Table 2: Experimental results: Accuracy with which embedded data were read out.
HC →
5 7 10 15 20 25 5 7 10 15 20 25
white-ball 111111111111
globe-1 0.964 0.964 0.964 0.966 0.982 0.996 110.987 111
globe-2 0.996 0.996 1111111111
face-1 1 0.996 0.991 111111111
face-2 111111111111
white-ball 111111111111
globe-1 0.969 0.987 0.991 0.982 0.996 1111111
globe-2 111111111111
face-1 111111111111
face-2 111111111111
1-block method Majority method
Table 2 lists the overall results of experiments. In the
table "white-ball" means that a white hemisphere
was used as 3D object. In the same way, "globe-1"
means European-African hemisphere of a globe was
used, "globe-2" means Pacific-Ocean hemisphere of
a globe was used, "face-1" means cheek of a human-
face model was used and "face-2" means forehead of
a human-face model was used. The results of
evaluating accuracy for the white hemisphere had
100% under all conditions with DCT and WHT.
However, 100% accuracy was not achieved in
evaluating accuracy with the globe, especially in the
European-African hemisphere, where the 1-bit block
method was used with DCT and WHT. The decision
by using the majority method achieved an accuracy
of 100% excluding the HC=10 of DCT. The
European-African hemisphere has numerous black
lines and characters and these could disturb the
accuracy of reading out embedded data.
An accuracy of 100% for the evaluation of the
human-face model was obtained under all conditions
in the decision by the majority method. The 1- block
method achieved an accuracy of 100% excluding
part of the DCT. The surface of the human-face
model was painted white in this experiment, and the
reflectivity of the surface may have been
proportional to the brightness of the irradiated
optical watermarking.
We proposed the application of optical watermarking
to 3D objects, which can prevent real objects like
sculptures in museums from being illegally
photographed. We used methods of correcting
distortions in captured images caused by projecting
optical watermarking image onto the curved surface
of objects. We found that the embedded data were
read out with almost 100% accuracy when DCT and
WHT were used for embedding watermarking, after
distortions in the captured images had been
corrected. In this paper we used a projected grid
pattern to indicate the correct pixel block, prior to
the images for embedding watermarking being
captured. However, if the marker that appropriately
identifies pixel blocks is simultaneously embedded
into optical watermarking images, it can easily be
extracted with image processing. Therefore, we
demonstrated the feasibility of using optical
watermarking technique to protect real 3D objects
from being illegally captured which has been
difficult to accomplish with conventional
watermarking technology.
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IMAGAPP 2011 - International Conference on Imaging Theory and Applications