Reghu Anguswamy and William B. Frakes
Research Methods Consortium, Virginia Tech., 7054 Haycock Road, Falls Church, Virginia, U.S.A.
Keywords: Graduate education, Research support, Website support, Statistical packages, Survey.
Abstract: This paper presents the results of a survey of users of services of a computer support-based cross discipline
research consortium. Usage statistics of the consortium resources is also presented. An ishikawa diagram
and analysis for improving the services is also provided. The major challenge of the consortium is
improving the visibility of its services and resources. The majority of the respondents had not heard of the
consortium, while some who did know of the consortium were not aware of what it can offer. Some
respondents were also concerned that the resources were not specific to their area of interest. However, the
majority (84%) of the respondents who had used the resources were satisfied.
This paper presents a follow-up to a paper presented
at CSEDU’10 (Frakes et al., 2010). The previous
study presented a cross discipline Research Methods
Consortium for the Virginia Tech National Capital
region (NCR-RMC). Part of the NCR-RMC services
include web based, freeware, and other tools to
support the effort in an off-campus setting, with
several locations and many part-time professional
students. The purpose of the NCR-RMC is to
provide better support for research at the Virginia
Tech., National Capital Region (VT-NCR) by
coordinating research resources across colleges.
VT-NCR was established in 1969. Currently
within a 50 mile radius, there are about 18
recognized centers representing six colleges of VT-
NCR at the National Capital Region: Architecture
and Urban Studies, Business, Engineering, Science,
Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, and Natural
Resources. More than 45 graduate degree and
certificate programs are offered at VT-NCR
currently. For the current academic year, there are
about 1,100 students enrolled with about a quarter of
them being full-time; the rest being part-time. The
part-time students are mostly working professionals
and generally spend limited time on campus. VT-
NCR has currently 120 full-time faculty members.
In fiscal year 2007, VT-NCR reported $15.6 million
in sponsored research (NCR History NCR Virginia
Tech. 2010).
NCR-RMC resources available to the faculty and
students of VT-NCR are discussed in this section. A
mindmap of the resources is also shown in Figure 1.
2.1 Website
A website was built on the WordPress blogging
platform (WordPress > Blog Tool and Publishing
platform, 2010) to support consortium activities. The
URL for the website is http://rmc.ncr.vt.edu. The
website is running on a regular desktop computer
(Dell, Intel Pentium 4, 3.2GHz processor), with a
standard freeware LAMP platform, using Ubuntu
Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP (Frakes et al.,
2010). The website contains information about
research courses, funding sources, cross-discipline
research, and tools and methods for research.
2.2 Forum
An online forum was created using the platform -
Simple Machines Forum (Home of SMF: Free PHP
and MySQL forum software, 2010). The forum was
created to provide an environment where users could
not only share resources but also debate and ask for
Anguswamy R. and B. Frakes W..
DOI: 10.5220/0003335102430248
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 243-248
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Mindmap of the NCR-RMC resources (Frakes et al., 2010).
help on any research-related topic (Frakes et al.,
2.3 Support Person
A full-time Ph.D. student at the university with
sufficient background experience in computer
science, statistics, and research methods was
employed and given an office a desktop computer
and a laptop computer. The support person is
responsible for administration and maintainance of
the website and the forum. The support person also
acts as a consultant on statistics and statistical tools
such as R (The R Project for Statistical Computing,
2010), Microsoft Excel®, and SAS JMP (JMP
Software, 2010). Students also use the support
person for help in thesis and dissertation formatting,
as well as for the analysis of their data. The support
person is a teaching assistant for at least four
different graduate courses offered in the region. The
support person serves as a point of contact to the
RMC resources (Frakes et al., 2010).
A survey was conducted to evaluate the satisfaction
of faculty and students with the resources and
services provided by the NCR-RMC. The
respondents were also asked to provide feedback on
the challenges involved in accessing the resources.
The respondents gave suggestions on improving the
services of the NCR-RMC.
The questionnaire was built using an online
survey tool – SurveyMonkey (SurveyMonkey: Free
online survey software & questionnaire tool, 2010).
The online questionnaire was pre-tested with 3 full-
time students, 2 part-time students, 2 alumni, and 1
faculty member. The questionnaire was made
accessible to the faculty and students by announcing
it through three consecutive VT-NCR weekly
newsletters. Every faculty member and student
joining the VT-NCR is by default subscribed to the
newsletter at the time of admission, with an option
to unsubscribe. The questionnaire was also sent to
the faculty and student e-mail list servers. Personal
emails were also sent by the support person to the
faculty and students.
There were a total of 58 responses. The
demographic information including contact
information and position held at VT-NCR was made
optional to answer. Hence, only 45 of the 58
respondents revealed their position held at VT-NCR.
The distribution of respondents’ position at VT-
NCR is as shown in Figure 2.
Respondents provided their purposes for
accessing the NCR-RMC resources. The
respondents could choose more than one purpose
and about 30% of them did so. The distribution is as
shown in Figure 3. At least half of them had not
used any resource from NCR-RMC. Of those who
used the resources, they were primarily for their
research work or as part of their course work. The
respondents who used the RMC resources also
ranked the resources in terms of the frequency of
using them. Usage frequency is shown in Figure 4.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Distribution of the position held by the survey
Figure 3: Purpose of accessing the NCR-RMC resources.
Figure 4: Ranking of the frequency in accessing the NCR-
RMC resources.
The website and the forum were the most used. The
support person was also used fairly frequently. The
thesis/dissertation support group was the least used.
Figure 5 shows the feedback on the challenges
involved in accessing NCR-RMC resources. A
fourth of the respondents said they had never heard
of NCR-RMC before they took the survey. About
half of them, who have heard of NCR-RMC were
not aware of the RMC activities and the services it
can offer. Among the respondents who had not used
any resources, 37% of them had not heard of RMC.
Half of them had heard of RMC, but were not aware
of what RMC can offer. A comment box was also
provided for feedback on this question. A student
responded that he/she had not heard of RMC until it
was introduced as part of one of his courses. A
faculty member mentioned having “not enough time
to explore.” A couple of them also mentioned that it
was hard to locate the required material within the
website and the forum.
Figure 5: Challenges in accessing the NCR-RMC
The respondents were asked to rate their satisfaction
with the NCR-RMC resources on a 5-point scale (0
being very dissatisfied and 4 being very satisfied).
Forty seven of the 58 respondents provided a
ranking. Nine of the 11 who did not provide a
ranking of satisfaction had not used any of the
resources. The distribution of satisfaction rating is
shown in Figure 6. More than half (59.6%)
responded as being “neither satisfied nor
dissatisfied”, but three-fourths of these had not used
any resource from NCR-RMC. One subject who had
responded “somewhat dissatisfied” also mentioned
that he had “heard of RMC, but was not aware of
what it can offer.” Another subject who responded
“somewhat dissatisfied” had used the RMC website,
forum and support person as part of his/her
coursework. However, the respondent was unhappy
that the resources were not specific to his/her area.
The respondent wanted more tutorials and materials,
similar to the ones on the website and forum, related
specifically to his/her field of work.
About 35% of them were “somewhat satisfied”
or “very satisfied” with the resources. The satisfied
respondents had primarily used RMC resources for
research (81%) and course work (56%). The
distribution of the resources used by these
respondents is shown in Figure 7. At least three-
fourths of them had used the website and more than
half had used the forum and the support person.
Among the respondents who had used at least one
resource frequently, 84% of them expressed
Figure 6: Satisfaction rating of the NCR-RMC resources.
Figure 7: Distribution of resources used by the satisfied
“somewhat satisfied” or “very satisfied” and 12%
expressed “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied”.
An open ended question was also provided for
the respondents to provide feedback on improving
the accessibility of the resources. Of the 25
respondents who provided feedback, at least two-
thirds of them said that visibility and awareness of
the resources available should be increased, and
some suggestions were also given along these lines.
The most prominent suggested more active
advertising and improvement of publicity. Some also
suggested we hold more sessions to market the
resources. One-fourth suggested that the website
should be improved to provide news of most recent
activities and include more resources.
4.1 Website
The NCR-RMC website was monitored using the
analytics tool from google (Google Analytics 2010).
The statistics provided are for the period September
’09-August ’10. During this period the website had
3,034 visits from 98 different countries/territories;
an average of 8.3 visits per day. Table 1 shows the
summary of statistics for the website. NCR
represents the National Capital Region composed of
Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia.
Table 1: Summary of usage statistics for the NCR-RMC
Parameter Overall USA NCR
Visits 3034
NewVisitors 64% 58% 43%
36% 42% 57%
Avg.pages/visit 1.9 1.89 2.06
Avg.timespent 1:30 1:36 2:00
More than three-fourths of the overall visits were
from within the USA. Almost two-thirds of the visits
within USA were from the NCR. The website has
overall returning visitors close to 36%. The majority
of them are from the USA and particularly NCR.
However, the average pages visited is comparatively
similar (about 2 pages/visit).
4.2 Forum
As of October 01, 2010, the forum had 77 members.
On average there are about 4.3 users online per day.
At least an average of 400 page views is done per
day. The forum has, on average, a new post every
four days. Figure 8 shows the number of visits on
the forum on a monthly basis. The maximum
number of visits was in Jan’10 (63,648) and the least
in Feb’10 (24,852). The forum has 23 boards of
discussion in 9 categories. The top 10 boards of
discussion are shown in Figure 9.
Figure 8: Forum visit trend over a year.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 9: Ishikawa diagram for challenges involved in improving NCR-RMC resources.
Figure 10: Top 10 discussion boards in forum.
4.3 Support Person
The support person has been the teaching assistant
for at least five courses (4 in computer science and 1
in Educational Research) with an average of 2
classes per semester. Statistical packages such as R,
SAS-JMP and |stat are introduced. Assignments on
these are also given and graded. Online survey tools
are also presented with demos. Introduction to
multivariate statistics is given in some course works.
The support person had helped a faculty member
from the Business School in two projects involving
statistical analysis using SAS-JMP. Nine students
used the support person for analysis of their data for
their theses/dissertations. Many of them were also
guided on formatting their work for final electronic
submission. The support person is also frequently
visited by students for help on statistical packages,
particularly SAS-JMP and R.
As a follow up to the paper presented by Frakes et al
at CSEDU-10 (Frakes et al., 2010), this paper
presents an evaluation of the usage of NCR-RMC
resources. A survey study is presented on the
satisfaction of the users. More than half the
respondents were “neither satisfied nor dissatisfied”.
This was primarily because the majority of them had
not heard of the NCR-RMC. Also, many had heard
of NCR-RMC but were not aware of its services and
had not used any resource. One respondent who was
“somewhat dissatisfied” had not used any resource.
Another “somewhat dissatisfied” respondent was
unhappy the resources were not specific to his/her
research area. However, among the respondents who
have frequently used the resources, the majority
(84%) were satisfied.
The survey study examined the challenges
involved in improving the services of the NCR-
RMC. The challenges involved for NCR-RMC
resources are summarized in the ishikawa diagram
shown in Figure 10. The survey respondents also
provided feedback and suggestions to improve the
services and activities of the NCR-RMC. The
suggestions by respondents for improving the
services are shown in Figure 11.
The major concern among the respondents was
with the visibility of NCR-RMC. Among the
respondents who had not used any resources, 37% of
them had not heard of RMC. Half had heard of
RMC, but were not aware of what RMC can offer.
This might be because there was insufficient
communication through email list servers, less
advertising, and lesser involvement of the faculty.
However, the RMC was introduced to the faculty in
at least three faculty meetings. The students are
introduced to the RMC during their new student
orientation. Also, all activities of RMC are
announced through the weekly newsletters and
flyers are put up on the bulletin boards for RMC
events. Even though the support person had
introduced the RMC, and the statistical tools and
packages, as the teaching assistant in course works,
some subjects wanted technical sessions on
statistical packages to be organized more frequently
which would provide more visibility. An
introductory session on SAS-JMP and R was
Figure 11: Responses on how to improve RMC resources.
recently held. 3 faculty members, 5 full-time and 3
part-time students participated.
Many respondents also wanted to modify and
improve the website. One major concern raised was
that other web pages of the university do not have a
link to the NCR-RMC website. For example, one
respondent pointed out that the main library website
does not have a link to the NCR-RMC website.
However, the main website of VT-NCR (Northern
Virginia Center Virginia Tech. 2010) has a link to
the RMC website. The website also needs to be
updated constantly with more additional resources.
The number of hits for the forum is high. Almost
90% of the posts are by two administrators of the
forum. This shows that the visitors are primarily for
viewing content only and do not contribute to the
discussions. One way of improving contribution
from members is to encourage more faculty
members to get involved. Currently, the NCR-RMC
is being introduced and providing support in only
five courses. With more faculty involved, more
courses could be supported by RMC and have more
people contributing to the forum.
Another concern raised by the respondents was
that the “resources are not specific to their area.”
This is a broader issue as it is very difficult to have a
centralized service covering interests of all the
people. However, the areas of services could be
broadened if more faculty members were involved.
The support person is less extensively used than
the website or the forum. This is because the
campuses are widespread in the region and the
support person has an office only in one of the
campuses. Some respondents suggested increasing
the number of support persons, but none of those
who suggested had ever used the support person.
Even though the support person is approachable
through email or telephone, the respondents may in-
person consultation. One respondent mentioned the
support person as being inaccessible. However, the
respondent had also mentioned that he/she had not
heard of RMC before.
We would like to thank Dr. Karen DePauw, Vice
President and Dean for Graduate Education at
Virginia Tech., for her continued support to the
NCR-RMC effort.
Frakes W. B., Belli G., Urbano J., and Anguswamy R.,
2010. Computer support for a cross discipline research
consortium. In CSEDU’10, 2
Confererence on Computer Supported Education,
Valencia, Spain.
Google Analytics 2010, viewed: 12 Oct 2010, http://
Home of SMF: Free PHP and MySQL forum software
2010, viewed: 12 Oct 2010, http://www.simple
JMP Software 2010, viewed: 12 Oct 2010, http://
NCR History NCR Virginia Tech. 2010, viewed: 12 Oct
2010, http://ncr.vt.edu/History/
Northern Virginia Center Virginia Tech. 2010, viewed: 12
Oct 2010, http://ncr.vt.edu/History/
The R Project for Statistical Computing 2010, viewed: 12
Oct 2010, http://www.r-project.org
SurveyMonkey: Free online survey software &
questionnaire tool 2010, viewed: 12 Oct 2010, http://
WordPress > Blog Tool and Publishing platform 2010,
viewed: 12 Oct 2010, http://wordpress.org
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education