As it is expected, it is almost linear which gives us
predictable performance in case we need a mapping
to the available resources. Our system was tested
using between 3-15 trap points in the related lab
videos. The system performance in multiple agents
usage (multi camera control) and under more trap
points per camera (agent) for a workflow of humans,
is an interesting test case.
Test case measurements are very complicated and
system performance is based on many different type
criteria. For our simple cases the system used for the
lab test followed the Figure 8 results.
Figure 8: Scalability of the proposed architecture.
Through this paper, we touched upon what seems to
be an appropriate framework for human workflow
analysis. We presented a few test cases where our
approach gives satisfactory answers using multi
agent systems architecture. We are in the start of
analyzing the challenges of workflow recognition
using “traps”. We see vast potential in recognising
single-object workflows by applying an agent for
controlling the related trap points. The multi-
object/human workflows are also common and they
are the main target of our current and future
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