Reghu Anguswamy and William B. Frakes
Research Methods Consortium, Virginia Tech., 7054 Haycock Road, Falls Church, Virginia, U.S.A.
Keywords: Graduate education, Research support, Website support, Statistical packages, Survey.
Abstract: This paper presents the results of a survey of users of services of a computer support-based cross discipline
research consortium. Usage statistics of the consortium resources is also presented. An ishikawa diagram
and analysis for improving the services is also provided. The major challenge of the consortium is
improving the visibility of its services and resources. The majority of the respondents had not heard of the
consortium, while some who did know of the consortium were not aware of what it can offer. Some
respondents were also concerned that the resources were not specific to their area of interest. However, the
majority (84%) of the respondents who had used the resources were satisfied.
This paper presents a follow-up to a paper presented
at CSEDU’10 (Frakes et al., 2010). The previous
study presented a cross discipline Research Methods
Consortium for the Virginia Tech National Capital
region (NCR-RMC). Part of the NCR-RMC services
include web based, freeware, and other tools to
support the effort in an off-campus setting, with
several locations and many part-time professional
students. The purpose of the NCR-RMC is to
provide better support for research at the Virginia
Tech., National Capital Region (VT-NCR) by
coordinating research resources across colleges.
VT-NCR was established in 1969. Currently
within a 50 mile radius, there are about 18
recognized centers representing six colleges of VT-
NCR at the National Capital Region: Architecture
and Urban Studies, Business, Engineering, Science,
Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, and Natural
Resources. More than 45 graduate degree and
certificate programs are offered at VT-NCR
currently. For the current academic year, there are
about 1,100 students enrolled with about a quarter of
them being full-time; the rest being part-time. The
part-time students are mostly working professionals
and generally spend limited time on campus. VT-
NCR has currently 120 full-time faculty members.
In fiscal year 2007, VT-NCR reported $15.6 million
in sponsored research (NCR History NCR Virginia
Tech. 2010).
NCR-RMC resources available to the faculty and
students of VT-NCR are discussed in this section. A
mindmap of the resources is also shown in Figure 1.
2.1 Website
A website was built on the WordPress blogging
platform (WordPress > Blog Tool and Publishing
platform, 2010) to support consortium activities. The
URL for the website is http://rmc.ncr.vt.edu. The
website is running on a regular desktop computer
(Dell, Intel Pentium 4, 3.2GHz processor), with a
standard freeware LAMP platform, using Ubuntu
Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP (Frakes et al.,
2010). The website contains information about
research courses, funding sources, cross-discipline
research, and tools and methods for research.
2.2 Forum
An online forum was created using the platform -
Simple Machines Forum (Home of SMF: Free PHP
and MySQL forum software, 2010). The forum was
created to provide an environment where users could
not only share resources but also debate and ask for
Anguswamy R. and B. Frakes W..
DOI: 10.5220/0003335102430248
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 243-248
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)