Q. Nasir, A. M. Abid and A. S. Elwakil
Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, U.A.E.
Pseudo-true random bit generators, Chaotic maps, Chaos synchronization, NIST statistical test suite.
A Pseudo True Random Binary Generator (PTRBG) based on a Nested Linear Chaotic Maps (NLCM) is
proposed. Implementing the synchronization of chaotic systems presents a challenge. The paper proposes an
implementation of a generation and synchronization method of PTRBG using NLCM and backward iteration
synchronization approach. A prototype has been developed through Texas Instruments TMS320C6416 DSP
development kit. Randomness tests of the generated bits of the PTRB is performed using the NIST statistical
test suite.
Random and pseudo-random numbers are used in
many areas including test data generation, Monte-
Carlo simulation techniques, generation of spread-
ing sequences for spread spectrum communications,
and cryptography(Ahmed and Siyal, 2006). Pseudo-
random spreading sequences used in spread spec-
trum communications must be repeatable, while for
most simulations using random numbers repeatabil-
ity is not necessary. In cryptographic and secu-
rity applications depends on the randomness of the
source and the unpredictability of the used random
bits(Tang and Tang, 2005). Various encryption tech-
niques for secure transmission have been studied. The
approaches include time domain scrambling tech-
niques (Tang and Tang, 2005), and permutation and
depermutation of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) co-
efficients (Ahmed and Siyal, 2005). In recent years
many researchers have noticed a close relationship
between chaos and cryptography. Chaos appeared
to be another paradigm to protect data and seems to
be promising in the areas of security and cryptog-
raphy. Chaos based encryption techniques such as
in (Tang and Tang, 2005), (Drutarovsk and Galajda,
2006) are considered practical because they provide a
good combination of speed, high security, complex-
ity, reasonable computational overheads.
Chaotic circuits represent an efficient alternative
to classical TRBG (Drutarovsk and Galajda, 2006).
Studies in nonlinear dynamics show that many of the
seemingly complex systems in nature are described
by relatively mathematical equations(Sprott, 2003).
Although chaotic systems appear to be highly irreg-
ular, they are also deterministic in the sense that it
is possible to reproduce them with certainty. These
promising features of chaotic systems attracted many
researchers to try chaos as a possible medium for
secure communication.The nonlinear phenomenon
of chaos poses a promising alternative for pseudo-
random number generation due to its unpredictable
The chaotic system generates unpredictable
pseudo random orbits which can be used to generate
TRNGs (True Random Number Generators). Many
different chaotic systems have been used to generate
TRNGs such as Logistic map (Sajeeth et al., 2001),
and its generalized version (Matthews, 1989), Cheby-
shev map, (Ahmed and Siyal, 2006) piecewise linear
chaotic maps (NLCM) (Masuda and Aihara, 1999)
and piecewise nonlinear chaotic maps (Tao et al.,
1999). Chaotic systems are characterized by a sensi-
tivity dependence on initial conditions, and with such
initial uncertainties, the system behaviour leads to
large uncertainty after some time.
A TRBG produce long sequences made of per-
fectly independent bits and when restarted, it never
reproduces a previously delivered sequence. To as-
sess the statistical properties and investigate the ran-
domness of the TRBGs, several test suites are avail-
able such as AIS 21, AIS 31, FIPS 140 and the
NIST statistical suite (NIST, 2001). TRBGs are usu-
Nasir Q., M. Abid A. and S. Elwakil A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003310001450150
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2011), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-48-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ally difficult to implement; chaos-based random num-
ber generators implemented in the software provide
a good method to produce pseudo-true random num-
bers. Chaotic systems or discrete chaotic maps are
random like and deterministic but unpredictable in the
long term. Consequently, the evaluation of chaotic
systems in the field of cryptography has been exten-
sively studied for several decades. This is due to
the highly unpredictable and random-look nature of
chaotic signals. Chaotic signals are aperiodic and ex-
hibit sensitive dependence on initial values. Since
they are governed by one or more control parameters,
a small perturbation in these parameters can cause a
large change in the state of the system. These fea-
tures make chaos certainly suitable for applications
that need a high level of security.
Chaotic streams can be generated using a num-
ber of chaotic maps such as Logistic map, 2-D Henon
map, Chebyshev map, piecewise linear chaotic maps
(PWLCM), piecewise nonlinear chaotic map, etc (Li,
2003). With two chaotic systems communicating over
a noisy channel, the problem of synchronization be-
comes an essential part to study. In a communication
system that uses chaos for encryption; synchroniza-
tion is the ability of the receiver to recover the origi-
nal message transmitted. This can be achieved only if
the transmitter and receiver have the same copy of the
chaotic binary sequence. For this reason several syn-
chronization techniques exist in literature (Millerioux
and Mira, 2001)- (Lau, 2006).
In spite of the extreme sensitivity to initial con-
ditions of chaotic systems, synchronization can still
be achieved. In (Millerioux and Mira, 2001), the ob-
server synchronization method implemented depends
on continuously feeding the chaotic system at the re-
ceiver with the error (difference) between the origi-
nal chaotic sequence at the transmitter and the esti-
mated sequence at the receiver . The impulsive syn-
chronization technique in (Yong-Ai and Yi-Bei, 2002)
involves the use of small control impulses where the
chaotic maps must be asymptotically stable. Ac-
cording to (De Angeli et al., 1995), using the dead
beat synchronization method, the synchronization er-
ror reach zero in exactly two steps. Another syn-
chronization method was proposed in (Min et al.,
2006), where synchronization is achieved by mixing
discrete chaotic signals and using the output to drive
the chaotic systems at the transmitter and the receiver.
Synchronization using backward iterations and anal-
ysis of chaotic systems using symbolic dynamics was
introduced in (Cong et al., 1999). In this method a
number of backward iterations from a random initial
condition are sufficient to reproduce an exact copy of
the chaotic signal produced at the transmitter. This
type of PTBGs can be easily included as part of Soft-
ware Defined Radios (SDRs).
In this paper an implementation of software gen-
eration and synchronization of the chaotic binary se-
quences generated by NLCM is achieved by using the
backward iteration synchronization approach (Cong
et al., 1999), (Stojanovski and Kocarev, 1997). An
implementation test bed for a complete communica-
tion system based on a TMS320C6416 DSP develop-
ment kit is then described. Randomness of the pseudo
true random bits (PTRB) generated is assessed using
the NIST statistical test suite.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. An
overview of the main blocks in the chaotic communi-
cation system proposed is given in Section II. Sec-
tion III describes the TRBGs studied. The chaotic
synchronization method is explained in Section IV.
The results of subjecting the bit sequences to NIST
randomness test suite is provided in Section V. Sec-
tion VI describes the TMS320C6416 DSP implemen-
tation. Finally the conclusions are drawn in Section
The block diagram of the proposed chaotically en-
crypted communication system is shown in Figure
1. The analog speech waveform is sampled and
quantized using the PCM waveform coding process.
The binary speech (message) signal is then masked
(XORed) by the PTRBs generated using Nested Piece
Wise Linear Map (NPWLM).
Figure 1: Block diagram of the proposed chaotic voice com-
munication system.
As illustrated in Figure 2, the first transmitted
(training) packet contains the synchronization bits
produced by the PTRBG in the transmitter. The rest
of the transmitted packets contain the encrypted data
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
Figure 2: Illustration of the synchronization bits and en-
crypted binary stream.
(the message signal XORed with the PTRB.
At the receiver, once the demodulated signal is re-
ceived, demultixplexing is performed to extract the
first packet and get the synchronization bits. The
backward iteration synchronization technique is ap-
plied using the training bits which was transmitted
without encryption to get an the initial condition of
the chaos generator used in the transmitter. Starting
the chaos generator at the receiver with the estimated
initial condition, an estimated copy of the binary se-
quence generated at the transmitter can be produced.
At this stage XORing the encrypted signal with the
receiver generated chaotic binary sequence to retrieve
the original message signal.
A TRNG should be able to produce infinitely long se-
quences of independent equiprobable bits and when
restarted it should never reproduce a previously de-
livered sequence (nonrepeatable) as it uses differ-
ent initial conditions. The processes are also non-
deterministic (a given sequence of numbers cannot be
reproduced). Chaotic generators can be used to pro-
duce Pseudo TRBG (PTRBG) and therefore provide
an efficient alternative to TRBGs. Generally speaking
ideal or TRBGs are extremely difficult to implement
by software. However because of the irregular be-
havior of chaotic systems, chaotic generators can be
used to produce PTRBG and therefore provide an effi-
cient alternative to TRBGs. Several PTRBG based on
chaotic systems exist in literature, Study in this paper
is focused on the nested PWLM (NPWLM).
Drutarovsky and Galajda (Drutarovsk and Gala-
jda, 2006) proposed a modified form of the one di-
mensional PWLM called Nested . The map is ex-
pressed as:
x (n + 1) =
2x(n) 2 x > 1/2
2x(n) 1/2 < x < 1/2
2x(n) + 2 x < 1/2
Equation 2 can be split and rewritten as (Dru-
tarovsk and Galajda, 2006):
(n) =
x(n) A
x(n) + A
x(n) > 0
x(n) < 0
x(n + 1) =
(n) A)
(n) + A)
(n) > 0
(n) < 0
where parameters A and B are 1.3 and 2 respec-
tively. The domain of x(n) is between 1, and +1.
The bifurcation diagram (Abid et al., 2009), (Abid,
2009), (Abid et al., 2010) of the NPWLM shows that
when the control parameter B is 2, chaos is still gen-
erated. This splitting can be thought of as a form of
cascading or nesting one map into another, therefore
equations (3) and (4) are called NPWLM.The PTR-
BGs are generated using a threshold function called
the generating partition described in the following
In simple terms; synchronization for discrete time
systems can be thought of as the ability of the re-
ceiver to recover an identical copy of the chaotic se-
quence generated at the transmitter. The concept of
using symbolic dynamics to process chaotic signals
was studied in (Min et al., 2006), (Cong et al., 1999),
where the infinite number of finite-length chaotic sig-
nals can be partitioned into a finite number of signals
sets. Suppose X is the set of all possible signals for
x(n) that the chaotic map can generate. Using the def-
initions of symbolic dynamics the set X can be parti-
tioned into M disjoint partitions E
of the phase space
S such that
= S and E
= Φ for i 6= j .
In order to obtain enough information, pairs of bits
are needed to be transmitted to the receiver instead of
single bits. The first bit is taken from the first map and
the second bit from the second map. Therefore two
generating functions b
(n) and b
(n) are needed for
the nested PWLM to generate the symbolic sequence
given by:
(n) =
0 x
(n) < 0
1 x
(n) 0
(n) =
0 x(n) < 0
1 x(n) 0
The two bits from b
(n) and b
(n) are used to
decide on the appropriate inverse chaotic map to be
used, therefore a total of 38 bits are needed to retrieve
the original initial condition.
Suppose that for an initial condition x(0) and
a length of N bits the symbolic sequence B =
(N 1) b
(N 1)]
is generated and transmitted, where N is the number
of bits required to reach an acceptable estimate of the
initial condition. The receiver use the following
equation to retrieve the initial condition.
x (0|N) = f
··· f
where f
is defined as the inverse mapping of f
at bit 0, η is a point chosen randomly from the domain
of f
When NPWLM is implemented , the following
function b(n) is used (what is called a generating
partition) to generate the symbolic sequence.
b(n) =
0 x(n) < 0
1 x(n) 0
partition E
partition E
Certainly for larger N, the estimate is more accurate.
Practically, the error between the original chaotic se-
quence at the transmitter and the estimated sequence
at the receiver must be reduced. Suppose the follow-
ing system is available at the transmitter x(n + 1) =
f [x(n)] where x(n) is the chaotic value, and at the
receiver the distorted value y(n = x(n) + v(n) is re-
ceived, where v(n) is the channel noise. We tar-
get by synchronization to obtain a close estimate
of x
from the available information y(n) such that
x(n) x(n)
= 0 (Millerioux and Mira, 2001).
In this paper, experimental trials show that a min-
imum of 38 bits are needed to be sent to the receiver
to achieve synchronization. The N = 38 bits are suf-
ficient to reproduce the same chaotic sequence at the
receiver. The number of bits required to synchronize
the receiver is less than that when using chipcon plat-
form which was N = 50. Fig. 2 illustrates the concept
of the synchronization technique where the transmit-
ter sends the first 38 bits unscrambled to the receiver
to be used for synchronization and then the encrypted
binary signal. Starting from the 38
received bit and
depending whether it is a zero or one; the receiver
starts to iterate the appropriate inverse chaotic map
starting from a random initial point η. Theoretical
analysis for estimating the number of bits required for
synchronization will be carried out in future work.
Statistical testing is employed to provides a mecha-
nism for making quantitative decisions that a genera-
tor produces numbers that appear to be true random.
The intent is to determine whether there is enough ev-
idence to ”reject” a conjecture or hypothesis about
the true randomness of the generated bits. Any ran-
dom bit generator proposed for use in a cryptographic
protocol must be subject to statistical tests. The sets
of tests available are: a Federal Information Process-
ing Standard (FIPS 140-1) statistical test which was
lately replaced with FIPS 140-2, the German Appli-
cation Notes and Interpretation of the Scheme (AIS
31) and the National Institute of Standards and Tech-
nology (NIST) test suite(NIST, 2001).
Many chaotic maps introduce biases in the binary
sequence. In many cases, before testing the sym-
bolic sequences generated by the chaotic maps, post-
processing of the produced sequences has to be per-
formed in order to reduce any biases in the produced
distribution. Therefore, the well-known Von Neu-
mann’s (VN) deskewing technique can be employed.
The technique consists of converting the bit pair 01
into output 0, 10 into output 1 and of discarding bit
pairs 00 and 11.
Randomness tests are used to analyze the distribu-
tion pattern of the generated data. There is an array
of statistical tests available to test the randomness of
random and pseudorandom number generators. Even
though these statistical tests do not provide definite
results, it is possible to interpret these results with
care and caution to determine the randomness of a
generator. The general rule of thumb is more tests
the better. The generator bit stream was subjected to
a plenty of statistical tests for randomness used by
The National Institute of Standard and Technology
(NIST; an agency of the U.S. Commerce Departments
Technology Administration (NIST, 2001). It is how-
ever important to note that the test suite is suitable for
identifying deviations of binary sequences from ran-
domness. However factors contributing to these de-
viations are numerous and it is possible to expect a
certain number of failures from a particular generator.
The binary sequences generated by the PWLM and
NPWLM map were passed to NIST statistical suite to
test their randomness. Each NIST statistical test as-
sesses a binary sequence to establish whether there is
significant evidence to suggest that the null hypothe-
sis (H
) should be rejected in favor of the alternative
hypothesis. Here the null hypothesis H
is that the
sequence being tested is random, while the alterna-
tive hypothesis H
, is that the sequence being tested
is not random. Thus for each applied test a decision
is made to accept or reject the null hypothesis based
on statistical evidence. Each test statistic obtained for
each individual test is used to calculate a P-value that
indicates the strength of the evidence against the null
hypothesis. Thus for each test, the P-value is the prob-
ability that a perfect random number generator would
have produced a sequence that is less random than
the tested sequence, given the particular nonrandom-
ness being gauged by that particular test. In this work,
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
the binary sequences generated by the PWLM and the
NPWLM were passed to NIST statistical suite to test
their randomness. They were subjected to 12 of the
16 tests of the suite. Each map was used to gener-
ate 1000 sequences each having a length of 1000000
bits. The Random Excursions, Random Excursions
Variant and Non-overlapping templates tests are not
applicable for these bit streams.
The DSP kit used for implementing the system
definitely with finite precision; therefore the chaotic
map implemented on a finite precision machine can
be called a ’pseudo’ chaotic map. Furthermore to de-
termine the effect of post processing, the bit streams
produced by the maps were first tested without per-
forming any form of post processing, then the Von
Neumann’s deskewing technique and the XOR post
processing technique were independently applied. A
significance level of 0.01 was chosen for the tests. For
each of the tests a P-value is calculated which is the
probability that a perfect RNG would have produced
a sequence less random than the sequence that was
tested, given the kind of non-randomness assessed by
the test. If a P-value for a test is 1, then the se-
quence appears to be perfectly random (Li, 2003).
Table 1 summarizes the results for single precision
PWLM and NPWLM. It is evident from Table 1 that
the NPWLM is a good choice to be used as a PTRNG.
The binary sequences generated by the NPWLM with
XOR applied as a post processing technique, pass the
all the tests except the FFT test.
Table 1: Summary of NIST results for TMS320C6416
based PWLM and NPWLM.
Type of Post Processing None XOR VN None XOR VN
Frequency Pass Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass
Block Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Pass
Cumulative Sums Pass Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass
Cumulative Sums Pass Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass
Runs Fail Fail Fail Pass Pass Pass
Longest Runs Pass Fail Fail Pass Pass Fail
Rank Fail Fail Fail Pass Pass Pass
FFT Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail Fail
Overlapping Fail Fail Fail Pass Pass Fail
Universal Fail Fail Fail Fail Pass Pass
Apen Fail Fail Fail Pass Pass Fail
Serial Fail Fail Fail Pass Pass Fail
Serial Fail Fail Fail Pass Pass Fail
Linear Complexity Pass Pass Fail Pass Pass Pass
Figure 3: Implementation setup of the TMS320C6416 de-
velopment kit.
The proposed system is implemented on fixed-point
TMS320C6416 DSP manufactured by Texas Instru-
ments Corporation (TI) (TexasInstruments, 2011).
The generation and synchronization code is writ-
ten in C language and compiled using Code Com-
poser Studio Workbench Software. The program
starts by generating the first 38 chaos bits using the
NPWLM and sending them without encryption. This
is followed by further chaotic generation and XORing
of the symbolic sequence with the digital data sam-
ples. Then the required data transmission of the en-
crypted packets is carried out. The receiver part of
the program receives the encrypted data and performs
synchronization bits by estimating the initial value us-
ing the backward iteration synchronization technique
to regenerate an exact copy of the chaotic symbolic
sequence generated at the transmitter. At this point
the encrypted data in the buffer can be decrypted to
retrieve the original message and play it with the kit
Real-Time Data Exchange (RTDX) is used
to provide real time, continuous visibility into
the way TRBG software application operate in
TMS320C6416. RTDX allows transfer the random
bits generated in the DSP to a host PC for testing.
On the host platform, an RTDX host library oper-
ates in conjunction with Code Composer Studio. In
RTDX an output channel should be configured within
NPWLM code which resides on the DSP kit. The
generated data from NPWLM is written to the out-
put channel. This data is immediately recorded into
a C6416 DSP buffer defined in the RTDX C6416 li-
brary. The data from this buffer is then sent to the
host PC through the JTAG interface. The RTDX host
library receives this data from the JTAG interface and
records it into either a memory buffer for testing pur-
Application of the backward iteration synchroniza-
tion method for linear chaotic nested maps was in-
troduced and implemented. Pseudo-true random bits
generated the PWLM, and NPWLM using double and
single precisions test bed (DSP chip) were tested. The
test results have shown that the bits generated by the
NPWLM with XOR applied as a post processing tech-
nique and using a single precision representation of
numbers, pass the maximum number (11 out of 12) of
tests for 1000 binary sequences each having a length
of 1000000 bits. The chaotic map was implemented
on TMS320C6416 DSP development kit. The ap-
plication of the backward iteration synchronization
method to nested maps required the estimate of the
initial condition from two concatenated maps as com-
pared to one for normal chaotic map. After extended
experimental tests, the results proved that a mini-
mum of 38 synchronization chaotic bits are needed
to achieve synchronization.
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PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems