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A Software Tool for National Qualifications Frameworks
Philippos Pouyioutas
, Harald Gjermundrod and Ioanna Dionysiou
Department of Computer Science, University of Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus
Keywords: European Qualifications Framework, National Qualifications Frameworks and Software Tools.
Abstract: This paper presents the preliminary stages of the design of MapQFTool, a software tool that will provide
support to the understanding and comparability of the National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs) of the
various European countries. The paper starts by providing background information on the Bologna Process
and the Qualifications Frameworks. It then addresses the limitations of trying to map the various NQFs
against the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), and through the EQF against each other. It then
proceeds with explaining the advantages of automating this process with a software tool and provides
examples of information that can be generated through the proposed tool. A relational database design that
will underpin the development of the tool is described, accompanied with screenshots of the system
prototype and its architecture.
The Bologna process (European Commission
Education and Learning, 2008) aims at developing a
European Educational Framework of standards,
definitions and concepts so as to provide the basis
for European countries to transform their
educational system according to this framework.
This will result in comparability/compatibility of the
various European educational systems which will
then yield collaborations amongst educational
institutions, exchanges of students and teachers
within Europe and transparency and transferability
of qualifications, all being very important when
looked from the point of view of students, Erasmus
co-ordinators, prospective employers, Quality
Assurance Agencies (QAAs), European Network of
Information Centres (ENIC), and National
Academic Recognition Information Centres
One of the first and most important concepts
developed by the Bologna process is the European
Credit Transfer System (ECTS 2009) that provides
the framework for measuring the student workload
in courses/modules/programmes and thus calculating
the credits of these courses/modules/programmes.
Another important concept recently introduced is
the concept of the Learning Outcomes (LOs)
(Kennedy et al., 2006), which allows
courses/programmes to be expressed in terms of
what a learner/student is expected to be able to do by
the end of the course/programme. Employers will
thus be able to identify what students are able (or at
least should be able) of doing after completing their
programmes/courses. Furthermore, by studying
descriptions of studies expressed in terms of LOs
and thus comparing with what they expect graduates
to be able to do, employers could provide input for
the re-engineering of programmes taking into
consideration industry requirements. When it comes
to Erasmus co-ordinators, LOs assist in the
comparison of programmes and courses since they
provide a common framework/platform for
expressing the programmes/courses aims and
objectives looked at from the student point of view.
Last but not least, ENIC/NARIC networks are also
provided with a common framework/platform for
evaluating levels and degree qualifications.
The European Qualifications Framework (EQF
2010, EQF Newsletter1 2010) provides the basis for
mapping the National Qualifications Framework
(NQF) of each European country against this
framework, thus transitively, mapping each
country’s educational system against another
country’s system. EQF and NQFs describe in terms
of Learning Outcomes (knowledge, skills,
competences) the various levels of education starting
Pouyioutas P., Gjermundrod H. and Dionysiou I..
THE DEVELOPMENT OF MAPQFTOOL - A Software Tool for National Qualifications Frameworks.
DOI: 10.5220/0003306602730279
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 273-279
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Mapping NQFs to EQF. (adopted from EQF Newsletter April 2010 eac-eqf-newsletter@ec.europa.eu)
from the pre-primary level and reaching the
doctorate level. EQF caters for eight such levels,
whereas NQFs may cater for a different number of
levels. Many European countries may opt to adopt
the eight levels of EQF into their NQF, thus
providing a one-to-one relationship with EQF levels.
Irrespectively of whether eight or more or less levels
are adopted in a NQF, a mapping should be provided
from the NQF to EQF so one can understand at
which European level a national qualification level
(and thus an award of that level) corresponds to. The
mappings of all NQFs to EQF will thus allow
transitively a mapping from one NQF against
another and thus an understanding of different
educational systems of countries and equivalence of
levels and awards/degrees across Europe (Figure 1).
This is extremely important for students, academic
institutions, employers and National Quality
Assurance Agencies.
Three European countries so far have published
their NQFs reports: Ireland (Ireland 2009) and Malta
(Malta 2009) already in 2009, and the United
Kingdom (UK 2010a,b) earlier this year. It is
expected that seven additional countries will be able
to finalise their referencing in 2010, while most of
the others will need 2011 to achieve this process.
Still, all countries are expected to indicate the
appropriate EQF level in each new qualification they
issue by 2012 - which is the second target date
suggested by the EQF Recommendation.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 explains the need for MapQFTool. Section
3 provides a relational database design to support the
development of the proposed tool and exemplifies its
functionality through screenshots of the prototype
version of the tool that is being developed. It also
provides examples of information that can be
generated by the tool for the various stakeholders,
namely the European Commission, the National
Quality Assurance Agencies, the educational
institutions, etc. Section 3 completes by discussing
the tool’s architecture. Finally, Conclusions presents
our future work.
The proposed tool will be very useful in presenting
information to the various stakeholders. More
specifically, the European Commission Agency
responsible for EQF, Educational Institutions and
National Quality Assurance Agencies in all
European countries will be maintaining the database
that will support the tool. Information regarding
programmes of studies/awards offered by the
institutions/countries, the NQF levels of each
European country, the mapping of each award to the
appropriate NQF level and the mapping of each
NQF level to the appropriate EQF level will be
maintained. This data will then be used to produce
various useful information for all the
aforementioned stakeholders, as well as to ministries
of education, students, parents, employers and the
general public. More specific details as to who is
responsible for what part of the database data is
given in Section 3 of this paper.
Although the setting up of all NQFs in Europe
and the mapping of the awards against the NQFs
levels and of the NQFs levels against the EQF levels
has not been completed, it is expected that a manual
process for producing information will be laborious,
slow and prone to errors. On the contrary, the use of
the proposed tool will provide fast error-free
information, as a result of either predefined or ad-
hoc reports/queries.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: The ER Model of the Proposed Database.
More specifically the tool will be providing
information such as:
1 Given an award, what is its NQF level
2 Given an award, what is its EQF level
3 Given an award in country A, what is its
NQF level in country B
4 Given an award in country A, what are the
equivalent NQF levels in all other countries
5 Given an award in country A what is its
equivalent award(s) in country B
6 Given an NQF level in country A what is its
equivalent EQF level
7 Given an NQF level in country A, what is its
equivalent level in country B
8 Given an NQF level in country A, what are
the equivalent NQF levels in all other
9 Given an EQF level what are/is the
equivalent level(s) in the NQF of country A
10 Given an EQF level what are/is the awards
of that level in country A
11 Given an EQF level what are/is the awards
of that level in all countries
All the above queries are just samples of
predefined questions that can be written in the
database’s query language/report writer and produce
answers on the spot; they do not present the
exhaustive list of information that can be produced
by the system, but only samples that exemplify the
functionality and use of the proposed tool.
In this section we provide a relational database
design that accommodates the system functionality
as explained in the previous section. Figure 2
illustrates the ER model that describes the database
entities, relationships and relational tables (including
primary and foreign keys).
MapQFTool will be a web-based application,
accessed over the Internet by the various
stakeholders. Figure 6 depicts graphically the
various users of the tool and its architecture. We
next explain the users of the tool and the way it will
function in terms of write/read access and
authorization privileges and then elaborate on
technical issues with regards to its system
architecture. Screenshots of the prototype of the tool
are also given to exemplify the way the tool will
3.1 Users of MapQFTool
The tool will provide web access to authorised users
as shown in Figure 3. Public access through the
“Other” option (Figure 3) does not need user name
and password and is for the general public, whereas
the other types of users will need to login to the
Each educational institution in each country will
have write access to the MapEQFTool’s database
with regards to its own data and the programmes of
study/awards that it offers (table Institution and part
of the table Awards – Aid, Aname of Figure 2). For
THE DEVELOPMENT OF MAPQFTOOL - A Software Tool for National Qualifications Frameworks
Figure 3: The Tool’s log-in Screen.
example, an institution with Itype = ”University”,
can add a new award with Aname “BSc Computer
Science”. The AwardType field will be completed
by the National QAA since this will signify the
award’s recognition status and only the National
QAA will be allowed to do that. In this case the type
could be “Bachelor’s Degree, 1
Cycle”. An empty
filed signifies no recognition. Other types of
University awards are “Master Degree, 2
“Doctorate Degree, 3
Cycle”. For Secondary
Education institutions an award Atype can be
“Apolyterium, Leaving Certificate”. The
responsibility of the mapping of each institutions
award to the NQF level will lie with the country’s
national Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). Each
National QAA will thus be responsible/authorized
for updating the country’s NQF data (NQF table) the
awards types data (AwardType table) and
setting/maintaining the mapping from the country’s
institutions awards and (Lnumber, LNid) to the
NQF level. The European Commission Agency
responsible for EQF will be responsible/authorized
for maintaining the National QAA data and the EQF
levels and in collaboration with each country’s
National QAA, setting/maintaining the mapping
from each NQF level to an EQF level. Figure 4
illustrates the creation of a NQF level by the
appropriate National QAA. The knowledge, skills
and competences are recorded but the mapping to
the EQF level is restricted only to the European
Commission Agency which will be in charge for the
When it comes to read access users, students,
parents, employers, ministries of education and
labour, teachers and the general public will have
access to the tool and be able to obtain information
similar to the one discussed in Section 2. An
example of a query and the way the tool supports
such queries is given in Figure 5.
3.2 Technical Considerations of the
Tool’s Architecture
A 3-tier web application architecture will be used for
the tool (see Figure 6). The information and
request/reply flow between the three tiers are as
follows: The user enters the web site using a Internet
browser. The front-end web-service receives a
request from the client browser, and this is
forwarded to the web service, which queries the
database and generates a webpage with the requested
information that is then sent back to the user’s
browser. One of the benefits of this architecture is
the clear separation between the presentation layer,
application logic layer, and the data access layer. As
the tool will be a web service, the users could access
it from anywhere as long as they have access to an
Internet browser. This simplifies the tool usage for
the average users, as there will be no need to install
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 4: Create an NQF Level.
Figure 5: A sample of a Query.
any software on their personal computer.
The first two tiers will be developed using
Microsoft’s .NET platform. This platform provides
for rapid development and reuse of the .NET
components like WYSIWYG (What You See Is
What You Get) GUI building (web-forms), database
connectors, and ASP.NET controls. The third tier
will be developed using the MySQL database
THE DEVELOPMENT OF MAPQFTOOL - A Software Tool for National Qualifications Frameworks
Figure 6: The Proposed MapEQFTool System Architecture.
service. The choice of using MYSQL as the back-
end database system is due to the fact that it is an
open-source service that supports a wide variety of
platforms with respect to both programming
languages and operating systems. Details on each of
the 3 tiers of the architecture are briefly given
Presentation Layer: The presentation layer
provides the interface to the end-user of the tool.
Depending on the role of the user the tool will
render a customized webpage. From there, the user
could access the data, customize queries on the data,
and depending on the privileges of the assigned role
update the date. The users will not directly specify
the database queries, but instead they will choose
from options and set parameters that will
automatically generate the specific queries. Hence,
the technical knowledge that is required by the users
is keep at a minimum.
The presentation layer will be developed using
web forms from the .NET platform. The web forms
allow for rapid development of web pages by
reusing ASP components (explained later). The
forms will be “connected” with the application logic
that is handled by the second tier.
Application Logic Layer: The application layer
performs the requested requests/actions from the
users and returns the result back to the user. It
consists of two components, namely the front-end
web-service and the ASP component.
For the front-end web-service, Microsoft’s
Internet Information Services (IIS) will be used. The
service will concurrently accept requests from
multiple end-users and forward these to the ASP
components. Once the result is returned from the
ASP component, the IIS service will forward the
resulting web page to the appropriate end user.
The ASP (Active Server Pages) components are
responsible for performing the application logic of
the clients’ requests; some of them are “connected”
with a GUI element within the web page. The result
of the request is a webpage (HTML) that is send
back to the user. The C# programming language will
be used for the application logic and the query
options will be built using the LINQ (Brooks, 2008)
component. The application logic is as explained
above connected with the GUI elements. If the
application logic needs data in order to generate a
new web site, then it will make a request to the third
tier to provide the required data.
Data Access Layer: The data access layer provides
access to the back-end database that stores all the
data. The database will receive its queries from the
ASP as SQL queries and return the resulting data,
which is used to generate dynamic web pages that
are forwarded to the user.
The tool will use the MySQL database for its
back-end storage. MySQL is an open source
relational database management systems (RDBMS).
The interaction with MySQL is performed using the
SQL language. Connectors are provided to interact
with MySQL programmatically using various
programming languages and platforms. For the
MapEQFTool we will use the connector for the
.NET platform.
Future Consideration: First, the currently proposed
architecture will consist of only one database
service, but a distributed solution could be provided
if scalability should be an issue.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Second, the top 2 tiers are developed using a
proprietary framework provided by Microsoft for the
Windows platform. There exists an open source
project, Mono (Avery and Holmes, 2006) that
provides implementation for the .Net framework on
other platforms. An evaluation could be done if the
top 2 tiers could be developed using an open source
This paper has presented the MapQFTool to allow
the various National Qualification Frameworks
(NQFs) to be mapped against the European
Qualification Framework and thus against each
other. The need for the tool was discussed and
justified by addressing the various limitations of
carrying out manually this process and trying to
compare and evaluate different qualifications and
awards from different countries. In order to develop
the tool, we provided a relational database design,
presented some screenshots of the tool’s prototype
and discussed a system architecture, elaborating on
the platforms chosen for its deployment.
We are currently in the process of building the
database based on the proposed design and then
proceeding with the full development of the tool. We
expect that the tool will be a very useful asset to all
stakeholders, namely the European Commission, the
National Quality Assurance Agencies, the
educational institutions and the general public.
Avery, J. and Holmes, J. (2006). Windows Developer
Power Tools. O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Beneitone, P., Esquetini, C., Gonzalez, J., Marty, M.,
Siu, G., and Wagenaar, R. (2007). Tuning Latin
America Reections on and outlook for Higher
Education in Latin America. Bilbao. ISBN: 978-84-
Brooks, T. (2008). Watch this: Linq shifts the paradigm of
query. Information Research, 13(2). Available at
http://InformationR.net/ir/13- 2/ TB0806.html.
European Commission Education and Learning (2008).
The bologna process http://ec.europa.eu/
ECTS 2009 http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-
EQF 2010 http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/
EQF Newsletter 1 2010 eac-eqf-newsletter@ec.europa.eu
Gonzalez, J. and Wagenaar, R. (2008). Tuning
Educational Structures in Europe Universities
Contribution To The Bologna Process: An
Introduction. ISBN: 978-84-9830-132-8.
Ireland 2009 http://www.nqai.ie/documents/
Kennedy, D., Hyland, A., and Ryan, N. (2006). Writing
and using learning outcomes, a practical guide. EUA
Bologna Handbook. Available at http://www.bologna-
handbook.com/docs/ frames/content_c.html.
Malta 2009 http://www.mqc.gov.mt/referencingreport?l=1
UK 2010a, http://www.qcda.gov.uk/27193.aspx
UK 2010b, http://www.qaa.ac.uk/academic
UNILO Project www.unilo.eu
THE DEVELOPMENT OF MAPQFTOOL - A Software Tool for National Qualifications Frameworks