An Empirical Study and Declaration Model of Data Collection on Websites
Darius Zumstein, Aleksandar Drobnjak and Andreas Meier
Information Systems Research Group, University of Fribourg, Boulevard de Pérolles 90, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland
Keywords: Web analytics, Web controlling, Google Analytics, Web analytics systems, Data collection, Data privacy,
Privacy policy, Transparency, Declaration.
Abstract: Web analytics has become a useful instrument for electronic business and website management to analyze
and optimize website usage. However, different concerns arise in web analytics regarding the collection,
storage and usage of web data. To maintain user confidence in websites, operators need to comply with pri-
vacy and to inform truthfully about data collection. One way to achieve transparency would be by means of
informing users on the purpose, methods and processes of data collection taking place and on the subse-
quent analysis and use of such. Results of an empirical study conducted show that 16% of the Forbes 500
listed companies, do not declare their data collection practices at all. Moreover, 35% do not declare the us-
age of cookies and 61% do not declare the recording of IP addresses. Surprisingly, 91% of the websites do
not name the web analytics system (provider) used to track web usage and user data. A large backlog exists
regarding transparency of data collection in privacy policies, especially when Google Analytics is used.
This paper demands more transparency in web analytics and proposes a declaration model with seven crite-
ria for the evaluation of data collection on websites: type of data being collected, purpose of data collection,
method of data collection as well as the technology and software used for data collection. In addition, web-
sites should provide the right to access personal data and to deactivate data collection during visits.
In the digital information and Internet age, websites
have become a crucial instrument of information,
communication and business transaction. Therefore,
web analytics, which is defined as the measurement,
collection, analysis and reporting of Internet data for
the purposes of understanding and optimizing web
usage (WAA, 2011), is now an important issue for
both business practice and academic research. Ac-
cording to a study by Forrester Research, 74% of
large enterprises state that web analytics is a tech-
nology they cannot do without (Forrester, 2009).
Web analytics allows website managers to opti-
mize the website (navigation, content or usability),
online marketing (e.g. campaigns or search engine
optimization) and customer relationship manage-
ment, i.e. customer orientation, acquisition and re-
tention (Kaushik, 2009, Meier and Zumstein, 2010).
Although web analytics has many benefits, some
problems exist. The most critical and publicly dis-
cussed problem in web analytics is data privacy.
Web analytics systems are capable of tracking every
visitor’s click. If these web usage data is linked to
personal data or user profiles, privacy issues become
highly relevant for web analytics. Nevertheless, little
research in web information systems has focused on
privacy in web analytics. This paper seeks to answer
the central research question, how transparently
corporate websites inform their users on data collec-
tion. In doing so, following sub-questions are posed:
1) How many companies collect data on their
website – and what kind of data is being col-
2) How – with what methods, technologies and
software – is data collected on websites?
3) Do website operators correctly and transpar-
ently declare data collection in their privacy
4) What are possible criteria, best practices and
recommendations regarding transparent decla-
ration of data collection on websites?
After the problem statement in section 2, section 3
summarizes the results of the study of declaration of
data collection on websites. Section 4 proposes a
declaration model of data collection. Section 5 con
Zumstein D., Drobnjak A. and Meier A..
DATA PRIVACY IN WEB ANALYTICS - An Empirical Study and Declaration Model of Data Collection on Websites.
DOI: 10.5220/0003301404660472
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 466-472
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Declaration of data collection on the Forbes Global Top 500 companies’ websites (n = 500).
cludes with recommendations to visitors, data pro-
tection officers and webmasters and with an outlook.
Similar to hospitals or banks, where personal data of
patients or clients is collected, privacy of Internet
users is involved, if cookies, IP addresses or login
data are used to identify users and if web analytics
tools track the interactions of visitors with websites.
User data – like preferred web pages, history of click
behaviour, location of access, browser settings and
access data – has to be protected too. Data privacy
becomes especially critical, if web data and metrics
(including page views, visits or conversion rates) are
linked to sales data or to personal data such as name,
e-mail, postal address or credit card number.
Most countries have passed privacy or data pro-
tection acts in order to guarantee correct and confi-
dential handling of personal data. Nevertheless,
privacy regulations differ from country to country,
and privacy policies, terms or disclaimers also vary
from website to website.
However, if privacy policies do not conform with
national or international privacy acts, if they are
vaguely formulated, and if declarations regarding
data collection are imprecise, incomplete, incorrect
or missing, trust and positivity of visitors towards
websites can be disturbed and personal interactivity
with websites or companies negatively influenced.
In contrast, clearly defined privacy policies and
transparent declaration of data collections increase
the trustworthiness, reputation and attractiveness of
websites and organizations. In light of this, privacy
policies and declaration should not be understood as
regulatory barriers, but rather as a bridge between
visitors and websites. They are basics to establish
long-term, profitable relationships between visitors
and website operators, and between online custom-
ers and (electronic business) companies.
3.1 Research Method
To study data collection and declaration on websites,
the top 500 companies of the Forbes Global 2000
were selected (Forbes, 2011). Besides reading and
personally analyzing the privacy policies and decla-
rations of all 500 corporate websites, the tool Web
Analytics Solution Profiler (WASP, 2011) was used
to identify the web analytics system(s) used on every
website. WASP is available as a plug-in for Mozilla
Firefox and identifies more than 200 web analytics
tools, using client-side data collection methods
(page tagging). Server-side data collection methods
(logfile analysis) or other methods, like reverse
proxies or packet sniffing, cannot be analyzed by
WASP and are not considered in this study.
The privacy policies, terms and disclaimers of
the Forbes Global 500 corporate websites were ana-
lyzed in June and July 2010 with regard to
the declaration of the usage of cookies
the collection of IP addresses
the mention of the name of a web analytics
3.2 Results on General Declaration
The analysis of the privacy policies on the 500 web-
sites resulted in the following conclusions: 305 (or
84%) of the 365 websites, which are using web
analytics, vaguely mention in their privacy policies
DATA PRIVACY IN WEB ANALYTICS - An Empirical Study and Declaration Model of Data Collection on Websites
Figure 2: Market share and declaration of Google Analytics on the Forbes Global Top 500 companies’ websites (n = 500).
that data is collected on the website: 16% of the
firms do collect data but do not declare this at all,
what is legally problematic (Figure 1a).
Only 65% of the companies declare that cookies
are used to identify returning visitors.
This means, on every third website the user is not
informed that a cookie was set on his computer. This
result is alarming, as most European countries
mandate that the usage of cookies is declared on the
Moreover, only 39% of the 500 websites state
that they collect Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of
visitors. This means that nearly two thirds do not
declare the collection of IP addresses, even though
the IP address can be considered personal data. In
addition, only 9% of the websites explicitly mention
the name of the web analytics software used, or the
name of the tool provider. In other words: 91% do
use web analytics systems to analyze website usage,
but do not declare which tool they are using.
Finally, declaration practices on online shopping
websites were analyzed. As shown in Figure 1b and
1c, websites with a web shop do more often declare
data collection (in 90% of the cases) then websites
without a web shop (with 71%). Three quarter of
online shops do inform about cookie usage, but only
the half of the websites without shops do so. Simi-
larly, half of the web shops declare the collection of
IP addresses, on normal websites only a quart do.
However, web analytics tools are seldom mentioned
on web platforms, with or without web shops.
3.3 Results on Google Analytics
Google Analytics (GA, 2011a) is the most popular
free web analytics tool and is used on more than six
million websites (Aden, 2010, Clifton, 2010).
Examining the Forbes 500 companies websites,
Google Analytics (GA) was used in 164 cases
(33%), followed by Omniture (20%) and Webtrends
(16%; compare Figure 2). Smaller software provid-
ers like AT Internet, Coremetrics, Nedstat, Unica or
eTracker, share the rest of the global web analytics
market and were implemented less than in two per-
cent of the websites of the Forbes Global Top 500.
In contrast to Omniture and Webtrends, Google
Analytics is relatively less used on communication,
service and sales websites. If websites are used for
information only, Google Analytics is the market
leader (e.g. in the commodity or energy production).
However, on 128 of 164 websites (78%) where
Google Analytics was implemented, it was declared
that the tool is used to track website traffic. Never-
theless, 22% of the websites using Google Analytics
do not declare this. Surprisingly, only 11% of the
websites using Google Analytics explicitly declare
this, by publishing the official declaration of Google
Analytics (in Figure 4). Although Google requires
Google Analytics users to post the official declara-
tion, this is not done in 89% of the cases.
3.4 Conclusions
Consideration of the first three research questions
posed in section 1 leads to the following conclusion:
Most of the companies collect web data and
vaguely declare this on the website. Therefore,
most websites meet the minimal requirements by
declaring that data is collected.
There are considerable regional differences in
declaring data collection: in North America the
declaration rate is 91%, however, it is lower in
Europe (85%) and much lower in Asia (70%).
Probably for legal reasons, corporate websites
from North America declare data collection more
often and transparently, although data protection
acts and laws are less strict than in Europe.
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Most websites are using cookies to identify visi-
tors and visits, but often do not declare this at all.
Most websites do not declare the storage of IP
addresses and the usage of web analytics tools.
In general, many declarations of websites do
not conform to privacy standards or best prac-
tices and could be much improved.
4.1 How to Create Transparency?
The results of the empirical study discussed in sec-
tion 3 show that the transparency regarding data
collections on websites and in online shops is low.
In addition, there is evidence that many Internet
users are uninformed or unaware, of what and how
data is collected in the Web, and why. Consequently,
there is a need for sensitization and clarification for
data collection concerns. Since it is difficult on the
Internet to internationally regulate data privacy by
law, this paper proposes the improvement of self-
regulation of data collection on websites by website
owners and web analytics software providers.
One instrument of self-regulation is certification
and standardization. Specific certifications or labels
of independent third parties (e.g. trust centers) could
improve the transparency of the hidden data flow in
business practice and insure a certain level of quality
regarding best practices and declaration of data col-
lections (Figure 3). Certifications as a gentleman's
agreement for good web analytics governance would
strengthen visitors’ commitment and trust in web
analytics, websites and in its different stakeholders.
Figure 3: Certification of declaration in web analytics.
4.2 Evaluation & Certification Criteria
The proposed certification leads to the question of
how ideal declaration is evaluated. The authors sug-
gest the criteria in Table 1 to analyze and rate the
level of declaration. The list is neither complete nor
exhaustive and needs further discussion.
Table 1: Certification for transparent declaration
of web data collection.
Criteria Description
of data
Declaration that web usage data is collected and
stored (“duty to inform” about data collection;
under disclaimer, privacy policy or terms and
Specification what type of data is collected (e.g.
website traffic)
Declaration of proprietary owner of data
Purpose of
Declaration why data is collected (e.g. for
analysis, reporting, optimization of products,
services, marketing or website)
Declaration of what is happening with the data
within the organisation
Declaration that only non-personal data is stored
and for how long
If personal data is collected: declaration that
personal data (e.g. login or address data) is not
transferred to third parties
Declaration & explicit permission of the user, if
data is transferred to third parties
Method of
data collec-
Declaration of how web data is collected,
e.g. server-side (logfile analysis), client-side data
collection methods (so called page tagging) or the
usage of cookies
Detailed information, how the data collection
method works
Further information, what data or metrics are
collected with this method
of data
Specification of the technologies used (e.g.
persistent or session cookies, Java Script, Google
Analytics Tracking Code)
Description of the functionalities and handling of
technologies, e.g. what cookies are and how they
can be deactivated in the web browser
Possibility to anonymize IP addresses
Localisation of the tracking server
Name of the
Declaration of the name and version of the web
analytics system used to track website usage and
Information (e.g. name, hyperlink) on the web
analytics software provider
Opt-out or
Possibility that visitors can deactivate data
collection during their visits (opt-out function)
Alternatively, visitors give their explicit agree-
ment to collect data, when the visitors visit the
website for the first time (opt-in function)
Possibility of objection to data collection
Right of
access and
deletion of
Declaration that users have the right of access to
Personally Identifiable Information (PII; personal
user/profile data)
Possibility to delete user data and the history of
click behaviour
Contact information for privacy issues
Publication of a signed “code of ethics
DATA PRIVACY IN WEB ANALYTICS - An Empirical Study and Declaration Model of Data Collection on Websites
Table 2: Checklist for transparent declaration of data collection on websites.
4.3 Levels of the Declaration Model
The criteria for transparent declaration of data col-
lection listed in Table 1 can be used in a declaration
model with different levels shown in Table 2. The
higher the level, the better the declaration regarding
the transparency and degree of information on data
collection on websites.
If a website collects data, but does not declare
this in any manner, it is rated as a level 0, no decla-
ration. Declaration is insufficient (level 1), if infor-
mation regarding data collection is incomplete, or if
the purpose of collection is missing. Level 0 or 1 do
not meet national or international data privacy stan-
dards and may be legally problematic. The study
conducted shows that almost every tenth website is a
"black sheep", who does not inform transparently.
However, most websites meet a minimal or ade-
quate level 2 and 3 and inform about the collection,
purpose and methods of web data collection. To be
certified with a “silver medal” for good declaration
on level 4, websites provide details about technology
and software used.
To achieve the “gold medal” for best practice in
transparent declaration, websites not only have to
specify clearly, how, why and to what extent data is
collected, but also give users the ability to deactivate
data collection and to access or delete user or profile
data. Excellent declaration on level 5 confirms with
strict data privacy laws of nations like Sweden or of
states like Schleswig-Holstein in Germany.
The certification in Table 1 and 2 allows website
owners to evaluate and benchmark their declara-
tions. If Google Analytics is implemented, the offi-
cial declaration of Figure 4 has to be published on
the website. The model declaration shows that the
certification can be applied to analyze or rate any
declaration text on the basis of the criteria proposed.
Figure 4: Declaration of Google Analytics (GA, 2011b).
Although the declaration of Google Analytics fulfils
many criteria, tool usage is discussed controver-
sially, since Google stores data in the US, connects it
with other data, does not anonymize IP addresses
and gives data to third parties but no right of access.
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
5.1 Recommendations
Recommendations to Internet Users and Visitors
Be aware that your every click is tracked on
most websites and web shops by client- and/or
server-side data collection methods, and ana-
lyzed by software, even though this is not de-
Install WASP in your Mozilla Firefox browser
if you want to know which client-side systems
are tracking you on your trip through the cy-
Install the Google Analytics deactivation-add-
on, if you do not want to be tracked by
Alternatively, you can deactivate JavaScript
in your browser settings, if you do not want to
be tracked by any client-side web analytics
Websites indentify your computer by cookies
or the IP address, which is often undeclared.
Deactivate cookies in your web browser or de-
lete them regularly if you don’t want to be
Recommendations to Data Protection Officers
Be aware that many websites, even of big en-
terprises, do not meet international privacy
standards and laws of data collection and dec-
Inform and educate the public about web ana-
lytics concerns and about the current privacy
policy problems on websites and especially in
Control and improve websites compliances
with privacy policies and data protection acts
like the “Directive 95/46/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council” (EUR-Lex,
Support local, national and international rec-
ommendations, guidelines, labels and certifi-
cations that guarantee a legal and transparent
declaration of data collections on websites.
Recommendations to Webmasters and Managers
Declare data collection transparently, honestly
and forthrightly. Ensure that privacy policies
fulfil data protection acts and are up-to-date.
Hold data privacy in your highest regard and
do everything to keep data secure and private.
Do not link web analytics data to profile or
personal data like names, addresses, phone
numbers or payment information like credit
card numbers.
If you are using cookies, this information
should be included in the privacy policy.
If you track IP addresses, you should declare
this. If possible, make IP addresses anony-
The declaration of the data collected is neces-
sary to create confidence and to sustain credi-
bility or reputation of your website and your
5.2 Critical Discussion & Outlook
This study analyzed, which client-side web analytics
systems are used to gather web data on websites of
international companies and if they declare data
collection. However, companies have not been con-
tacted directly to interview them regarding their web
data collection. Therefore, we do not know, what
they do exactly with the collected web data. We only
know that most websites do not inform properly
about their collecting practices. In addition only
websites of big companies were reviewed, but no
sites of small and medium-sized companies. Proba-
bly, SMEs declare even less about data collections.
An independent web analytics certification platform
would help to improve general declaration practices.
So far, little practical and academic research has
been done on web analytics systems. However, as
Internet traffic increases, this research field will gain
in importance. Other studies in web analytics and
data privacy are absolutely essential to better under-
stand and manage the nature, chances and risks of
the dynamic and fast-developing web environment.
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DATA PRIVACY IN WEB ANALYTICS - An Empirical Study and Declaration Model of Data Collection on Websites
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WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies