Sandra Skaff
, David Rouquet
, Emmanuel Dellandrea
, Achille Falaise
erie Bellynck
, Herv
e Blanchon
, Christian Boitet
, Didier Schwab
Liming Chen
, Alexandre Saidi
, Gabriela Csurka
and Luca Marchesotti
Xerox Research Centre Europe, Grenoble, France
Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble, Grenoble, France
Ecole Centrale de Lyon,
Ecully, France
Interface, Visualization.
This paper describes OMNIA, a system and interface for searching in multimodal image collections. OMNIA
includes a set of tools which allow the user to retrieve assets using different features. The tools are based on
extracting different types of asset features, which are content, aesthetic, and emotion. Visual-based features
are used to retrieve assets using each of these tools. In addition, text-based features can be used to retrieve
image assets based on content. Different datasets are used in OMNIA and retrieved assets are displayed in
such a way which facilitates user navigation. It is shown how OMNIA can be used for simple, efficient, and
intuitive asset search in the context of graphic design applications.
In the OMNIA project, we devise different steps nec-
essary to build a system for digital asset retrieval and
management to address the needs in marketing and
public relation applications. In enterprise marketing,
content creation is needed. Commercial applications
such as Corbis, Getty images and Reuters have started
to employ semi-automatic tools for asset manage-
ment. There has also been work on applying existing
information visualization techniques to browsing im-
age type assets (Yang et al., 2006). However, the fact
remains that digital assets are still difficult to mine,
manage, and use. The efforts of the OMNIA project
are focused on developing a prototype for digital as-
set management using cutting-edge technologies for
content-based image retrieval (Datta et al., 2008a). In
particular, one of our aims is to combine text annota-
tion techniques with digital asset analysis for content
The system proposed consists of different tools for
retrieval based on different types of asset analysis. On
one hand, digital assets are analyzed over a range of
features, namely, content, aesthetic, and emotion. On
another hand, the paper also proposes combining text-
based annotation techniques with such analysis. In
designing a search engine, it is important to provide
users with an interface which allows effective search,
user-friendly interaction, and efficient visualization.
These are characteristics of the OMNIA interface.
A graphic design scenario is used to demonstrate
the efficacy of OMNIA in retrieving relevant images.
The designer has a brochure template which needs
to be illustrated with images. These are selected us-
ing OMNIA to query by content first, before brows-
ing through and visualizing the images in one or two
dimensions by aesthetic and emotion features. Ad-
ditional functionalities which are not covered by the
given scenario are also shown.
The remainder of the article is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 is an overview of the state of the art
in image retrieval systems. Section 3 describes the
datasets incorporated into OMNIA. Section 4 details
the multi-modal search tools as well as their quantita-
tive evaluations where applicable. Section 5 givens an
overview of the OMNIA system, which includes the
tools and interface. The utility of OMNIA for fast and
user-friendly search as well as intuitive visualization
of search results is shown in the context of graphic de-
sign in Section 6. Finally, Section 7 summarizes the
Most image retrieval systems are based on textual
search such as Google images, or on manual annota-
Skaff S., Rouquet D., Dellandrea E., Falaise A., Bellynck V., Blanchon H., Boitet C., Schwab D., Chen L., Saidi A., Csurka G. and Marchesotti L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003322401640176
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Imaging Theory and Applications and International Conference on Information Visualization Theory
and Applications (IVAPP-2011), pages 164-176
ISBN: 978-989-8425-46-1
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tions search such as Getty images and Flickr in spite
of the fact that content-based image search systems
were proposed by researchers several decades ago.
The most common method for comparing two images
in content-based image retrieval, typically a query im-
age and a database image, is using an image similarity
measure based on the distance between image signa-
Early systems mainly used global image descrip-
tors based on color (Swain and Ballard, 1991; Tsu-
jimura and Bannai, 1996; Kasutani, 2007) or on color
combined with texture and shape (Flickner et al.,
1995). More recent systems extract local features
from image patches or segmented image regions and
use techniques based on feature matching (Chen and
Wang, 2002), build inverted files (Squire et al., 1999),
Bag-Of-Visual words (Csurka et al., 2004) or Fisher
Vectors (Perronnin et al., 2010).
These new representations paved the way for large
advances in both content-based image retrieval (Laak-
sonen et al., 2002; Sahbi et al., 2007; Jegou et al.,
2008; Chum et al., 2009) and in auto-annotation (Jeon
et al., 2003; Monay and Gatica-Perez, 2003; Barnard
et al., 2004; Li et al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2006;
Guillaumin et al., 2009) applications. As images are
often accompanied by text and metadata, much re-
search work focuses also on information fusion and
multi-modal retrieval systems. Comparisons between
different retrieval systems such as visual-based and
text-based have been performed for different types
of images such as photo and medical in the Image-
Clef Evaluation Forum (
In (M
uller et al., 2010) there are numerous articles
presenting results of several years of competition.
The proposed systems range from simple, early and
late fusion strategies to more complex cross-media
similarity measures (Ah-Pine et al., 2010).
On another hand, new methods were proposed
which incorporate aesthetics and emotion to annotate
images (Datta et al., 2006; Jacobsen et al., 2006; Datta
et al., 2008b; Fedorovskaya et al., 2008; Loui et al.,
2008; Davis and Lazebnik, 2008) using learning tech-
niques. Aesthetic and emotion concepts are highly
subjective and difficult to learn as shown in these
methods. Unlike these approaches, our system does
not tag an image with a specific concept but assigns
a score to an image for each of the concepts. In this
respect, our system provides the flexibility to search
by different combinations of these concepts without
the need for high accuracy in aesthetic or emotional
categorization, as compared with most systems cited
above. In addition, our system does not need to com-
bine scores pertaining to different aspects, content,
aesthetic, emotion, into a single value for an image
such as in (Loui et al., 2008).
Another advantage of our user interface is that it
facilitates not only a creative asset navigation, but also
visual content creation by allowing a combined visu-
alization of the working draft with different selected
images. Such a visualization is shown in the user sce-
nario in Section 6. The system proposed in this paper
can incorporate any of the methods mentioned above,
including ones based on keyword search. Finally, our
system as described in Section 4, can annotate images
based on analysis of multilingual text as well.
The digital assets used in OMNIA are obtained from
three databases: MIRFLICKR, BELGANews, and
Color Palettes.
Mirflickr. The Mirflickr collection consists of
25,000 photos obtained from Flickr with creative
commons license. For more detail, the reader is re-
ferred to (
BelgaNews. The Belga news collection consists of
500,000 images and English companion texts (about
50 words) obtained from Belga, a Belgian press
agency. For more detail, the reader is referred to
Color Palettes. This database consists of 25,000
color palettes extracted from the Mirflickr images.
These palettes are extracted using K-means cluster-
ing. The mean of each cluster is represented by one
color of the palette. In our work, we assume that
K = 5, thus extracting palettes with five colors from
each image. The color palettes are annotated with the
same content the images they are extracted from are
annotated with.
The OMNIA framework consists of a set of tools
which allow the user to search and organize digi-
tal assets according to their preference in three main
dimensions. These tools are based on three types
of analysis: content, aesthetic and emotion. While
the emotion and aesthetic analysis are solely visual-
based, the content analysis performed is either visual-
based or text-based.
4.1 Semantic Content Analysis
The first tool our system makes available to the user,
is a search by content. In other words, the user can
type in “flower”, and visualize all the flower images.
This search by content is based on tagging the images
with one of two techniques. The first one is visual-
based, whereby the content of the image is inferred
from visual features of the image. The second one
is text-based, whereby the content of the image is in-
ferred from text surrounding the image. The two tech-
niques are described below.
4.1.1 Visual-based
One of the most popular approaches to image clas-
sification to date has been to describe images with a
Bag-Of-Visual-words (BOV) histograms and to clas-
sify them using non-linear Support Vector Machines
(SVMs) (Csurka et al., 2004). While several vari-
ants and extensions were proposed to the original ap-
proach, the main schema of the whole system remains
often the same. The mains steps of the classification
algorithm, referred to as the Generic Visual Catego-
rization (GVC) algorithm, are:
Detecting patches by interest point detectors, low
level image segmentation, or sampling patches on
regular grid at single or multiple scales.
Extracting low level features on these patches.
Building a visual dictionary using Kmeans, Mean
Shift, Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) or Ran-
dom Forest.
Obtaining a high-level image representation using
BOV, Fisher Vectors or image GMMs.
Employing learning and classification techniques
such as Naive Bayes, SVMs or sparse logistic re-
In our exemplary implementation, we used
the training data and the 53 concepts organized
into an ontological hierarchy of the ImageClef09
Large Scale Detection and Photo Annotation Task
Therefore, we reproduced the system described in
(Ah-Pine et al., 2009) as follows. We sample patches
on regular grid at multiple scales and compute local
color statistics (COL) and orientation histograms
(ORH). We then build a GMM based visual vocabu-
lary on COL and one on ORH features. We use the
Fisher Vectors proposed in (Perronnin and Dance,
2007) as high level features and train a non-linear
classifier per concept using sparse logistic regression.
Finally, the COL and ORH scores obtained for
each image from the GVC algorithm described
above are averaged and converted to probabilities
before post-processing them to verify the ontological
While the original GVC (Csurka et al., 2004) or
any other extension of it as in (Zhang et al., 2007;
Tahir et al., 2009) can be employed in the OMNIA
system, we chose to use the algorithm of (Ah-Pine
et al., 2009) for the following reason. This algorithm
had the best scores according to the Hierarchical Mea-
sure (HM) which considers the relationships between
concepts and the agreement of annotators on con-
cepts (Nowak and Lukashevich, 2010). We consider
that this measure is more suitable to evaluate auto-
annotation as it scores simultaneously all concepts.
Furthermore, the algorithm (van de Sande et al., 2009)
which scored the best on Equal Error Rate (EER) and
the Area under Curve (AUC) measures at the chal-
lenge is more complex than the above system.
Our system used the same 5,000 images to train
the classifier, but it annotated all 25,000 images of
the Mirflickr collection. The latter includes the 5,000
images but with different names.
4.1.2 Multilingual Text Analysis
In order to process both image companion text and
user free text queries, content extraction based on
multilingual text is required. A survey of such tech-
niques can be found in (Rouquet et al., 2010). We
describe the approach incorporated into the proposed
system briefly in what follows as the reader can find
more details in (Falaise et al., 2010). The aim is to
build formal descriptors or queries to be used in the
system. Multilingual content extraction does not im-
ply translation. It has been shown in (Daoud, 2006)
that annotating words or chunks with interlingual lex-
emes is a valid approach to initiate content extrac-
tion. We thus skip syntactical analysis, which is an ex-
pensive and low quality process, and obtain language
independent data early in our flow, allowing further
processing to be language independent. We use the
lightweight ontology for image classification as the
formal knowledge representation that determines rel-
evant information to extract. This ontology is consid-
ered as a domain parameter for the content extractor.
The general architecture may be summarized as
Texts, including companions and queries, are first
lemmatised with a language-dependent piece of
software. Ambiguities are preserved in a Q-graph
Then, the lemmatised texts are annotated with in-
terlingual (ideally unambiguous) lexemes, namely
Universal Words (UW). This adds a lot of ambi-
IVAPP 2011 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
guities to the structure, as an actual lemma may
refer to several semantically different lexemes.
The possible meanings for lemmas are then
weighted in the Q-graph through a disambigua-
tion process.
Finally, relevant conceptual information is ex-
tracted using an alignment between a domain on-
tology and the interlingual lexemes.
In the case of OMNIA, conceptual information ex-
tracted from companion texts is stored in a database,
while conceptual information extracted from user
queries are transformed into formal queries for the
database (such as SQL and SPARQL).
The implementation follows a Service Oriented
Architecture. Each part of the process corresponds
to a service. A service supervisor has been built as
an interface with the OMNIA prototype to deal with
heterogeneity and address normalization issues (e.g.
line-breaks, encoding, identification, cookies, page
forwarding, etc.). This architecture is able to process
multiple tasks concurrently, allowing to deal with user
queries in real time while processing companion texts
in the background.
The Universal Network Language (UNL) (Boitet
et al., 2009; Uchida Hiroshi et al., 2009) is a pivot
language that represents the meaning of a sentence
with a semantic abstract structure (a hyper-graph) of
an equivalent English sentence. We use UNL vocab-
ulary, UniversalWords (UW), as interlingual lexemes
to annotate chunks of texts. Thus, further treatment
is not language dependent. To add a new language to
the system, we only need to link it to the set of UW;
otherwise we would have to link it with all other lan-
guages in the system. A UW consists of:
1. a headword, if possible derived from English,
which is a label for the concepts it represents in
its original language;
2. a list of restrictions, which aims to precisely spec-
ify the concept the UW refers to. Restrictions are
semantic relations with other UW. The most used
is the “icl” relation which points to a more general
Examples of such UW are book(icl>do, agt>human,
obj>thing) and book(icl>thing). They ideally refer
unambiguously to a concept, shared among several
languages, and form a pre-ontological structure. We
mainly use the 207k UW built by the U++ Consor-
tium (Jesus Cardeosa et al., 2009) from the synsets
of the Princeton WordNet, which are linked to natural
languages via bilingual dictionaries.
The Q-Systems (Colmerauer, 1970) are the for-
malism we use to represent ambiguities which can oc-
cur in a text interpretation. They represent texts in an
adequate graph structure decorated with bracketed ex-
pressions (trees) and, moreover, allow processing on
this structure via graph rewriting rules (a set of such
rewriting rules is a so called Q-System). An example
of this formalism is given in Figure 1. It presents suc-
cessively : the code representing a Q-graph, a rewrit-
ing rule and a graphical view of the Q-graph obtained
after the application of a set of rules that add UW to
the edges.
Figure 1: Creation and execution of a Q-System.
The annotation process is composed by the fol-
lowing steps:
1. split of the text in fragments if too long;
2. lemmatisation with a specialized software;
3. transcription in Q-graphs;
4. creation and execution of local bilingual dictio-
naries (source language - UW) as Q-systems;
5. disambiguation to score the likelihood of each
When texts are represented as Q-graphs decorated
with weighted UW, we can start content extraction.
The content extraction process is generic in two
aspects :
It is language independent, as it processes an in-
terlingual representation of the texts.
The content to be extracted can be specified using
a domain ontology as a parameter.
In the OMNIA project, the lightweight ontology for
image classification (
ontology/OMNIA/OMNIA current.owl) contains
732 concepts; examples are “animals”, “politics”,
“religion”, “army”, “sports”, “monuments”, “trans-
ports”, “games”, and “entertainment”. Note that
the term concept here is used to refer to content.
As the content extractor processes only UW anno-
tations, it is necessary to link ontology elements
to the UW lexicon (Rouquet and Nguyen, 2009).
This process is automatic so any OWL ontology
( can be used to
improve performances on specific data collections.
Content extraction (relations are not considered yet)
is achieved through a three step process:
1. Concept Matching. Each UW in the Q-Graph,
which matches a concept according to the UW-
concept map, is labeled with this concept.
2. Confidence Calculation. Each concept label is
given a confidence score, in accordance with the
disambiguation score of the UW carrying the con-
3. Score Propagation. Since we need autonomous
results, we have to perform all ontology-based
calculations before releasing them. The confi-
dence scores are propagated in the ontology con-
cept hierarchy according to a fuzzy model. UW
restrictions are used if no concept has been found
during annotation.
Quantitative Results. Experiments are run on a
sub-corpus of 1046 English companion texts from
the BelgaNews dataset with the 732 concepts OM-
NIA ontology. Concepts are retrieved from 77% of
texts. The remaining texts are very short: less than ten
words with often only dates or names. For example,
for the image and companion text shown in Figure 2,
we show the concepts extracted and their weights in
Table 1.
Figure 2: Image document and companion text example.
We ran a preliminary survey to evaluate the pre-
cision of the concept extraction on a sample of 30
images and accompanying texts. Weights were not
taken into account in the survey. An extracted concept
is considered to match the image and accompanying
text under one of two criteria:
1. Visual relevance, which considers a concept as
correct if it is represented by an element of the
image; for instance, it is regarded that there is a
Table 1: The concepts and their corresponding weights ex-
tracted from Figure 2.
HOUSE 0.043
PEOPLE 0.142
PERSON 0.038
WOMAN 0.005
match for the concept “sport” if an image contains
a minister of sports even if he/she is not actually
performing any sport.
2. Textual relevance, which considers a concept as
correct if it is included in the text, as parts of the
text may involve concepts that are not portrayed
by the image, such as contextual information, pre-
vious events, and so on.
While no concept was found for seven of the image
and text samples, 124 concepts were extracted from
23 samples. Of the extracted concepts, 99 matched
the sample according to the visual relevance criterion,
while 110 matched the sample according to the tex-
tual relevance criterion. 14 concepts were incorrect.
Therefore the overall precision score is 0.798 accord-
ing to the visual relevance and 0.887 according to the
textual relevance.
4.2 Aesthetic Analysis
A second search tool which can be used in OMNIA
is based on aesthetic image analysis. Given one type
of images as retrieved in a content search, a user can
then organize (cluster using K-means, for example)
these images by low level aesthetic feature of his/her
choice. The system includes the features listed below:
Brightness refers to the luminance of an image. It
is the average of the brightness values of all the
pixels in an image.
Contrast refers to the efficient use of the dynamic
Saturation refers to the vividness of colored ob-
jects in an image.
The blur of an image is a form of bandwidth re-
duction typically caused by relative motion be-
tween the camera and the original scene or by an
optical system which is out of focus.
Hue refers to the first characteristic of a color that
the eye detects.
IVAPP 2011 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
Image dimension refers to the number of pixels in
an image.
Color, red, green, or blue, refers to the overall
color of an image.
As we will see in Section 6, these features have
the role of effectively organizing and representing vi-
sually the content of a search space, hence making the
search easier and more user-friendly. While, grouping
by colors or hue is not new, our system allows for a
larger choice of such features and also for combining
them. For example, the clustering or grouping of im-
ages can be performed in a multidimensional space.
4.3 Emotion Analysis
The third tool which can be used for search in OM-
NIA is based on the emotion properties of an image.
This information is particularly interesting when re-
trieving images and selecting them according to the
effect that they can produce on the viewer, which is
typically the case for a graphic designer searching for
images as described in Section 6.
Identifying the emotion communicated by an im-
age is still an open problem and even though it is gain-
ing more interest in the research community, contribu-
tions remain relatively rare (Wang and Wang, 2005;
Wang and He, 2008). To summarize, the three main
issues which need to be addressed are the following:
emotion representation, image features used to repre-
sent emotions and classification schemes designed to
handle the distinctive characteristics of emotions. As
in any computer vision problems, the main difficulty
remains in bridging the gap between low-level fea-
tures extracted from images and high level semantic
concepts, which are emotions in this case.
Several models for the representation of emotions
have been considered in the literature (Dunker et al.,
2009), and the two main approaches are the discrete
one and the dimensional one. The first model con-
sists in considering adjectives or nouns to specify
the emotions, such as “happiness”, “sadness”, “fear”,
“anger”, “disgust” and “surprise”. The second model
describes emotions according to one or more dimen-
sions representing a special emotion characteristic,
such as valence, arousal or control. Here we propose
to use the second model since it is more suitable to
image search for graphic design. Indeed, once images
have been retrieved for a given query, a refinement can
be performed according to their valence and/or their
arousal properties.
Image feature extraction is a key issue for con-
cept recognition in images, and particularly emotions.
Features should therefore be designed to carry suffi-
cient information for such recognition to be possible.
In this work we have chosen to make use of standard
features characterizing the color, texture and shape
properties of images. These features include moments
of colors, histograms of colors, color correlograms,
coocurrence matrices, tamura features (Tamura et al.,
1978) and histograms of line orientations. Moreover,
two higher level semantic features linked to the affec-
tive properties of images are considered: a measure of
the image color harmony related to the valence, and a
measure of the dynamism related to the arousal (Del-
ea et al., 2010).
The color harmony feature is computed based on
Itten’s color theory (Itten, 1961) which states that vi-
sual harmony can be obtained by combining hues and
saturations so that an effect of stability on the human
eye can be produced. This harmony can be repre-
sented through the Itten sphere where, in case of har-
mony, color positions are connected through regular
polygons. Thus, to compute the the harmony feature,
dominant colors are identified in images and plot-
ted on the color sphere. Then, the polygons linking
these colors are characterized by values as follows.
A value close to one corresponds to a regular poly-
gon whose center is close to the sphere center which
characterizes a harmonious image, and a value close
to zero corresponds to an irregular polygon charac-
terizing a non harmonious image. The dynamism
feature is computed from the line properties in im-
ages. Oblique lines communicate dynamism and ac-
tion whereas horizontal or vertical lines communicate
calmness and relaxation (Columbo et al., 1999). This
can be combined with colors in order to produce com-
plex effects suggesting particular feelings or emotions
to the viewer. Thus, the dynamism feature is taken to
be the ratio of the number of oblique lines in an image
to the total number of lines.
An approach for classification of images accord-
ing to their affective properties based on the theory
of evidence (Smets, 1990) has been proposed in (Del-
ea et al., 2010) as an attempt to deal with the
ambiguous and subjective nature of emotions. How-
ever, this approach requires a discrete representation
of emotions, such as “anger”, “sadness”, and “happi-
ness”. As the idea in this paper is to aid in a creative
user, namely a graphic designer, in image search, we
do not necessarily need to tag images with specific
emotions, but to display them in a way which facil-
itates the search. Therefore a dimensional approach
would be more appropriate. We perform the pre-
diction of the emotion properties of images in terms
of valence and arousal given two traditional SVMs:
SVM valence and SVM arousal. Thus, each of these
SVMs is fed with the features described earlier and
outputs one value directly representing the valence
through SVM valence and a second value represent-
ing the arousal through SVM arousal. For example,
a negative value given by SVM valence indicates that
the image communicates a negative feeling, whereas a
positive value indicates that the image communicates
a positive feeling. Moreover, a negative value given
by SVM arousal indicates that the image communi-
cates a passive feeling, whereas a positive value indi-
cates that the image communicates an active feeling.
In both cases, values close to 0 correspond to neutral
Quantitative Results. This approach has been eval-
uated on a subset of the Mirflickr dataset contain-
ing 2000 images. In order to obtain the ground truth
related to the emotions communicated by these im-
ages, we organized an annotation campaign within
the OMNIA project. A total of 20 people have been
asked to annotate a subset of this dataset by assign-
ing a score for valence and a score for arousal ranging
from -10 (very negative/passive) to +10 (very posi-
tive/active) to each image. On average, each image
was annotated seven times. 80% of the annotated data
have been used for training the SVMs (SVM valence
and SVM arousal) and the remaining 20% for test-
ing them. Several configurations of these SVMs have
been experimented with and the best results were
attained using a Gaussian kernel as follows. For
SVM valence which is predicting the level of valence,
a classification accuracy of 73.3% has been obtained
with recall and precision rates of 79.6% and 70.0% re-
spectively for the positive class, and 67.4% and 77.5%
respectively for the negative class. For SVM arousal
which is predicting the level of arousal, a classifica-
tion accuracy of 71.9% has been obtained with recall
and precision rates of 81.0% and 69.1% respectively
for the active class, and 62.5% and 76.1% respectively
for the passive class. We consider these results to be
good given the fact that emotion recognition is a dif-
ficult task even for humans. The results can also be
improved and one direction we envisage is enriching
the feature set used to represent images by computing
higher-level semantic features based on the Gestalt
theory of visual perception (Desolneux et al., 2004).
The searching tools as described in the previous sec-
tion are the core of the OMNIA system. These tools
are accessible through the user interface which was
designed to facilitate user interaction with the system.
This is done through a Web Interface that also pro-
vides different ways of visualizing the results as we
will show through examples in Section 6.
Through this interface, the user can provide three
different query modes: free-text, image, or a color
palette. For the free-text mode, the user can type in
a content name and retrieve images or color palettes
tagged with that content. In addition, the user can se-
lect an image and retrieve images or color palettes of
the same color combination as the query image. The
user can retrieve the same assets in the case of select-
ing a color palette.
The system offers different types of visualization
of results depending on user needs and queries. Fol-
lowing a content search by free-text, a user can ar-
range image results in one or two dimensions depend-
ing on the number of features he/she selects using
the aesthetic and/or emotion tools. Further details
through examples are given in Section 6.
In this section we demonstrate the use of the OM-
NIA system through showing its different function-
alities which can be used in the application of graphic
design. We start by going through a scenario which
is centered around a graphic designer editing a typi-
cal design product such as a brochure. We then show
additional functionalities of OMNIA which were not
covered in the scenario illustrated.
6.1 Graphic Design Scenario
We assume that the graphic designer needs to final-
ize a given brochure by illustrating it with appropriate
images. The empty brochure as well as the illustrated
one are shown in Figure 3.
In this case, images need to have a pertinent con-
tent as well as a “look and feel” which goes well with
the rest of the brochure. Typically, a designer would
mine existing image repositories to select appropriate
images. Examples of search engines which may be
used are Getty images, Google images, Corbis and/or
a proprietary dataset. We show how the OMNIA sys-
tem can be used to perform the image search to select
images iteratively and illustrate the brochure shown
in Figure 3.
Firstly, the search space is presented unordered to
the user. Then the user creates a content search space
through a textual query such as “summer”. The im-
ages are presented in a compact visualization allow-
ing up to 350 thumbnails on the same page as shown
in Figure 4.
IVAPP 2011 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
Figure 3: (a) The brochure which needs to be illustrated. (b)
The brochure after illustration with images obtained using
Figure 4: Images retrieved with the query “summer”.
To refine the query, the user can select one or sev-
eral of the aesthetic and emotion features to visual-
ize the grouped images in the space. For example,
if the designer selects “contrast” and the red color,
the system clusters the images in two dimensions into
a predefined number of clusters. Our current imple-
mentation of the interface includes three clusters in
each dimension and for each corresponding axis. The
ranges of values of the axes are taken to be those
of the features computed for the images considered.
Figure 5 shows an example where the clusters are or-
dered by the red color on the vertical axis and by the
level of contrast on the horizontal axis to enforce a
visual coherence. Alternatively, for a quicker group-
ing and better visualization, especially in the case of
more than two features, the system can incorporate
the functionality of splitting the space into NxM di-
mensions and placing the images accordingly.
Figure 5: The “summer” images grouped and ordered by
“contrast” on the horizontal axis and their red color on the
vertical axis.
Then the user can click on one of these groups and
hence restrain the search space by the images of that
group. Figure 6 shows the images visualized in the
case the ones with the highest levels of red color and
contrast which are in the top left cluster of Figure 5.
Note that the displaying of images in Figure 6 does
not correspond to a visual coherence.
Figure 6: The “summer” images of the top left cluster of
Figure 5.
When the user is interested in a specific image,
he can visualize it in a higher resolution with a set
of extra information as illustrated in Figure 7. This
information can be the metadata which includes the
image ID, aesthetic feature values such as average
brightness or blur, and the color palette, which rep-
resents the main colors in the image. The system
additionally shows the nearest neighbor images ob-
tained based on the closeness in distance of the color
palettes extracted from the images (as described in
Section 3). More detail on computing distances be-
tween color palettes is given in Section 6.2. An
Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm which es-
timates the parameters of a GMM over the pixel rep-
resentations has also been investigated (Csurka et al.,
2010). Note that other features such as Fisher Vector
representations of images can also be used to obtain
the nearest neighbor images. The selected image is
Figure 7: The selected image visualized in high resolution
with pertinent information and its nearest neighbors.
automatically saved in the light-box which is shown
at the bottom of the interface and which contains pre-
viously selected images saved at earlier stages. The
images in the light-box are potential candidates for
completing the brochure, but the light-box can also
contain images which the user selected for later us-
For graphic designers, the “color feel” of the im-
age is often important. He/she might be also inter-
ested in finding a set of colors which fits well with
the image. The OMNIA system hence allows the user
to visualize the nearest neighbors of the image color
palette as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8: The selected image visualized with the its nearest
neighbor color palettes.
Then after selecting a palette, he/she can further
visualize the images which have their color palettes
similar to the one selected (Figure 9). Note that simi-
larly the selected palette is placed in the light-box and
hence can be further used for either querying or for
designing a new brochure.
An important feature of the OMNIA interface is
that it allows the user to visualize at any time the se-
lected images in the light-box concurrently with the
draft of the brochure. He/she can then easily place
Figure 9: The selected color palettes visualized with the
images which have similar color palettes.
images on the previewed document and resize them
to verifying compatibility and obtain a feeling of the
whole brochure as illustrated in Figure 10.
Figure 10: The working brochure previewed with the im-
ages selected in the light-box.
6.2 Additional Functionalities
There are additional functionalities of the OMNIA in-
terface which are not covered in the scenario illus-
trated in Section 6.1.
Search by Text-based Signatures. The content-
based search performed in Section 6.1 used images
annotated by their visual features. However, in most
databases, images are accompanied with text. De-
signers can query in this case using one or several key-
words. The system then searches a structured body of
text such as a sentence, a caption, or an article. The
OMNIA system builds text signatures for all the im-
ages using the Universal Words (UW) as described in
Section 4.1.2 and hence allowing to query those im-
ages in a language other than that of the original text.
In contrast to typical tag- or text-based searches, texts
are indexed using a predefined image ontology and
for each concept in the ontology a concept score is
computed (see details in Section 4.1.2). We show in
Figure 11 images retrieved by the concept scores for
Similar to Section 6.1, we can again group these
images by aesthetic features to further restrain the
IVAPP 2011 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
Figure 11: Images retrieved with the query “sport” using
concept scores computed on the text accompanying the im-
search space. In addition, when an image is selected,
the system also displays its nearest neighbors (Fig-
ure 12).
Figure 12: The selected image visualized in high resolution
with its metadata and its nearest neighbors. The accompa-
nying text is also visualized.
Figure 13: “Summer” images grouped by their emotion va-
lence score.
Finally, note that visual and textual scores can be
easily combined with score averaging after appropri-
ate normalization which ensures that all the scores are
between 0 and 1.
Ordering or Grouping by Image Emotion. As
mentioned earlier, emotion is highly subjective and
it is difficult to categorize images according to a few
predefined categories such as “happy”, “angry” or
Figure 14: Retrieved “sky” color palettes.
Figure 15: Selecting a palette and visualizing its nearest
neighbor (a) palettes and (b) images.
“boring”. Therefore a model which allows for rep-
resenting emotions in two dimensions, valence and
arousal, is used (see Section 4.3). Hence we obtain a
a valence and an arousal score for each image. These
scores are used in a similar way as the values of the
aesthetic features, and hence images are reordered
and clustered according to these scores. Figure 13
shows the “summer” images of Figure 4 grouped and
ordered by their valence score. The clusters are or-
dered from the highest, or most positive, scores to-
wards their lowest, or most negative, scores.
Browsing by Color Palettes. The OMNIA inter-
face allows users to browse through color palettes.
The idea is that given a query, instead of visualizing
the images the system visualizes palettes labeled with
the concept given by the query. Figure 14 shows such
an example where “sky” color palettes were retrieved.
As in the case of images, similar techniques, in-
cluding ordering and grouping by aesthetic and emo-
tion values, can be applied to palettes. When a palette
is selected we can visualize pertinent information,
which includes the RGB and hexadecimal represen-
tations of its colors, as well as its nearest neighbors as
shown in Figure 15(a). We can also visualize images
which have the most similar palettes as the selected
one as shown in Figure 15(b). Similarity is assessed
based on the closeness in Euclidean distance between
the Lab color representations of the colors in the two
Selecting a Background Color for an Image. Fi-
nally, a graphic designer can set the different colors
of a selected palette as backgrounds of a particular
image. This functionality aids the designer in select-
ing a background color which fits a selected image as
shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16: A sky image with the (a) second and (b) fifth
color of the palette set as a background.
This paper described OMNIA, a system and inter-
face for searching in multimodal image collections.
The different tools OMNIA includes are based on ex-
tracting different types of asset features, which are
content, aesthetic, and emotion. It was shown how
visual-based features are used to classify assets by
content and by emotion. In addition, these features
can be used to rank images by different aesthetic con-
cepts. It was then shown how text-based features are
used to classify images by content. In addition, text-
based features can be combined with visual-based
features to achieve better classification. The paper
also described the OMNIA system which includes the
tools and interface. Finally, the utility of OMNIA in
simple, efficient and intuitive search is demonstrated
through different applications in graphic design. In
the future, we plan on conducting user studies to show
the impact of OMNIA on the everyday life of graphic
This work was supported by the Agence Nationale de
la Recherche through the OMNIA project (ANR-07-
MDCO- 009-02).
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