We tested the algorithm on a graphics interface rep-
resenting the reconfigurable instrument cluster of a
car: this includes lights, alert and warning indicators,
odometer, speed, RPM, gas and temperature gauges.
This model is a typical use case of safety-critical au-
tomotive user interface. This graphics interface is
shown in figure 2. In this model, every indicator can
be either “on” (coloured) or “off” (dark grey), further-
more, the red alert indicators can be scaled big and
shown transparent over the speed/RPM gauges (as an
emphasis for serious alerts). The odometer is made
up of individual led bars (coloured of black) and any
needle can rotate around its axis.
Figure 2: The car’s instrument cluster model.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
algorithm step (#)
performance (FPS)
Figure 3: Model optimization process.
The evolution of the pre-rendering algorithm is
shown in the graphics of the figure 3. The x-axis rep-
resents the steps of the algorithm and the y-axis repre-
sents the number of frame per seconds (FPS) that the
rasterization were able to achieve.
The cost function were here evaluated experi-
mentally on a 32-bits linux based system equiped
with a ATI Mobility Radeon graphics card and using
the “image” software rendering backend of the cairo
graphics library. Performances were evaluated on a
representative set of input values that may influence
the rendering performances of the model. The red
line represents the evolution of the best performances
of the model and the blue dots represent the perfor-
mances of the current candidate (red line is the “max”
of the blue dots).
We presented a theoretical framework for the mod-
elling of graphics interfaces. We illustrated the use-
fulness of this framework with a method for an au-
tomated optimization of graphics performances. This
method optimizes the rendering time of dynamic vec-
tor graphics by using a selective pre-rendering tech-
nique as evidences show that the systematic pre-
rendering is generally not optimal. Groups of vector
objects are thus replaced by equivalent bitmaps. This
method relies on a cost function of primitive rasteriza-
tion functions. This includes the cost of group opac-
ity and matrix positioning operations. The global cost
function can be evaluated on the fly during the min-
imization algorithm using a sequence of representa-
tive outputs. Experiments show the usefulness of our
approach on a concrete safety-critical automotive in-
strument cluster model. The optimization algorithm
benchmarks score a significant improvement of the
rendering performances.
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GRAPP 2011 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications