(a) (b) (c)
Figure 9: Results of quadtree virtual planes-based recon-
struction. They are after assembling the quadtree-based de-
composed registration layers (here, 47 layers). (a) maxi-
mum resolution (the decomposition block’s size is 1). For
(b) and (c) the size of the decomposition blocks are 8 and
16, respectively.
seen in this example, three quarters and two octants
are completely empty and just two octants are par-
tially occupied.
After repeating the operations for all 47 virtual
registration planes and assembling them together, the
result become the 3D reconstruction of the object.
Fig. 9 demonstrates the result of the 3D reconstruc-
tion. Fig. 9-a is the result when the maximum reso-
lution, or in other words blocks with the size equal to
one, has been used for each registration layer. Fig. 9-
b and Fig. 9-c are the results when the decomposition
blocks with the size of 8 and 16 have been used, re-
spectively. Depend to the application and the volume-
size of the scene, the resolution for the decomposi-
tion blocks and moreover, the horizontal resolution
(the distance between registration planes which is in-
dicated as △ h in the Algorithm 1), can be adjusted.
A multi-resolution 3D reconstruction using inertial-
visual data fusion has been proposed in this paper.
The proposed approach is based on obtaining the ho-
mography matrices among a set of virtual planes and
the image plane. An algorithm has been introduced
in order to perform the proposed 3D reconstruction
method and produces a set of quadtree data structure.
Depend to the application and the volume-size of the
scene, the resolution for the decomposition blocks can
be adjusted. Moreoverfor the same reason the vertical
distance among the virtual registration layers can be
increased or decreased in order to adjust the interest-
ing resolution. Finally, experimental results demon-
strate the efficacy of using the proposed method for
the sake of 3D volumetric reconstruction.
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