioral
attributes have been defined as an approach towards
modeling the behavior of a workflow executor
depending on time and routing perspectives at a
semantic level.
The fulfilment of this work has partially been
supported by the SCY project, , a
EU- funded IP project, grant agreement number
212814, FP7.
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CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education