to personalize search results. We analyze user’s tag-
ging activity to learn users’ preferences and use this
information to personalize the search. We evaluated
our approach with other personalization methods and
as a result we realized significant improvement of pre-
cision. As a future work, we intend to analyze the se-
mantic relationship between tags in order to catch hid-
den similarities that are not undertaken by this model.
In addition, we aim at enhancing the model by consid-
ering the tag decay. The goal is to perform a temporal
analyzes and filter the results according to the actual
users’ preferences.
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project “KiWi - Knowledge in a Wiki” and has re-
ceived funding from the European Community’s Sev-
enth Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) un-
der grant agreement No. 211932. This work has
been supported by FP7 ICT project M-Eco: Med-
ical Ecosystem Personalized Event-Based Surveil-
lance under grant number 247829. The authors
would like to acknowledge GroupLens research at
University of Minnesota for providing the MovieLens
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