5.1 Recommendations
Recommendations to Internet Users and Visitors
• Be aware that your every click is tracked on
most websites and web shops by client- and/or
server-side data collection methods, and ana-
lyzed by software, even though this is not de-
• Install WASP in your Mozilla Firefox browser
if you want to know which client-side systems
are tracking you on your trip through the cy-
• Install the Google Analytics deactivation-add-
on, if you do not want to be tracked by
• Alternatively, you can deactivate JavaScript
in your browser settings, if you do not want to
be tracked by any client-side web analytics
• Websites indentify your computer by cookies
or the IP address, which is often undeclared.
• Deactivate cookies in your web browser or de-
lete them regularly if you don’t want to be
Recommendations to Data Protection Officers
• Be aware that many websites, even of big en-
terprises, do not meet international privacy
standards and laws of data collection and dec-
• Inform and educate the public about web ana-
lytics concerns and about the current privacy
policy problems on websites and especially in
• Control and improve websites compliances
with privacy policies and data protection acts
like the “Directive 95/46/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council” (EUR-Lex,
• Support local, national and international rec-
ommendations, guidelines, labels and certifi-
cations that guarantee a legal and transparent
declaration of data collections on websites.
Recommendations to Webmasters and Managers
• Declare data collection transparently, honestly
and forthrightly. Ensure that privacy policies
fulfil data protection acts and are up-to-date.
• Hold data privacy in your highest regard and
do everything to keep data secure and private.
• Do not link web analytics data to profile or
personal data like names, addresses, phone
numbers or payment information like credit
card numbers.
• If you are using cookies, this information
should be included in the privacy policy.
• If you track IP addresses, you should declare
this. If possible, make IP addresses anony-
• The declaration of the data collected is neces-
sary to create confidence and to sustain credi-
bility or reputation of your website and your
5.2 Critical Discussion & Outlook
This study analyzed, which client-side web analytics
systems are used to gather web data on websites of
international companies and if they declare data
collection. However, companies have not been con-
tacted directly to interview them regarding their web
data collection. Therefore, we do not know, what
they do exactly with the collected web data. We only
know that most websites do not inform properly
about their collecting practices. In addition only
websites of big companies were reviewed, but no
sites of small and medium-sized companies. Proba-
bly, SMEs declare even less about data collections.
An independent web analytics certification platform
would help to improve general declaration practices.
So far, little practical and academic research has
been done on web analytics systems. However, as
Internet traffic increases, this research field will gain
in importance. Other studies in web analytics and
data privacy are absolutely essential to better under-
stand and manage the nature, chances and risks of
the dynamic and fast-developing web environment.
Aden, T. (2010). Google Analytics, Hanser, München.
Clifton, B., 2010. Advanced Web Metrics with Google
Analytics, Wiley. New York.
EUR-Lex (2011). Directive 95/46/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on
the protection of individuals with regard to the
processing of personal data, Retrieved on February 6,
from: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/.
Kaushik, A. (2009). Web Analytics 2.0 Wiley. New York.
Forrester Consulting (2009). Appraising Your Investments
In Enterprise Web Analytics, Retrieved on February 6,
2011, from: http://www.forrester.com.
Forbes (2011). Forbes: The Global 2000, Retrieved on
February 6, from: http://www.forbes.com.
GA (2010a). Google Analytics, Retrieved on February 6,
from: http://www.google.com/analytics.
DATA PRIVACY IN WEB ANALYTICS - An Empirical Study and Declaration Model of Data Collection on Websites