thermore, view planning can reduce the number of
active steps needed to produce the final categorization
result. Finally, the overall computational complexity
of object categorization is significantly reduced by the
integration of various views so that we can hope to
see applications on rather slim computing platforms
like Nao in the near future. There certainly is an ex-
tremely high potential for this kind of hand-held, ac-
tive inspection of objects by a humanoid robot, in-
cluding human-robot interaction, home and service
robotics, edutainment, active inspection, and active
In terms of future, basic research in active ob-
ject categorization, this paper just touches a number
of interesting research issues. From a practical point
of view, more expensive humanoid robots may pro-
vide better grasping functionality so that the objects
might be grasped autonomously - avoiding the need
to hand them to the robot. This would also lead to a
wider variety of stable object poses, including the re-
quirement to treat many different view point hypothe-
ses, which cannot be done on a purely Bag of Words
based representation. In view planning, it might be
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tropy (as (Denzler and Brown, 2002) do), because this
could eliminate the need to mask out view points that
have already been visited before. With many object
categories and many pose hypotheses, view planning
might even be computationally unfeasible, so that one
might wish to resort to a random view selection strat-
egy to save overall computation time (see (de Croon
et al., 2009) for a comparative evaluation).
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