Framework for Smart Space Application Development
e Kaustell, M. Mohsin Saleemi, Thomas Rosqvist, Juuso Jokiniemi, Johan Lilius
and Ivan Porres
Department of Information Technologies, Turku Centre for Computer Science (TUCS)
Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
Abstract. The smart space concept envisions interoperability for creating multi-
domain inter-device service mashups, and innovative applications. This paper
presents an appraoch to create an abstraction layer and appropriate tools for rapid
application development for the low-end devices that run agents to access a smart
space. We present our proposed framework, describe the overall process for ap-
plication development and explore the features of a real-world implementation.
We describe a case study implementation to illustrate the functionality of the pro-
posed framework. This case study shows that interoperability can be realized by
the agents that describe information about themselves using some common on-
1 Introduction
Recent advances in information and communication technologies have made available
the device, service and information rich environment for the users. It helps simplify and
manage complex lives e.g the ubiquitous smartphone that manages your calender, con-
tacts and task-list and helps you keep your life organized, or the PVR whose time-shift
functionality allows us to watch TV programming when we want, not at the time pre-
scribed by the broadcaster. However each of these devices is basically an island, with
no proper connectivity between the applications. In order to take full advantages of in-
formation rich environment, devices need to interact with each other. Although some
devices are able to interoperate, this is usually possible between devices by the same
manufacturers e.g the connectivity in a home cinema system. These proprietary solu-
tions have limitations in terms of scalability and interoperability. By exposing the inter-
nal data and functionality of the devices and ensuring interoperability of data, a whole
new universe of applications will be possible. For example, your phone could notice
that your favorite TV program will start in 5 minutes, based on your profile information
or on a fan page on facebook and on the TV guide available on the broadcaster’s web
page. Then it could use GPS to realize that you are not at home, and deduce that it needs
to start the PVR at home.
To enable this kind of cross-domain scenarios, there are many technical and con-
ceptual problems to be solved. One way to address these issues is through the notion
of smart space. Smart space is an abstraction of space that encapsulates both the in-
formation in a physical space as well as access to this information, such that it allows
Kaustell A., Mohsin Saleemi M., Rosqvist T., Jokiniemi J., Lilius J. and Porres I..
Framework for Smart Space Application Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0003332500030012
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Interoperability (IWSI-2011), pages 3-12
ISBN: 978-989-8425-43-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)