Barathram Ramkumar and Tamal Bose
Wireless@VT, Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, U.S.A.
Multiuser automatic modulation classifier (MAMC), Cumulants, MIMO blind equalizer.
A multiuser automatic modulation classifier (MAMC) is an important component of a multiantenna cogni-
tive radio (CR) receiver that helps the radio to better utilize the spectrum. MAMC identifies the modulation
schemes of multiple users in a frequency band simultaneously. A multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) blind
equalizer is another important component of a multiantenna CR receiver that improves symbol detection per-
formance by reducing inter symbol interference (ISI) and inter user interference (IUI). In a CR scenario, it
is preferable to also consider the performance of the automatic modulation classifier (AMC) while designing
the blind equalizer. In this paper we propose a MIMO blind equalizer that improves the performance of both
multiuser symbol detection and cumulant based MAMC.
Cognitive radio (CR), introduced by Mitola (Haykin,
2005), is an emerging technology that has a wide
range of military and civilian applications. For a
CR operating military and public safety applications,
there is no information available to the radio about
signals present in the frequency band. AMC is a sig-
nal processing component that helps the CR identify
the modulation format employed in the detected sig-
nal. Most of the AMC algorithms in the literature
can classify only a single user present in a frequency
band. The authors of this paper recently proposed
a fourth order cumulant based MAMC in (Ramku-
mar and Bose, 2010b). The MAMC proposed in
(Ramkumar and Bose, 2010b) requires multiple re-
ceiving antennas. The MAMC was developed for
a more realistic multipath channel and no assump-
tion about the transmission powers of the user was
made. With multiple transmitting users and multiple
receiving antennas, the overall setup can be viewed
as a classical multiple input multiple output (MIMO)
communication system and is depicted in Figure 1.
Thus by using multiple receiving antennas apart from
classifying signals from multiple users, the CR re-
ceiver can harness the benefits offered by traditional
MIMO schemes. A novel blind MIMO channel es-
timation scheme is also proposed (Ramkumar and
Bose, 2010b) which forms a integral part of the pro-
posed multiuser AMC (refer to the block diagram of
the MAMC in Figure 2).
Due to the presence of multiple signals in a fre-
quency band, any transmitted signal is subjected to
inter userinterference (IUI). Also, the transmitted sig-
nals are subjected to inter symbol interference (ISI)
due to multipath fading. Since there is no training
sequence available in a CR scenario, MIMO blind
equalizers are used to remove IUI and ISI. Both sec-
ond order statistics (SOS) and higher order statistics
(HOS) of the received signal are required to acheieve
MIMO blind equalization. Since HOS are used,
MIMO blind equalizers have the potential to converge
to a local minimum. Convergence of MIMO blind
equalizer to local minimum not only affects symbol
detection performance but also the performance of
the MAMC. Typically, blind equalizers are designed
to improve the symbol detection performance. In a
CR, AMC is an important component and hence it
is better to design a blind equalizer that improves
the performance of both AMC and symbol detec-
tion. Two works in this direction are found in the
literature. However, both works consider only a sin-
gle user AMC and single input single output (SISO)
blind equalizer. The first work is in (Wu and Wu,
2008), where a robust switching SISO blind equalizer
is proposed that improves the performance of single
user AMC. In the second work (Ramkumar and Bose,
2010a), the weights of the SISO blind equalizer are
adapted in such a way that performance of the cumu-
lants based single user is improved.
Ramkumar B. and Bose T..
DOI: 10.5220/0003331003390344
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2011), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-48-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)