Anwar Alhenshiri, Michael Shepherd and Carolyn Watters
Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, 6050 University Ave., Halifax, NS, Canada
Keywords: Web information retrieval, Gathering tasks, Organization and management.
Abstract: This paper presents a Visual Information Management System (VIMS) for the Web. In this prototype
system, the task of Web information gathering was taken into consideration with respect to how users locate
information for the task, organize task information, preserve and re-find task information, and compare
information for effective reasoning and decision making. VIMS was designed and built based on
recommendations from previous studies in a larger research. A user study was conducted to evaluate VIMS.
The results of the study show promising indications of the improvements achieved in VIMS with respect to
Web information gathering tasks.
Research has studied user tasks in order to identify
task frameworks that would help with understanding
user interactions with the Web. Web tasks have
been classified into fact finding, navigation,
performing a transaction, and information gathering
(Broder, 2002, Kellar at al., 2007). The latter type
accounts for a large portion of the overall tasks on
the Web, representing between 51.7% (Broder,
2002) and 61.5% (Rose and Levinson, 2004).
A Web information gathering task is a composite
of subtasks/activities users perform while interacting
with the Web for accomplishing a goal described in
the task. User activities during Web information
gathering may involve finding sources of Web
information (Web documents), searching for
information on the sources located for the task,
finding related information to the already located
sources and information, comparing information for
reasoning and decision making, organizing task
information, and preserving and re-finding
information (Alhenshiri et al., 2010b).
Since information mismatching and overloading
are two significant problems while search engines
gather and present information (Teevan, 2008), it
becomes the user’s role to locate, compare, and
manage the required information in the task. A Web
search engine sees the sequences of activities in a
task as separate interaction steps. It also provides no
means for re-finding information, which is an
activity that represents one third of the user
interactions during information gathering tasks
according to Mackay and Watters (2008). Moreover,
search engines do not usually provide support for
representing task results according to the type of
information being sought in the task.
With regard to information gathering tasks,
information organization has been barely studied in
the context of the Web. In this article, a Web
information gathering and organization prototype
(VIMS) is presented. VIMS exploits visualization,
visual clustering, and several Web information
preserving, re-finding, and organization strategies
for Web information gathering tasks. The paper is
presented as follows. Section 2 discusses related
research work. Section 3 presents the research
motivations. Section 4 describes VIMS’ design in
details. Section 5 presents the evaluation user study.
Section 6 discusses the research findings. Section 7
concludes the paper.
2.1 Visualizing Web Information
In addition to different prototypes that have been
investigated (Bonnel et al. 2006; Teevan et al.,
2009), there are several search tools on the Web that
use visualization, such as the search engine Viewz
( Visualization of Web search
Alhenshiri A., Shepherd M. and Watters C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003308502710277
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 271-277
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
results has also been investigated in several layouts
including the use of hyperbolic trees, Self-
Organizing Maps, and thematic maps such as in the
visual search engine Kartoo (
Most of these approaches were intended for
improving how users find sources of Web
information. Exploring multiple features of Web
documents such as their content similarities, page
thumbnails, URLs, and document summaries in a
visualized approach should be investigated in Web
information gathering tasks. These featureswhen
visualized properlycan help users find sources of
information on the Web, find information in such
sources, compare information, and make more
effective and efficient decisions.
2.2 Clustering Web Information
In Web information retrieval, clustering has been
investigated in several prototypes such as in the
work of Alhenshiri et al. (2010a). Clustering has
also been implemented in conventional search
engines such as Clusty (, Gceel
(, and Google (in their “see
similar” feature and Google Wonder Wheel).
Although the performance of users with list
presentations of Web documents is comparable to
their performance with clustering-based
presentations, user preference usually comes in
favour of clustering-based methods (Carpineto et al.,
2009). In addition, there are indications that
clustering can even be more effective (Turetken and
Sharda, 2005). With the variety of information that
is gathered on the Web, clustering can play a
significant factor in Web information gathering
2.3 Preserving and Re-finding
Web Information
Research has focused on enhancing re-finding Web
information locally on the Web browser. However,
re-finding strategies such as the back button,
favourites, and bookmarks can maintain limited
numbers of information sources (documents), and
they are useful only during a particular Web session.
Therefore, searching the Web for re-finding, also
known as re-searching (Teevan, 2008), has been
studied for assisting users in locating results of
interest from previous sessions. Research shows that
a great deal of Web search visitations is for
revisiting (Teevan, 2008). Consequently, Re-finding
is a common activity in Web information gathering
tasks accounting for 53.27% according to Mackay
and Watters (2008). For information gathering tasks
of multi-session nature, which may require a multi-
topic search, re-finding can play a significant role in
the effectiveness of tools designed for this type of
task. Re-finding should be focused not only on
preserving active Web pages in the browser but also
on preserving Web search results in the context of a
complete task.
2.4 Organizing Web Information
Research has focused on investigating how users
manage their information for re-finding (Elsweiler
and Ruthven, 2007; Jones et al., 2003; Mackay et al.,
2005). Strategies users follow to manage Web
information in order to be able to relocate and reuse
previously found information are discussed in the
work of Jones et al. (2003). Most users gather
information over multiple sessions (Mackay and
Watters, 2008), which indicates the need for
management strategies for preserving and re-finding
such information for reuse. The variety of finding,
re-finding, organizing, and management strategies
and approaches users follow while seeking and
gathering Web information can be related to the idea
that current Web tools lack important reminding,
integration, and organization schemes (Cutrell et al.,
2006). How users organize and manage information
during Web information gathering has had little
consideration. Since Web information gathering
tasks may take several sessions, involve looking at
information from different sources, and require
comparing information that may belong to varied
topics, investigating organizational and management
strategies users follow on the Web is necessary.
To further exploit the concepts of information
visualization, visual clustering, re-finding, and
organization, VIMS was designed. VIMS attempts
to utilize visualization and clustering to allow users
to find, compare, and relate information to the
already located sources of information more
effectively. It also aims to create a more effective
storing and re-finding environment. Re-finding is
done not only by searching a list of documents, but
also by using keyword search to re-find individual
documents, sessions, and entire tasks previously
stored by the user. Moreover, VIMS is intended to
provide effective organizational schemes for
information during information gathering tasks.
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
The VIMS interface was designed using Java swing
components and the prefuse visualization toolkit
( The CloudGarden GUI builder
‘Jigloo’ was also used in the implementation of
VIMS. The VIMS interface is shown in Figure 1.
Four models were employed in the design and
implementation of VIMS: searching, clustering,
organizing, and re-finding models.
It has been shown that Web information
gathering tasks are largely search based (Alhenshiri
et al., 2011). VIMS combines the powers of the
Google and Yahoo Web search engines. Moreover,
VIMS uses intuitive visual clustering to render its
search results and its preserved task and session
documents. Clustering is performed based on one of
four criteria: network domain, country of origin,
genre, and content similarity (topical clustering).
Clusters are labelled using cluster-internal labelling.
The title of the document closest to the centroid of
the cluster is used as the label of the cluster.
Figure 1: VIMS Interface.
To assist users with organizing task information,
VIMS allows the user to store partial information
during a task by preserving current session
information. This is done by either preserving active
visual views of the current display or by selectively
preserving particular documents among the search
results. Preserved documents are grouped under a
task title (name) and sorted by date for later
retrieval. The user can continue working on the same
task over multiple sessions while adding and
eliminating documents. The user can also add
annotations to the preserved task information along
the way towards completing the task. In addition,
search results and task information (documents) can
be viewed either visually or in HTML format (as a
list of hits). The study in Alhenshiri et al. (2010a)
showed that users prefer to have both views during
information gathering.
For serving the process of re-finding
information, VIMS allows users to store complete
sessions and individual documents. It also allows
search within sessions and within tasks by either
selecting from a list of tasks/sessions or by keyword
search to further assist the user. The keyword search
matches the task name given previously by the user
and the annotations preserved alongside the task.
Moreover, VIMS allows users to email task
information including accumulated documents, task
subject and date, and task annotations. The emailing
strategy was recommended in the work of Jones et
al. (2003). However, VIMS adds the organization of
a task to the subject matter by submitting all the
aforementioned information items. With VIMS, the
user can follow the preserving and re-finding
strategy that suits their needs and accommodates the
task requirements.
To evaluate VIMS, a small-scale study in a field
setting was conducted. While the number of
participants was limited, the results reflected how
early adopters perceive VIMS as a Web information
gathering and organization tool. In this study,
engagement (enjoyment) factors only were
considered in evaluating VIMS. The effectiveness
and efficiency of VIMS were not considered by
comparing VIMS to other systems; however, how
users perceived these factors was taken into
consideration in the survey items used for evaluating
5.1 Study Participants and Design
Twenty participants took part in the study. They
were students from Dalhousie University. VIMS was
given to the participants in field settings. The choice
of the field setting approach was due to the fact that
the researchers wanted to accumulate first
impressions about VIMS from early adopters, and to
allow users to provide their own judgment where no
control of the experiment was in place.
5.2 Study Procedure
Every participant was given a Web information
gathering task to perform at the time and place of
their convenience. Every task was divided into two
parts to encourage participants to keep information
during the first part and to re-find information
during the second part.
Information gathering tasks were created to
satisfy the criteria described in the work of Kules
and Capra (2006). Every participant was given one
task in addition to a brief description of how VIMS
works. The description illustrated functionalities of
the interface and how each feature behaves. There
was no training for participants on how to use
VIMS. Participants were pointed to the website
where they could download VIMS. They were also
given the description file to read.
After a two week period, an evaluation form was
completed and returned to the principal investigator.
The form involved questions for participants that
concerned several items including: a) the user
satisfaction with VIMS; b) how helpful the visual
clustering of search results was to the user; c) how
interesting it was to use VIMS to complete the given
task; d) how the user perceived preserving and re-
finding Web information and Web documents using
VIMS; e) how the user rated the presentation of Web
search results on VIMS; f) whether or not the self-
emailing feature was useful to the user during the
task; g) whether the user used VIMS to accumulate
and manage task information in the information pool
provided in VIMS; h) what the user liked most about
VIMS and what they thought should be improved;
and i) any other comments the user wanted to add.
Likert scales were used for answering the survey
5.3 Study Results
With respect to user satisfaction with VIMS, 75% of
the participants showed complete satisfaction.
Twelve percent indicated that they were neither
satisfied nor dissatisfied with VIMS. The remaining
participants (13%) showed dissatisfaction with
VIMS. They indicated that they either did not like
the limit of 120 result hits on VIMS, or that they
prefer a list of hits in a textual presentation such as
in Google’s. The limit of a maximum of 120 results
per display was to prevent clutter, a purpose that was
not discussed with the participants. The z-test shows
a significant difference between the proportion of
participants who were satisfied with VIMS and those
who were dissatisfied (z=2.84, p< 0.003).
VIMS’ helpfulness with the given task was also
evaluated as one of the engagement factors
considered in the study. Most users (80%) used all
the features provided in VIMS. The results show that
69% of the users found VIMS to be helpful while
12% found VIMS to be of no help. Participants who
found VIMS not to be helpful indicated that they
needed further training on some of the features in
VIMS and how to use those features. The remaining
participants (19%) indicated that they either did not
use VIMS for the given task or that they did not use
all of VIMS’ features.
One of the most interesting organization features
in VIMS is how users preserve and re-find
documents and information about a particular task or
session on the Web. All participants used and
evaluated this feature. The results show that 85% of
the participants think that VIMS provided effective
preserving and re-finding capabilities. The
remaining 15% thought that the features were
neither effective nor ineffective. None of the
participants rated these features negatively. The z-
test shows that there was a significant difference
between the proportion of participants who found
VIMS to be effective and those who did not evaluate
the feature of preserving and re-finding task
information (z= 4.11, p<0.0001).
One of the features in VIMS is the ability to send
information to one’s email. Information may include
the name and date of the current task, documents
located for search queries over one or multiple
sessions during the task, and user annotations on the
task. The results showed that only 50% of the users
had the chance to use this feature. One interpretation
of the results in this case is that users tended to
finish the whole task in one session. In future
studies, this feature will be tested during information
gathering over multiple sessions in a more controlled
environment. Of the remaining 50% of users, only
10% found the feature to be of no usefulness. In long
term information gathering tasks such as writing a
report, which may be conducted on multiple
machines over multiple sessions, this feature is
expected to be more effective and more useable.
Another important feature that was evaluated in
VIMS is the task organization capability. This is the
ability to accumulate task information including
documents found for search queries in addition to
annotations added by the user regarding the task at
hand. The feature allows the user to add and remove
documents from the information pool visualized on
the display (see Figure 1) over multiple sessions
while using the task name and date of creation for
access. The results show that 70% of the participants
used and evaluated the feature. Of those, 73% think
that the feature was either helpful or very helpful.
Only 10% think that it was of no help during the
task. Of the participants, 17% did not evaluate this
feature. The z-test shows a significant difference
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
between the proportion of participants who found
VIMS’ organizational feature to be helpful and those
who found it of no help (z= 3.83, p< 0.00001). The
results are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: User Ratings of the Info. Accumulation Feature.
The last engagement factor the study tested was
the presentation of Web search results to the user.
As shown by Alhenshiri et al. (2011), Web
information gathering tasks are largely search based.
Hence, it was necessary to evaluate the presentation
of Web search results on VIMS with the use of
visualization and clustering. The results showed that
67% of the participants think that the VIMS
presentation was effective. Twenty five percent
think that the visual presentation in VIMS is as
effective as a list-of-hits presentation. Only 8% of
the participants think that the presentation of search
results was somewhat cluttered and confusing. The
z-test shows a significant difference between
participants who found the presentation of Web
documents on VIMS to be effective and those who
did not (z=1.87, p<0.04).
Finally, the survey asked participants about
features they liked or found effective in VIMS. The
participants left 39 comments. The comments
belonged to four main categories which are: a)
organizing and managing task results, b) presenting
and exploring search results, c) preserving and re-
finding Web task information, and d) clustering task
results. Most of the comments were in regard to the
organization of task information. Organizing and
managing task information included storing, re-
finding, annotating, and comparing task information.
The results of this item are shown in Figure 3.
Examples of user comments are:
the colour coding of clustering was really
The presentation of the search results
grouped by the country it came from was kind
of neat
I loved how I can keep accumulating task
information over multiple sessions’.
Users left important feedback regarding how
VIMS should be improved. User comments covered
different issues but were hard to categorize into
specific and distinct groups. Nonetheless, most of
the comments concerned interface issues such as the
choices of colors and the size of the glyphs that
represent Web documents. Clutter was also an issue
that was mentioned several times. The total number
of comments regarding this criterion was 11. Some
users (10%) indicated that they would like to see
clustering based on different criteria happen on the
fly instead of selecting the clustering criterion prior
to sending search queries. Of the participants, one
user indicated that the search box should be
enlarged; one participant suggested that the user
should have the ability to see the ranks of documents
inside each cluster; and another participant indicated
that there should be more clustering criteria. None of
the comments occurred more than twice in the
provided set of comments.
Figure 3: Categorized Subjective Comments.
VIMS is a prototype system for testing information
organization and management features intended for
improving Web information gathering tasks. A
relatively small-scale user study was conducted to
examine the feasibility of a larger research study and
to highlight possible improvements to VIMS. In the
evaluation approach, participants were meant to
provide feedback about VIMS as recommended in
the works of Scott (2009), and to suggest further
possible improvements. Users were given two weeks
to work on VIMS and return the evaluation forms.
The longer evaluation period was intended to further
ensure that the study participants had enough time to
use and examine VIMS. The aim of the study was
to identify usability, acceptability, and user
satisfaction issues with VIMS.
The results of the study indicate that VIMS
provided: a) an excellent level of user satisfaction;
b) significant help to users with their tasks; c)
effective information organization features; d)
effective and useful presentation of task results; and
e) effective preserving and re-finding features. Not
only did users provide specific answers to questions
related to evaluating each feature, but they also
provided their own comments that showed the
degree to which VIMS improved how Web
information gathering is performed. The results of
the study reflect how early adopters perceived
The purpose of the prototype testing using only
students as participants was to decide on the
feasibility of a larger study to evaluate VIMS and to
derive practical design recommendations. Further
studies in this research will use experiments with
larger populations. A larger complete factorial user
experiment will be conducted to examine the
organizational and management criteria identified in
This paper presented VIMS, a prototype system for
improving how users manage and organize Web
information during gathering tasks. The current state
of Web information gathering necessitates studying
challenges users encounter during this type of task.
VIMS was designed based on three previous studies
(Alhenshiri et al., 2010a; Alhenshiri et al., 2010b;
Alhenshiri et al., 2011). Our previous studies
revealed several questions regarding which
visualization, clustering, re-finding, and organizing
factors would improve the process of Web
information gathering. The initial evaluation of
VIMS showed good indications of its usability and
user satisfaction with VIMS as a tool for Web
information organization.
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