A Multi-touch System for Learning Math
Daniela Blanke and Georg Schneider
Dept of Computer Science, University of Applied Sciences Trier, Schneidershof, Trier, Germany
Keywords: e-Learning hardware and software, Multi-touch table application, e-Learning application for mathematics.
Abstract: Learning of mathematical concepts is a crucial point for high school students as well as students in science
and engineering disciplines. In order to facilitate the learning of these abstract concepts we have developed
a system to interactively explore these concepts based on a multi-touch table. The table is used as I/O device
to additionally stimulate the haptic sense and to allow simple and intuitive gesture based interaction.
Consequently we intend to further improve the learning outcome when using the TOM (Touchable Math)
system. In this paper we will describe the concepts and the realisation of TOM, which is a modular
framework using Interactive Math Objects, which represent basic mathematical concepts together with
exercises related to these objects and a gesture based interaction concept.
Learning mathematics is a demanding task,
especially when the concepts become more abstract
and complex. Whereas small children use toys
where they move pearls on a bar back and forth for
learning counting or simple mathematical operations
such as addition and subtraction to literally grasp
these ideas, no such support is given for more
complex mathematical tasks as middle school
students will encounter. Based on findings
concerning the process of learning, which we will
sketch in the following section our purpose is to
transfer these ideas to a learning application for the
more advanced mathematical topics.
In the following sections we will start with a
motivation of our approach based on results about
learning in general. Afterwards we will present in
the related work section systems that use a similar
approach for learning mathematical concepts. Then
we will introduce the concept of our system and
describe the realization on a multi-touch table. We
conclude the paper with a short summary and an
outlook for our future work.
The most natural way to understand our environment
is to touch and examine surrounding objects to con-
ceive their meaning. Small children naturally use
their hands to discover the world around them and
by doing so they make their first learning
experiences. Following these principles, in
elementary schools the teachers use tangible objects
to teach the children in counting and calculating.
The concept of "experiential learning" was
described in (Kolb, 1984). Kolb describes the
learning as a cycle of concrete experience, reflective
observation, abstract conceptualization and active
experimentation. This cycle is passed repeatedly and
leads the learner to a higher comprehension level.
Active experimentation is an important part of this
cycle. So the learner can deepen and reinforce the
learning contents.
These principles are also applied in applications
that use dynamical geometrical contexts to help
pupils and students to understand more complex
mathematical concepts as well. Many studies show
that learning with those applications as applets via
internet or as other types of programs provides
significant advantage for the learner. The user study
from Daher (Daher, 2009) analysing the use of
applets for solving mathematical problems shows
that applets are not really necessary but they can
help to "feel and see mathematical terms, objects
and concepts" (Daher, 2009, p. 389) because they
visualize the problems so that these problems can
easier be understood.
The study by (Martinez-Santaolalla, Bienvenida,
Tunez, 2005) explores the use of ICT in mathemati-
Blanke D. and Schneider G..
TOM - A Multi-touch System for Learning Math.
DOI: 10.5220/0003301601990206
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 199-206
ISBN: 978-989-8425-49-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
cal education for geometrical problems. They point
out that "dynamic geometry software" facilitates
specific types of learning activities, for example
exploration and visualisation, and can enhance
others, such as "proof and proving" (Martinez-
Santaolalla, Bienvenida, Tunez, 2005, p. 5).
The use of e-learning platforms in the internet
has been explored in the user study of (Albano,
Ferrari 2008). The interviewed students valued e-
learning as "more interesting" and the learning as
"faster and easier".
Regarding the findings of these studies, we can
conclude that dynamical maths and the use of
specialized software systems are beneficial for
pupils and students and help to visualize problems
and interact with mathematical terms as described in
the principles of Kolb's learning cycle.
In order to stress the fact of interactively
exploring mathematical concepts further we came up
with the idea to develop a mathematical application
using a multi-touch table. Those tables provide an
intuitive touch input with multiple fingers instead of
the traditional mouse interaction on a PC. So
dynamical geometry and the interaction on a multi-
touch table can be combined to design a new kind of
learning environment for pupils.
Following we will present the most relevant related
applications in the field of mathematical e-learning
as in regard to our application domain. A part of
them belongs to classical PC based programs. We
also discuss new applications already using multi-
touch tables.
3.1 Mathematical Learning Programs
for PC
The programs "GeoGebra" (Hohenwarter, Fuchs,
2004) and "Cinderella" (Kortenkamp, Richter-
Gebert, 2002) aim at a similar direction as our TOM
system. GeoGebra is a software for learning
dynamical geometry. Objects can be drawn and
altered after drawing. The coordinates of the points
and equations are also displayed but only in a
subordinate role.
To draw a special object, the kind of the object
has to be selected by a button before, i.e. recognition
of gestures is not part of the system. Additionally the
system can be used to solve mathematical problems,
e.g. from a textbook. The system itself does not
provide a functionality to integrate exercises for the
individual topics, which can be used to help a
learner to experience the different facets of a
problem and to guide and support the learning
The program Cinderella is more comprehensive
than GeoGebra. A higher number of objects can be
drawn and the system provides more actions to be
performed with these objects. The price to pay for
this is that a longer training period is necessary to
use the entire functionality of the system. To draw
the objects and perform actions on these objects, the
pupils have to choose the type of the action or object
to draw using buttons comparable to GeoGebra.
An additional window must be opened to display
equations and the belonging coordinates.
As in GeoGebra the system can be used to solve
exercises from a textbook. However integrating
exercises into the system is not possible.
Both applications provide a range of
functionalities to interactively explore mathematical
objects. However the interaction is rather
cumbersome. Consequently, an application for
dynamical maths on a multi-touch table shall be
assessable by simple intuitive gestures. The
possibility to integrate exercises shall be envisaged
for the system as well.
3.2 Mathematical Learning Programs
on Tabletops
First mathematical applications for multi-touch
tables have been developed recently.
"Cinderella Multi-touch" is an interactive
geometry software on a multi-touch table. This
software is an experimental realization of the
"Cinderella" system on a tabletop, as described in
the previous section. It has been developed by
students of the University of Applied Sciences in
Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany (Hochschule für
Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd, 2010). The program
differs strongly from its PC version.
The target audience for this system are young
children. It has been designed to help them
understand shape and style of geometrical objects.
For example, the children can learn what a triangle
is and that it consists of three points and three
connecting lines.
"Smart Table" is a commercial teaching table.
(SMART, 2010). According to the informations on
the producers web site the table can be used for
different educational purposes. A mathematical
learning environment for simple mathematical tasks
like learning to count or simple geometrical games,
like for example Tangram puzzle, are provided. The
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
table is recommended for younger children and so
are the applications.
The "Teaching Table" (Khandelwal, Mazalek,
2007) is a table used for pre-kindergarten children.
This prototype uses an horizontal fixed LCD screen
covered with a sensing grid. This grid gathers the
interaction of the pupils with tangible objects on the
screen. Some exercises like recognition, assignment
and duplication of geometric shapes are
implemented as well.
Another approach in the use of mathematical
learning programs on tabletops originates from the
combination of CAS (Computer Algebra Systems)
with a multi-touch interface. The origin were
programs like “MathPad2” (LaViola, 2006) and
“MathBrush” (Labahn et. al, 2008) that have been
built for tablet PCs and were used to write
mathematical expressions through handwriting
recognition. In these systems the user can write the
expression with a pen on the screen instead of typing
it in on a keyboard. By writing special symbols the
user can trigger calculations or create the graphical
representation, which corresponds to the expression.
This technique has been recently adapted for
“NiCE” (Leitner et. al, 2010) is such a system. It
uses an Interpolated Force Sensitive Resistor (IFSR)
and can be used together with a desktop or a
withboard. Here, pen and multi-touch input are
combined. The written expressions can be solved
and rearranged by performing multi-touch gestures,
like combining two terms together.
Another project is “Hands-On Math” (Zeleznik
et. al, 2010). It has been developed for the Microsoft
Surface technology. It combines the technique used
in “NiCE” with the concept of virtual paper. The
expressions can be written on virtual pages and the
graphical representations are added to the pages.
Calculation gestures like dragging parts of the
expression or to split/join them are equivalent to
those presented in ”NiCE”.
The combination of CAS and digital pen and
multi-touch interfaces provides an easier use of
CAS. However the mathematical expressions can
only be altered but the graphical representation of
the expression cannot be manipulated. The graphics
can only be scaled but not changed.
Looking at the systems above we can sumarize,
that current existing mathematical applications on
multi-touch tables are either targeted to small
children without any relation of graph and
expression or they allow the modification of graphs
but do not provide sufficient feedback about the
corresponding changes of the equation or work.
Only the expressions are modified but not the
corresponding graph.
The system presented in this paper is based on
the idea of creating mathematical objects (like
GeoGebra and Cinderella), which can be
interactively modified. Different to these systems the
objects shall be closely tied to the representation.
Objects possess a representation, which is the
mathematical formula, that is updated in the same
way the objects are manipulated. The intuitive way
of interacting with the application shall be similar as
in the multi-touch implementations. As it concerns
the target audience, we develop the application for
maths education in middle schools. For this age, the
concepts can be more complex and the learners
possess already a certain level of abstraction.
The basic idea of the TOM system is to develop a
mathematical learning software for a multi-touch
table that uses the principles of dynamic geometry,
which shall help students to learn these concepts
easier and to gain a deeper insight in the interrelation
of these concepts.
The system should rather be used by pupils to
experiment and practise than by a teachers in a
classroom situation. So we decided to use a tabletop
instead of an interactive whiteboard.
4.1 Multi-touch Gestures
In order to incorporate a great amount of
interactivity in the system and to guarantee an
intuitive usage, all mathematical objects shall be
changeable by the user by performing multi-touch
gestures. Functions like straight lines, parabolas,
vectors etc. shall be drawn by using easy and
intuitive gestures. The recognition what to draw
shall be done only by the style of the gesture and not
by choosing a special draw option (e.g. click on a
"create an ellipse"-button) before.
To remove objects from the screen, also a
gesture shall be used. Therefore a simple wipe
gesture shall be performed on the object to remove
4.2 Interactive Math Objects
In addition to the multi-touch gestures it shall be
possible, as far as it is mathematical useful, to drag
TOM - A Multi-touch System for Learning Math
and enlarge the elements or modify them in a
specific way. To emphasize the relation between the
function drawn and the equation, the equation shall
be drawn concise and in the same colour as the
graph. If the graph is changed, the equation shall
change accordingly.
Therefore we have decided to show both views
on the same screen by splitting the screen into a
drawing area and an area, in which the equations are
rendered. The drawing area is a coordinate system so
it is intuitively understandable where to draw the
objects because the students already know the
concept of a coordinate system from school.
The pupils shall have the option to experiment on
their own with the objects, to recognize how the
modifications refer to the equations and which part
of it is changed when the object is changed in a
specific way. For example, if the x radius of an
ellipse is changed the corresponding parameter in
the equation changes simultaneously. Thus the
different parts of such an equation do not have to be
learned by heart but can be experienced. In that way
the meaning of the equation will be retained much
The user shall be able to draw and use objects
like straight lines, parabolas, ellipses, vectors and
angles. It shall be possible to modify the objects
shape and size as far as it is mathematical useful.
Besides matrix operations like rotation and
mirroring shall be feasible as well. Looking at this
topic from the opposite side, it shall also be possible
to provide the matrices and to check if the
corresponding object behaves as intended.
Furthermore the different objects shall be
brought in relation to each other so that things like
the slope of a parabola can be understood using the
concept of a tangent.
4.3 Built-in Exercises
To deepen the learning content, exercises to the
different topics shall be provided by the system as
well. These exercises shall be solved by drawing and
modifying the mathematical objects. The response
shall be communicated in an easy and intuitive way.
Therefore the concept of a traffic light is
incorporated. The traffic light is red as long as the
exercise is not solved correctly. If the answer
approaches the correct solution the light will turn to
yellow. When the answer is correct the light turns to
green and the next exercise can be selected.
In addition persons like tutors or teachers should
have the possibility to define own exercises.
Therefore a simple authoring tool shall be part of the
system where the question text and the test value can
be specified.
4.4 Tangible Objects
A connection to the physical world can be made by
using tangible objects. The use of objects equipped
with fiducial markers is conceivable. So those
objects can be used to identify different users or
objects, e.g. a sponge can be used to remove the
In the following sections, we will sketch the system
design. We will present the hardware used to build
the TOM system. Afterwards we will illustrate the
realization of the concepts mentioned in the
preceding section.
5.1 Multi-touch Table
The multi-touch table we have used for the
development of our system has been developed in
our department. It uses the diffused surface
illumination (DSI) technology. The touch inputs are
gathered by CCV (community core vision) (CCV,
2010) and forwarded to the application by the
tangible user interface protocol (TUIO-Protocol)
(, 2010).
One of the reasons to build a table on our own is
to make use of the DSI technology (Nuigroup,
2010). Likewise it is possible to recognize physical
objects that are put on its surface.
5.2 Programming Language
and Framework used
The program has been developed in Java by using
the multi-touch framework MT4J (Multi-touch for
Java) (, 2010). This framework supports
the TUIO protocol and provides basic gesture
recognition. Additionally own gestures can be
Besides objects like rectangles, lines, ellipses and
polygons that can be used as basic objects for the
system graphical representations can be provided
implementing an individual view for these objects.
5.3 System Design
In general, our design aims at building a modular
system in a way that Interactive Math Objects,gestu-
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: Change x radius (1). Figure 2: Change x radius (2).
res and exercises can be added individually in order
to extend or adapt the system to the special needs of
a learning situation.
The user interacts with the system in the context
of so called scenes, which are presented to him. In
the main scene a coordinate system is displayed.
Different listeners are connected to the coordinate
system that process the drawing gestures. Objects
can be drawn into the coordinate system and in
parallel the corresponding equation is displayed in
the same colour as the graph. When the drawing is
modified the equation changes as well. All objects
can only be drawn, moved and modified inside the
coordinate system. In the next section the objects
and their modification operations are described in
more detail.
5.3.1 Realization
of the Interactive Math Objects
In the following we describe the objects realized yet
and the interaction with these objects. Straight Line
A straight line is defined by two points. For this
reason we construct a line in our system by touching
the surface with two fingers. The straight line is
displayed by the two points and a line going through
these points.
Afterwards the Interactive Math Object can be
modified in different ways. If the user wants to drag
the line, he touches the line at an arbitrary position
(besides the two distinguished points) and the whole
straight line is moved within the coordinate system
following the gesture on the table.
Additionally each point can be moved separately
and also simultaneously.
Furthermore the straight line can be rotated if the
line is fixed at one point and rotated with a second
finger. If one point gets out of the coordinate system
during the rotation the straight line is shortened so
that the point will be kept inside the system. Ellipse
Another Interactive Math Object is the ellipse. The
gesture to construct an ellipse is fairly intuitive as
well. Like drawing a circle with a compass a circle
can be drawn on the table by fixing the centre an
move another finger in a circular motion. In order to
facilitate the creation of this object the user must not
perform a whole circular movement. A segment of
circle is already sufficient, i.e. if the motion
describes an angle at about 60 degrees the gesture is
recognized and the ellipse with the same value for
the x and the y radius is drawn as a point for the
centre with a circle line.
The ellipse can be interactively modified as well.
If the centre is moved the whole ellipse is moved
along the dragging gesture as long as it stays inside
the coordinate system. Two fingers are necessary to
change the size of the ellipse. If the centre is fixed
the circle line can be moved with another finger.
Thereby the x and y radius are resized in equal ratio.
Additionally the x and y radius can be changed
separately. This is performed when the circle line is
pushed or pulled along the x or y axis. Figure 1 and
2 show the changing of the x radius. The hand
symbols represent the touching points. In figure 2
the changed equation parameter is marked.
If the x radius should be changed like in the
figures above the fingers have to be approximately
beside the centre. If the y radius should be changed,
the fingers have to be on the circle line
approximately above and below the centre. Parabola
The third Interactive Math Object that we have
realized so far is a parabola. To draw a parabola a
three finger gesture is used. To fulfil the condition
TOM - A Multi-touch System for Learning Math
that three points are necessary to establish a parabola
equation. For the correct gesture the apex and two
point on the legs of the parabola are defined. These
points are than checked if they match the given
conditions and are slightly adjusted to match the
formula. Afterwards the values for the graph are
calculated by using the Gauss algorithm and the
graphic view and the corresponding equation are
Afterwards the apex can be moved up and down
an the width an length of the legs can be changed
when the points are moved. The legs can only be
changed if both points are moved synchronously.
The parabola can also be moved through the
coordinate system if it is picked by the line. Similar
to the other Interactive Math Objects the
modification are assigned to the equation.
If the user intends to delete an object he may
perform a simple wipe gesture on the object to
remove that view and the corresponding equation.
To clear the coordinate system and remove all
graphs and equations the user can push the sponge-
5.3.2 Calculation
of Robust Pointing Gestures
The precondition for the pointing gestures is that one
finger is close to an object. In order to simplify the
use of these gestures we use an adjustable threshold,
which allows that a gesture is recognized if the user
is "close enough" to the object.
The following code snippet shows the
getFunctionValue(Vector3D p){
Vector3D pLoc = globalToLocal(p);
Vector3D cor = new Vector3D(
(pLoc.getX() - centerPoint.getX()),
(centerPoint.getY() - pLoc.getY()));
float v1 = (cor.getX() / radiusX) *
(cor.getX() / radiusX);
float v2 = (cor.getY() / radiusY) *
(cor.getY() / radiusY);
float value = v1 + v2;
return value;
boolean isOnTheLine(Vector3D p){
float val = getFunctionValue(p);
return (0.93 < val && val < 1.07);
First of all the function value for the drawing
object is calculated using the coordinate of one
touching point by the function "getFunctionValue".
For an ellipse, this value is lower than 1 if the finger
is inside the ellipse, greater than 1 if it is outside and
exactly 1 if the line got hit. The second function
checks if the value is approximately 1.
5.3.3 Menus
The systems comes up with three different types of
menus: a help menu, an exercise selection menu and
a menu that provides mathematical basics. All
menus are located at the edges of the screen and
look out a little bit like cue cards in a box. This
encourages the pupil to pull them out. The menus
can only be pulled out up to a specified value
likewise it is not possible to push the entire menu
under the edge. The basics menu and the exercise
selection menu are located at the left edge an can be
moved horizontally. The help menu is located at the
bottom and can be moved vertically.
The contents of both menus are created
dynamically depending on the current objects. So
they provide help and mathematical fundamentals to
the topics the user is currently interacting with. In
addition the help contains general information how
to draw and modify objects.
5.3.4 Exercises
The program provides exercises on different
mathematical topic. These exercises can be chosen
by the exercise selection menu. The queries, the
related button and the traffic light symbol are
displayed on the left area on the surface. The traffic
light shows a red light if the answer is not yet
correct, a yellow light if the answer is approximately
right and a green light it is correct. After that the
next question can be activated using the arrow
button. Some of the exercises require text input.
Therefore a soft keyboard can be displayed as input
device as well.
Figure 3 shows an example of an exercise. Here
the slope of the parabola at the position x = 1 shall
be shown with help of a tangent. The tangent is at
the correct position and the fact that the answer is
right is displayed showing the green traffic light.
Afterwards the next exercise can be chosen.
5.3.5 Fiducial Marker
Recently we have implemented a feature, which
allows to remove objects not only by performing the
already mentioned wipe gesture but also by using a
normal sponge. This functionality is realized by
sticking a printed out fiducial marker under that
To remove an object the pupil has to put the
sponge on the table an wipe over the view in the sa-
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 3: Exercise example.
me way the finger wipe gesture is performed. The
use of a real sponge to delete functions is not
necessary but it is funny and could support the
pupils pleasure while working with the application.
Furthermore an identification of different users
by physical objects with fiducial markers will be
implemented so that for example already started
exercise could be saved and continued without a
ordinary user registration.
Up to now we have implemented the basic
functionality of the TOM system. Consequently the
systems serves as a proof of concept that Multi-
touch tables could not only be used for mathematical
applications for kindergarten and elementary school
but provides advantages for middle school
The next steps will be experiments with the users
of the targeted user group in order to receive
feedback concerning our concepts and
We want to gather this information in order to
direct the future direction of our system, e.g. to
figure out if additional functionality is needed on the
existing Interactive Math Objects or if we can carry
on to explore the interaction with further objects.
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