data size is higher than the other strategies.
Table 3: RMSE – Lossy compression.
Strat. 1 Strat. 2 Strat.3 Strat. 4
0,05 30,28 35,80 27,99 28,22
0,10 25,33 27,52 22,83 23,03
0,15 21,89 22,82 19,73 19,95
0,25 17,67 17,47 15,05 15,26
1,00 7,54 6,72 5,98 6,03
2,00 4,04 3,39 3,02 3,07
3,00 2,58 2,09 1,88 1,91
4,00 1,88 1,49 1,38 1,40
Regarding the strategy 2, each tile is treated like
an isolated image, causing a lower image quality and
block effect. This block effect appears when a low
compression ratio is used (for example 0.05 bpp).
Table 3 also shows that strategy 1 is better than
strategy 2 for lower values of bpp, but it is worst for
higher values of bpp. This is due to the fact that
strategy 2 suffers from a smaller block effect as bpp
is increased.
As a result, we can conclude that the proposed
scheme results in the best performance providing
similar lossy compression rates than strategy 3,
although it does not provide visual artifacts.
In this paper, we have proposed a new compression
scheme for terrain data to be used in remote terrain
visualization systems, performing a comparative
study with other three different strategies that can be
used in terrain visualization applications.
The performance evaluation results show that the
proposed scheme:
Reuses previous information transmitted,
reducing the data to be transmitted.
It obtains a good compress ratio and visual
It can reconstruct terrain regions in an
independent way, avoiding visual artifacts in
the borders of these regions.
It suits the tiled pyramid usually used to
organize terrain data.
Meanwhile, strategy 1 does not reuse previous
information transmitted, so it needs to transmit more
data than the other strategies. Strategy 2 obtains a
lower compress ratio and visual quality than the
other strategies, and strategy 3 produces visual
artifacts at the region borders when these regions are
reconstructed in an independent way.
These results show that the proposal scheme can
significantly improve the performance of remote
terrain visualization systems.
This work has been jointly supported by the Spanish
MICINN and the European Commission FEDER
funds under grants Consolider-Ingenio 2010
CSD2006-00046 and TIN2009-14475-C04-04.
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