Rui José, Bruno Silva
Information Systems Department, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal
Fernando Reinaldo Ribeiro
Informatics Department, Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Castelo Branco, Portugal
Keywords: Tag clouds, Situated interaction, Public displays, Bluetooth, Places, Pervasive computing.
Abstract: Tag clouds have become very popular as visual representations of the main topics in document sets or as
navigation tools that can provide quick access to resources related with specific topics. However, their
ability to represent the information environment associated with any meaningful reality in a way that is
collectively visible, actionable and easily understood may also be very relevant, even when the reality being
represented is no longer a set of documents or resources, but a stream of interactions occurring within a
particular ubiquitous computing environment. In this paper, we explore the use of tag clouds within the
context of situated displays and services. We hypothesise that such tag clouds may have a role as dynamic
representations of place and also as interaction controls, supporting the same comprehension and navigation
functions of classical tag clouds. We describe two case studies in which this concept of situated tag cloud
has been experimented in real-world settings. The case studies demonstrate two different applications of the
tag cloud concept as the basis for place description and situated interaction. The results obtained from the
case studies suggest that situated tag clouds can indeed provide valuable representations of place and
situations and can also support simple interaction models, allowing people to reason about the system
behaviour and how it is being influenced by new interactions.
A tag cloud is a visualization of a weighted list of
words in which those weights are associated with
visualization attributes, typically size and colour.
Tag clouds have become very popular as a
visualization mechanism for the main topics
associated with a web site or set of documents. The
tags are obtained from the words in the text and the
size corresponds to the relative frequency of each
word. They offer a visual representation of the main
topics in that text, providing a simple and yet
powerful perspective of the respective content. Tag
clouds are also extensively used in crowdsourcing
systems where people can freely tag photos, web
sites, videos or other resources. In this case, the
generation of the tag cloud becomes a collective
process of knowledge creation and the tag cloud
may become a navigation tool, providing quick
access to resources related with specific topics.
What is very powerful about the concept of tag
clouds is their ability to represent the information
environment associated with any meaningful reality
in a way that is collectively visible, actionable and
easily understood. They may facilitate
comprehension by offering an alternative and instant
illustration of the main topics associated with a
particular entity, such as a document, a web site, or a
person’s interests. They may also facilitate
navigation by providing an alternative to more
conventional navigation patterns, such as those
based on menus. In other words, they provide a
social affordance in the sense that they convey social
interaction of fellow users and potentials for social
interaction (Bielenberg and Zacher, 2005). These are
valuable features that may still be useful, even if the
reality being represented is no longer a set of
documents or resources, but a stream of interactions
occurring within a particular ubiquitous computing
environment. As stated by Joe Lamantia (Lamantia,
2006) , “tag clouds are revolutionary in their ability
to translate the concepts associated with nearly
anything you can think of into a collectively visible
and actionable information environment”.
José R., Silva B. and Reinaldo Ribeiro F..
DOI: 10.5220/0003337502960301
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 296-301
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Our aim is to explore the use of tag clouds within
the context of situated displays and services. In these
environments, people may interact with physically
situated services, such as public displays, Bluetooth
hotspots or location-based services. This type of
interaction has the potential to generate words,
which in turn may be used to dynamically generate
an evolving tag cloud that somehow represents those
situated interactions.
We hypothesise that such tag clouds may have a
role as dynamic representations of place and also as
interaction controls, supporting the same
comprehension and navigation functions of classical
tag clouds. They may support comprehension by
offering a representation of the topics associated
with a place. They may also support navigation by
offering an aggregate interaction mechanism,
whereby keywords in the tag cloud provide an
immediately available and dynamically evolving list
of interaction suggestions. The tag cloud concept
may thus be used as a unifying concept for the
association between keyword inputs and dynamic
behaviours. It can provide a visualization that may
be relevant in itself as a particular characterization
of place and at same time work as a driver for the
display behaviour by enabling the selection or
generation of situationally relevant content.
In this paper, we describe a system for
generating place-based tag clouds and two case
studies in which this concept of place-based tag
cloud has been experimented in real-world settings.
The results suggest that situated tag clouds can
indeed play a role as dynamic representations of
place and also as interaction controls, although there
are some open issues with the interaction models.
Many researchers have reported alternative
applications of the tag cloud concept to represent
realities outside their original context, including
personal profiles, social dynamics in meetings or
trends in political discourse.
Steinbock et al. studied the use of wearable tag
clouds in face-to-face interaction (Steinbock et al.,
2007). Within the context of an academic meeting,
participants were given a large badge with a tag
cloud of the most common words in their published
documents. This was expected to represent a
synopsis of the respective interests and facilitate
interaction between participants. McNaught and
Lam (McNaught and Lam, 2010) explored tag
clouds to analyse the spoken and written responses
of informants in focus groups transcripts. The tag
clouds facilitate the study of the social dynamics in
those groups, but this analysis is only conducted at a
later stage and provides no feedback on the social
interaction as it unfolds. Viégas and Wattenberg
report on some of the uses of IBM web site Many
Eyes, where people upload and visualize data in a
variety of ways (Viegas and Wattenberg, 2006). One
of those visualizations enables people to represent
their profile through a tag cloud generated from the
set of blogs that person normally reads. Tagline
Generator (Mehta, 2006) supports the generation of
chronological tag clouds from time-based text data
sources. This work is an interesting example of a
system that deals with the time dimension. In these
tag clouds, the colour in the words is associated with
usage variations. Words whose usage is increasing
will be brightened, while words whose usage is
decreasing will be fading away. The use of tag
clouds for content recommendation has been
described by Pessemier et.al (Pessemier et al., 2009).
Tag clouds are generated from user ratings to create
a form of personal profile. These tag clouds are then
used to recommend movies to that person. In our
work, we also suggest the use of tag cloud for
recommendation purposes, but in our case this
corresponds to a place or situation profile, and not to
the profile of a single individual.
This related work demonstrates the variety of
applications for the tag cloud concept. However, the
use of tag clouds as a situated representation of place
remains to be explored.
A situated tag cloud is a tag cloud generated from
the keywords extracted from implicit and explicit
interactions observed in the context of a particular
situated system. The most distinguishing property in
the case of situated tag clouds is the way the input
words are obtained. Instead of counting the words
within a particular set of documents, we have a
continuous stream of words being generated by
various types of situated interactions, such as
Bluetooth names, Obex exchanges or SMS/MMS
messages. Additionally, we have a specific physical
and social setting within the context of which we
need to interpret those words. As part of this
research, we have developed a system for creating
tag clouds based on the digital footprints generated
from presence and interaction events associated with
a public display. The tag cloud generation
mechanism is part of a larger system, called instant
places, in which people can use their Bluetooth
device name for managing their presence and
activating interactive features. The details of instant
places are outside the scope of this paper, but the
reader is referred to (José et al., 2008) for a more
detailed account of the system characteristics.
3.1 Situated Identities
The instant places system recognizes the presence of
Bluetooth devices and generates persistent identities
that may evolve with the history of presence and
interaction in that particular place. The system also
recognizes parts of the Bluetooth device name as
explicit instructions, allowing people to use their
Bluetooth name to trigger specific behaviours on the
situated display, such as the presentation of specific
content. The resulting data model, composed by the
observed identities and their actions, is constantly
being shaped by new interaction and presence events
and is used as the main driver in the behaviour of the
situated display. Identities that are currently present
are the major source for the generation of tags. The
presence of tags represents an additional dimension
that is not normally included in traditional tag
clouds, but may be key to introduce the situatedness
of a situated tag cloud. Even tag clouds with a large
time span may thus favour tags that are currently
present, albeit less popular, instead of popular tags
that no one is currently generating.
3.2 Token Data Model
The list of currently present identities constitutes a
dynamic keyword source that can be sampled
periodically to generate an evolving collection of
place keywords. The token data model is the result
of this sampling process in which keyword
snapshots are periodically being generated.
A keyword snapshot is made of a list of
keywords and their corresponding presence
intensity. The generation of this list can be tailored
using a presence level map that associates specific
command types with various weights in their
contribution to the intensity of presence. Because
situated tag clouds are generated as part of specific
interaction events and also because they can be
created to support specific forms of adaptation, they
can be optimised for different purposes and to
represent multiple dimensions of place. For
example, a music tag cloud may be created with
words and interactions related with music and be
used to support music recommendation for the place.
3.3 Tag Cloud Specification
The Tag cloud module supports the creation of tag
clouds that will be associated with a particular place.
Each tag in a tag cloud has four key parameters: A
name corresponding to the tag itself; a popularity
corresponding to the accumulated presence of that
tag as observed in the keyword snapshots within a
particular time scope; a presence level indicating the
current presence level for that tag; and a rank that
arranges the most popular keywords, the ones that
are actually making it into the tag cloud, in a number
of categories according to their popularity.
The creation of a new tag cloud is specified by
setting the key parameters that will determine the tag
cloud behaviour. These parameters may be arranged
in four major blocks: General, time dynamics, place-
making and visualization.
3.3.1 General Parameters
General parameters essentially serve to identify and
describe the tag cloud. They include a name that is a
unique identifier within the respective place. There
is also a title that describes the overall concept of the
tag cloud in terms of its source and dynamic
properties. The main purpose is to enable people to
interpret the tag and reason about it, and thus it
should be presented when the tag cloud is visualised.
Additional parameters include the number of tags to
be included, the rank Algorithm that defines the
model used for distributing the N most popular tags
among the ranks, the number of rank levels, and the
minimum word length.
3.3.2 Time Dynamics
Tag clouds are normally generated from a
reasonably static resource set, meaning that their
frequent update is not a major concern. With situated
tag clouds, time gains an increased importance
because the source for words is a continuous
sequence of presence and interaction events. Time is
therefore a key part of the underlying data model for
situated tag clouds. After some time, data becomes
less relevant and eventually it should be discarded.
A particular memory span defines for how long the
tag cloud will retain the sighted tags before the
information is discarded.
Time dynamics parameters specify the tag cloud
behaviour in relation with time and the deprecation
of the keyword observations. Managing time
involves defining a strategy for two main issues: the
minimum time scale for keyword aggregation and
the deprecation policy for discarding or reducing the
weight of older tag sightings. The combination of
these two policies will determine whether the system
is very reactive to the presence of new tags, or is a
more stable representation of place. They can be set
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
through the following parameters: The Period Type
determines the time aggregation level from which
the tag cloud is calculated. The Number of Periods
defines the number of time periods of type Period
Type. Information deprecation is controlled by
setting the Period Decay parameter that
progressively reduces the weight of older periods in
the final aggregate information that is going to
constitute the tag cloud.
3.3.3 Place-making
The situated tag cloud must integrate specifications
that align its evolution with the place-making goals
of whoever installed the display and should support
an implicit negotiation between the place owner
perspective and the input from multiple visitors.
Place-making parameters allow a place owner to
provide additional characterization and specify
adaptation boundaries for a tag cloud. Even though
these specifications are not meant to determine the
final outcome of the tag cloud, they provide a way
for aligning the display behaviour with the general
expectations of appropriateness of the display owner
and its place-making objectives. The main part of
these specifications is a set of keyword lists that
enable some control of the tags in the tag cloud,
including a blocked words list or a list of seed
keywords that serve to initialise the tag cloud and
maintain a number of place keywords when there are
not enough keywords being generated. Seed tags are
defined with a minimum popularity value that
determines how visible they remain when other tags
begin to emerge. A Seeds Only parameter can be
used to determine that a particular tag cloud will
only accept seed words. This works as a white list
that restrains the accepted words to those on the list.
This closed tag cloud model may be useful for
thematic tag clouds, e.g. a tag cloud with sport
teams, emoticon symbols, or music styles. A tag
cloud based on a white list promotes aggregation
around particular tags. Finally, there is also a list of
contextual keywords that can be used to provide
additional context to the words in the tag cloud. For
example, Sports and Football could be added to a tag
cloud representing football teams. This is
particularly important if the tag cloud is to be used
for selecting web content.
3.3.4 Visualization
Visualization is an integral part of any tag cloud. In
its essence, the way a place-based tag cloud may be
presented is basically the same as for any other tag
cloud. In the basic format, tags are primarily sorted
alphabetically with the most important items being
shown with larger font sizes. The main difference is
that current presence is highlighted through the use
of colour. Another difference is the possibility, in
the case of closed tag clouds, of using images
instead of words, even if each image is directly
associated with a specific word.
We have explored this concept of situated tag cloud
in two separate case-studies, which we will now
briefly describe.
4.1 Scheduling for Public Displays
In our first case study, we have used a generic tag
cloud to represent a dynamic and evolving view of a
place that could then be used as the key input to a
recommender system that would select information
feeds for presentation in a public display. The full
details of this case-study can be found in (Ribeiro
and José, 2010), but for the convenience of the
reader, we briefly summarise the key points of that
case study.
A context-aware scheduler considered both the
weight and current presence level of the represented
tags to select which content it would show next. The
tag cloud was specified by the place owner, but
place visitors could publish their own interests
through tag commands in their Bluetooth device
name. The combination of multiple contributions
from place visitors was then used for content
recommendation on the public display.
The evaluation of this system was based on a 3
weeks experiment in which the tag cloud was seeded
with 20 words representing topics related with
Informatics and Engineering as well as location
related keywords associated with the town and
region. During these 3 weeks we collected usage
logs and conducted a total of 15 structured
interviews with people who had previously tried to
use the system. The results obtained with this case
study suggest that this is a viable approach to the
problem of selecting relevant content for a dynamic
view of place. In particular, the visual nature of the
tag cloud seemed to facilitate the interpretation of
the system behaviour in a way that influences
positively the user perception, even when the
selections are not perfect. The results have also
shown that place visitors recognize the sensitivity of
the system to their demands and that a place tag
cloud can provide an important element for the
interpretation of place and for the combination of the
interests expressed by the place owner and the mul-
tiple place visitors.
4.2 Group Expression at School
In our second case-study, we deployed a public
display in a school in which tag clouds were used to
represent the popularity of local communities, such
as students’ classes and teachers’ unit departments.
We had two separate tag clouds: one for students,
with 56 seed tags, and the other for teachers, with 12
seed tags. The seeds only property was set to true, so
that only the seed tags appeared in the display. The
popularity was calculated from the sightings of the
last two weeks, with the current week being counted
100%, and the previous one only 50%. The display
was divided in four panels, as shown in figure 1.
Figure 1: Group presence representation.
The left panel displays the Bluetooth device
names that are currently detected in the place. The
top right panel represents the students’ classes tag
cloud and the low right panel represents the
professors’ unit departments tag cloud. At the
bottom, instructions for using the tag command were
Although this experience was part of a broader
study lasting twenty-one weeks, this specific
experience was run for a period of four weeks.
During those four weeks, 313 different devices were
detected and 25 of them used the tag command,
which represents 7.98% of the total device detection.
In this period, there were 3226 sessions, in which
259 were produced by the devices that used the tag
command, which represents 8.02%. In terms of
individual tag cloud interaction, 23 devices in 44
session interacted with the students’ tag cloud and 2
devices in 215 sessions interacted with the
professors’ tag cloud.
This particular type of situated tag cloud seems
to have generated an interaction pattern that was
radically different from the previous case study.
After an initial period with no interactions, the first
interactions appeared and seemed to have sparred a
significant set of additional interactions. What we
have observed from these numbers and also from the
interviews was that this was a case in which early
adopters were hard to get. Only when someone
started pushing their group name, would others,
from the same or other groups, would follow, almost
as a reaction.
4.3 Analysis
The main objective of this work was to explore how
we can leverage on the tag cloud concept to support
situated interaction. One way to answer this question
is to consider to what extent our notion of tag cloud
is in fact similar to the traditional notion of tag
cloud, and to what extent existing tools for the
generation of situated keywords may still be used to
create situated tag clouds.
Clearly the underlying data model for generating
and storing words is very different, given the
substantial differences in the words generation
processes. However, independently of the data
model being used for managing the keywords
obtained from situated interaction, it would be trivial
to generate an equivalent text based containing those
same words, or at least the most popular ones, with
each word being represented as many times as any
internal frequency equivalent. This would allow
existing tools to take that document as their input
and generate the tag cloud, which means that at least
from the perspective of generating the visualizations
there is some potential for leveraging on existing
tools. There are however, some specificities that do
not map well into this model. In particular, presence
information represents an additional information
attribute that cannot be captured by tag frequency
alone and that is not considered by most tag cloud
tools. While many tag cloud generators support the
use of colours, for example, as an additional visual
element, this is only used for aesthetic purposes and
is not linked to any variable.
Regarding the case-studies, they demonstrate
various ways in which tag clouds may be used to
represent place and support situated interaction. In
the first case-study the tag cloud is continuously
reflecting the social setting around the display, being
sensitive to immediate indications of interest and
providing a balanced combination between the
content suggestions expressed by multiple place
visitors and those expressed by the place owner. In
the second case-study it represents the flow of
groups around the display setting.
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Tag clouds as proposed in this work exhibit very
interesting capabilities for supporting a balanced
combination of information filtering and information
retrieval. They support information filtering because
even if no one is using the system, the tag cloud is
already there and capable to serve as a content
generator. Moreover, the tag cloud specification
defines an adaptation scope that limits the extent of
the content that can be displayed. They support post-
filtering because once the display is in place, people
passing-by will sort out the content deemed more
interesting to them. Moreover, the tag cloud
provides an interesting representation of the interests
of a crowd. It avoids merely determining averages
that are not representative. It can also deal with the
tension between place adaptation, as something that
can be learned over time, and situatedness, as the
ability to react quickly to the social dynamics around
the display. Another very positive point is the way in
which the tag clouds can be visualised and enhance
the perception that people may have of the
adaptation processes going on.
We also found that peoples’ expectations may
not be aligned with the interaction concepts upon
which the model is based. While the place-based tag
cloud is essentially designed as crowd interaction
mechanism, and, moreover framed within the
concept of place, people often expect the system to
exhibit an immediate reaction to their specific
interaction. Moreover, the context and the semantics
of tagging in this context are ambiguous. When
someone advertises a tag that is collected by the
system at a particular place, what are they tagging?:
the place, themselves or that particular situation?
Perhaps people do not even think of themselves as
tagging, but rather as interacting with a system that
accepts words as input. In either case, peoples’
perception about these issues and the tagging
patterns that may emerge will necessarily have a
major impact on the viability of this approach.
5.1 Future Work
Further research is needed to evaluate across
multimultiple settings the ideal values for some of
the system parameters. For example the decay of
user-suggested tags affects responsiveness and also
the balance between pre-defined and emerging
notions of place, while the size of non-repetition
queues affects the balance between content quality
and diversity. Results suggest that this may be a
valuable step towards the emergence of dynamic
place profiles that match the social expectations and
practices of their evolving social settings. Following
on this idea, we also intend to explore how the
similarity between places can be inferred from the
similarity between the respective tag clouds.
Fernando Ribeiro was supported by a Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology scholarship
The research leading to these results has received
funding from FCT under the Carnegie Mellon -
Portugal agreement: Wesp (Web Security and
Privacy (Grant CMU-PT/SE/028/2008).
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