less than 50. The dotted line corresponds to the re-
moval of tasks due to their processor utilizations. The
number of removed tasks is smaller than the addition
number. This second policy is more useful than the
first. Fig. 4 shows the minimization of the energy
consumption when the first (continuous line) and the
second (dotted line) policies are applied. It indicates
that the energy consumption stills minimal when we
apply the second solution where WCETs of tasks are
This paper deals with low power and real-time dy-
namic reconfigurations of embedded systems to be
implemented by sets of tasks that should meet real-
time constraints while satisfying limitations in the ca-
pacity of batteries. A reconfiguration scenario means
the addition, removal or update of tasks in order to
save the system when faults occur or to improve its
performance. The energy consumption can often be
increased or real-time constraints can often be vio-
lated when tasks are added. To allow a stable energy
consumption before and after the application of each
reconfiguration scenario, an agent-based architecture
is defined where an intelligent software agent is pro-
posed to check each dynamic reconfiguration scenario
and to suggest for users effective solutions in order
to minimize the energy consumption. It proposes to
modify periods, reduce execution times of tasks or re-
move some of them. A tool is developed and tested to
support all these services. In our future work, we plan
to study low power and real-time reconfigurations of
asynchronous tasks that can be loaded in a uniproces-
sor or can be distributed on different calculators.
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ence Foundation of China under Grant No. 60773001
and 61074305, the Fundamental Research Funds for
the Central Universities under Grant No. 72103326,
the National Research Foundation for the Doctoral
Program of Higher Education, the Ministry of Educa-
tion, P. R. China, under Grant No. 20090203110009,
“863” High-tech Research and Development Program
of China under Grant No. 2008AA04Z109, the Re-
search Fellowship for International Young Scientists,
National Natural Science Foundation of China, and
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PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems