Figure 5: The dependance of the computation accuracy to
the distance between camera and chessboard pad (1 unit
equals the size of the chessboard square side).
80ms. The average time of the processing during the
tracking phase was 16 miliseconds which corresponds
to more than 60 frames per second. This period in-
cludes all steps of frame processing, including the
querying for the frame image, camera prediction and
Processing times were measured on the notebook
having Core 2 Duo processor and 2 GB of RAM.
The approach for the automatic camera localization
and tracking using the chessboard pattern has been
presented. The described approach has been designed
to perform in real-time so it can be used in various
tasks such as augmented reality, user interfaces (the
camera or a small chessboard plane can be used as
a 6 DOF device), 3D scene reconstruction or in com-
bination with object scanner.
The chessboard reconstruction algorithm is rather
original and performs well with the occluded or in-
complete chessboard plane. Nevertheless, the pos-
sibilty of the line skip alias in the tracking phase is
the weak part of the process and could be improved
in future work. This skip is usually caused by quick
camera movements, so increasing the framerate of the
camera could reduce the risk of failure.
This work has been supported by Security-Oriented
Research in Informational Technology, Czech Min-
istry of Education, Youth and Sports, CEZMSMT
MSM0021630528, Recognition and presentation of
multimedia data, Faculty of Information Technology,
Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic, FIT-
S-10-2, EU project FP7-ARTEMIS R3-COP, grant
no. 100233 and the company 3Dim Laboratory Ltd.
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VISAPP 2011 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications