robust to the occlusions. This feature is better ex-
plained by figure 5 where there are displayed different
frames of the same sequence. The colored spheres on
the top of the two subjects are the marks of kalman
trackers, note how the correspondence between clus-
ter and its kalmans is always mantained. The tracking
data can be useful also for increasing the realism of
the simulation, for example with a real time adjust-
ment of the position of the virtual objects. A simi-
lar solution was firstly described in (Bartczak et al.,
2008) but suffers of some limitations: it need an of-
fline computation of the background model and it can
discriminate only one subject at time.
In accordance with the description of section 3 our
approach appears to be more general. We do not need
any preprocessing operation except for the calibration
and all the steps of segmentation are executed in real-
time without any information on the background and
with heterogeneus types of illumination.
We have presented a new approach to multiple sub-
jects segmentation and tracking, that exploits the in-
trinsic characteristics of the intensity and distance sig-
nals generated by modulated-light TOF. Our method
is able to reduce the effect of noise introduced by sun
light interferences, through a flexible intensity thresh-
olding and the mathematical morphology.
The experimental results show that the proposed
approach can be used in multimedia applications, like
mixed reality.
The performance tests prove that the system is
computationally efficient and can reach real-time exe-
cution also with low level computers. A future paral-
lel implementation of the most power intensity parts
of the system, like mathematical morphology, can fur-
ther increase the performances.
Other improvements include data fusion of color
and TOF cameras for a more robust segmentation.
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Technical report, http://www.inf.fu-berlin.de/inst/ag-
CAMERA - A New Approach for Real-time Multimedia Applications with 3D Camera Sensor