rigid, for example, the torso of human, especially
when the captured subjects perform vigorous exer-
cises like bending their body too low. In this situation,
our method may wrongly labeled markers attached to
these lax rigid bodies. However, the wrongly labeled
markers can be corrected using the constraint of tra-
jectories’ smoothness or solving the problem of abso-
lute orientation(Arun et al., 1987).
Our approach relies on the assumption that each
marker trajectory must be non-interrupted during the
whole motion. To accomplish the clustering task, we
also have to ask captured objects to exercise his joint
through the full range of motion. Although these
limitations are a little strict, but they can be satis-
fied in practice to ask the captured subject to perform
calibration motion in the middle of capturing area.
This requirementcan effectively reduce the number of
invisible markers and obtain almost non-interrupted
marker trajectories. For the task of clinical gait anal-
ysis, we should let the number of invisible markers
be as less as possible. In future work, we plan to re-
duce the limitations mentioned above in order to label
markers with noisy marker trajectories.
This work was supported by the Knowledge
Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of
Science(KGCX2-YW-610) and the National Key
Technology Research and Development Program of
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