Georgia M. Kapitsaki
Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, 75 Kallipoleos Street, P.O. Box 20537, CY-1678, Nicosia, Cyprus
Keywords: Context, Context-awareness, Web services.
Abstract: Context-awareness refers to the ability of services and applications to proactively adapt their behavior to the
characteristics of the execution environment, such as weather conditions, location, etc., namely context.
Web services as the most popular implementation of service-oriented applications are usually exploited in
this field. During the development process of such services an interesting challenge lies in identifying
reusable context properties or services that constitute potential context sources for the adaptation to context.
In this paper a solution for this context source matchmaking is proposed. The identification is performed by
matching the WSDL specifications participating either as business services or as context sources. The
procedure is demonstrated through an evaluation exploiting descriptions from online service registries.
Context in service computing is used to describe
different kind of information depicting specific
conditions, such as weather temperature, location
information, end-user preferences, current activity,
etc. The most widely mentioned definition of
context has been provided by Dey and Abowd
(2000), whereas context-awareness refers to the
ability of services to proactively adapt their behavior
to contextual information. Additionally, in the latest
years there is an increasing trend towards the
provision of personalized and context-aware services
to end-users both for web and mobile environments.
Web Services (WSs) – being the most popular
implementation of service-oriented applications –
are usually exploited in such environments resulting
to context-aware web services. This way web
services can also act as reusable components for the
creation of composite innovative applications
consisting of individual web services. Web services
can be exploited both as business components
offering specific functionality to the composite
application (e.g. hotel room reservation, stock
options information retrieval) referred to as Business
Web Services (BWSs), but also as context sources
related to the retrieval of context information,
referred to as Context Web Services (CWSs).
The process of combining these services at
implementation level is an important issue that needs
to be addressed by application developers. In this
paper a process for the identification of potential
context sources exposed as web services towards the
development of context-aware adapted web services
is proposed. In contrast to existing matchmaking
works that concentrate on service selection, where a
service request is matched against offered services,
the current procedure revolves around context-
awareness. The goal is to assist developers in
identifying reusable matching services that are
supported either by the provider intranet or by
external service providers. The identification is
based on the matchmaking of the corresponding
service descriptions (BWSs and CWSs).
The rest of the paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 discusses briefly the scientific background
and related work, whereas Section 3 presents the
principles of the matchmaking process. The process
is. evaluated in Section 4 through various service
descriptions. Finally, Section 6 concludes the paper.
In the framework of service discovery approaches
towards service matching can be divided into end-
user service discovery, which refers to runtime
discovery prior to service execution, and developer
service discovery, which aims at assisting
developers in identifying potential service
M. Kapitsaki G..
DOI: 10.5220/0003336301350140
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 135-140
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
components. In the context of the current paper the
focus is given on developer service discovery and
more precisely on Web Service Description
Language (WSDL) (W3C, 2001) based discovery
that gives space for more flexible discovery
approaches instead of catalogue browsing through
Universal Description, Discovery and Integration
(UDDI, 2004) registries, which can prove
A significant approach towards service discovery
for web services is provided by Wang and Stroulia
(2003). It comprises of different stages resulting to
the structural matching between WSDL
specifications. The web service interface data types,
messages, operations and web services are compared
sequentially with different algorithms and the final
results are ordered based on the overall computed
matching score. A signature matching for WS search
based on a full text analysis performed on WSDL
files can be found in the work of Gannod and Bhatia
(2004), whereas an event-driven rule-based context-
aware system is presented by Yang, Zhang, and
Chen (2008). The system is accompanied by a
context-aware service oriented architecture that
matches service requesters’ attributes with the ones
issued by the service providers. Works on WSDL
comparisons can also be found in more recent
approaches (Liu et al., 2010; Plebani and Pernici,
Context-awareness in WSs can be managed in
different ways. Although the solutions are mainly
more generic (pervasive computing applications,
etc.), lately a variety of dedicated approaches
focusing on the provision of context-aware web
services have been proposed. In many cases the
presented techniques rely on the interception of
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) (W3C,
2007) messages for injecting context dependent
behavior (Keidl and Kemper, 2004; Prezerakos,
Tselikas and Cortese, 2007). For more information
on related work regarding context-awareness the
reader can refer to the survey on context-aware
service engineering presented by Kapitsaki,
Prezerakos, Tselikas and Venieris (2009).
Having as motivation the above works this paper
focuses on the development of an identification
process for context-aware web services. For this
matching base a different approach needs to be
applied; the discovery techniques mentioned include
matching between service descriptions and given
keywords or between uniform service descriptions
without capturing specific constraints (like context-
awareness). Combinations of comparisons useful in
revealing similarity concepts that are missing from
the current literature are provided in the framework
of this work. The presentation of the paper focuses
on the applicability of the proposed scheme on real
Web service descriptions. The main novelty of the
proposed procedure lies in the use of matchmaking
principles in the field of context-aware web services
for context source discovery purposes.
3.1 Context Adaptation Cases
In previous work the research approach towards a
context adaptation mechanism for web services
through message interception has been presented
(Kapitsaki, Kateros and Venieris, 2008). Following
the rationale behind this aforementioned procedure
three context adaptation cases for web services are
Parameter Injection: this case refers to the
possibility of having operations with input
parameters that depend on context information. The
respective request message parameters can be
replaced with the actual context values. Examples
include parameters expressing the name of a city or
country, the end-user age, the outdoor temperature,
Operation Selection: when one service
aggregates a number of methods offering the same
functionality in different ways or using different
parameters an operation selection adaptation may
need to be performed. The operation to be invoked is
selected based on context information (e.g. a
payment service may select the method that
corresponds to the payment choice stored in a user
Response Manipulation: it refers to the
manipulation or the modification of service
responses based on context and is often related with
filtering or sorting operations (e.g. filter outdoor
activities in bad weather conditions).
Combinations of the above are also possible. In the
framework of an application consisting of web
services different adaptation cases can also be met
(e.g. service selection based on contextual
parameters). However, the adaptation focuses on the
above cases which are meaningful when the
adaptation to context is assumed at the web service
level. This choice guarantees also the preservation of
the integrity of the exchanged messages between the
service client and the web service.
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
3.2 Service Identification
The proposed context source matchmaking lies in
the matching between web service descriptions and
more specifically in the comparison of the elements
contained in the WSDL descriptions of the business
web services and the context web services. The
similarity of the descriptors is calculated through
appropriate scores that express the semantic distance
of the different elements assigning higher values to
concepts with closer proximity. The matching is
performed for the first two context adaptation cases
mentioned previously and is detailed in the next
sections. The third case of response manipulation is
neglected, since it is not possible to conduct an
appropriate matching on this level – which permits
many degrees of freedom – based on the information
available in the web service specifications.
3.2.1 Case 1: Parameter Injection
For similarity related with parameter injection the
input parameters of the BWS methods should match
the return parameters of the CWS methods. The
compliance needs to be maintained for both names
and types of the participating parameters. At a
second level the BWS input parameters need to be
matched against the name of the CWS operation,
which may also express the operation functionality
or the meaning of the values returned (e.g. an
operation named
getCityInformation(...) will
probably return information like the city name and
postal code). The skeleton of the algorithm executed
is shown below.
f_score maintains the maximum
value of the scores calculated for each operation.
3.2.2 Case 2: Operation Selection
In operation selection the name of the BWS
operation is matched against both the CWS
operation and the return parameter names. However,
this comparison is meaningful for BWSs that
aggregate two or more services implementing the
same functionality in different ways (e.g., that would
lead in choosing
getSummerActivities(..) operation in a
tourist service, when retrieving activities in winter
time). In order to check this similarity a test for the
detection of similar business service methods in
terms of method names and types returned is
conducted first. The matching is then performed on
the compatible operations of the business service (if
any). The algorithm for this adaptation case is
depicted below keeping the maximum score
obtained in variable
Based on the above cases the names of the pairs
parameter–parameter and parameter–operation are
compared, whereas parameters pairs are additionally
compared for type similarity. Concerning type
comparison a number of type groups for primitive
(e.g. string, int, etc.) and complex data types (e.g.
list, array, etc.) have been introduced. Nevertheless,
the WSDL files may also contain special complex
data types defined in the XML schema section that
are exploited in the rest of the interface descriptor
(e.g. types Wind or Movie). When performing the
comparison, these types are broken down to their
atomic elements, which participate in the type
matching, unless the data type names and the
corresponding namespaces coincide. If a specific
structure for the input or return operation types is
lacking, the keywords “Any” or “AnyType” are
usually present in the WSDL specification.
The second type of comparison is related to the
names of specific keywords, which acquires a higher
weight in the overall score computation, since two
semantically similar names are more important than
the corresponding similar types. Non-meaningful
words that do not add any semantic value to the
service or operation meaning or that are irrelevant to
context information properties (e.g. get, add, and,
show, information) are neglected from the matching
procedure. These non meaningful words are also
indicated as stop words or words ”too frequent to be
meaningful” (Falleri, Azmeh, Huchard and
Tibermacine, 2010). A list of the 25 most common
stop words in information retrieval is mentioned by
Manning, Raghavan and Schütze (2008). A
comparison based on the WordNet lexical database
(WordNet) has been chosen for this step. Semantic
lexical databases are an interesting field inspired
from the general field of linguistics. WordNet is
built around links expressing semantic associations
among the contained concepts. Through WordNet
different scores are assigned depending on the
keyword sense proximity: original keyword,
keyword synonyms, keyword hypernyms or
keyword meronyms (4 for original keywords, 3, for
direct synonyms and 1 for hypernym or meronym
The matching through WordNet is first
performed on the original names retrieved from the
service operation and parameter names. If no match
is found at this level, the procedure is repeated for
all possible keyword substrings retrieved through a
tokenization procedure. The tokenization is
performed based either on capital letters (as noticed
in the majority of words in WSDL descriptions) or
on underscores (used in WordNet) identified in the
respective names. Through the tokenization the
keywords are broken down not only to the last level
substrings, but also to the substrings containing
more than one meaningful words. These substrings
participate earlier in the matchmaking process.
Indeed, it is preferable to have a composite substring
match rather than a plain substring match, as it
indicates closer similarity of the original input
keywords. Therefore, the computed score is higher
when the composite substrings from the two service
descriptions match. For example, if the keywords
GetAirportInformationByCountry and
CountryName are to be matched, the matching will
first be performed on the whole words, at a later
stage on InformationByCountry and CountryName
and even later on Country and Country.
An evaluation demonstrating the applicability of the
proposed scheme on real web service descriptions
has been conducted. For this purpose a number of
descriptions obtained from online service registries
have been exploited along with web services
implemented in the framework of the current work.
The BWSs for two adaptation categories are shown
in Table 1: 1) adaptation based on the location of the
requester, and 2) adaptation based on the point of
time the request is made. Table 2 is dedicated to the
presentation of the context web services depicting
the category of context information provided: 1)
Weather, 2) Location and 3) Time. The source of
each service description is also shown in the tables.
Table 1: Business service examples.
Business Service
Location Airport Information (WebServiceX )
Driving (XMethods )
Movie Information (XMethods)
Proximity (XMethods)
Time Foreign Exchange Rate (XMethods)
Midnight Trader Financial News
Historic Option data (XMethods)
Table 2: Context service examples.
Category Context Service
Weather CDYNE Weather (XMethods)
Global Weather Service (XMethods)
Global Weather (WebServiceX)
Location IP2Geo (XMethods)
IP2Location (XMethods)
IPligenceGeoIPLocation (XMethods)
Time DateTime (own implementation)
During the evaluation all available services have
been matched in two ways: 1) through the described
matchmaker that exploits the WordNet lexical
database and 2) by performing plain syntactic
matching on the description elements based on the
introduced matchmaking cases. On keyword level
the syntactic matcher performs a plain match on the
keywords under examination instead of using
WordNet (that can identify synonyms, meronyms,
hypernyms and hyponyms). In order to provide a
proof of concept for the results two widely adopted
metrics are introduced from the information retrieval
field: precision and recall. “Precision is the
proportion of retrieved documents that are relevant,
and recall is the proportion of relevant documents
that are retrieved” (Voorhees, 1998). The metrics
are defined as:
Relevant answers
Total answers
Relevant answers
Relevant documents
Relevant answers refer to the compatible context
service descriptions returned through the matching
procedure, total answers is the whole service set
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
returned (both compatible and incompatible
descriptions) and relevant documents refers to the
actual set of compatible context services. Values
closest to one are indicators of more efficient
information retrieval techniques. The results of the
metric values for each BWS along with the names of
the CWSs retrieved are summarized in Tables 3 and
4 for the semantic WordNet and the syntactic
matching respectively. The services that appear in
bold italics are the ones that actually match and are
correctly returned through the procedure.
Table 3: Precision and Recall values for the WordNet
Request BWS and CWSs
Returned Precision Recall
Airport Information
(CDYNEWeather, IP2Geo,
0,5 1
0,5 0,5
Foreign Exchange Rate
0,25 1
Historic option data
(DateTime, CDYNEWeather
0,25 1
Midnight Trader
0,333 1
Movie Information
(CDYNEWeather, IP2Geo,
0,6 1
Proximity (CDYNEWeather,
0,4 0,667
Generally, the values obtained for the precision
and recall metrics indicate that the proposed scheme
can prove useful for software engineers towards the
automatic identification of reusable context sources.
The recall calculation using the WordNet matcher
appears to have a slightly better performance than
the plain syntactic matching. This is mainly
observed, since the semantic similarities captured
between the different keywords by the WordNet
matcher include all context adaptation cases for the
specific web service. Nevertheless, this is not the
case with the precision values, where the syntactic
matching has a better performance in some cases.
This appears mainly because of the presence of
keywords in the WSDL descriptions not directly
related to the main service functionality. These
keywords are, however, captured by the WordNet
matcher, because of the semantic similarities they
possess. This can be noticed for example when some
weather services are returned together with the
location adaptation case, since they provide weather
forecasts for specific cities or countries, which have
close meaning to location.
Table 4: Precision and Recall values for the syntactic
Request BWS and CWSs
Returned Precision Recall
Airport Information
(CDYNEWeather, IP2Geo,
0,6 1
driving (GlobalWeatherService,
0,5 0,5
Foreign Exchange Rate
0,25 1
Historic option data (DateTime,
0,333 1
Midnight Trader FinancialNews
0 0
Movie Information
(CDYNEWeather, IP2Geo,
0,6 1
0 0
A general disadvantage identified in WordNet is
that it is not possible to determine whether a given
keyword is a verb or an adverb or another part of
speech driving this way to wrong results (e.g. this
problem appears with the keyword “point”, which
may refer to a point in time or a point in space). This
drawback has also been identified for earlier
versions of WordNet in earlier works (Mandala,
Takenobu and Hozumi, 1998).The analysis of the
given operation and parameter names as phrases that
consist of nouns and verbs in the right order as
specified by linguistics studies may improve the
performance of the procedure.
In this paper the initial work towards a solution for
the identification of potential context sources
serving the development of context-aware web
services has been proposed. The results are quite
interesting and illustrate the value of the proposed
procedure that alleviates the developer’s work by
allowing the reuse of available and already tested
software components. The procedure can parse,
analyze, normalize and compare service descriptions
successfully for the majority of cases.
Future directions of the current procedure
include the extension of the validation and
evaluation during the whole development lifecycle,
i.e. business services should be matched against
appropriate context information at different
abstraction levels, which is meaningful especially in
the framework of engineering techniques applied
with success in the latest years, such as Model-
Driven Engineering (MDE) (Schmidt, 2006).
Ongoing work includes also the introduction of non-
functional properties extracted from the service
documentation (e.g. communications protocol
restrictions, etc.) towards the implementation of a
service repository that captures the various service
description aspects. This way more accurate results
can be achieved in the matching procedure.
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WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies