HCI Effects on Recommender Systems
Yuval Dan-Gur
Graduate School of Management, University of Haifa, Mt. Carmel, Haifa, Israel
Keywords: Recommender systems, HCI, Friends group, Social IS.
Abstract: We addressed HCI and social aspects of recommender systems by studying the uncharted domain of the
advising group and the user's control over it. We conducted a longitudinal field study in which, for two
years, our research tool, QSIA (which means QUESTION in Hebrew language), was free for use on the web
and was adopted by various institutions and classes of heterogeneous learning domains. QSIA enables the
user to be involved in the formation of the advising group. The user was free to choose advising group for
each recommendation sought, while the default choice is the common 'neighbors group'. QSIA yielded high
internal validity of acceptance and rejection ratios due to the immediate "usage actions" that followed the
recommendation outputs. Although the objective amount of data in QSIA's logs are fairly large (31,000
records, 10,000 items, 3,000 users), the relevant figures for analysis of recommendations are modest – 895
recommendations seeking records, accepted from 108 users, 3,000 rankings by 300 users, and 1,043 "usage
actions" by 51 users. Our findings suggest that the perceived quality of the recommendations (measured in
terms of "usage actions") is 14% to 24% higher (α≤0.05) for user-controlled 'friends group' than for
machine-computed 'neighbors group'. We almost felt that the ancient tribal friends "revived" in modern
Information Systems.
Our research concerns with computerized social
collaborative systems known as Recommender
Systems. The main task of a recommender system is
to recommend, in a personalized manner, relevant
items to users from large number of alternatives, for
example: web resources, movies, books and ski
Little notice has been paid to the social aspects
of recommender systems and to the unsuitability
they impose to the natural process of seeking and
providing recommendations. We chose to
concentrate on the social aspects of user
involvement in the recommendation process,
specifically, in the formation of the advising groups.
We reported the data previously (Rafaeli, Dan-
Gur, and Barak, 2005) and now we present the
accompanying HCI process and implications.
We introduce the term "friends group" to
describe a sub-group of the neighbors group that is
not solely rank-dependent, as opposed to
"neighbors" that are assigned by rating similarity.
The 'friends group' is unique because of the user's
involvement in its formation and the user's ability to
choose the characteristics of its members. The latter
aspect is in accordance with the "Social Comparison
Theory" (Festinger, 1954) and the derived
behavioral studies suggesting that 'neighbors' (like-
minded group) are relevant for 'low-risk' domains
whereas 'friends' (similar on personal characteristics)
are more relevant for 'high-risk' domains.
Our first research question was concerned with
users' preferences concerning control over the
recommendation process as opposed to acceptance
of recommendations from a "computerized oracle".
The second research question examined whether
the attitude of the recommendation seeker obeys
social rules, specifically, the "Social Comparison
Theory". We also assumed that given the option,
users will choose similar-to-themselves 'friends' for
their advising group. The three corresponding
hypotheses were:
:Recommendation seekers will prefer to use
Dan-Gur Y..
THE STONE AGE IS BACK - HCI Effects on Recommender Systems .
DOI: 10.5220/0003303902630270
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 263-270
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
controlled 'friends groups' over automatically,
machine-generated 'neighbors groups'.
:Recommendations by user-controlled 'friends
groups' will be better accepted and complied with by
recommendation seekers than those produced by
'neighbors groups'.
:Recommendation seekers will choose personally-
similar 'friends' for their advising group.
3.1 Research Tool – QSIA
QSIA™ (pronounced "QU-SHI-YA" and means
QUESTION in ancient Hebrew language) is a
collaborative system for collection, management,
sharing and assignment of knowledge items for
learning that was developed in the Center for the
Study of the Information Society with the support of
the Caesarea Edmond Benjamin de Rothschild
Foundation Institute (CRI) for Interdisciplinary
Application of Computer Science at the University
of Haifa.
The QSIA system is built on four conceptual
pillars: knowledge generation, knowledge sharing,
knowledge assessment, and knowledge management
(Rafaeli, Barak, Dan-Gur and Toch, 2003). We are
mainly interested in the knowledge sharing aspect in
which the QSIA sub-task is 'matching mates'- the
system's capability of making matches among
recommenders and those seeking recommendations
via three phases:
Uploading knowledge items – composing a
question and allowing others to use it.
Ranking knowledge items – answering a
question and then grading it on an ordinal scale of 1-
5, so others could benefit from ones' professional
opinion, and letting the system revalidate the user's
profile of preferences.
Receiving recommendations – producing
recommendations for the user by N-top nearest
'neighbors' or 'friends'.
QSIA's interface is multilingual to support users
from a wide range of origins.
The system is a Web-based application with the
'business logic' operating from a central cluster of
servers, enabling easy logging of user actions. The
system's design allows administrators to download
all data and user logs for research. Privacy is kept by
maintaining arbitrary users'-id's in the data records
and not recognizable personal details.
Since its release, QSIA has provided insights into
knowledge sharing (Rafaeli et al., 2003), online
question-posing (Barak and Rafaeli, 2004),
communities of teachers and learners (Rafaeli,
Barak, Dan-Gur and Toch, 2004) and the
understanding of the potential of social
recommender systems in support of E-Learning
(Rafaeli, Dan-Gur and Barak, 2005):
• An arena of student-to-student and teacher-to-
teacher information sharing was examined as well as
the process of joint ranking and evaluations of
knowledge items (Rafaeli et al., 2003).
The creation of communities of teachers and
learners that promote high-order thinking skills was
discussed (Rafaeli et al., 2004), recognizing that
web-based systems provide a prominent universe for
learning (Rafaeli and Tractinsky, 1991).
Online Question-Posing Assignment (QPA) was
assesses by having students perform self and peer-
assignments and take online examinations, all
administered by QSIA (Rafaeli et al., 2004).
3.2 Conceptual Model
of User-QSIA Interaction
Figure 1: System's recommendation conceptual model.
We propose a five-stage conceptual model of user
interaction with the recommendation module of
QSIA, and define the variables, measures and
involved computations accordingly. The model
presented in figure 5 is relevant in each and every
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
case that a user (teacher or student) has to make a
selection (filtering) from the system's database (for
example: a teacher is selecting items for a bundle or
a student is practicing prior to an exam).
3.3 Procedure, Participants
and Recorded Data
3.3.1 Procedure and Participants
This study includes data that was recorded in QSIA
for two years: from July 2002 to July 2004. Since it
was launched, QSIA was implemented in the
following institutions and courses:
Nesher High school, Nesher, Israel;
Electronic Commerce course, Graduate School
of Business, the University of Haifa, Israel;
Electronic Commerce course, Industrial
Engineering and Management, Technion, Haifa,
Organizational Behavior course, Technion,
Haifa, Israel;
MIS course, the school for practical engineering,
Ruppin College, Israel;
Turkish Language course, the Faculty of
Humanities, University of Haifa, Israel;
General and systematic pathology course, the
Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University; Israel;
Electronic Commerce course, the Cyprus
International Institute of Management, Nicosia,
Electronic Commerce course, the University of
Michigan, USA.
3.3.2 Recorded Data
During these two years, QSIA's database and logs
presented us with the following figures:
Number of users (teachers and students) –
approximately 3000, most of them students.
Number of items (either composed in QSIA or
digitally imported) - approximately 10,000.
Around 31,000 item-requests were served –
mostly by self-browsing and a minor portion by
recommendations seeking (friends or neighbors).
Number of item rankings – approximately 3000,
evaluated by around 300 users.
Number of study groups/classes – 183.
Number of knowledge domains – approximately
When we filter out the data from recommendations
seeking (either friends or neighbors), the figures
downgrade to 895 recommendation requests (818 by
students and 77 by teachers) generated by 108 active
3.3.3 Variables, Analysis and Measures
We classified major parts of this research as
longitudinal (ageing effects and users' tendencies)
and nonexperimental (an unobtrusive field study).
We also noted that nonparametric analysis has to be
applied to scores that violate the independence
demand for parametric tests.
The main methods and tests that we used were
the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test, the Logistic
Regression, the Generalized Estimating Equations
(GEE) for analysis of longitudinal binary data using
logistic regression and the Runs test for establishing
randomness of a binary process.
Our field study was unobtrusive (Webb,
Campbell, Schwartz and Sechrest, 1966; Kalman
and Rafaeli, 2005), and we did not manipulate any
variables. Data on users' behavior was collected
Our main dependent variables were:
Table 1: Main dependent variables.
Variable Values Number
The source of recommendation
(friends or neighbors) for the j
instance of recommendations
seeking, by the i
user: F
The total number of items that
the i
user has rejected in the
instance, out of the produced
recommendation list.
The total number of items that
the i
user has accepted in the
instance, out of the produced
recommendation list.
Depth of Use - represents the
maximum number of times that
the jth user had asked for
We filtered out the records only to ones that were
originated by recommendations and analyze the 895
records of recommendations seeking that were
produced by the 108 users. The proportion of the
recommendations seeking roles (teachers/students)
is described in the following table:
THE STONE AGE IS BACK - HCI Effects on Recommender Systems
Table 2: Students and teachers participation in
recommendations logs.
Students (or
originated by
102 818
Teachers (or
originated by
6 77
108 895
When we examine the 895 records (108 users)
which constitute the field experiment's log, we
identify several aspects that require special attention.
The "Depth of Use" (DoUj), a variable that
represents the maximum number of times that the j
user had asked for recommendations, varies widely
as the next figure presents. It should be noted that
there are some users that asked for large instances of
recommendations while many others presented us
with a "cold start" behavior as presented in the
following figure:
Depth of use distribution
1 8 15 22 29 36 43 50 57 64 71 78 85 92 99 106
Number of users
Number of recommendations'
Figure 2: Depth of use (DoU) distribution.
4.1 H
: Preference to Use 'Friends
Groups' Over Machine-generated
'Neighbors Groups'
DV 0={1 ,5} DV 1={6 ,13} DV2={14,105}
Figure 3: Results of GEE-105 model - Estimated values of
'friends group' choice at different instance ranges.
We ran six models all with different ranges of
dummy variables. We report the results of a
representative one, model GEE-105 that includes all
105 instances. The additional four models that also
include all 105 instances presented similar results.
4.2 H
: Acceptance of 'Friends Groups'
The results of the "usage actions" (acceptances and
rejections) for the same users who asked for
recommendations from both sources (friends or
neighbors) are presented in the following table:
Table 3: Acceptance ratios according to SoR.
Number of records
264 377
Number of users
Std. Dev.
0.29 0.3
Mean acceptance ratio
70% 56%
Mean difference
α (Wilcoxon, one tailed)
The results show that acceptance ratio is 14%
higher when users receive the recommendations
from 'friends groups' rather than from 'neighbors
groups' (α = 0.05). These results represent 641 usage
records by 19 users who sought recommendations
from both sources
. For exclusive users (who
"experienced" only one source
of recommendation),
the mean acceptance ratio for those who chose only
is higher by 24% from those who chose
only SoR=N
4.3 H
: Characteristics
of the Chosen 'Friends'
We analyze a dataset of 335 records of 'friends
group' recommendations seeking (SoR=F
) from 32
users and examine their choices concerning each
characteristic. The characteristics are considered
statistically independent, (except for the
impossibility of specifying a grade level when the
chosen role was "teacher", because teachers do not
have associated grades in QSIA).
Potentially we would have a maximum of 1,005
(335x3) non-zero field values but in reality we had
only 270 such values. The maximum number of non-
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
zero values decreases with any "no choice" of a user
in any field and with any role = "teacher" choice
because of the default grade value in such case.
We present in the following figure, the number
of non-zero values in each distinct characteristic:
Non-zero values
Maximum values
Figure 4: Number of non-zero values in the characteristics
Several observations were evident even though the
dataset was sparse:
The sparseness of the data is high: approximately
half of the records, although originating from the
selection of 'friends group', do not include any
specifications for the three possible characteristics
Users were most likely to make group choices
We found a significant preference of users to include
members of their own group
in their 'friends group',
than members of other groups. This result is also
important because we have the largest amount of
data concerning group choice – almost half the users
assigned a value to this characteristic.
Regarding role choice, we analyzed data only
from students because teachers supplied only 5
records with this characteristic, without any choice
in "student". The results present a preferred choice
of students in teachers' advice rather than students'
advice (
5.1 What is the Preferred Source of
Recommendations for a User (H
Our findings suggest that users do develop a
tendency to choose 'friends group' recommendations,
and this tendency increases (in probability) as more
recommendations are sought. Also, "experienced"
users choose 'friends groups' significantly more than
"new" users.
5.2 Are Recommendations
from 'Friends Group' better
Accepted (H
We found a 14% positive significant difference in
the mean ratio of acceptance when we tested all
users who had received and acted upon
recommendations from both sources ('friends group'
and 'neighbors group').
There was a higher positive significant difference
in the mean acceptance ratios (24%, α = 0.037) for
users who received recommendations from only one
source (either 'friends group' or 'neighbors group').
Also, when the same items
were offered to users
from both sources (N=36), the acceptance level was
6.5% higher when the recommendations were
offered by 'friends groups' (P-value= 0.28).
For the most frequently recommended items that
were recommended by both 'friends group' and
'neighbors group', the acceptance ratio was 15.2%
higher (N=4, α = 0.034) for the same items when
they were recommended by 'friends groups'.
5.3 What Characteristics do Users
choose for the 'Friends Group'?
There were many missing values in this part of our
dataset: in almost half the records users made a
group choice, in another quarter of the cases they
made a role choice, and in only approximately 6% of
the cases did users make a grade choice. We
analyzed the characteristics independently and found
that users significantly prefer their own group over
other groups (76.6%, α<0.0001).
5.4 What is New in Our Findings?
We addressed the HCI and social aspects of
recommender systems by studying the uncharted
domain of the advising group and the user's control
over it. This attitude deviates from existing
approaches that study algorithms (Breese,
Heckerman and Kadie, 1998; Herlocker, Konstan,
Borchers and Riedl, 1999; Fisher, Hildrum, Hong,
Newman, Thomas and Vuduc, 2000; Goldberg,
Roeder, Gupta and Perkins, 2000; Karypis, 2000),
indices (Soboroff et al., 1999; Herlocker, 2000;
Herlocker et al., 2004), items and technologies
(Sarwar, Karypis, Konstan and Riedl, 2001).
THE STONE AGE IS BACK - HCI Effects on Recommender Systems
Our findings suggest that there is a relationship
between the perceived quality of the
recommendations (measured in terms of "usage
actions") and the formation of the advising group,
and the control a user has over this process. We also
addressed the issue of the inconsistency between
preferences and behavior (Bacon, 1995; Minard,
1952; Wicker, 1969; Cosley, Lam, Albert, Konstan
and Riedl, 2003) by introducing QSIA, a
recommender system that enables immediate usage
of the recommended items. This approach differs
from studies that measure the accuracy of systems
by measuring the accuracy of predicting users'
ratings of items (Konstan et al., 1999; Herlocker,
2000; Sarwar et al., 2001).
We enabled users to rate the recommendations
lists and thus, in future research, it will be possible
to compare actual behavior (acceptances and
rejections) and the users' explicit ratings of the
recommended items. This comparison will be
especially important for establishing relationships
between attitude and behavior in recommender
systems (Bacon, 1995; Cosley et al., 2003), and the
characteristics of human taste (Freedman, 1998;
Pescovitz, 2000).
5.5 Contribution of this Research
The findings may be of interest for further
interdisciplinary research on collaborative filtering,
bridging the gap between computerized oracles and
social behavior.
We see potential contributions in the following
Relating computerized collaboration systems and
social theories.
Motivation to conduct a field study of
recommender systems, specifically in the 'high-risk'
item domain (knowledge items), which users
perceive as having a high value of predictive utility
(Konstan, Miller, Malt, Herlocker, Gordon and
Riedl, 1997).
High validation of accepted recommendations, as
we measure both implicit machine-collected data
and explicit users declared attitudes.
The economic implications of higher acceptance
level of recommendations are substantial.
A motivation to further examine one of the core
pillars of 'social recommendation' – the advising
Developers of recommender systems are advised
to analyze deeply the design of interfaces and their
influence on users.
The current research on recommender systems has
many limitations because of its uniqueness. The
most important one to our view is that we do not
have a relevant similar (or close to similar)
comparable field study. Accordingly, we feel
obliged, even more than in a "standard" study, to
detail the main weaknesses and limitations as we
recognize them.
6.1 Research Method
We conducted a field study that inherently does
not enable direct control of the independent
variables. For a more detailed review of the
characteristics of nonexperimental studies see
Kerlinger (1986, p. 348-350).
The statistical method we employed for
longitudinal analysis of binary correlated data for
finding ageing effects is the GEE extension of
logistic regression. It is considered an area of
statistics in which new developments occur on a
regular basis (Hosmer and Lemeshow, 2000). Also,
the Runs test (Bradley, 1968) that we tried to use for
users' categorization requires sufficient data to test
the degree of randomness, but due to low DoU's of
users, we did not have enough data to employ the
test for the majority of the users.
The participating populations, except in one case,
were homogeneous: students and teachers of
academic institutions.
The characteristics of the advising group that
were possible for the recommendation seeker to
control were very limited: groups, grade level and
6.2 Research Tool
The QSIA system is unique in some aspects: to
the best of our knowledge by enabling user's
involvement in the determining the set of the
'neighbors group' for an automated collaborative
filtering recommendation; QSIA is one of the few
systems that enable immediate usage of the "liked"
recommended items in the same system as the next
step that follows suggestion of recommendations;
and QSIA applies recommender technology to a
novel domain – knowledge items for distance
learning and online tests - that are not "natural" for
recommender systems that are mostly applied to
entertainment, commerce and news. Accordingly,
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
we did not have other similar systems as a
benchmark for these unique characteristics.
We did not support the implementation and
administration of QSIA to such an extent that builds
significant trust and users' high expected utility, as
could be done with larger resources (Gefen, 2004).
This completed research report was guided by Prof.
Sheizaf Rafaeli to whom I own much of my humble
research qualifications.
The QSIA system was designed by Dr. Eran
Toch and Mr. Danny Shaham from the Research
Center for the Study of the Information Society
(INFOSOC at:, under the
guidance of Dr. Miri Barak with the support from
the Caesarea Edmond Benjamin de Rothschild
Foundation Institute for Interdisciplinary
Application of Computer Science at the University
of Haifa.
Finally, it must be noted (again) that throughout
the research, we do not claim to prove causality;
rather, we are aiming at relation
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WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies